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Scala readLine类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Scala中scala.io.StdIn.readLine的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala readLine类的具体用法?Scala readLine怎么用?Scala readLine使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: SevenSteps

package de.htwg.se.SevenSteps

import com.google.inject.Guice
import de.htwg.se.SevenSteps.aview.gui.SwingGui
import de.htwg.se.SevenSteps.aview.tui._
import de.htwg.se.SevenSteps.controller.IController

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

object SevenSteps {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    //    val con = FactoryBasic.state.newController
    val injector = Guice.createInjector(new SevenStepsModule)
    var con = injector.getInstance(classOf[IController])
    val tui = new Tui(con)
    val gui = new SwingGui(con)
    while (tui.processInputLine(readLine())) {}

示例2: Game

package de.htwg.se.menschaergerdichnicht

import com.google.inject.Guice
import de.htwg.se.menschaergerdichnicht.aview.gui.SwingGui
import de.htwg.se.menschaergerdichnicht.aview.tui.Tui
import de.htwg.se.menschaergerdichnicht.controller.controllerComponent.ControllerInterface
import de.htwg.se.menschaergerdichnicht.controller.controllerComponent.controllerBaseImpl.Controller
import de.htwg.se.menschaergerdichnicht.model.fieldComponent.fieldBaseImpl.Dice
import de.htwg.se.menschaergerdichnicht.model.playerComponent.playerBaseImpl.Player

import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

// should try idea ultimate for worksheets
// datenstrukturen sollten runterskalieren, auf skalierbarkeit achten
// fuer einfache testfaelle

object Game {

  val injector = Guice.createInjector(new MenschAergerDichNichtModule)
  val controller = injector.getInstance(classOf[ControllerInterface])
  val tui = controller.tui
  val gui = controller.gui
  gui.visible = true

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    var input: String = ""
    do {
      input = readLine()
    } while (input != "q")

示例3: Sudoku

package de.htwg.se.sudoku

import com.google.inject.Guice
import de.htwg.se.sudoku.aview.Tui
import de.htwg.se.sudoku.aview.gui.SwingGui
import de.htwg.se.sudoku.controller.controllerComponent.ControllerInterface

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

object Sudoku {
  val injector = Guice.createInjector(new SudokuModule)
  val controller = injector.getInstance(classOf[ControllerInterface])
  val tui = new Tui(controller)
  val gui = new SwingGui(controller)

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    var input: String = ""

    do {
      input = readLine()
    } while (input != "q")

示例4: ClientCommandsLoop

package commands.runner

import akka.actor.ActorRef
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import commands.ClientCommands._
import commands.entities._
import utils.{HelpPrinter, UserInformer}

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine
import scala.util.Try

class ClientCommandsLoop(executor: ActorRef, exitCallback: (Int) => Unit) extends StrictLogging with UserInformer {

  def start(): Unit = {
      "Hey, welcome to fun-chat! \n" +
        "Type 'help' to show demo client commands.")

    Try {
      do {
        val input: String = readLine()
        input match {
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(HELP)               => HelpPrinter.print()
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(SIGN_IN)            => executor ! SignInCommand(cmd)
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(SIGN_UP)            => executor ! SignUpCommand(cmd)
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(SIGN_OUT)           => executor ! SignOutCommand(cmd)
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(UPDATE_CREDENTIALS) => executor ! UpdateCredentialsCommand(cmd)
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(ONLINE_USERS)       => executor ! ListOnlineUsersCommand(cmd)
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(USER_INFO)          => executor ! GetUserInfoCommand(cmd)
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(SEND_MESSAGE)       => executor ! SendMessageCommand(cmd)
          case cmd if cmd.startsWith(EXIT)               => exitCallback(0)
          case other                                     => informUserCallback(s"Unsupported command ! $other")
      } while (true)
    }.recover {
      case ex: Exception =>
        informUserCallback("Unexpected error occurred!")
        logger.error("Unexpected error occurred!", ex)

示例5: Hello

package de.htwg.sa.connectfour

import de.htwg.sa.connectfour.model.{Matchfield, Player}
import de.htwg.sa.connectfour.controller.Controller
import de.htwg.sa.connectfour.view.Tui

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

object Hello extends App{
  val (rows, columns) = (6,7)
  val player1 = Player(1, "player1")
  val player2 = Player(2, "player2")
  val controller = new Controller(new Matchfield(rows, columns), player1, player2)
  val tui = new Tui(controller)

    var input: String = ""

    do {
      input = readLine()
    } while (input != "q")


示例6: Main

package calculator

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine
import calculator.parser.Trees._

object Main {
  // Interpretation Memory
  var memory: Map[Identifier, ExprTree] = Map()
  // Execution Memory
  var memory_double: Map[String, Double] = Map()
  var memory_reference: Map[String, String] = Map()
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    println("Welcome to the Scala calculator !")

  def console: Unit = {
    val pattern = "i (.*)".r
    readLine match {
      case "quit"  => println("Bye !")
      case "usage" => {
        // allows interpretation only, without execution (to see the parsing result)
      case pattern(s) => {
        (new Calculator(s)).interpret
        // interpretation and execution, result is printed
      case s => {
        (new Calculator(s)).execute

  def usage = {
    println("Welcome to the help.")
    println(" Type 'i expr' to see the interpretation (the parsing result) but not the execution and result.")
    println("Supports only POSITIVE INTEGERS as inputs, but any float for a result")
    println(" Use substraction and/or fraction to generate negative/fractionnal numbers")
    println(" a = (0 - 1)/2; a will take value -0.5")
    println("Supported Operators: +, -, *, /, % (modulo), ˆ (power), ! (factorial)")
    println(" expr1 <op> expr2, except expr! ")
    println("Keywords : GCD SQRT PRIME (in capitals!)")
    println(" prime returns 1 for false, 0 for true.")
    println(" SQRT PRIME: KEY(expr); GCD: KEY(expr1, expr2)")
    println(" result of PRIME(term) cannot be used! (not allowing 2*PRIME(term)")
    println("Memory: affectation var = expr, access: var, (var names only a-z, A-Z, not a keyword)")

示例7: E57

package fi.kajstrom.efpscala.E57

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

object E57 extends App{
  val questionService = new QuestionService("E57_questions.json")
  val game = new Game(questionService.getQuestions)


  def promptQuestion(): Unit = {
    val question = game.nextQuestion()

    println("Question: " + question.text)

    var nth = 0
    question.answers.foreach((answer: Answer) => {
      println(nth + ". " + answer.answer)
      nth += 1

    val selectedAnswer = readLine("What is your answer? ")

    if (game.answer(selectedAnswer.toInt)) {
      println("Correct! Your current score is: " + game.getScore)
    } else {

  def gameOver(): Unit = {
    println("Game over! Your score is: " + game.getScore)

示例8: StatisticsClient

package fi.kajstrom.efpscala.E36Actor

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef}

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

class StatisticsClient(manager: ActorRef) extends Actor{
  var requests = 0

  def receive = {
    case start: Start => {
      requests += 1
      manager ! RequestStatistics(requests, promptNumbers())
      requests += 1
      manager ! RequestStatistics(requests, promptNumbers())
    case statistics: StatisticsCalculated => {
      println(s"Results for request: ${statistics.requestId}")
      println(s"The average is ${statistics.average}.")
      println(s"The minimum is ${statistics.minimum}.")
      println(s"The maximum is ${statistics.maximum}.")
      println(s"The standard deviation is ${statistics.standardDeviation}")

  def promptNumbers(): Vector[Int] = {
    var numbers = Vector[Int]()
    var running = true

    while (running) {
      val input = readLine("Enter a number: ")

      if (input != "done") {
        try {
          numbers = numbers :+ input.toInt
        } catch {
          case nfe: NumberFormatException => println("That's not a valid number...")
          case _ => println("What seems to be the officer, problem?")
      } else {
        running = false


case class Start() 

示例9: WillsQuest

package de.htwg.se.wills_quest.a_WillsQuest

import de.htwg.se.wills_quest.d_model.impl.JsonParser
import de.htwg.se.wills_quest.c_controller.impl.Controller
import de.htwg.se.wills_quest.d_model.impl.Person

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.io.StdIn.readLine
import com.google.inject.Guice
import de.htwg.se.wills_quest.b_ui.impl.{Gui, Tui}
import de.htwg.se.wills_quest.util.WillsQuestInjector

object WillsQuest {

  val injector = Guice.createInjector(new WillsQuestInjector)
  val will_pics = Array("Will_combat.png", "Will_auffordern.png", "Will_frozen.png")
  val will = PersonFactory("will", "Will", "Default.png", 120, null)
  val putzfrau_pics = Array("putzfrau_intro.png", "Putzfrau_Combat.png", "putzfrau_frozen.png")
  val putzfrau_attacks = AttackFactory(Map("Mobwirbel" -> 20, "Wischen" -> 10))
  val putzfrau = PersonFactory("enemy", "Putzfrau", "Default.png", 120, putzfrau_attacks)
  val buecherwurm_pics = Array("Bucherwurm_Intro.png", "Bucherwurm_combat.png", "Buecherwurm_frozen.png")
  val buechderwurm_attacks = AttackFactory(Map("Buecherwurf" -> 30, "Klausurvorbereitung" -> 35, "Prüfungsstress" -> 40))
  val buecherwurm = PersonFactory("enemy", "Bücherwurm", "Default.png", 120, buechderwurm_attacks)
  val bauingenieur_pics = Array("Bauingenieur_Intro.png", "Bauingenieur_combat.png", "Bauingenieur_frozen.png")
  val bauingenieur_attacks = AttackFactory(Map("Bellen" -> 20, "Wetttrinken" -> 38))
  val bauingenieur = PersonFactory("enemy", "Bauingenieur", "Default.png", 120, bauingenieur_attacks)
  val erstsemester_pics = Array("Erstsemester_Intro.png", "Erstsemester_combat.png", "Erstsemester_frozen.png")
  val erstsemester_attacks = AttackFactory(Map("Nasepudern" -> 30))
  val erstsemester = PersonFactory("enemy", "Erstsemester", "Default.png", 120, erstsemester_attacks)
  val professor_pics = Array("Professor_Intro.png", "Professor_combat.png", "Professor_frozen.png")
  val professor_attacks = AttackFactory(Map("Laiserpointer" -> 40, "Redetalent" -> 50))
  val professor = PersonFactory("enemy", "Professor", "Default.png", 120, professor_attacks)
  val persons = new ArrayBuffer[Person]
  persons.append(will, putzfrau, buecherwurm, bauingenieur, erstsemester, professor)

  val jsonParser = new JsonParser

  val controller = new Controller(persons, jsonParser, 1, injector)
  val tui = new Tui(controller)
  val gui = new Gui(controller)

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    while (tui.processInputLine(readLine())) {}


示例10: DateFile

package churchscreen.shell

import java.io.File
import java.util.Calendar
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

object DateFile
  def apply(dir : File, ext : String) : DateFile =
    val fileDate = promptForDate
    new DateFile(dir, fileDate, ext)

  def apply(dir : File, fileName : String, ext : String) : DateFile =
    new DateFile(dir, fileName, ext)

  private def promptForDate : String =
    val defaultAnswer = nextSunday
    print("Enter the service date [%s]:".format(defaultAnswer))
    readLine() match
      case s if s.matches("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}") => s
      case d if "".equals(d) => defaultAnswer
      case _ => promptForDate

  private def nextSunday : String =
    val formatString = "yyyy-MM-dd"
    val cal = Calendar.getInstance
    val dayOfWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
    if (dayOfWeek != Calendar.SUNDAY)
        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 1 + 7 - dayOfWeek)
    new SimpleDateFormat(formatString) format cal.getTime

class DateFile(val dir : File, val fileName : String, val fileExtension : String)
  def file : File =
    val dateName = "%s.%s".format(fileName, fileExtension)
    new File(dir, dateName)

  def path = file.getAbsolutePath

示例11: Reading

package churchscreen.show

import java.awt.{Rectangle, Dimension, Point}

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

object Reading
  def readPassage =
    println("Enter passage:")

  def readPageNumber =
    println("Enter page number:")

  def bibleReadingTitleAnchor = new Rectangle(new Point(51, 129), new Dimension(921, 260))

  def bibleReadingTextAnchor = new Rectangle(new Point(51, 396), new Dimension(921, 320))

示例12: run

package coalgebraz
package driver

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

import Coalgebraz._

trait MooreDriver {

  def run[I, O, X](m: Moore[I, O, X])(x: X): List[I] => O = unfoldMoore(m)(x)

  def runIO[I: Read, O, X](m: Moore[I, O, X])(x: X, e: O => Unit): Unit =

  def runFunctionIO[I: Read, O](
      f: List[I] => O)(
      e: O => Unit): Unit = {
    val s = readLine("z> ")
    val oi = Read[I].read(s)
    oi.fold(s match {
      case "" => runFunctionIO(f)(e)
      case "exit" => println("Bye!")
      case _ => {
        println(s"unknown input: '$s'")
    }) { i =>
      runFunctionIO((i2: List[I]) => f(List(i) ++ i2))(e)

  def unfoldMoore[I, O, X](m: Moore[I, O, X])(x: X): List[I] => O =

  def anaMoore[I, O, X](s: Moore[I, O, X]): X => List[I] => O =
    s andThen (_ map anaMoore(s)) andThen (mf => xs =>
      if (xs.isEmpty) mf.output else mf.next(xs.head)(xs.tail))

示例13: runMealy

package coalgebraz
package driver

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

import Coalgebraz._

trait MealyDriver {

  def runMealy[I, O, X](m: Mealy[I, O, X])(x: X): NonEmptyList[I] => O =

  def runIOMealy[I: Read, O, X](m: Mealy[I, O, X])(x: X, e: O => Unit): Unit =

  def runNelFunctionIO[I: Read, O](
      f: NonEmptyList[I] => O)(
      e: O => Unit): Unit = {
    val s = readLine("z> ")
    val oi = Read[I].read(s)
    oi.fold(s match {
      case "" => runNelFunctionIO(f)(e)
      case "exit" => println("Bye!")
      case _ => {
        println(s"unknown input: '$s'")
    }) { i =>
      runNelFunctionIO((i2: NonEmptyList[I]) => f(i.wrapNel append i2))(e)

  def unfoldMealy[I, O, X](m: Mealy[I, O, X])(x: X): NonEmptyList[I] => O =

  def anaMealy[I, O, X](m: Mealy[I, O, X]): X => NonEmptyList[I] => O =
    m andThen (_ map anaMealy(m)) andThen (mf => {
      case NonEmptyList(x, INil()) => mf.next(x)._1
      case NonEmptyList(x1, ICons(x2, xs)) =>
        mf.next(x1)._2(NonEmptyList.nel(x2, xs))

示例14: runObject

package coalgebraz
package driver

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

import Coalgebraz._

trait ObjectDriver {

  def runObject[I, O, E, X](
      ob: Object[I, O, E, X])(x: X): NonEmptyList[I] => (E \/ O) =

  def runIOObject[I: Read, O, E, X](
      ob: Object[I, O, E, X])(x: X, efe: E => Unit, efo: O => Unit): Unit =
    runFunctionIOObject(unfoldObject(ob)(x))(efe, efo)

  def runFunctionIOObject[I: Read, O, E](
      f: NonEmptyList[I] => (E \/ O))(
      efe: E => Unit,
      efo: O => Unit): Unit = {
    val s = readLine("z> ")
    val oi = Read[I].read(s)
    oi.fold(s match {
      case "" => runFunctionIOObject(f)(efe, efo)
      case "exit" => println("Bye!")
      case _ => {
        println(s"unknown input: '$s'")
        runFunctionIOObject(f)(efe, efo)
    }) { i =>
        o => {
            (i2: NonEmptyList[I]) => f(i.wrapNel append i2))(efe, efo)

  def unfoldObject[I, O, E, X](
      ob: Object[I, O, E, X])(
      x: X): NonEmptyList[I] => (E \/ O) =

  def anaObject[I, O, E, X](
      ob: Object[I, O, E, X]): X => NonEmptyList[I] => (E \/ O) =
    ob andThen (_ map anaObject(ob)) andThen (obf => {
      case NonEmptyList(i, INil()) => obf.method(i).map(_._1)
      case NonEmptyList(i1, ICons(i2, t)) => obf.method(i1).fold(
        e => e.left,
        ox => ox._2(NonEmptyList.nel(i2, t)))

示例15: runCCSIO

package coalgebraz
package driver

import scala.collection.immutable.{ Stream => LazyList }

import scala.io.StdIn.readLine

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

import Coalgebraz._

trait CCSDriver {

  def runCCSIO[A, X](
      m: CCS[A, X])(
      x: X,
      el: A => Unit,
      er: A => Unit)(implicit
      ev0: Read[A \/ A]): Unit =
    runLTSIO(unfoldCCS(m)(x))(el, er)

  def runLTSIO[A](
      dt: LTS[A])(
      el: A => Unit, er: A => Unit)(implicit
      ev0: Read[A \/ A]): Unit = {
    if (dt.branches.isEmpty)
    else {
      dt.branches.foreach(b => b._1.fold(el, er))
      val s = readLine("z> ")
      val oa = Read[A \/ A].read(s)
      oa.fold(s match {
        case "" => runLTSIO(dt)(el, er)
        case "exit" => println("bye!")
        case _ => {
          println(s"unknown input: '$s'")
          runLTSIO(dt)(el, er)
      }) { a =>
        dt.branches.find(_._1 == a).fold {
          println(s"invalid transition: '$s'")
          runLTSIO(dt)(el, er)
        } { case (_, dt2) => runLTSIO(dt2)(el, er) }

  def unfoldCCS[A, X](m: CCS[A, X])(x: X): LTS[A] = anaCCS(m)(x)

  def anaCCS[A, X](m: CCS[A, X]): X => LTS[A] =
    m andThen (_ map anaCCS(m)) andThen (mf => LTS(mf.next))

  class LTS[A](_branches: => LazyList[(A \/ A, LTS[A])]) {
    def branches: LazyList[(A \/ A, LTS[A])] = _branches

  object LTS {
    def apply[A](branches: => LazyList[(A \/ A, LTS[A])]): LTS[A] =
      new LTS(branches)
