本文整理汇总了Scala中spray.json.JsValue类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala JsValue类的具体用法?Scala JsValue怎么用?Scala JsValue使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: SendTweet
package main.scala
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import spray.json.DeserializationException
import spray.json.JsArray
import spray.json.JsNumber
import spray.json.JsObject
import spray.json.JsString
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.JsonFormat
import spray.json.pimpAny
trait JsonFormats extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
case class SendTweet(userId: Int, time: Long, msg: String)
case class UserProfile(id: Int, name: String, statusCount: Int, favoritesCount: Int, followersCount: Int, followingCount: Int)
case class SendMsg(senderId: Int, time: Long, msg: String, recepientId: Int)
implicit val tweetFormat = jsonFormat3(SendTweet)
implicit val userProfileFormat = jsonFormat6(UserProfile)
implicit val reTweetFormat = jsonFormat4(SendMsg)
implicit object TimelineJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Project4Server.Tweets] {
def write(c: Project4Server.Tweets) = JsObject(
"authorId" -> JsNumber(c.authorId),
"message" -> JsString(c.message),
"timeStamp" -> JsString(c.timeStamp.toString),
"tweetId" -> JsString(c.tweetId),
"mentions" -> JsArray(c.mentions.map(_.toJson).toVector),
"hashTags" -> JsArray(c.hashtags.map(_.toJson).toVector))
def read(value: JsValue) = {
value.asJsObject.getFields("tweetId", "authorId", "message", "timeStamp", "mentions", "hashTags") match {
case Seq(JsString(tweetId), JsNumber(authorId), JsString(message), JsString(timeStamp), JsArray(mentions), JsArray(hashTags)) =>
new Project4Server.Tweets(tweetId, authorId.toInt, message, timeStamp.toLong, mentions.map(_.convertTo[String]).to[ArrayBuffer], hashTags.map(_.convertTo[String]).to[ArrayBuffer])
case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Tweets expected")
implicit object MessagesJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Project4Server.Messages] {
def write(c: Project4Server.Messages) = JsObject(
"authorId" -> JsNumber(c.authorId),
"message" -> JsString(c.message),
"timeStamp" -> JsString(c.timeStamp.toString),
"tweetId" -> JsString(c.tweetId),
"mentions" -> JsArray(c.mentions.map(_.toJson).toVector),
"hashTags" -> JsArray(c.hashtags.map(_.toJson).toVector),
"recepientId" -> JsNumber(c.recepientId))
def read(value: JsValue) = {
value.asJsObject.getFields("tweetId", "authorId", "message", "timeStamp", "mentions", "hashTags", "recepientId") match {
case Seq(JsString(tweetId), JsNumber(authorId), JsString(message), JsString(timeStamp), JsArray(mentions), JsArray(hashTags), JsNumber(recepientId)) =>
new Project4Server.Messages(recepientId.toInt, tweetId, authorId.toInt, message, timeStamp.toLong, mentions.map(_.convertTo[String]).to[ArrayBuffer], hashTags.map(_.convertTo[String]).to[ArrayBuffer])
case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Tweets expected")
示例2: DateJsonFormat
package com.durooma.api.route
import java.sql.Date
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import com.durooma.api.model._
import com.durooma.db.Tables
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, ISODateTimeFormat}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, DeserializationException, JsString, JsValue, RootJsonFormat}
trait JsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit object DateJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[DateTime] {
private val parserISO : DateTimeFormatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis()
override def write(obj: DateTime) = JsString(parserISO.print(obj))
override def read(json: JsValue) : DateTime = json match {
case JsString(s) => parserISO.parseDateTime(s)
case _ => throw DeserializationException("Invalid date format: " + json)
implicit object SqlDateJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Date] {
override def write(obj: Date) = JsString(obj.toString)
override def read(json: JsValue) = json match {
case JsString(s) => Date.valueOf(s)
case _ => throw DeserializationException("Invalid date format: " + json)
implicit val userFormat = jsonFormat5(User.apply)
implicit val userRegistrationFormat = jsonFormat5(UserRegistration.apply)
implicit val accountFormat = jsonFormat4(Account.apply)
implicit val accounBodyFormat = jsonFormat2(AccountBody.apply)
implicit val labelFormat = jsonFormat3(Tables.LabelRow.apply)
implicit val transactionFormat = jsonFormat8(Transaction.apply)
implicit val transactionBodyFormat = jsonFormat7(TransactionBody.apply)
implicit val sessionFormat = jsonFormat3(Session.apply)
implicit val credentialsFormat = jsonFormat2(CustomCredentials.apply)
示例3: HttpClient
package com.github.chaabaj.openid
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import com.github.chaabaj.openid.exceptions.{MalformedResponseException, WebServiceException}
import com.github.chaabaj.openid.utils.JsonResponseParser
import spray.json.JsValue
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
private [openid] class HttpClient(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, timeout: FiniteDuration) {
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
val responseParser = new JsonResponseParser
val http = Http()
def request(httpRequest: HttpRequest)(implicit exc: ExecutionContext): Future[JsValue] =
for {
response <- http.singleRequest(httpRequest)
body <- response.entity.toStrict(timeout).map(_.data.utf8String)
data <- {
responseParser.parse(body) match {
case Success(data) =>
if (response.status.isFailure()) {
Future.failed(WebServiceException(response.status, data))
} else {
case Failure(ex) => Future.failed(MalformedResponseException(response.status, ex.toString))
} yield data
private[openid] object HttpClient {
def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem, _timeout: FiniteDuration): HttpClient =
new HttpClient()
示例4: BooksFoundFormat
package com.jjabuk.bookstore.catalog.protocols
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import com.jjabuk.bookstore.catalog.protocols.CatalogueProtocol.{Book, BookAdded, BooksFound}
import reactivemongo.bson.BSONObjectID
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsArray, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, RootJsonFormat}
trait JsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val BookAddedFormat = jsonFormat1(BookAdded.apply)
implicit object BooksFoundFormat extends RootJsonFormat[BooksFound] {
override def read(json: JsValue): BooksFound = ???
override def write(b: BooksFound): JsValue = JsObject(
"books" -> JsArray(b.books.map(book => BookFormat.write(book)).toVector)
implicit object BookFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Book] {
override def read(value: JsValue) = {
val uuid = fromField[Option[String]](value, "uuid")
val isbn = fromField[String](value, "isbn")
val title = fromField[String](value, "title")
val review = fromField[Option[String]](value, "review")
val publisher = fromField[Option[String]](value, "publisher")
Book(uuid.getOrElse(BSONObjectID.generate().stringify), isbn, title, review, publisher)
override def write(obj: Book): JsValue = JsObject(
"uuid" -> JsString(obj.uuid),
"isbn" -> JsString(obj.isbn),
"title" -> JsString(obj.title),
"review" -> JsString(obj.review.getOrElse("")),
"publisher" -> JsString(obj.publisher.getOrElse(""))
示例5: getStackTrace
package proton.users
import java.io.{PrintWriter, StringWriter}
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.UUID
import spray.json.{JsValue, JsonFormat, _}
trait UsersProtocol {
private def getStackTrace(t: Throwable) = {
val sw: StringWriter = new StringWriter()
val pw: PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(sw)
implicit object ThrowableWriter extends RootJsonWriter[Throwable] {
def write(t: Throwable) = JsObject(
"message" -> JsString(t.getMessage),
"cause" -> t.getCause.toJson,
"stackTrace" -> JsString(getStackTrace(t))
implicit object MessageFormat extends RootJsonWriter[Message] {
def write(m: Message) = JsObject(
"summary" -> JsString(m.summary),
"errorCode" -> JsNumber(m.errorCode)
implicit object ValidationFormat extends RootJsonWriter[Validation] {
def write(v: Validation) = {
val fields = Seq[Option[JsField]](
Some("message" -> JsString(v.message)),
Some("errorCode" -> JsNumber(v.errorCode)),
v.exception.map(exception => "exception" -> exception.toJson)
JsObject(fields.flatten: _*)
implicit object UUIDFormat extends JsonFormat[UUID] {
def write(uuid: UUID) = JsString(uuid.toString)
def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
case JsString(uuid) => UUID.fromString(uuid)
case _ => deserializationError("UUID expected.")
implicit object LocalDateTimeFormat extends JsonFormat[LocalDateTime] {
def write(dateTime: LocalDateTime) = JsString(dateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME))
def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
case JsString(dateTime) => LocalDateTime.parse(dateTime, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME)
case _ => deserializationError("LocalDateTime expected.")
示例6: Graph
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.runtime
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.{ Component, InPort, OutPort }
case class Graph(
id: String,
nodes: Map[String, Node] = Map.empty,
publicIn: Map[String, PublicPort] = Map.empty,
publicOut: Map[String, PublicPort] = Map.empty) {
def edges: Map[PortRef, Map[PortRef, Edge]] =
for { (srcNode, node) <- nodes; (srcPort, tgts) <- node.edges }
yield (PortRef(srcNode, srcPort), tgts)
def initials: Map[PortRef, Initial] =
for { (tgtNode, node) <- nodes; (tgtPort, initials) <- node.initials }
yield (PortRef(tgtNode, tgtPort), initials)
def inPortInfo(ref: PortRef): Option[InPort[_]] =
nodes.get(ref.node).flatMap(_.component.inPorts.find(_.id == ref.port))
def outPortInfo(ref: PortRef): Option[OutPort[_]] =
nodes.get(ref.node).flatMap(_.component.outPorts.find(_.id == ref.port))
case class Node(
component: Component,
metadata: Map[String, JsValue] = Map.empty,
edges: Map[String, Map[PortRef, Edge]] = Map.empty,
initials: Map[String, Initial] = Map.empty)
case class PortRef(node: String, port: String) {
override def toString = s"$node[$port]"
case class Edge(metadata: Map[String, JsValue] = Map.empty)
case class Initial(value: JsValue, metadata: Map[String, JsValue] = Map.empty)
case class PublicPort(internal: PortRef, metadata: Map[String, JsValue] = Map.empty)
示例7: ErrorComponent
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component
import akka.actor.{ Actor, Props }
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.ComponentActor.Incoming
case object ErrorComponent extends Component {
val name = "ErrorComponent"
val description = ""
val icon = None
val inPorts = List(InPort[JsValue](s"in", ""))
val outPorts = Nil
val instanceProps = Props(new Actor {
def receive = {
case Incoming(_, _) => throw new RuntimeException("process error")
示例8: MakeFunction
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.core
import akka.actor.Props
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component._
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.util.NashornEngine
case object MakeFunction extends Component {
val name = "core/MakeFunction"
val description = "Evaluates a JavaScript function each time data hits an input port " +
"and sends the return value to the output port"
val icon = Some("forward")
val inPort = InPort[JsValue]("in", "Packet to be processed")
val funcPort = InPort[String]("func", "Function to evaluate. The variable 'x' refers to the input; " +
"for example, 'return x * 2' doubles the value of the input packet.'")
val inPorts = List(inPort, funcPort)
val outPort = OutPort[JsValue]("out", "Forwarded packet")
val outPorts = List(outPort)
val instanceProps = Props(new ComponentActor(this) with NashornEngine {
val func = funcPort.stream.map(JsFunction(_))
inPort.stream.withLatestFrom(func) { (x, f) => f(x) }.pipeTo(outPort)
示例9: Kick
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.core
import akka.actor.Props
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component._
case object Kick extends Component {
val name = "core/Kick"
val description = "Generates a packet everytime a signal is received"
val icon = Some("share")
val inPort = InPort[JsValue]("in", "Packet to be sent")
val kickPort = InPort[Unit]("kick", "Signal to send the data packet")
val inPorts = List(inPort, kickPort)
val outPort = OutPort[JsValue]("out", "The kicked packet")
val outPorts = List(outPort)
val instanceProps = Props(new ComponentActor(this) {
kickPort.stream.withLatestFrom(inPort.stream) { (_, in) => in }.pipeTo(outPort)
示例10: Repeat
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.core
import akka.actor.Props
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component._
case object Repeat extends Component {
val name = "core/Repeat"
val description = "Forwards packets in the same way it receives them"
val icon = Some("forward")
val inPorts = List(
InPort[JsValue]("in", "Packet to forward"))
val outPorts = List(
OutPort[JsValue]("out", "Forwarded packet"))
val instanceProps = Props(new ComponentActor(this) {
示例11: Output
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.core
import akka.actor.Props
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.ComponentActor.OnAllInputPortsClosed
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component._
case object Output extends Component {
val name = "core/Output"
val description = "Sends packets to clients as output messages"
val icon = Some("bug")
val inPorts = List(
InPort[JsValue]("in", "Packet to be sent as output message"))
val outPorts = List(
OutPort[JsValue]("out", "The sent packets"))
val instanceProps = Props(new ComponentActor(this) {
override val terminationPolicy = List(OnAllInputPortsClosed)
.doOnEach { data => broker ! ComponentActor.Message(data.compactPrint) }
示例12: RepeatDelayed
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.core
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.actor.Props
import rx.lang.scala.Observable
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component._
case object RepeatDelayed extends Component {
val name = "core/RepeatDelayed"
val description = "Forwards packets after a set delay"
val icon = Some("clock-o")
val inPort = InPort[JsValue]("in", "Packet to forward with a delay")
val delayPort = InPort[Long]("delay", "Delay length (ms)")
val inPorts = List(inPort, delayPort)
val outPort = OutPort[JsValue]("out", "Forwarded packet")
val outPorts = List(outPort)
val instanceProps = Props(new ComponentActor(this) {
val str = inPort.stream
.withLatestFrom(delayPort.stream)((_, _))
.flatMap { case (in, delay) => Observable.just(in).delay(delay.millis) }
示例13: ToArray
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.stream
import akka.actor.Props
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component._
case object ToArray extends Component {
val name = "stream/ToArray"
val description = "Consumes all the packets of a stream to emit a single array"
val icon = None
val inPort = InPort[JsValue]("in", "The input stream")
val inPorts = List(inPort)
val arrayPort = OutPort[List[JsValue]]("array", "The input stream packed as an array")
val outPorts = List(arrayPort)
val instanceProps = Props(new ComponentActor(this) {
示例14: MapConcat
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.stream
import akka.actor.Props
import rx.lang.scala.Observable
import spray.json.{ JsArray, JsValue }
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component._
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.util.NashornEngine
case object MapConcat extends Component {
val name = "stream/MapConcat"
val description = "Transforms the elements of a stream into arrays of elements and flatterns them"
val icon = Some("code")
val inPort = InPort[JsValue]("in", "The stream to transform")
val funcPort = InPort[String]("func", "The function with argument x to use for transformation. " +
"Must return an array. While not defined, all elements pass untouched.")
val inPorts = List(inPort, funcPort)
val outPort = OutPort[JsValue]("out", "The transformed stream")
val outPorts = List(outPort)
val instanceProps = Props(new ComponentActor(this) with NashornEngine {
val defaultFunc = Observable.just[JsFunction](JsArray(_))
val func = defaultFunc ++ funcPort.stream.map(JsFunction(_))
inPort.stream.withLatestFrom(func) { (x, f) => f(x) }.flatMapIterable {
case JsArray(elems) => elems
case js => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"The value ${js.compactPrint} returned by the function is not an array")
示例15: Scan
package net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component.stream
import akka.actor.Props
import spray.json.JsValue
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.component._
import net.ruippeixotog.scalafbp.util.NashornEngine
case object Scan extends Component {
val name = "stream/Scan"
val description = "Accumulates the elements of a stream using a function, emitting the intermediate values"
val icon = Some("compress")
val inPort = InPort[JsValue]("in", "The stream to scan")
val initialPort = InPort[JsValue]("initial", "The initial element")
val funcPort = InPort[String]("func", "A function with arguments (acc, x) used to create the next element")
val inPorts = List(inPort, initialPort, funcPort)
val outPort = OutPort[JsValue]("out", "The generated elements")
val outPorts = List(outPort)
val instanceProps = Props(new ComponentActor(this) with NashornEngine {
val in = inPort.stream
val initial = initialPort.stream.head
val func = funcPort.stream.head.map(JsFunction2(_, "acc", "x"))
initial.zip(func).flatMap { case (init, f) => in.scan(init)(f) }.pipeTo(outPort)