本文整理汇总了Scala中scala.reflect.io.File类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala File类的具体用法?Scala File怎么用?Scala File使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: LocalFileUtil
package com.github.youzp
import scala.reflect.io.File
object LocalFileUtil {
def isDirectoryExists(directory: String): Boolean = {
val dir = File(directory)
if (dir.isDirectory) true else false
def isFileExists(fileName: String): Boolean = {
val file = File(fileName)
if (file.isFile && file.exists) true else false
def deleteFile(fileName: String): Unit = {
val file = File(fileName)
if (file.isFile && file.exists) {
def deleteDirectory(directory: String): Unit = {
val dir = File(directory)
if (dir.isDirectory && dir.exists) {
def deleteFileWithPath(path: String): Boolean = {
val file = File(path)
if (file.isDirectory) {
} else {
示例2: Config
package org.nomadblacky.oreoretemplate
import xsbti.{ AppConfiguration, MainResult }
import scala.reflect.io.File
case class Config(variablesFile: File = File("variables"), templateDirectory: File = File("templates"))
class Exit(val code: Int) extends xsbti.Exit
class OreOreTemplate extends xsbti.AppMain {
override def run(appConfiguration: AppConfiguration): MainResult = new Exit(run(appConfiguration.arguments()))
def run(args: Array[String]): Int = {
args.partition { s ?
object OreOreTemplate {
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Config]("oreoretemplate") {
head("oretmpl", "0.1.0")
示例3: ScannerPrint
package chehao.myscala
import java.util.Scanner
import scala.reflect.io.File
import scala.reflect.io.Path.string2path
object ScannerPrint {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//object is like singleton object of a class defined implicitly.
scanner => println("pid is " + scanner.next()))
//throw exception
scanner => log("pid is " + scanner.next() + 1/0))
//call By Name don't throw exception, , evaluate until execute
scanner => logByName("pid is " + scanner.next() + 1/0))
def withScan(f: File, op: Scanner => Unit) {
val scanner = new Scanner(f.bufferedReader())
try {
} finally {
val logEnable = false
def log(msg:String) = if(logEnable) println(msg)
//call by name
def logByName(msg: =>String) = if(logEnable) println(msg)
示例4: WordCounter
import scala.io.Codec.string2codec
import scala.io.Source
import scala.reflect.io.File
object WordCounter {
val SrcDestination: String = ".." + File.separator + "file.txt"
val Word = "\\b([A-Za-z\\-])+\\b".r
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val counter = Source.fromFile(SrcDestination)("UTF-8")
.map(l => Word.findAllIn(l.toLowerCase()).toSeq)
示例5: VerifiableFileSpec
package org.plunderknowledge.sumcrawler.model.test
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.plunderknowledge.sumcrawler.model.VerifiableFile
import scala.reflect.io.File
import scala.util.Random
import com.roundeights.hasher.Implicits._
import org.specs2.specification.BeforeAll
import scalikejdbc._
import scalikejdbc.config._
import scalikejdbc.specs2.mutable.AutoRollback
import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway
class VerifiableFileSpec extends Specification with BeforeAll {
override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
val flyway = new Flyway()
"Verifiable file should correctly identify correct sums" in new AutoRollback {
val verifiable = VerifiableFile(VerifiableFileSpec.correctFileUrl, VerifiableFileSpec.correctFileSum, "md5", None)
verifiable.verify() must beTrue
sql"""select count(*) as success_count from signature
where success = true""".map(rs => rs.int("success_count")).single.apply() must beEqualTo(Some(1))
object VerifiableFileSpec {
def kestrel[A](x: A)(f: A => Unit): A = { f(x); x }
def writeFile(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = {
val f = File.makeTemp()
val correctFileBytes = kestrel(Array.fill[Byte](200)(0))(Random.nextBytes)
val tempFileName = writeFile(correctFileBytes)
val correctFileSum = correctFileBytes.md5.hex
val correctFileUrl = s"file://${tempFileName}"
示例6: Main
package driver
import configuration._
import scala.io.StdIn
import scala.reflect.io.File
object Main extends App {
val configFile = "lockStepConfigFile"
File(configFile).createFile(failIfExists = false)
println("Hello and welcome to LockStep")
LockStepArgs.parse(args = args, LockStepArgsConfig()) match {
case Some(config) => exeucuteConfig(config = config)
case None => displayErrorMessage()
private def exeucuteConfig(config:LockStepArgsConfig) = config match {
case LockStepArgsConfig(true, setup, run) => displayHelp()
case LockStepArgsConfig(false, true, run) => setup()
case LockStepArgsConfig(false, false, true) => run()
case _ => displayErrorMessage()
private def setup(): Unit = {
print("Please enter localDir:")
val localDir = StdIn.readLine()
print("Please enter remote directory:")
val remoteDir = StdIn.readLine()
print("Please add remote server location:")
val remoteServerLocation = StdIn.readLine()
RemoteLocation(remoteDir, remoteServerLocation))
private def run() : Unit = {
private def displayHelp() : Unit = {
println("TODO : Write down Help")
private def displayErrorMessage() : Unit = {
println("TODO: Write down display error message")
示例7: ConfigurationSpec
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
import configuration.{LockStepConfiguration, LockStepConfigurationManager, RemoteLocation}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec}
import scala.reflect.io.File
class ConfigurationSpec extends FlatSpec with BeforeAndAfter {
val testConfigFile:String = "TEST_CONFIG_FILE"
val testLocalDir:String = "fooLocalDir"
val testRemoteDir:String = "fooRemoteDir"
val testRemoteAddr:String = "fooRemoteAddr"
before {
File(testConfigFile).createFile(failIfExists = true)
after {
"A LockStepConfigurationManager" should "be able to add and retrieve " +
"configuration items in config file" in {
val configMgr = LockStepConfigurationManager(testConfigFile)
RemoteLocation(testRemoteDir, testRemoteAddr))
val lockStepConfig = configMgr.readLockStepConfigurationFile()
"A LockStepConfiguration" should "not break on getting invalid configs" in {
val lockStepConfig = LockStepConfiguration()
assertThrows[NoSuchElementException] {
assertThrows[NoSuchElementException] {
示例8: Configuration
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
package it.helpers
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
import com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.EventHubClient
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import scala.reflect.io.File
object Configuration {
// JSON parser setup, brings in default date formats etc.
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
private[this] val confConnPath = "iothub-react.connection."
private[this] val confStreamingPath = "iothub-react.streaming."
private[this] val conf: Config = ConfigFactory.load()
// Read-only settings
val iotHubNamespace : String = conf.getString(confConnPath + "namespace")
val iotHubName : String = conf.getString(confConnPath + "name")
val iotHubPartitions: Int = conf.getInt(confConnPath + "partitions")
val accessPolicy : String = conf.getString(confConnPath + "accessPolicy")
val accessKey : String = conf.getString(confConnPath + "accessKey")
// Tests can override these
var receiverConsumerGroup: String = EventHubClient.DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME
var receiverTimeout : Long = conf.getDuration(confStreamingPath + "receiverTimeout").toMillis
var receiverBatchSize : Int = conf.getInt(confStreamingPath + "receiverBatchSize")
// Read devices configuration from JSON file
private[this] lazy val devicesJsonFile = conf.getString(confConnPath + "devices")
private[this] lazy val devicesJson: String = File(devicesJsonFile).slurp()
private[this] lazy val devices : Array[DeviceCredentials] = parse(devicesJson).extract[Array[DeviceCredentials]]
def deviceCredentials(id: String): DeviceCredentials = {
val deviceData: Option[DeviceCredentials] = devices.find(x ? x.deviceId == id)
if (deviceData == None) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Device '${id}' credentials not found")
if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(devicesJsonFile))) {
throw new RuntimeException("Devices credentials not found")
package com.kylin.scala.hdfs.init
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import scala.reflect.io.File
val conf: Configuration = new Configuration()
if (File(userConfDir + PATH_TO_HDFS_SITE_XML).exists &&
File(userConfDir + PATH_TO_CORE_SITE_XML).exists){
conf.addResource(new Path(userConfDir + PATH_TO_HDFS_SITE_XML))
conf.addResource(new Path(userConfDir + PATH_TO_CORE_SITE_XML))
println("success to load conf file : hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml")
println("File not find: hdfs-site.xml or core-site.xml")
示例10: Numpy
package testbed
import testbed._
import scala.reflect.io.{File, Path}
import scala.sys.process.{ProcessLogger, Process}
class Numpy[ResultType](val pathToPython: String, numpyImportAlias: String = "np") {
def isInstalled = {
val testPythonCmd = Process(s"$pathToPython --version")
val testNumpyCmd = Process(Seq(pathToPython, "-c", "'import numpy; print(numpy.version)'"))
def pythonInstalled = {
var result = ""
testPythonCmd ! ProcessLogger(line => result += line)
result contains "Python"
def numpyInstalled = {
var result = ""
testNumpyCmd ! ProcessLogger(line => result += line)
!(result contains "Error")
pythonInstalled && numpyInstalled
val NOT_INSTALLED_MSG: String = s"No numpy installation found with $pathToPython."
val PYTHON_SRC_FILE_NAME: String = "src_buffer.py"
def getResult(numpyExpr: String, bufferName: String, resultReader: String => ResultType) = {
assert(isInstalled, NOT_INSTALLED_MSG)
val absolutePathToBuffer = Path(bufferName).toAbsolute.path
val pythonSrcFile = File(PYTHON_SRC_FILE_NAME)
val pythonFileWriteExpr =
s"""import numpy as $numpyImportAlias
|import csv
|with open('$absolutePathToBuffer', 'w') as buffer_file:
| csv_writer = csv.writer(buffer_file, delimiter=',')
| for result_line in $numpyExpr:
| result_line = [result_line]
| csv_writer.writerow(result_line)
Process(Seq(pathToPython, pythonSrcFile.toAbsolute.path))!