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Scala JsNumber类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Scala中play.api.libs.json.JsNumber的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala JsNumber类的具体用法?Scala JsNumber怎么用?Scala JsNumber使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: OrgId

package org.culture

import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, Json, Reads, Writes}

object OrgId {
  // Json serdes for our wrapper class
  implicit val reader = Reads.of[Long].map(OrgId.apply)
  implicit val writer = Writes { (orgId: OrgId) =>
case class OrgId(id: Long) extends AnyVal

object OrgInfo {
  implicit val jsonFormats = Json.format[OrgInfo]
case class OrgInfo(id: OrgId, name: String, status: Int) 

示例2: JsonResultFormatSpec

package com.pygmalios.reactiveinflux.command.query

import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, JsString, Json}

class JsonResultFormatSpec extends FlatSpec {
  import JsonResultFormatSpec._
  import JsonResultFormat._

  behavior of "format"

  it should "parse result with one series" in {
    // Execute
    val jsonResult = Json.parse(example1).as[JsonResult]

    assert(jsonResult.series.size == 1)
    val series = jsonResult.series.head
    assert(series.name == "cpu_load_short")
    assert(series.columns == List("time", "value"))
    assert(series.values.size == 3)
    assert(series.values(0)(0) == JsString("2015-01-29T21:55:43.702900257Z"))
    assert(series.values(0)(1) == JsNumber(0.55))
    assert(series.values(1)(0) == JsString("2015-01-29T21:55:43.702900257Z"))
    assert(series.values(1)(1) == JsNumber(23422))
    assert(series.values(2)(0) == JsString("2015-06-11T20:46:02Z"))
    assert(series.values(2)(1) == JsNumber(0.64))

object JsonResultFormatSpec {
  val example1 = """
                   |            "series": [
                   |                {
                   |                    "name": "cpu_load_short",
                   |                    "columns": [
                   |                        "time",
                   |                        "value"
                   |                    ],
                   |                    "values": [
                   |                        [
                   |                            "2015-01-29T21:55:43.702900257Z",
                   |                            0.55
                   |                        ],
                   |                        [
                   |                            "2015-01-29T21:55:43.702900257Z",
                   |                            23422
                   |                        ],
                   |                        [
                   |                            "2015-06-11T20:46:02Z",
                   |                            0.64
                   |                        ]
                   |                    ]
                   |                }
                   |            ]
                   |        }

示例3: ShapelessCoproductJsonSpec

package microtools.shapeless

import org.scalatest.MustMatchers
import org.scalatestplus.play.PlaySpec
import play.api.libs.json.{JsBoolean, JsNumber, JsString, Json}
import shapeless._

class ShapelessCoproductJsonSpec extends PlaySpec with MustMatchers {
  import ShapelessCoproductJson._

  "Shapeless writes" should {
    "serialize a simple coproduct" in {
      type ISB = Int :+: String :+: Boolean :+: CNil

      val isb1 = Coproduct[ISB](1234)
      val isb2 = Coproduct[ISB]("string")
      val isb3 = Coproduct[ISB](true)

      Json.toJson(isb1) mustBe JsNumber(1234)
      Json.toJson(isb2) mustBe JsString("string")
      Json.toJson(isb3) mustBe JsBoolean(true)

  "Shapeless reads" should {
    "deserialize a simple coproduct" in {
      type ISB = Int :+: String :+: Boolean :+: CNil

      val isb1 = JsBoolean(true).as[ISB]
      val isb2 = JsString("string").as[ISB]
      val isb3 = JsNumber(1234).as[ISB]

      isb1.select[Boolean] mustBe Some(true)
      isb2.select[String] mustBe Some("string")
      isb3.select[Int] mustBe Some(1234)

示例4: Holiday

package com.github.yandoroshenko.workhourscounter

import java.time.LocalDate

import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsNumber, Json}

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

trait HolidayCalendar extends Calendar {

  case class Holiday(date: LocalDate, name: String)

  private val url: String = "http://kayaposoft.com/enrico/json/v1.0/?action=getPublicHolidaysForMonth&month=%s&year=%s&country=%s"

  def getHolidays(from: LocalDate, to: LocalDate, countryCode: String): Either[Throwable, Set[Holiday]] =
    Try(getDays(from, to)
      .map(d =>
        Json.parse(io.Source.fromURL(String.format(url, d.getMonthValue.toString, d.getYear.toString, countryCode)).mkString)
          .map(v => v \ "date" -> v \ "localName")
          .map(v => Holiday(
              (v._1 \ "year").as[JsNumber].value.toIntExact,
              (v._1 \ "month").as[JsNumber].value.toIntExact,
              (v._1 \ "day").as[JsNumber].value.toInt),
            v._2.as[String])))) match {
      case Success(a) => Right(a.reduceLeft(_ ++ _).toSet)
      case Failure(e) => Left(e)

示例5: TestData

package controllers

import models.database.ReportEntity
import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, Json, JsString, JsArray}
import org.joda.time.LocalDate

object TestData {
  val inputData = Seq(
    ReportEntity("de1", new LocalDate("2014-07-01"), 10, 4, 1),
    ReportEntity("de1", new LocalDate("2014-07-02"), 12, 2, 0),
    ReportEntity("en2", new LocalDate("2014-07-03"), 8, 1, 1),
    ReportEntity("en2", new LocalDate("2014-07-04"), 14, 5, 3),
    ReportEntity("ua", new LocalDate("2014-07-05"), 10, 3, 2),
    ReportEntity("ru", new LocalDate("2014-07-06"), 4, 0, 0),
    ReportEntity("dk", new LocalDate("2014-07-07"), 2, 2, 1))

  val expectedWorldsList = JsArray(Seq(JsString("de1"), JsString("dk"), JsString("en2"), JsString("ru"), JsString("ua")))

  val expectedReportsAll = Json.obj(
    "rows" -> JsArray(Seq(
      Json.obj("world" -> "dk", "date" -> "2014-07-07", "detected" -> 2, "banned" -> 2, "deleted" -> 1),
      Json.obj("world" -> "ru", "date" -> "2014-07-06", "detected" -> 4, "banned" -> 0, "deleted" -> 0),
      Json.obj("world" -> "ua", "date" -> "2014-07-05", "detected" -> 10, "banned" -> 3, "deleted" -> 2),
      Json.obj("world" -> "en2", "date" -> "2014-07-04", "detected" -> 14, "banned" -> 5, "deleted" -> 3),
      Json.obj("world" -> "en2", "date" -> "2014-07-03", "detected" -> 8, "banned" -> 1, "deleted" -> 1),
      Json.obj("world" -> "de1", "date" -> "2014-07-02", "detected" -> 12, "banned" -> 2, "deleted" -> 0),
      Json.obj("world" -> "de1", "date" -> "2014-07-01", "detected" -> 10, "banned" -> 4, "deleted" -> 1)
    "totalRows" -> JsNumber(7),
    "totalDetected" -> JsNumber(60),
    "totalBanned" -> JsNumber(17),
    "totalDeleted" -> JsNumber(8))

  val expectedReportsWithDateAndSort = Json.obj(
    "rows" -> JsArray(Seq(
      Json.obj("world" -> "en2", "date" -> "2014-07-03", "detected" -> 8, "banned" -> 1, "deleted" -> 1),
      Json.obj("world" -> "de1", "date" -> "2014-07-02", "detected" -> 12, "banned" -> 2, "deleted" -> 0),
      Json.obj("world" -> "en2", "date" -> "2014-07-04", "detected" -> 14, "banned" -> 5, "deleted" -> 3)
    "totalRows" -> JsNumber(3),
    "totalDetected" -> JsNumber(34),
    "totalBanned" -> JsNumber(8),
    "totalDeleted" -> JsNumber(4))

  val expectedReportsWithWorld = Json.obj(
    "rows" -> JsArray(Seq(Json.obj("world" -> "ua", "date" -> "2014-07-05", "detected" -> 10, "banned" -> 3, "deleted" -> 2))),
    "totalRows" -> JsNumber(1),
    "totalDetected" -> JsNumber(10),
    "totalBanned" -> JsNumber(3),
    "totalDeleted" -> JsNumber(2))

示例6: LocationsServlet

package io.foxtrot.mapeador.servlets

import io.foxtrot.mapeador.math.DistanceCalculator
import io.foxtrot.mapeador.math.clustering.DBSCAN
import io.foxtrot.mapeador.models.{TimestampedLocationsClusterFactory, Location, MapRange, TimestampedLocation}
import org.scalatra.scalate.ScalateSupport
import org.scalatra.{Params, ScalatraServlet}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsNumber, Json}

class LocationsServlet(locations: Map[String, Seq[TimestampedLocation]]) extends ScalatraServlet with ScalateSupport {

  private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)

  get("/") {
    contentType = "text/html"

  get("/locations") {
    contentType = "application/json"
    val mapRange = getMapRange(params).getOrElse(MapRange.world)
    Json.toJson(locations.par.map {
      case (key: String, locs: Seq[TimestampedLocation]) =>
        val rangeLocations = locs.filter(l => isInRange(l, mapRange))
        val clustered = if (rangeLocations.size > 1000) {
          DBSCAN(getClusteringMeters(mapRange), 1, includeOutliers = true, new TimestampedLocationsClusterFactory).cluster(rangeLocations).map(_.getCentroid)
        } else {
        key -> JsArray(clustered.map {
          case l: TimestampedLocation =>
            JsArray(Seq(JsNumber(l.location.latitude), JsNumber(l.location.longitude)))

  private def getMapRange(params: Params): Option[MapRange] = {
    for {
      northeast <- params.get("northeast")
      southwest <- params.get("southwest")
      neLatitude <- northeast.split(",").headOption
      neLongitude <- northeast.split(",").lastOption
      swLatitude <- southwest.split(",").headOption
      swLongitude <- southwest.split(",").lastOption
    } yield MapRange(Location(neLatitude.toDouble, neLongitude.toDouble), Location(swLatitude.toDouble, swLongitude.toDouble))

  private def isInRange(timestampedLocation: TimestampedLocation, mapRange: MapRange): Boolean = {
    timestampedLocation.location.latitude < mapRange.northeast.latitude &&
    timestampedLocation.location.latitude > mapRange.southwest.latitude &&
    timestampedLocation.location.longitude < mapRange.northeast.longitude &&
    timestampedLocation.location.longitude > mapRange.southwest.longitude

  private def getClusteringMeters(mapRange: MapRange): Double = {
    Math.min(DistanceCalculator.vincentyDistance(mapRange.northeast, mapRange.southwest) / 300.0, 50000)

示例7: FacebookFeed

package controllers

import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}

import controllers.NeedLogin.OptAuthenticated
import helpers.{Cache, Facebook, FacebookRepo}
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, Json}
import play.api.Configuration

class FacebookFeed @Inject() (
  cc: MessagesControllerComponents,
  cache: Cache,
  facebookRepo: FacebookRepo,
  conf: Configuration,
  optAuthenticated: OptAuthenticated
) extends MessagesAbstractController(cc) {
  val facebook: () => Facebook = cache.cacheOnProd(
    () => facebookRepo(

  def latestPostId(pageId: String) = optAuthenticated { implicit request: MessagesRequest[AnyContent] =>
    facebook().feedsV25(pageId).headOption.map {
      feed => (feed.postId.toString, feed.createdTime)
    } match {
      case None => NotFound("No feed for page '" + pageId + "' found.")
      case Some(t) => Ok(
              "postId" -> JsString(t._1),
              // 64bit double float has 52 bit width fraction.
              // 2^52 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365 = 142808.207362.
              // For about 142,808 years since epoch, there should be
              // no error to conver long to double float.
              "lastUpdate" -> JsNumber(t._2.getEpochSecond)

示例8: UserControllerSpec

package eitherexercice.exo

import org.scalatest._
import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsNumber}

class UserControllerSpec extends FlatSpec
  with GivenWhenThen
  with EitherValues
  with Matchers {

  behavior of "UserController"

  it should "fail when it cannot parse the json" in {
    Given("A malformed json")
    val json = JsArray(Seq(JsNumber(1)))

    When("We ask to save the user")
    val triedUser = DefaultUserController.save(json)

    Then("The result is a failure")
    triedUser.left.value should be(a[MalformedUserPayload])

示例9: UserControllerSpec

package tryexercice.exo

import org.scalatest._
import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsNumber}

class UserControllerSpec extends FlatSpec
  with GivenWhenThen
  with TryValues
  with Matchers {

  behavior of "UserController"

  it should "fail when it cannot parse the json" in {
    Given("A malformed json")
    val json = JsArray(Seq(JsNumber(1)))

    When("We ask to save the user")
    val triedUser = DefaultUserController.save(json)

    Then("The result is a failure")
    triedUser should be(a[MalformedUserPayload])

示例10: SecurityServices

package services

import javax.inject._
import play.modules.reactivemongo.ReactiveMongoApi
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
import reactivemongo.play.json.collection.JSONCollection
import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, Json, JsArray}
import utils.Constants

class SecurityServices @Inject()(val reactiveMongoApi: ReactiveMongoApi,constant:Constants)(implicit exec: ExecutionContext) {

  def static_data: Future[JSONCollection] = reactiveMongoApi.database.map(_.collection[JSONCollection]("static-data"))

def getAroundCrimes(lat:Double,lng:Double) = {
  for {
    crimesCol <- static_data
    crimes_count <- crimesCol.count(Some(
        "type" -> constant.DATA_SECURITY,
        "subtype" -> constant.DATA_CRIMES,
        "geometry" -> Json.obj(
          "$near" -> Json.obj(
            "$geometry" -> Json.obj("type" -> "Point", "coordinates" -> JsArray(Seq(JsNumber(lat),JsNumber(lng)))),
            "$maxDistance" -> 1000
  } yield {

示例11: HomeController

package controllers

import javax.inject._

import com.evojam.play.elastic4s.PlayElasticFactory
import com.evojam.play.elastic4s.configuration.ClusterSetup
import play.api.mvc._
import models._
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._
import play.api.libs.json.JsNumber

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Try
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.Configuration
import play.api.cache.CacheApi
import play.api.i18n.Messages

class HomeController @Inject()(cs: ClusterSetup, ef: PlayElasticFactory)(implicit exec: ExecutionContext) extends ApplicationController(ef: PlayElasticFactory, cs: ClusterSetup) {

  def index(label: String) = Action.async { implicit request =>
    var query:Map[String, Object] = Map("size" -> JsNumber(50), "sort" -> Map("updated_timestamp" -> "desc"))
    val label_name = Trip.labels.get(label)

    if(label_name != None) {
      Logger.debug(s"yeah $label_name")
      query += "filter" -> Map("labels" -> label_name.get)

    Try(Trip.browse(client, query)).toOption match {
      case Some(trips) => trips.map(t => Ok(views.html.index(t)))
      case None => Future { Ok(views.html.index(List())) }



示例12: MarketPrice

package com.kylegalloway.evescala.crest.model

import play.api.libs.json.{JsNumber, JsValue}

object MarketPrice {
  def fromJson(json: JsValue): MarketPrice = {
    val adjustedPrice = (json \ "adjustedPrice").getOrElse(JsNumber(0.0)).as[Double]
    val averagePrice = (json \ "averagePrice").getOrElse(JsNumber(0.0)).as[Double]
    val typeID = (json \ "type" \ "id").as[Int]
      typeID = typeID,
      adjustedPrice = adjustedPrice,
      averagePrice = averagePrice

case class MarketPrice(
  typeID: Int,
  adjustedPrice: Double,
  averagePrice: Double

示例13: MoneyFormatSpec

package boldradius.squants.json

import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
import play.api.libs.json.Json._
import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsNumber, JsString, JsSuccess}
import squants.Money
import squants.market.{BTC, JPY, USD, XAU}

class MoneyFormatSpec
  extends WordSpec
          with Matchers
          with LazyLogging {

  "JSON serializers" should {

    val exemplars =
      USD(10) ::
        JPY(1200) ::
        XAU(50) ::
        BTC(50) ::

    exemplars foreach { expected =>
      s"""read and write "$expected" without loss""" in {
        val actual = toJson(expected).validate[Money]
        actual should be(JsSuccess(expected))

    "report invalid serializations" in {
      JsString("bogus money").validate[Money] should be(a[JsError])

    "report invalid types" in {
      JsNumber(123).validate[Money] should be(a[JsError])


