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TypeScript BuilderContext.reportStatus方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中@angular-devkit/architect.BuilderContext.reportStatus方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript BuilderContext.reportStatus方法的具体用法?TypeScript BuilderContext.reportStatus怎么用?TypeScript BuilderContext.reportStatus使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在@angular-devkit/architect.BuilderContext的用法示例。


示例1: catchError

    catchError(error => {
      context.reportStatus('Error: ' + error);

      return [{ success: false }];

示例2: execute

async function execute(
  options: ProtractorBuilderOptions,
  context: BuilderContext,
): Promise<BuilderOutput> {
  // ensure that only one of these options is used
  if (options.devServerTarget && options.baseUrl) {
    throw new Error(tags.stripIndents`
    The 'baseUrl' option cannot be used with 'devServerTarget'.
    When present, 'devServerTarget' will be used to automatically setup 'baseUrl' for Protractor.

  if (options.webdriverUpdate) {
    try {
      await updateWebdriver();
    } catch (error) {
      context.reportStatus('Error: ' + error);

      return { success: false };

  let baseUrl;
  let server;
  if (options.devServerTarget) {
    const target = targetFromTargetString(options.devServerTarget);
    const serverOptions = await context.getTargetOptions(target);

    const overrides: Record<string, string | number | boolean> = { watch: false };
    if (options.host !== undefined) { overrides.host = options.host; }
    if (options.port !== undefined) { overrides.port = options.port; }
    server = await context.scheduleTarget(target, overrides);

    let result;
    try {
      result = await server.result;
    } catch (error) {
      context.reportStatus('Error: ' + error);

    if (!result || !result.success) {
      return { success: false };

    if (typeof serverOptions.publicHost === 'string') {
      let publicHost = serverOptions.publicHost as string;
      if (!/^\w+:\/\//.test(publicHost)) {
        publicHost = `${serverOptions.ssl
          ? 'https'
          : 'http'}://${publicHost}`;
      const clientUrl = url.parse(publicHost);
      baseUrl = url.format(clientUrl);
    } else if (typeof result.port === 'number') {
      baseUrl = url.format({
        protocol: serverOptions.ssl ? 'https' : 'http',
        hostname: options.host,
        port: result.port.toString(),

  try {
    return await runProtractor(context.workspaceRoot, { ...options, baseUrl });
  } catch {
    return { success: false };
  } finally {
    if (server) {
      await server.stop();

示例3: _run

async function _run(
  options: TslintBuilderOptions,
  context: BuilderContext,
): Promise<BuilderOutput> {
  const systemRoot = context.workspaceRoot;
  const projectName = (context.target && context.target.project) || '<???>';

  // Print formatter output only for non human-readable formats.
  const printInfo =
    ['prose', 'verbose', 'stylish'].includes(options.format || '') && !options.silent;

  context.reportStatus(`Linting ${JSON.stringify(projectName)}...`);
  if (printInfo) {
    context.logger.info(`Linting ${JSON.stringify(projectName)}...`);

  if (!options.tsConfig && options.typeCheck) {
    throw new Error('A "project" must be specified to enable type checking.');

  const projectTslint = await _loadTslint();
  const tslintConfigPath = options.tslintConfig
    ? path.resolve(systemRoot, options.tslintConfig)
    : null;
  const Linter = projectTslint.Linter;

  let result: undefined | LintResult = undefined;
  if (options.tsConfig) {
    const tsConfigs = Array.isArray(options.tsConfig) ? options.tsConfig : [options.tsConfig];
    context.reportProgress(0, tsConfigs.length);
    const allPrograms = tsConfigs.map(tsConfig => {
      return Linter.createProgram(path.resolve(systemRoot, tsConfig));

    let i = 0;
    for (const program of allPrograms) {
      const partial = await _lint(
      if (result === undefined) {
        result = partial;
      } else {
        result.failures = result.failures
          .filter(curr => {
            return !partial.failures.some(prev => curr.equals(prev));

        // we are not doing much with 'errorCount' and 'warningCount'
        // apart from checking if they are greater than 0 thus no need to dedupe these.
        result.errorCount += partial.errorCount;
        result.warningCount += partial.warningCount;
        result.fileNames = [...new Set([...result.fileNames, ...partial.fileNames])];

        if (partial.fixes) {
          result.fixes = result.fixes ? result.fixes.concat(partial.fixes) : partial.fixes;

      context.reportProgress(++i, allPrograms.length);
  } else {
    result = await _lint(projectTslint, systemRoot, tslintConfigPath, options);

  if (result == undefined) {
    throw new Error('Invalid lint configuration. Nothing to lint.');

  if (!options.silent) {
    const Formatter = projectTslint.findFormatter(options.format || '');
    if (!Formatter) {
      throw new Error(`Invalid lint format "${options.format}".`);
    const formatter = new Formatter();

    const output = formatter.format(result.failures, result.fixes, result.fileNames);
    if (output.trim()) {

  if (result.warningCount > 0 && printInfo) {
    context.logger.warn('Lint warnings found in the listed files.');

  if (result.errorCount > 0 && printInfo) {
    context.logger.error('Lint errors found in the listed files.');

  if (result.warningCount === 0 && result.errorCount === 0 && printInfo) {
    context.logger.info('All files pass linting.');

