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TypeScript Tree.read方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中@angular-devkit/schematics.Tree.read方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript Tree.read方法的具体用法?TypeScript Tree.read怎么用?TypeScript Tree.read使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在@angular-devkit/schematics.Tree的用法示例。


示例1: getSourceFile

export function getSourceFile(host: Tree, path: string): ts.SourceFile {
  const buffer = host.read(path);
  if (!buffer) {
    throw new SchematicsException(`Could not find file for path: ${path}`);
  const content = buffer.toString();
  const source = ts.createSourceFile(
  return source;

示例2: _readPackageJson

function _readPackageJson(tree: Tree): JsonAstObject {
  const buffer = tree.read(pkgJsonPath);
  if (buffer === null) {
    throw new SchematicsException('Could not read package.json.');
  const content = buffer.toString();

  const packageJson = parseJsonAst(content, JsonParseMode.Strict);
  if (packageJson.kind != 'object') {
    throw new SchematicsException('Invalid package.json. Was expecting an object');

  return packageJson;

示例3: getWorkspaceConfigGracefully

 * Resolve the workspace configuration of the specified tree gracefully. We cannot use the utility
 * functions from the default Angular schematics because those might not be present in older
 * versions of the CLI. Also it's important to resolve the workspace gracefully because
 * the CLI project could be still using `.angular-cli.json` instead of thew new config.
function getWorkspaceConfigGracefully(tree: Tree): any {
  const path = defaultWorkspaceConfigPaths.find(filePath => tree.exists(filePath));
  const configBuffer = tree.read(path !);

  if (!path || !configBuffer) {
    return null;

  try {
    return JSON.parse(configBuffer.toString());
  } catch {
    return null;

示例4: return

  return (tree: Tree) => {
    const workspaceConfig = tree.read('/angular.json');
    if (!workspaceConfig) {
      throw new SchematicsException('Could not find Angular workspace configuration');

    // convert workspace to string
    const workspaceContent = workspaceConfig.toString();

    // parse workspace string into JSON object
    const workspace: experimental.workspace.WorkspaceSchema = JSON.parse(workspaceContent);
// #enddocregion workspace
// #docregion project-fallback
    if (!options.project) {
      options.project = workspace.defaultProject;
// #enddocregion project-fallback

// #docregion project-info
    const projectName = options.project as string;

    const project = workspace.projects[projectName];

    const projectType = project.projectType === 'application' ? 'app' : 'lib';
// #enddocregion project-info

// #docregion path
    if (options.path === undefined) {
      options.path = `${project.sourceRoot}/${projectType}`;
// #enddocregion path

// #docregion template
    const templateSource = apply(url('./files'), [
        classify: strings.classify,
        dasherize: strings.dasherize,
        name: options.name
      move(normalize(options.path as string))
// #enddocregion template

// #docregion chain
    return chain([
// #enddocregion chain
// #docregion workspace

示例5: return

  return (host: Tree, context: SchematicContext) => {
    const workspace = getWorkspace(host);
    const project = workspace.projects[options.project as string];
    let path: string;
    const projectTargets = project.targets || project.architect;
    if (project && projectTargets && projectTargets.build && projectTargets.build.options.index) {
      path = projectTargets.build.options.index;
    } else {
      throw new SchematicsException('Could not find index file for the project');
    const buffer = host.read(path);
    if (buffer === null) {
      throw new SchematicsException(`Could not read index file: ${path}`);
    const content = buffer.toString();
    const lines = content.split('\n');
    let closingHeadTagLineIndex = -1;
    let closingBodyTagLineIndex = -1;
    lines.forEach((line, index) => {
      if (closingHeadTagLineIndex === -1 && /<\/head>/.test(line)) {
        closingHeadTagLineIndex = index;
      } else if (closingBodyTagLineIndex === -1 && /<\/body>/.test(line)) {
        closingBodyTagLineIndex = index;

    const headIndent = getIndent(lines[closingHeadTagLineIndex]) + '  ';
    const itemsToAddToHead = [
      '<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">',
      '<meta name="theme-color" content="#1976d2">',

    const bodyIndent = getIndent(lines[closingBodyTagLineIndex]) + '  ';
    const itemsToAddToBody = [
      '<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to continue using this application.</noscript>',

    const updatedIndex = [
      ...lines.slice(0, closingHeadTagLineIndex),
      ...itemsToAddToHead.map(line => headIndent + line),
      ...lines.slice(closingHeadTagLineIndex, closingBodyTagLineIndex),
      ...itemsToAddToBody.map(line => bodyIndent + line),

    host.overwrite(path, updatedIndex);

    return host;

示例6: return

  return (host: Tree) => {
    const workspace = getWorkspace(host);
    const project = getProjectFromWorkspace(workspace, options.project);
    const appHTMLFile = `${project.sourceRoot}/app/app.component.html`;
    const buffer = host.read(appHTMLFile);

    if (!buffer) {
      console.error(chalk.red(`Could not find the project ${chalk.blue(appHTMLFile)} file inside of the ` +
        `workspace config`));
    host.overwrite(appHTMLFile, bootstrapHTML);
    return host;

示例7: getTsConfigOutDir

function getTsConfigOutDir(host: Tree, tsConfigPath: string): string {
  const tsConfigBuffer = host.read(tsConfigPath);
  if (!tsConfigBuffer) {
    throw new SchematicsException(`Could not read ${tsConfigPath}`);
  const tsConfigContent = tsConfigBuffer.toString();
  const tsConfig = parseJson(tsConfigContent);
  if (tsConfig === null || typeof tsConfig !== 'object' || Array.isArray(tsConfig) ||
    tsConfig.compilerOptions === null || typeof tsConfig.compilerOptions !== 'object' ||
    Array.isArray(tsConfig.compilerOptions)) {
    throw new SchematicsException(`Invalid tsconfig - ${tsConfigPath}`);
  const outDir = tsConfig.compilerOptions.outDir;

  return outDir as string;

示例8: return

  return (host: Tree) => {
    const pkgPath = '/package.json';
    const buffer = host.read(pkgPath);
    if (buffer === null) {
      throw new SchematicsException('Could not find package.json');

    const pkg = JSON.parse(buffer.toString());

    const ngCoreVersion = pkg.dependencies['@angular/core'];
    pkg.dependencies['@angular/platform-server'] = ngCoreVersion;

    host.overwrite(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2));

    return host;

示例9: addPackageToPackageJson

export function addPackageToPackageJson(host: Tree, type: string, pkg: string, version: string) {
  if (host.exists('package.json')) {
    const sourceText = host.read('package.json')!.toString('utf-8');
    const json = JSON.parse(sourceText);
    if (!json[type]) {
      json[type] = {};

    if (!json[type][pkg]) {
      json[type][pkg] = version;

    host.overwrite('package.json', JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));

  return host;

示例10: return

 return (host: Tree) => {
   const gitignore = '/.gitignore';
   if (!host.exists(gitignore)) {
     return host;
   const gitIgnoreContent = host.read(gitignore).toString();
   if (gitIgnoreContent.includes('\n/bazel-out\n')) {
     return host;
   const compiledOutput = '# compiled output\n';
   const index = gitIgnoreContent.indexOf(compiledOutput);
   const insertionIndex = index >= 0 ? index + compiledOutput.length : gitIgnoreContent.length;
   const recorder = host.beginUpdate(gitignore);
   recorder.insertRight(insertionIndex, '/bazel-out\n');
   return host;
