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TypeScript schematics.getProjectTargetOptions函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中@angular/cdk/schematics.getProjectTargetOptions函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript getProjectTargetOptions函数的具体用法?TypeScript getProjectTargetOptions怎么用?TypeScript getProjectTargetOptions使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: it

  it('should register inline theme if no theme already registered', () => {
    const tree = runSetupSchematic({ customization: false });
    const workspace = getWorkspace(tree);
    const project = getProjectFromWorkspace(workspace);
    const styles = getProjectTargetOptions(project, 'build').styles;


示例2: getIndexHtmlPath

export function getIndexHtmlPath(project: WorkspaceProject): string {
  const buildOptions = getProjectTargetOptions(project, 'build');

  if (!buildOptions.index) {
    throw new SchematicsException('No project "index.html" file could be found.');

  return buildOptions.index;

示例3: it

    it('should not add a theme file multiple times', async () => {
      writeStyleFileToWorkspace(appTree, defaultPrebuiltThemePath);

      const tree = await runner.runSchematicAsync('ng-add-setup-project', {}, appTree).toPromise();
      const workspace = getWorkspace(tree);
      const project = getProjectFromWorkspace(workspace);
      const styles = getProjectTargetOptions(project, 'build').styles;

      expect(styles).toEqual(['projects/material/src/styles.css', defaultPrebuiltThemePath],
          'Expected the "styles.css" file and default prebuilt theme to be the only styles');

示例4: addStyleToTarget

 * Adds a style entry to the given project target.
 * */
function addStyleToTarget(project: WorkspaceProject, targetName: string, tree: Tree,
                          stylesPath: string, workspace: WorkspaceSchema) {
  const targetOptions = getProjectTargetOptions(project, targetName);

  if (!targetOptions.styles) {
    targetOptions.styles = [stylesPath];
  } else if (noNebularThemeIncluded(targetOptions, stylesPath)) {

  writeJSON(tree, 'angular.json', workspace);

示例5: writeStyleFileToWorkspace

    /** Writes a specific style file to the workspace in the given tree */
    function writeStyleFileToWorkspace(tree: Tree, stylePath: string) {
      const workspace = getWorkspace(tree);
      const project = getProjectFromWorkspace(workspace);
      const buildOptions = getProjectTargetOptions(project, 'build');

      if (!buildOptions.styles) {
        buildOptions.styles = [stylePath];
      } else {

      tree.overwrite('/angular.json', JSON.stringify(workspace, null, 2));

示例6: addThemeStyleToTarget

/** Adds a theming style entry to the given project target options. */
function addThemeStyleToTarget(project: WorkspaceProject, targetName: 'test' | 'build', host: Tree,
                               assetPath: string, workspace: WorkspaceSchema): void {
  // Do not update the builder options in case the target does not use the default CLI builder.
  if (!validateDefaultTargetBuilder(project, targetName)) {

  const targetOptions = getProjectTargetOptions(project, targetName);

  if (!targetOptions.styles) {
    targetOptions.styles = [ assetPath ];
  } else {
    const existingStyles = targetOptions.styles.map(s => typeof s === 'string' ? s : s.input);

    for (const [ index, stylePath ] of existingStyles.entries()) {
      // If the given asset is already specified in the styles, we don't need to do anything.
      if (stylePath === assetPath) {

      // In case a prebuilt theme is already set up, we can safely replace the theme with the new
      // theme file. If a custom theme is set up, we are not able to safely replace the custom
      // theme because these files can contain custom styles, while prebuilt themes are
      // always packaged and considered replaceable.
      if (stylePath.includes(defaultCustomThemeFilename)) {
        console.warn(chalk.yellow(`Could not style file to the CLI project configuration ` +
          `because there is already a custom theme file referenced.`));
        console.warn(chalk.yellow(`Please manually add the following style file to your configuration:`));
      } else if (stylePath.includes(compiledThemePathSegment)) {
        targetOptions.styles.splice(index, 1);


  host.overwrite('angular.json', JSON.stringify(workspace, null, 2));

示例7: return

  return (host: Tree) => {
    const workspace = getWorkspace(host);
    const project = getProjectFromWorkspace(workspace, options.project);
    const targetOptions = getProjectTargetOptions(project, 'build');

    if (!targetOptions.assets) {
      targetOptions.assets = [ { ...iconAssetObject } ];
    } else {
      const assets = targetOptions.assets as Array<string | object>;
      const assetsString = JSON.stringify(assets);
      if (!assetsString.includes(iconPathSegment)) {
        assets.push({ ...iconAssetObject });
      } else {
        console.log(chalk.yellow(`Could not add the icon assets to the CLI project assets ` +
          `because there is already a icon assets file referenced.`));
        console.log(chalk.yellow(`Please manually add the following config to your assets:`));
        console.log(chalk.cyan(JSON.stringify(iconAssetObject, null, 2)));
        return host;
    host.overwrite('angular.json', JSON.stringify(workspace, null, 2));
    return host;

示例8: expectProjectStyleFile

 /** Expects the given file to be in the styles of the specified workspace project. */
 function expectProjectStyleFile(project: WorkspaceProject, filePath: string) {
   expect(getProjectTargetOptions(project, 'build').styles).toContain(filePath,
       `Expected "${filePath}" to be added to the project styles in the workspace.`);
