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TypeScript PlatformRef.bootstrapModule方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中@angular/core.PlatformRef.bootstrapModule方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript PlatformRef.bootstrapModule方法的具体用法?TypeScript PlatformRef.bootstrapModule怎么用?TypeScript PlatformRef.bootstrapModule使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在@angular/core.PlatformRef的用法示例。


示例1: bootstrap

export function bootstrap(platform: PlatformRef, Ng2Module: Type<{}>, element: Element, modules: string[]) {
  // We bootstrap the Angular module first; then when it is ready (async)
  // We bootstrap the AngularJS module on the bootstrap element
  return platform.bootstrapModule(Ng2Module).then(ref => {
    const upgrade = ref.injector.get(UpgradeModule) as UpgradeModule;
    upgrade.bootstrap(element, modules);
    return upgrade;

示例2: bootstrap

export function bootstrap(
    platform: PlatformRef, Ng2Module: Type<{}>, element: Element, ng1Module: angular.IModule) {
  // We bootstrap the Angular 2 module first; then when it is ready (async)
  // We bootstrap the Angular 1 module on the bootstrap element
  return platform.bootstrapModule(Ng2Module).then(ref => {
    var upgrade = ref.injector.get(UpgradeModule) as UpgradeModule;
    upgrade.bootstrap(element, [ng1Module.name]);
    return upgrade;

示例3: bootstrap

export function bootstrap(
    platform: PlatformRef, Ng2Module: Type<{}>, element: Element, ng1Module: angular.IModule) {
  // We bootstrap the Angular module first; then when it is ready (async) we bootstrap the AngularJS
  // module on the bootstrap element (also ensuring that AngularJS errors will fail the test).
  return platform.bootstrapModule(Ng2Module).then(ref => {
    const upgrade = ref.injector.get(UpgradeModule);
    const failHardModule: any = ($provide: angular.IProvideService) => {
      $provide.value('$exceptionHandler', (err: any) => { throw err; });
    upgrade.bootstrap(element, [failHardModule, ng1Module.name]);
    return upgrade;

示例4: bootstrap

export function bootstrap(
    platform: PlatformRef, Ng2Module: Type<{}>, element: Element, ng1Module: angular.IModule) {
  // We bootstrap the Angular module first; then when it is ready (async) we bootstrap the AngularJS
  // module on the bootstrap element (also ensuring that AngularJS errors will fail the test).
  return platform.bootstrapModule(Ng2Module).then(ref => {
    const ngZone = ref.injector.get<NgZone>(NgZone);
    const upgrade = ref.injector.get(UpgradeModule);
    const failHardModule: any = ($provide: angular.IProvideService) => {
      $provide.value($EXCEPTION_HANDLER, (err: any) => { throw err; });

    // The `bootstrap()` helper is used for convenience in tests, so that we don't have to inject
    // and call `upgrade.bootstrap()` on every Angular module.
    // In order to closer emulate what happens in real application, ensure AngularJS is bootstrapped
    // inside the Angular zone.
    ngZone.run(() => upgrade.bootstrap(element, [failHardModule, ng1Module.name]));

    return upgrade;

示例5: async

  WebAppInternals.registerBoilerplateDataCallback('angular', async (request, data) => {

    let document,
      platformRef: PlatformRef;
    // Handle Angular's error, but do not prevent client bootstrap
    try {

      document = `
              <base href="/">

      // Integrate Angular's router with Meteor
      const url = request.url;

      // Get rendered document
      platformRef = platformDynamicServer([
          provide: INITIAL_CONFIG,
          useValue: {
            // Initial document

      const appModuleRef = await platformRef.bootstrapModule(ServerAppModule, {
        ngZone: 'noop',
        providers: [
            provide: ResourceLoader,
            useValue: {
              get: Assets.getText
            deps: []

      const applicationRef: ApplicationRef = appModuleRef.injector.get(ApplicationRef);

      await applicationRef.isStable.pipe(
        first(isStable => isStable == true)


      // Run any BEFORE_APP_SERIALIZED callbacks just before rendering to string.
      const callbacks = appModuleRef.injector.get(BEFORE_APP_SERIALIZED, null);
      if (callbacks) {
        for (const callback of callbacks) {
          try {
          } catch (e) {
            // Ignore exceptions.
            console.warn('Ignoring BEFORE_APP_SERIALIZED Exception: ', e);

      const platformState: PlatformState = appModuleRef.injector.get(PlatformState);

      document = platformState.renderToString();

    } catch (e) {

      // Write errors to console
      console.error('Angular SSR Error: ' + e.stack || e);

    } finally {

      //Make sure platform is destroyed before rendering

      if (platformRef) {
      const head = HEAD_REGEX.exec(document)[1];
      data.dynamicHead = head;
      const body = BODY_REGEX.exec(document)[1];
      data.dynamicBody = body;

