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Scala Success类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Scala中scala.util.Success的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala Success类的具体用法?Scala Success怎么用?Scala Success使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: TwitterScalaFuture

package io.koff.pagination.utils

import com.twitter.util.{Future => TwitterFut, Promise => TwitterProm}

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future => ScalaFut, Promise => ScalaProm}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import com.twitter.{util => twitter}

object TwitterScalaFuture {
  implicit def scalaToTwitterTry[T](t: Try[T]): twitter.Try[T] = t match {
    case Success(r) => twitter.Return(r)
    case Failure(ex) => twitter.Throw(ex)

  implicit def twitterToScalaTry[T](t: twitter.Try[T]): Try[T] = t match {
    case twitter.Return(r) => Success(r)
    case twitter.Throw(ex) => Failure(ex)

  // Twitter -> Scala
  implicit class TwitterToScala[T](val twitterFut: TwitterFut[T]) extends AnyVal {
    def toScala: ScalaFut[T] = {
      val promise = ScalaProm[T]()
      twitterFut.respond(promise complete _)

  implicit class ScalaToTwitter[T](val scalaFut: ScalaFut[T]) extends AnyVal {
    def toTwitter(implicit execCtx: ExecutionContext): TwitterFut[T] = {
      val promise = TwitterProm[T]()
      scalaFut.onComplete { result => promise.update(result) }

示例2: ActivationProviders

package im.actor.server.activation.common

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import im.actor.config.ActorConfig

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }

object ActivationProviders {
  val Sms = "sms"
  val Smtp = "smtp"
  val Call = "call"
  val Internal = "internal"

   * Instantiates activation providers based on configuration.
   * Makes sure to instantiate only one instance of provider,
   * if it is present for several activation types
   * @param system actor system
   * @return map from activation type to activation provider instance
  def getProviders()(implicit system: ActorSystem): Map[String, ActivationProvider] = {
    val providersConfig = ActorConfig.load().getConfig("services.activation.providers")
    val configMap = providersConfig.root.unwrapped.toMap

    val reverseAcc = Map.empty[String, List[String]].withDefaultValue(List.empty[String])
    // this is made to avoid duplicate instantiation of same providers
    val reverseMap = (configMap foldLeft reverseAcc) {
      case (acc, (activationType, value)) ?
        val className = value.toString
        acc.updated(className, activationType :: acc(className))

    reverseMap flatMap {
      case (className, activationTypes) ?
        providerOf(className, system) match {
          case Success(instance) ?
            system.log.debug("Successfully instantiated code provider: {}, for activation types: [{}]", className, activationTypes mkString ", ")
            (activationTypes map { _ ? instance }).toMap
          case Failure(e) ?
            system.log.warning("Failed to instantiate code provider: {}, exception: {}", className, e)
            Map.empty[String, ActivationProvider]

  private def providerOf(fqcn: String, system: ActorSystem): Try[ActivationProvider] = {
    for {
      constructor ? Try(Class.forName(fqcn).asSubclass(classOf[ActivationProvider]).getConstructor(classOf[ActorSystem]))
    } yield constructor.newInstance(system)

示例3: SeqUpdatesManagerRegion

package im.actor.server.sequence

import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props }
import akka.cluster.sharding.{ ClusterSharding, ClusterShardingSettings, ShardRegion }
import akka.event.Logging

import scala.util.{ Success, Try }

final case class SeqUpdatesManagerRegion(ref: ActorRef)

object SeqUpdatesManagerRegion {

  import UserSequenceCommands._

  private def extractEntityId(system: ActorSystem): ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
    val log = Logging(system, getClass)

      case e @ Envelope(userId, payload) ? (userId.toString, Try(e.getField(Envelope.descriptor.findFieldByNumber(payload.number))) match {
        case Success(any) ? any
        case _ ?
          val error = new RuntimeException(s"Payload not found for $e")
          log.error(error, error.getMessage)
          throw error

  private val extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
    case Envelope(userId, _) ? (userId % 10).toString // TODO: configurable

  private val typeName = "SeqUpdatesManager"

  private def start(props: Props)(implicit system: ActorSystem): SeqUpdatesManagerRegion =
      typeName = typeName,
      entityProps = props,
      settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system),
      extractEntityId = extractEntityId(system),
      extractShardId = extractShardId

  def start()(
    system: ActorSystem
  ): SeqUpdatesManagerRegion =

  def startProxy()(implicit system: ActorSystem): SeqUpdatesManagerRegion =
      typeName = typeName,
      role = None,
      extractEntityId = extractEntityId(system),
      extractShardId = extractShardId

示例4: BigfootService

package com.flipkart.connekt.commons.services

import com.flipkart.concord.publisher.{RequestType, TPublishRequest, TPublishRequestMetadata, TPublisher}
import com.flipkart.connekt.commons.factories.{ConnektLogger, LogFile}
import com.flipkart.connekt.commons.metrics.Instrumented
import com.flipkart.connekt.commons.utils._
import com.flipkart.metrics.Timed

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

object BigfootService extends Instrumented {

  private lazy val phantomSocketPath: String = ConnektConfig.getString("connections.specter.socket").get
  private lazy val ingestionEnabled = ConnektConfig.getBoolean("flags.bf.enabled").getOrElse(false)
  private lazy val jUnixSocketLibPath = ConnektConfig.getString("connections.specter.lib.path").get

  lazy val phantomPublisher: TPublisher[String] = {
    if(ingestionEnabled) {
      try {
        val configLoaderClass = Class.forName("com.flipkart.connekt.util.publisher.PhantomSocketPublisher")
        configLoaderClass.getConstructor(classOf[String], classOf[String], classOf[String]).newInstance(jUnixSocketLibPath, phantomSocketPath, "publishToBigFoot").asInstanceOf[TPublisher[String]]
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          ConnektLogger(LogFile.SERVICE).error("Unable to initialize PhantomPublisher", e)
    } else null

  private def ingest(request: TPublishRequest, requestMetadata: TPublishRequestMetadata): Try[Boolean] = Try {
    if(ingestionEnabled) {
      phantomPublisher.publish(request, requestMetadata).response match {
        case Success(m) if m.equalsIgnoreCase("SUCCESS") => Success(true)
        case Success(m) =>
          ConnektLogger(LogFile.SERVICE).error(s"Phantom ingestion failed. CommandResponse: $m")
          Failure(new Throwable(s"Phantom ingestion failed. CommandResponse: $m"))
        case Failure(t) => Failure(t)
    } else {

  def ingestEntity(entityId: String, request: TPublishRequest, entityNamespace: String) = ingest(request, new TPublishRequestMetadata {
    override def requestType: RequestType.Value = RequestType.Entity

    override def id: String = entityId

    override def namespace(): Option[String] = Some(entityNamespace)

  def ingestEvent(request: TPublishRequest, eventNamespace: String) = ingest(request, new TPublishRequestMetadata {
    override def requestType: RequestType.Value = RequestType.Event

    override def id: String = StringUtils.generateRandomStr(25)

    override def namespace(): Option[String] = Some(eventNamespace)

示例5: MessageParser

package com.darienmt.airplaneadventures.basestation.collector.parsing

import java.time.ZonedDateTime

import FromCSVtoCaseClass.rowParserFor
import com.darienmt.airplaneadventures.basestation.data.BaseStation._

import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }

object MessageParser {
  def apply(l: String): Message = parse(l.split(",").toList) match {
    case Success(m) => m
    case Failure(ex) => ErrorMessage(l, ex.toString, ZonedDateTime.now())

  protected val parse: List[String] => Try[Message] = {
    case "SEL" :: "" :: rest => rowParserFor[SelectionChangeMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11))
    case "ID" :: "" :: rest => rowParserFor[IdMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11))
    case "AIR" :: "" :: rest => rowParserFor[NewAircraftMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
    case "STA" :: "" :: rest => rowParserFor[StatusChangeMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11))
    case "CLK" :: "" :: rest => rowParserFor[ClickMessage](rest, List(3, 7, 8, 9, 10))
    case "MSG" :: "1" :: rest => rowParserFor[ESIdentificationAncCategoryMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11))
    case "MSG" :: "2" :: rest => rowParserFor[ESSurfacePositionMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22))
    case "MSG" :: "3" :: rest => rowParserFor[ESAirbornePositionMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22))
    case "MSG" :: "4" :: rest => rowParserFor[ESAirborneVelocityMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17))
    case "MSG" :: "5" :: rest => rowParserFor[SurveillanceAltMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 19, 21, 22))
    case "MSG" :: "6" :: rest => rowParserFor[SurveillanceIdMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22))
    case "MSG" :: "7" :: rest => rowParserFor[AirToAirMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 22))
    case "MSG" :: "8" :: rest => rowParserFor[AllCallReplyMessage](rest, List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22))
    case x => Failure(new Exception(s"Unknown message => $x"))

示例6: Util

package com.github.atais.util

import scala.util.{Success, Try}

object Util {

  // https://stackoverflow.com/a/22533154/1549135
  implicit class RichTry[T](t: Try[T]) {
    def toEither: Either[Throwable, T] = t.transform(s => Success(Right(s)), f => Success(Left(f))).get

  implicit class RichEither[A, B](t: Either[A, B]) {
    def toOption: Option[B] = t match {
      case Right(v) => Some(v)
      case Left(_) => None


示例7: Game

package main.scala.swayvil.langtonant

import swayvil.langtonant.Matrix
import scala.concurrent._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import swayvil.langtonant.gui.CompositeGUI

class Game() {
  var turn: Int = 0
  private val turnTime: Long = 2 // ms
  var gui: CompositeGUI = null
  private var isRunning: Boolean = true
  val matrixSize: Int = 80
  var m: Matrix = new Matrix(matrixSize)
  private var ant: Ant = new Ant(m)

  def nextTurn() {
    if (!isRunning)

    turn += 1
    if (!ant.move()) {
      isRunning = false
    } else {
      val f: Future[Int] = Future {

      f onComplete {
        case Success(v) => {
          if (isRunning) {
        case Failure(v) => { println("FAILURE") }

  def pauseOrResume() {
    isRunning = !isRunning
    if (isRunning)

示例8: AnimationService

package org.danielnixon.progressive.services

import org.scalajs.dom.html
import org.danielnixon.saferdom.implicits._

import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.scalajs.js.timers._
import scala.util.Success

class AnimationService {
  private def transition(element: html.Element, show: Boolean, preserveHeight: Boolean, durationOpt: Option[Int]): Future[Unit] = {
    val initialMinHeight = element.getAttributeOpt("data-initial-min-height") getOrElse {
      val m = element.style.minHeight
      element.setAttribute("data-initial-min-height", m)

    val minHeight = if (preserveHeight) s"${element.getBoundingClientRect.height}px" else initialMinHeight

    val duration = {
      val defaultDuration = 400

    element.style.minHeight = minHeight
    element.style.transition = s"opacity ${duration}ms ease"
    element.style.opacity = if (show) "1" else "0"

    val promise = Promise[Unit]()

  def transitionOut(element: html.Element, duration: Option[Int]): Future[Unit] = {
    transition(element, false, true, duration)

  def transitionIn(element: html.Element, preserveHeight: Boolean = false): Future[Unit] = {
    transition(element, true, preserveHeight, None)

示例9: parseResult

package neo4j.client

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import scala.util.{ Success, Failure, Try }

trait CypherResultParser extends CypherResponseParser {

  override def parseResult[R](result: JsValue)(implicit parser: Reads[R]): Try[Seq[R]] = {
    val rows = (result \ "data").as[JsArray].value.map(row ? {

      // TODO: there should be a cleaner way of doing this; perhaps by looking at the returned "columns" field.
      val r = row \ "row"
      if (r.apply(1).toOption.isDefined) {
      } else {


    val parsed = rows.map(row ? row.validate[R])
    if (parsed.forall(res ? res.isSuccess)) {
    } else {
      val e = buildErrorMessage(parsed.filter(_.isError).asInstanceOf[Seq[JsError]])
      Failure(new JsonValidationException(e.mkString("\n"), Some(result)))

object CypherResultAndErrorParser extends CypherResultParser with CypherErrorParser

object CypherErrorOnlyParser extends CypherNoopResultParser with CypherErrorParser 

示例10: LocalDateTimeCoercionViolation

package io.soheila.cms.api

import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.Locale

import sangria.ast.StringValue
import sangria.schema.ScalarType
import sangria.validation.ValueCoercionViolation

import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }

package object graphql {
  case object LocalDateTimeCoercionViolation extends ValueCoercionViolation("Date value expected")
  case object LocaleCoercionViolation extends ValueCoercionViolation("Locale value expected")

  private[graphql] def parseLocalDateTime(s: String) = Try(LocalDateTime.parse(s)) match {
    case Success(date) => Right(date)
    case Failure(_) => Left(LocalDateTimeCoercionViolation)

  private[graphql] def parseLocale(s: String) = Try(Locale.forLanguageTag(s)) match {
    case Success(locale) => Right(locale)
    case Failure(_) => Left(LocaleCoercionViolation)

  val LocalDateTimeType = ScalarType[LocalDateTime](
    coerceOutput = (value, caps) => value.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME),
    coerceUserInput = {
      case s: String => parseLocalDateTime(s)
      case _ => Left(LocalDateTimeCoercionViolation)
    coerceInput = {
      case StringValue(s, _, _) => parseLocalDateTime(s)
      case _ => Left(LocalDateTimeCoercionViolation)

  val LocaleType = ScalarType[Locale](
    coerceOutput = (value, caps) => value.toLanguageTag,
    coerceUserInput = {
      case s: String => parseLocale(s)
      case _ => Left(LocaleCoercionViolation)
    coerceInput = {
      case StringValue(s, _, _) => parseLocale(s)
      case _ => Left(LocaleCoercionViolation)

示例11: TestUtils

package utils

import com.bryzek.apidoc.test.light.v0.errors.UnitResponse

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

object TestUtils {
  def expectStatus(code: Int)(f: => Unit) {
    ) match {
      case Success(response) => {
        org.specs2.execute.Failure(s"Expected HTTP[$code] but got HTTP 2xx")
      case Failure(ex) => ex match {
        case UnitResponse(code) => {
        case e => {
          org.specs2.execute.Failure(s"Unexpected error: $e")

示例12: CancerRecord

package com.ferhtaydn.models

import java.io.File

import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }

case class CancerRecord(label: Double, gender: Double, age: Double, weight: Double, height: Double, job: String)

object CancerRecord {

  private val commaRegex: String = "\\,"

  def from(s: String): Option[CancerRecord] = s.split(commaRegex) match {
    case Array(result, gender, age, weight, height, job) ?
      Some(CancerRecord(result.toDouble, Gender.id(gender).toDouble, age.toDouble, weight.toDouble, height.toDouble, job))
    case _ ? None

  def read(file: String): Seq[CancerRecord] = Try(scala.io.Source.fromFile(file)) match {
    case Success(bufferedSource) ?
      for {
        a ? bufferedSource.getLines().toSeq.map(CancerRecord.from)
        b ? a
      } yield b
    case Failure(exception) ? Seq.empty[CancerRecord]


示例13: PipeableFuture

package akka.pattern

import language.implicitConversions
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, ExecutionContext }
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }
import akka.actor.{ Status, ActorRef, Actor }
import akka.actor.ActorSelection

trait PipeToSupport {

  final class PipeableFuture[T](val future: Future[T])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) {
    def pipeTo(recipient: ActorRef)(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Future[T] = {
      future onComplete {
        case Success(r) ? recipient ! r
        case Failure(f) ? recipient ! Status.Failure(f)
    def pipeToSelection(recipient: ActorSelection)(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Future[T] = {
      future onComplete {
        case Success(r) ? recipient ! r
        case Failure(f) ? recipient ! Status.Failure(f)
    def to(recipient: ActorRef): PipeableFuture[T] = to(recipient, Actor.noSender)
    def to(recipient: ActorRef, sender: ActorRef): PipeableFuture[T] = {
    def to(recipient: ActorSelection): PipeableFuture[T] = to(recipient, Actor.noSender)
    def to(recipient: ActorSelection, sender: ActorRef): PipeableFuture[T] = {

  implicit def pipe[T](future: Future[T])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): PipeableFuture[T] = new PipeableFuture(future)

示例14: stringPersister

package services

import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.stream._
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Sink}
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

  def stringPersister(pf: String => Future[Unit]): Flow[String, String, NotUsed] =
    Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
      import GraphDSL.Implicits._

      val persistenceSink = Sink.foreach[String] { content =>
        val f = pf(content)
        f.onComplete {
          case Success(u) => Logger.debug(s"Persisted content: '$content'")
          case Failure(t) => Logger.error(s"Failed to persist content: '$content", t)

      val bcast = builder.add(Broadcast[String](2))
      bcast.out(1) ~> persistenceSink

      FlowShape(bcast.in, bcast.out(0))

示例15: spawn

package org.dele.text.lapa.patterns

import org.dele.text.lapa.ErrorHandling.{MatcherGenErrorFailed, MatcherGenErrorUndefinedTemplate}
import DomainStructure.LangDomainManager
import org.dele.text.maen.ConfValueStringParser.Parsed
import org.dele.text.maen.matchers.MatcherTmpl.{DomainIdFinder, MatcherTmplLib}
import org.dele.text.maen.matchers.SubMatchCheckerLib._
import org.dele.text.maen.matchers.{MatcherTmpl, MatcherManager, SubMatchCheckerLib, TMatcher}
import org.dele.text.maen.{ConfValueStringParser, AtomPropMatcherLib}
import org.dele.text.maen.matchers.TMatcher.MId

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

trait TMatcherGen {
  def spawn(parsedDefi: Parsed, id:Option[MId], regexDict:Map[String,String])(implicit domainManager:LangDomainManager, subMatchCheckerLib: SubMatchCheckerLib, domain:Option[String]):Try[TMatcher]

object TMatcherGen {

  private[TMatcherGen] class AtomLibMatcherGen extends TMatcherGen {
    import TMatcher._
    def spawn(parsedDefi: Parsed, id:Option[MId], regexDict:Map[String,String])(implicit domainManager:LangDomainManager, subMatchCheckerLib: SubMatchCheckerLib, domain:Option[String]):Try[TMatcher] = {
      //val parsed = ConfValueStringParser.parse(defi)
      if (AtomPropMatcherLib.contains(parsedDefi.id)) Success(fromAtomMatcher(AtomPropMatcherLib.spawn(parsedDefi.id, parsedDefi.paras, regexDict), EmptyCheckerIds, id))
      else Failure(MatcherGenErrorUndefinedTemplate(parsedDefi.id))

  val NoMatcherTemplateLibGen:TMatcherGen = new AtomLibMatcherGen

  private[TMatcherGen] class MatcherTemplateGen(val tmplLib:MatcherTmplLib) extends TMatcherGen {
    def spawn(parsedDefi: Parsed, id:Option[MId], regexDict:Map[String,String])(implicit domainManager:LangDomainManager, subMatchCheckerLib: SubMatchCheckerLib, domain:Option[String]):Try[TMatcher] = {
      if (tmplLib.contains(parsedDefi.id)) {
        val domainIdFinder:DomainIdFinder = id => if (domain.nonEmpty) domainManager.getFullId(domain.get, id) else domainManager.getGlobalDomainFullId(id)
        Success(tmplLib.spawn(parsedDefi.id, parsedDefi.paras, regexDict, id, Option(domainIdFinder)))
      else Failure(MatcherGenErrorUndefinedTemplate(parsedDefi.id))

  private[TMatcherGen] class ChainedGen(val matcherGens:TMatcherGen*) extends TMatcherGen {
    def spawn(parsedDefi: Parsed, id:Option[MId], regexDict:Map[String,String])(implicit domainManager:LangDomainManager, subMatchCheckerLib: SubMatchCheckerLib, domain:Option[String]):Try[TMatcher] = {
      val gened = matcherGens.map(_.spawn(parsedDefi, id, regexDict))
      val filtered = gened.filter(_.isSuccess)
      if (filtered.nonEmpty) filtered(0)
      else Failure(MatcherGenErrorFailed(parsedDefi))

  private def TemplateGen(tmplLib:MatcherTmplLib)(implicit subMatchCheckerLib: SubMatchCheckerLib):TMatcherGen = {
    new MatcherTemplateGen(tmplLib)

  def All(tmplLib:MatcherTmplLib)(implicit subMatchCheckerLib: SubMatchCheckerLib):TMatcherGen =
    new ChainedGen(TemplateGen(tmplLib), NoMatcherTemplateLibGen)
