本文整理汇总了TypeScript中@decorators/di.Container.get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript Container.get方法的具体用法?TypeScript Container.get怎么用?TypeScript Container.get使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类@decorators/di.Container
示例1: getController
* Get controller instance from container or instantiate one
* @param {any} Controller
* @returns {ExpressClass}
function getController(Controller: Type): ExpressClass {
try {
return Container.get(Controller);
} catch {
return new Controller();
示例2: function
return function(...args: any[]): any {
const next: NextFunction = args[args.length - 1];
let instance: Middleware | ServerMiddleware | Type;
try {
instance = Container.get(middleware);
} catch {
try {
instance = new (middleware as Type)();
} catch {
instance = middleware as any;
// first, assuming that middleware is a class, try to use it,
// otherwise use it as a function
const use = (instance as Middleware | ServerMiddleware).use ?
(instance as Middleware | ServerMiddleware).use : instance as Type;
try {
const result = use.apply(instance, args);
// if result of execution is a promise, add additional listener to catch error
if (result instanceof Promise) {
return result;
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
示例3: attachController
* Attach Controller
* @param {SocketIO.Server} IO
* @param {Type} Controller
function attachController(
io: SocketIO.Server,
controller: Type
) {
const instance: SocketClass = Container.get(controller);
const meta: SocketMeta = getMeta(instance);
const ioNS: SocketIO.Namespace = io.of(meta.namespace);
* Apply io based events
applyEvents(io, null, controller, EventType.IO);
* Apply local listeners (socket based)
ioNS.on('connection', (socket: SocketIO.Socket) => {
* Apply all registered controller-based and event-based middlewares to socket
(socket as any).use(socketMiddlewareHandler(io, socket, meta));
* Apply socket based events
applyEvents(io, socket, controller, EventType.Socket);
示例4: getMiddleware
* Instantiate middleware and invoke it with arguments
* @param {InjectionToken | Type} middleware
* @param {any[]} args
function getMiddleware(middleware: InjectionToken | Type, args: any[]) {
const next: NextFunction = args[args.length - 1]; // last parameter is always the next function
let instance;
try {
// first, trying to get instance from the container
instance = Container.get(middleware);
} catch {
try {
// if container fails, trying to instantiate it
instance = new (middleware as Type)();
} catch {
// if instantiation fails, try to use it as is
instance = middleware as any;
// first, assuming that middleware is a class, try to use it,
// otherwise use it as a function
const result = instance.use ?
(instance as Middleware | ErrorMiddleware).use.apply(instance, args) :
(instance as Type).apply(instance, args);
// if result of execution is a promise, add additional listener to catch error
if (result instanceof Promise) {
result.catch(e => next(e));
return result
示例5: applyEvents
* Apply listeners to socket or io
* @param {SocketIO.Server|SocketIO.Namespace} io
* @param {SocketIO.Socket} socket
* @param {Type} controller
* @param {EventType} type
function applyEvents(
io: SocketIO.Server | SocketIO.Namespace,
socket: SocketIO.Socket,
controller: Type,
type: EventType
) {
const instance: SocketClass = Container.get(controller);
const meta: SocketMeta = getMeta(instance);
const ioSock: any = socket || io;
.filter((listener: Listener) => listener.type === type)
.forEach((listener: Listener) => ioSock.on(listener.event, (...args) => {
const methodName: string = listener.methodName;
const newArgs: any[] = mapArguments(
io, socket || args[0], meta.params[methodName], args
return instance[methodName].apply(instance, newArgs);