本文整理汇总了Scala中scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala TreeMap类的具体用法?Scala TreeMap怎么用?Scala TreeMap使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
package chapter17
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
val ts = TreeSet(9, 3, 1, 8, 0, 2, 7, 4, 6, 5)
val ts2 = TreeSet(ts.toSeq: _*)(ts.ordering.reverse)
val cs = TreeSet('f', 'u', 'n')
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
var tm = TreeMap(3 -> 'x', 1 -> 'x', 4 -> 'x')
tm += (2 -> 'x')
val tm2 = TreeMap(tm.toSeq: _*)(tm.ordering.reverse)
示例2: Stats
package akka.performance.workbench
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
case class Stats(
name: String,
load: Int,
timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis,
durationNanos: Long = 0L,
n: Long = 0L,
min: Long = 0L,
max: Long = 0L,
mean: Double = 0.0,
tps: Double = 0.0,
percentiles: TreeMap[Int, Long] = Stats.emptyPercentiles) {
def median: Long = percentiles(50)
object Stats {
val emptyPercentiles = TreeMap[Int, Long](
5 -> 0L,
25 -> 0L,
50 -> 0L,
75 -> 0L,
95 -> 0L)
示例3: DistributedPubSubMessageSerializerSpec
package akka.contrib.pattern.protobuf
import akka.actor.{ ExtendedActorSystem, Address }
import akka.testkit.AkkaSpec
import akka.contrib.pattern.DistributedPubSubMediator._
import akka.contrib.pattern.DistributedPubSubMediator.Internal._
import akka.actor.Props
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
class DistributedPubSubMessageSerializerSpec extends AkkaSpec {
val serializer = new DistributedPubSubMessageSerializer(system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem])
def checkSerialization(obj: AnyRef): Unit = {
val blob = serializer.toBinary(obj)
val ref = serializer.fromBinary(blob, obj.getClass)
ref should be(obj)
" DistributedPubSubMessages" must {
"be serializable" in {
val address1 = Address("akka.tcp", "system", "some.host.org", 4711)
val address2 = Address("akka.tcp", "system", "other.host.org", 4711)
val address3 = Address("akka.tcp", "system", "some.host.org", 4712)
val u1 = system.actorOf(Props.empty, "u1")
val u2 = system.actorOf(Props.empty, "u2")
val u3 = system.actorOf(Props.empty, "u3")
val u4 = system.actorOf(Props.empty, "u4")
checkSerialization(Status(Map(address1 -> 3, address2 -> 17, address3 -> 5)))
Bucket(address1, 3, TreeMap("/user/u1" -> ValueHolder(2, Some(u1)), "/user/u2" -> ValueHolder(3, Some(u2)))),
Bucket(address2, 17, TreeMap("/user/u3" -> ValueHolder(17, Some(u3)))),
Bucket(address3, 5, TreeMap("/user/u4" -> ValueHolder(4, Some(u4)), "/user/u5" -> ValueHolder(5, None))))))
checkSerialization(Send("/user/u3", "hello", localAffinity = true))
checkSerialization(SendToAll("/user/u3", "hello", allButSelf = true))
checkSerialization(Publish("mytopic", "hello"))
示例4: RouteBuilder
package com.viajobien.busy.models.routing
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
class RouteBuilder(routeTables: List[Route]) extends PathUtil {
def createRouteTree: RouteTree = routeTables.foldLeft[RouteTree](
new RouteEmpty()
) { (rn, rt) =>
rn ++ this.buildTree(rt, this.splitPath(rt.path))
private def buildTree(routeTable: Route, parts: List[String] = Nil): RouteTree =
parts match {
case Nil => new RouteEndpointNode(List(routeTable))
case PATH_WILDCARD :: ps => new RouteNode(TreeMap(PATH_WILDCARD -> new RouteWildcardNode(List(routeTable))))
case p :: ps => new RouteNode(TreeMap(p -> this.buildTree(routeTable, ps)))
示例5: LandRegistryPricePaidData
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
package object PaidDatas {
type PaidDatas = TreeMap[String, LandRegistryPricePaidDataItem]
class LandRegistryPricePaidData(val paidDatas: PaidDatas.PaidDatas ) {
def this(ppds: List[LandRegistryPricePaidDataItem] = List() ) {
this(ppds.map(t => t.transactionUniqueIdentifier -> t)(collection.breakOut) : PaidDatas.PaidDatas)
def merge(ppds: List[LandRegistryPricePaidDataItem]): LandRegistryPricePaidData = {
val newListOfPpds = ppds.foldLeft(paidDatas)((z, t) =>
t.recordStatus match {
case "D" => z - t.transactionUniqueIdentifier
case _ => z + (t.transactionUniqueIdentifier -> t)
new LandRegistryPricePaidData(newListOfPpds)
示例6: TreeSetStdDevBench
package com.rklaehn.persistentsummary
import ichi.bench.Thyme
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
object TreeSetStdDevBench extends App {
val cachedSummary = PersistentSummary.treeMapValue(StdDevSummary)
def avgAndStdDev(values: TreeMap[Int, Double]): (Long, Double, Double) = {
val (n, sum, sum2) = cachedSummary(values)
val avg = sum / n
val variance = sum2 / (n - 1) - (sum * sum) / (n * (n - 1.0))
val stdDev = math.sqrt(variance)
(n, avg, stdDev)
def avgAndStdDevUncached(values: TreeMap[Int, Double]): (Long, Double, Double) = {
val (n, sum, sum2) = values.values.foldLeft(StdDevSummary.empty) { case (a, e) => StdDevSummary.combine(a, StdDevSummary.apply(e)) }
val avg = sum / n
val variance = sum2 / (n - 1) - (sum * sum) / (n * (n - 1.0))
val stdDev = math.sqrt(variance)
(n, avg, stdDev)
val max = 16 * 1024
val elements: TreeMap[Int, Double] = TreeMap((0 until max).map { i => i -> (i % 16).toDouble }: _*)
val elements1 = elements + (max / 2 -> 1000.0)
val th = Thyme.warmed(warmth = Thyme.HowWarm.BenchOff, verbose = println)
def stdDevUncached(): Double = {
val elements1 = elements + (max / 2 -> 1000.0)
def stdDevCached(): Double = {
val elements1 = elements + (max / 2 -> 1000.0)
th.pbenchOffWarm(s"average and stddev when modifying one element in a collection of size $max")(th.Warm(stdDevCached()))(th.Warm(stdDevUncached()))
示例7: DistributedRandomGenerator
package com.wavesplatform.generator
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
class DistributedRandomGenerator[T](probabilities: Map[T, Float]) {
assert(probabilities.values.sum == 1)
def getRandom: T = {
val rand = Math.random
val g = probabilities.foldLeft((TreeMap[Float, Option[T]](0f -> None), 0f)) { case ((m, max), (t, prob)) =>
val limit = max + prob
(m.updated(limit, Some(t)), limit)
g.toSeq.sliding(2).find {
case Seq((from, _), (to, _)) =>
rand >= from && rand <= to
示例8: MultiMap
package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.util
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
object MultiMap {
def apply[K:Ordering, V] : MultiMap[K, V] = MultiMap(TreeMap())
case class MultiMap[K, V](map: TreeMap[K, List[V]]) {
def add(key: K, value: V) : MultiMap[K, V] = {
val newElement = map.get(key) match {
case Some(list) => value::list
case None => List(value)
MultiMap(map + (key -> newElement))
def remove(key: K, value: V) : MultiMap[K, V] = {
map.get(key) match {
case Some(list) =>
//TODO: this is only ineffective operation, but in our case lists should be rather short
val withRemovedEl = list.filterNot(_ == value)
MultiMap(map + (key -> withRemovedEl))
case None =>
def from(minimalKey: K) = MultiMap(map.from(minimalKey))
def until(minimalKey: K) = MultiMap(map.until(minimalKey))
示例9: RouletteWheelSelector
package com.swara.learn.genetic
package selectors
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.util.Random
class RouletteWheelSelector[T] extends Selector[T] {
override def select(individuals: Seq[Individual[T]], n: Int): Seq[Individual[T]] = {
// Build a prefix-sum of individual fitness and store in a tree map. This allows us to perform
// fitness-proportionate random selection in O(|I| log |I| + n log |I|).
var wheel = TreeMap.empty[Double, Individual[T]]
var total = 0.0
individuals.foreach { i =>
if (total == 0.0 || i.fitness > 0.0) {
total += i.fitness
wheel += total -> i
// Randomly sample from the roulette wheel to choose the selected individuals.
Seq.fill(n)(wheel.valuesIteratorFrom(Random.nextDouble() * total).next())
示例10: CanonicalHeaders
package jkugiya.awstools.signer.v4
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.collection.mutable
private[v4] final case class CanonicalHeaders private (private val headers: TreeMap[String, Vector[String]]) {
val names: String = {
val sb =
.foldLeft(mutable.StringBuilder.newBuilder)((acc, v) => acc.append(v.toLowerCase()).append(';'))
val mkString: String = {
val sb = mutable.StringBuilder.newBuilder
for {
(key, values) <- headers
value <- values
} yield {
def apply(key: String): Vector[String] = headers(key)
def get(key: String): Option[Vector[String]] = headers.get(key)
object CanonicalHeaders {
def apply(headers: Header*): CanonicalHeaders = {
// HTTP header keys are case insensitive
implicit val orderingForKey = new Ordering[String] {
override def compare(x: String, y: String): Int =
val internalMap =
headers.foldLeft(TreeMap.empty[String, Vector[String]]) {
case (acc, Header(k, v)) =>
acc.get(k).fold {
acc + (k -> Vector(v))
} { values =>
acc + (k -> (values :+ v))
示例11: ShipMap
package com.harry0000.kancolle
import scala.collection.{Map, Seq, mutable}
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
package object ac {
type ShipName = String
type ShipMap = TreeMap[ShipCategory, Seq[ShipName]]
object ShipMap {
def empty: ShipMap = TreeMap.empty[ShipCategory, Seq[ShipName]]
def apply(value: (ShipCategory, Seq[ShipName]) *): ShipMap = TreeMap(value: _*)
sealed abstract class ShipCategory(val name: String)
object ShipCategory {
case object Destroyer extends ShipCategory("???")
case object LightCruiser extends ShipCategory("??")
case object HeavyCruiser extends ShipCategory("??")
case object SeaplaneTender extends ShipCategory("?????")
case object AircraftCarrier extends ShipCategory("??")
case object Submarine extends ShipCategory("???")
case object Battleship extends ShipCategory("??")
private val order: Map[ShipCategory, Int] = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty ++ Seq(
implicit val ordering: Ordering[ShipCategory] = Ordering.by(order.getOrElse(_, Int.MaxValue))
def apply(shipType: String): ShipCategory = shipType match {
case "??" => Destroyer
case "??" => LightCruiser
case "??" => HeavyCruiser
case "??" => SeaplaneTender
case "??" => AircraftCarrier
case "??" => AircraftCarrier
case "??" => Submarine
case "??" => Battleship
def get(index: Int): Option[ShipCategory] = order.find(_._2 == index).map(_._1)
def values: Seq[ShipCategory] = order.keys.toSeq
示例12: Set_Map
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.collection.mutable
object Set_Map {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val data = mutable.Set.empty[String]
data ++= List("1", "2", "2")
data += "4"
data --= List("2", "3")
data += "1"
val map = mutable.Map.empty[String, String]
map("java") = "Hadoop"
map("scala") = "Spark"
val treeSet = mutable.TreeSet(3, 45, 6, 3, 67, 35, 86, 32, 23)
val treeSetForChar = mutable.TreeSet("Spark", "Scala", "Hadoop")
val treeMap = TreeMap("scala" -> "Spark", "Java" -> "Hadoop")
val treeMap2=treeMap.addString(new StringBuilder("hello") ,"life is good","dsada","dasda")
示例13: LabelSpec
package com.scalafi.dynamics.attribute
import com.scalafi.openbook.orderbook.OrderBook
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
class LabelSpec extends FlatSpec {
// Mean price = (100 + 110) / 2 = 105
val lowerMeanPriceOrderBook = new OrderBook("AAPL", TreeMap(100 -> 1), TreeMap(110 ->1))
// Mean price = (110 + 120) / 2 = 115
val higherMeanPriceOrderBook = new OrderBook("AAPL", TreeMap(110 -> 1), TreeMap(120 -> 1))
"MeanPriceMovementLabel" should "correctly assign label" in {
assert(MeanPriceMovementLabel(lowerMeanPriceOrderBook, higherMeanPriceOrderBook) == Some(MeanPriceMove.Up))
assert(MeanPriceMovementLabel(higherMeanPriceOrderBook, lowerMeanPriceOrderBook) == Some(MeanPriceMove.Down))
assert(MeanPriceMovementLabel(lowerMeanPriceOrderBook, lowerMeanPriceOrderBook) == Some(MeanPriceMove.Stationary))