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Scala ByteVector类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Scala中scodec.bits.ByteVector的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala ByteVector类的具体用法?Scala ByteVector怎么用?Scala ByteVector使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: b64T

package codes.mark.geilematte

import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.headers.{Accept, `Content-Type`}
import scodec.{Codec, DecodeResult}
import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector}
import scodec.codecs.implicits._
import org.http4s.{DecodeResult => DecRes}

import scalaz.concurrent.Task

trait EntityEncoders {

  def b64T[A:Codec]:EntityEncoder[Task[A]] =
      (a:Task[A]) => ByteVector(Codec.encode(a.unsafePerformSync).require.toBase64.getBytes)

  def b64[A:Codec]:EntityEncoder[A] =
      (a:A) => ByteVector(Codec.encode(a).require.toBase64.getBytes)

trait EntityDecoders {
  def fromB64[A:Codec]:EntityDecoder[A] =
    new EntityDecoder[A] {
      override def consumes = Set(MediaType.`application/base64`)

      override def decode(msg: Message, strict: Boolean) =
          .map(s => Codec.decode[A](BitVector.fromBase64(s).get).require)

示例2: encVectorCategory

package codes.mark

import doobie.imports._
import doobie.util.transactor.DriverManagerTransactor
import org.http4s.headers.`Content-Type`
import org.http4s.{EntityEncoder, MediaType}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

import scalatags.Text.TypedTag
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.std.vector._
import scalaz.std.string._
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._

package object geilematte {
  trait GeileMatteEntityEncoders {
    implicit val htmlEnc: EntityEncoder[TypedTag[String]] =
        tt => ByteVector(("<!DOCTYPE html>" + tt.render).getBytes)

    implicit def encVectorCategory: EntityEncoder[Vector[Category]] =
        (vec: Vector[Category]) => ByteVector(("[" + vec.foldMap(_.name + ",\n").dropRight(1) + "]").getBytes)

    implicit val intEnc: EntityEncoder[Int] =
        (i: Int) => ByteVector(i.toString.getBytes)


  object Implicits extends GeileMatteEntityEncoders

示例3: ServiceSpec

package org.mdoc.rendering.service

import org.http4s.{ Request, Uri }
import org.http4s.dsl._
import org.http4s.headers.`Content-Type`
import org.http4s.util.CaseInsensitiveString
import org.mdoc.common.model.{ Document, Format }
import org.mdoc.common.model.jvm.FormatOps
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck.Properties
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

object ServiceSpec extends Properties("Service") {

  property("docToResponse sets ContentType") = secure {
    Format.values.forall { format =>
      val doc = Document(format, ByteVector.view("".getBytes))
      val response = Service.docToResponse(doc).run


  property("showRequest") = forAll { (s: String) =>
    Service.showRequest(Request(uri = Uri(path = s))) ?= s"GET $s"

  property("route: /") = secure {
    Service.route.run(Request()).run.status ?= NotFound

  property("route: /render failure") = secure {
    val req: Request = Request(uri = Uri(path = "/render"), method = POST)
    val body = Service.route.run(req).run.body.runLast.run
    body ?= "Invalid JSON"

  property("route: /render/pdf/test.pdf") = secure {
    val req = Request(uri = Uri(path = "/render/pdf/test.pdf"))
    Service.route.run(req).run.status ?= BadRequest

  property("route: /version") = secure {
    Service.route.run(Request(uri = Uri(path = "/version"))).run.status ?= Ok

示例4: ClientMovement

package wow.realm.protocol.payloads

import scodec.Codec
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scodec.codecs._
import wow.realm.entities.{Guid, Position}
import wow.realm.protocol.{ClientSide, Payload, ServerSide}

case class ClientMovement(guid: Guid, flags: Long, extraFlags: Int, time: Long, position: Position, bytes: ByteVector)
  extends Payload with ClientSide with ServerSide

object ClientMovement {
  implicit val codec: Codec[ClientMovement] = (
    ("guid" | Guid.packedCodec) ::
      ("flags" | uint32L) ::
      ("extraFlags" | uint16L) ::
      ("time" | uint32L) ::
      ("position" | Position.codecXYZO) ::
      ("bytes" | bytes)

示例5: ClientAuthSession

package wow.realm.protocol.payloads

import wow.common.codecs._
import wow.realm.protocol._
import scodec.Codec
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scodec.codecs._

case class ClientAuthSession(build: Long,
                             loginServerId: Long,
                             login: String,
                             loginServerType: Long,
                             challenge: Long,
                             regionId: Long,
                             battleGroupId: Long,
                             realmId: Long,
                             dosResponse: BigInt,
                             shaDigest: ByteVector,
                             // Below that, everything is zlib deflated
                             addons: Vector[AddonInfo],
                             currentTime: Long) extends Payload with ClientSide

object ClientAuthSession {
  val AddonInfoMaxSize = 0xFFFFF

  implicit val opCodeProvider: OpCodeProvider[ClientAuthSession] = OpCodes.AuthSession

  implicit val codec: Codec[ClientAuthSession] = {
    ("build" | uint32L) ::
      ("loginServerId" | uint32L) ::
      ("login" | cstring) ::
      ("loginServerType" | uint32L) ::
      ("challenge" | uint32L) ::
      ("regionId" | uint32L) ::
      ("battleGroupId" | uint32L) ::
      ("realmId" | uint32L) ::
      ("dosResponse" | fixedUBigIntL(8)) ::
      ("shaDigest" | bytes(20)) ::
        upperBound(uint32L, AddonInfoMaxSize),
        uint32L.consume {
          addonCount => vectorOfN(provide(addonCount.toInt), Codec[AddonInfo])
        } {
          addons => addons.size.toLong
        } :: ("currentTime" | uint32L),

示例6: sizeBound

package wow.common.codecs

import wow.utils.BigIntExtensions._
import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector}
import scodec.{Attempt, Codec, DecodeResult, Err, SizeBound}

  private val sizeInBits = sizeInBytes * 8L

  override def sizeBound: SizeBound = SizeBound.exact(sizeInBits)

  override def encode(value: BigInt): Attempt[BitVector] = {
    try {
      val valueBytes = value.toUnsignedLBytes(sizeInBytes.toInt)

      val valueBits = ByteVector.view(valueBytes).bits

    } catch {
      case e: IllegalArgumentException => Attempt.failure(Err(e.toString))

  override def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[BigInt]] = {
    bits.acquire(sizeInBits) match {
      case Left(err) => Attempt.failure(Err(err))
      case Right(usableBits) =>
        val bigInt = BigInt.fromUnsignedLBytes(usableBits.toByteArray)

        Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(bigInt, bits.drop(sizeInBits)))

  override def toString = s"BigIntCodec"

示例7: SessionCipherTest

package wow.realm.crypto

import wow.utils.BigIntExtensions._
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import scodec.bits.{ByteVector, _}

class SessionCipherTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
  behavior of "SessionCipher"
  private val sessionKey = BigInt.fromUnsignedLBytes(

  val cipher = new SessionCipher(sessionKey)

  it should "decipher value as expected" in {
    def decrypt(crypted: ByteVector, decrypted: ByteVector) = {
      val cryptedArray = crypted.toArray
      cryptedArray shouldEqual decrypted.toArray

    decrypt(hex"2FB030BAE9F7", hex"0004ff040000")
    decrypt(hex"9DD64EA5DD8B", hex"000437000000")
    decrypt(hex"A841E178BDD6", hex"00088C030000")
    decrypt(hex"868813402A0E", hex"000CDC010000")

示例8: circe

package org.mdoc.common.model

import cats.data.Xor
import io.circe.{ Decoder, DecodingFailure, Encoder }
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

object circe {

  implicit val byteVectorDecoder: Decoder[ByteVector] =
    Decoder.instance { cursor =>
      Decoder[String].apply(cursor).flatMap { str =>
        ByteVector.fromBase64Descriptive(str) match {
          case Right(bytes) => Xor.right(bytes)
          case Left(err) => Xor.left(DecodingFailure(err, cursor.history))

  implicit val byteVectorEncoder: Encoder[ByteVector] =

示例9: CirceSpec

package org.mdoc.common.model

import cats.data.Xor
import io.circe.{ Decoder, Encoder, Json }
import org.mdoc.common.model.circe._
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck.Properties
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

object CirceSpec extends Properties("circe") {

  property("Decoder[ByteVector] success") = secure {
    Decoder[ByteVector].decodeJson(Json.string("SGVsbG8=")) ?=

  property("Decoder[ByteVector] failure") = secure {

  property("Encoder[ByteVector]") = secure {
    Encoder[ByteVector].apply(ByteVector("Hello".getBytes)) ?=

示例10: RenderingInputSpec

package org.mdoc.common.model

import cats.data.Xor
import io.circe.generic.auto._
import io.circe.parse._
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.mdoc.common.model.Format.{ Html, Pdf }
import org.mdoc.common.model.RenderingEngine.LibreOffice
import org.mdoc.common.model.circe._
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck.Properties
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

object RenderingInputSpec extends Properties("RenderingInput") {

    val json = """

    val config = RenderingConfig(Pdf, LibreOffice)
    val doc = Document(Html, ByteVector("Hello, World!".getBytes))
    val input = RenderingInput(JobId("42"), config, doc)

    property("JSON decode") = secure {
      decode[RenderingInput](json) ?= Xor.right(input)

    property("JSON encode") = secure {
      input.asJson.noSpaces ?= json

示例11: GPOCommand

package org.emv.commands

import org.emv.tlv.EMVTLV.EMVTLVType
import org.emv.tlv.{CommandTemplate, ProcessingOptionsDataObjectList}
import org.iso7816.APDU
import org.iso7816.APDU.APDUCommand
import org.lau.tlv.ber._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scodec.bits._

case class GPOCommand(commandTemplate: CommandTemplate)
  extends APDUCommand(GPOCommand.CLA,
    GPOCommand.INS, 0.toByte,
    Some(0.toByte)) {


object GPOCommand {

  val INS: Byte = 0xA8.toByte

  val CLA: Byte = 0x80.toByte

  def apply(pdol: ProcessingOptionsDataObjectList, tagList: List[BerTLV]) =
    new GPOCommand(CommandTemplate(pdol.createDOLValue(tagList)))

  def apply() = new GPOCommand(CommandTemplate(ByteVector.empty))


示例12: ByteUtils

package org.emv.tlv

import scodec.bits.ByteVector

object ByteUtils {

  def withBitInByteSet(value: ByteVector, bitIndex: Int, byteIndex: Int): ByteVector =
    if (byteIndex >= 1 && byteIndex <= value.size) {
      val bit2Set = 1 << bitIndex - 1
      val u = (value(byteIndex - 1) | bit2Set).toByte
      value.update(byteIndex - 1, u)
    } else value

  def withBitInByteUnSet(value: ByteVector, bitIndex: Int, byteIndex: Int): ByteVector =
    if (byteIndex >= 1 && byteIndex <= value.size) {
      val bit2Set = 1 << bitIndex - 1
      val u = (value(byteIndex - 1) & ~bit2Set).toByte
      value.update(byteIndex - 1, u)
    } else value

  def isBitSetInByte(value: ByteVector, bitIndex: Int, byteIndex: Int): Boolean =
    if (byteIndex >= 1 && byteIndex <= value.size) {
      val bit2Check = 1 << bitIndex - 1
      (value(byteIndex - 1) & bit2Check) == bit2Check
    } else false

示例13: writeToString

package org.http4s
package argonaut

import scalaz.Monoid
import scalaz.stream.Process
import scalaz.stream.text.utf8Decode
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

trait WriteToString {
  // In the real repo, this comes from Http4sSpec
  def writeToString[A](a: A)(implicit W: EntityEncoder[A]): String =
      .collect { case EntityEncoder.Entity(body, _ ) => body }

  implicit val byteVectorMonoidInstance: Monoid[ByteVector] = Monoid.instance(_ ++ _, ByteVector.empty)

示例14: FileDrainSpec

package swave.core.io.files

import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import swave.compat.scodec._
import swave.core.util._
import swave.core._

class FileDrainSpec extends SwaveSpec {
  import swave.core.io.files._

  implicit val env = StreamEnv()

  val TestLines = List[String](
    "a" * 1000 + "\n",
    "b" * 1000 + "\n",
    "c" * 1000 + "\n",
    "d" * 1000 + "\n",
    "e" * 1000 + "\n",
    "f" * 1000 + "\n")

  val TestBytes = TestLines.map(ByteVector.encodeAscii(_).right.get)

  "Drain.toPath must" - {

    "write lines to a short file" in withTempPath(create = true) { path ?
      val result = Spout.one(ByteVector("abc" getBytes UTF8)).drainTo(Drain.toPath(path, chunkSize = 512))
      result.await(5.seconds) shouldEqual 3
      verifyFileContents(path, "abc")

    "write lines to a long file" in withTempPath(create = true) { path ?
      val result = Spout(TestBytes).drainTo(Drain.toPath(path, chunkSize = 512))
      result.await(5.seconds) shouldEqual 6006
      verifyFileContents(path, TestLines mkString "")

    "create new file if required" in withTempPath(create = false) { path ?
      val result = Spout(TestBytes).drainTo(Drain.toPath(path, chunkSize = 512))
      result.await(5.seconds) shouldEqual 6006
      verifyFileContents(path, TestLines mkString "")

  private def withTempPath(create: Boolean)(block: Path ? Unit): Unit = {
    val targetFile = Files.createTempFile("file-sink", ".tmp")
    if (!create) Files.delete(targetFile)
    try block(targetFile)
    finally Files.delete(targetFile)

  private def verifyFileContents(path: Path, contents: String): Unit = {
    val out = Files.readAllBytes(path)
    new String(out) shouldEqual contents

示例15: HashTransformationSpec

package swave.core.hash

import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import swave.compat.scodec._
import swave.core._

class HashTransformationSpec extends SwaveSpec {
  import swave.core.text._

  implicit val env = StreamEnv()

  "HashTransformations" - {

    "md5" in {
        .one("swave rocks!")
        .get shouldEqual ByteVector.fromHex("e1b2b603f9cca4a909c07d42a5788fe3").get
