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Scala ScalaCheck类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Scala中org.specs2.ScalaCheck的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala ScalaCheck类的具体用法?Scala ScalaCheck怎么用?Scala ScalaCheck使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: RefusedByRateLimiterErrorSpec

package com.lookout.ratelimitingfilter

import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Status}
import org.specs2.{Specification, ScalaCheck}
import io.circe.syntax._
import io.circe.jawn._
import com.lookout.ratelimitingfilter.models._

class RefusedByRateLimiterErrorSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck with Arbitraries {
  def is = s2"""
    RefusedByRateLimiterError object
      it should not lose data on roundtrips to JSON $dataIntegrity
      it should contain a `message` field           $messageField
      it should create a response with 429 status   $statusCode

  def fields(error: RefusedByRateLimiterError): Seq[String] =

  def dataIntegrity = prop {
    (error: RefusedByRateLimiterError) => {
      (decode[RefusedByRateLimiterError](error.asJson.noSpaces)) must_== Right(error)

  def messageField = prop {
    (error: RefusedByRateLimiterError) => {
      fields(error) must contain("message")

  def statusCode = prop {
    (error: RefusedByRateLimiterError) => {
      error.toResponse.status must_== Status.TooManyRequests

示例2: ApplicativeSpec

package uscala.cats.result

import cats.std.all._
import cats.syntax.cartesian._
import org.specs2.{ScalaCheck, Specification}
import uscala.cats.syntax.result._
import applicative._
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Prop}
import uscala.result.Result
import uscala.result.specs2.ResultMatchers

class ApplicativeSpec extends Specification with ResultMatchers with ScalaCheck  {
  import ApplicativeSpec._

  override def is =
        Can collect multiple failures on the left of a result $test

  def test = Prop.forAllNoShrink(list)(errs =>
    errs.foldLeft(ResultNel.ok[String, String](new String))((acc, v) =>
      (acc |@| Result.fail[String, String](v).toResultNel).map(_ + _)
    ) must beFail.like { case a => a.unwrap must containTheSameElementsAs(errs) }

object ApplicativeSpec {
  val stringGen = Gen.alphaStr.suchThat(_.nonEmpty)
  val list = Gen.listOf(stringGen).suchThat(_.nonEmpty)

示例3: CounterPairSpec

package eu.shiftforward.apso

import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import org.scalacheck.Gen._

@deprecated("This will be removed in a future version", "2017/07/13")
class CounterPairSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck {
  "A counter pair" should {
    "store two unsigned shorts" ! prop {
      (short1: Int, short2: Int) =>
        val CounterPair(x, y) = CounterPair(short1, short2)
        x == short1 && y == short2
    }.setGens(choose(0, 65535), choose(0, 65535))

示例4: StoveSpecification

import models.{Stove, Pizza}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck

class StoveSpecification extends Specification with ScalaCheck {

  "The stove" should {

    "return three pizza at once if the capacity is 4" in {
      val stove = new Stove(4)
      val listOfPizza = List(new Pizza, new Pizza, new Pizza)
      stove += listOfPizza
      stove.next().length must_== 3
      stove.next() must beEmpty

    "return three pizza in two parts if the capacity is 2" in {
      val stove = new Stove(2)
      val listOfPizza = List(new Pizza, new Pizza, new Pizza)
      stove += listOfPizza
      stove.next().length must_== 2
      stove.next().length must_== 1
      stove.next() must beEmpty

    "returns pizza in a correct way" in {
      prop { (capacity: Int, noOfP: Int) =>

        var capa = Math.abs(capacity % 10)
        if (capa == 0) capa = 1
        var noOfPizza = Math.abs(noOfP % 50)
        if (noOfPizza == 0) noOfPizza = 25

        val stove = new Stove(capa)
        stove += List.fill(noOfPizza)(new Pizza)

        var returnedPizza = 0
        var noOfNext = -1
        var nextPizza: Int = 0
        do {
          nextPizza = stove.next().length
          noOfNext += 1
          returnedPizza += nextPizza
        } while (nextPizza != 0)

        returnedPizza must_== noOfPizza
        noOfNext must_== (noOfPizza / capa + (if (noOfPizza % capa > 0) 1 else 0))



示例5: MyersDiffTest

package diff.myers

import diff.{Change, ItemChanged, ItemAdded, ItemRemoved}
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

class MyersDiffTest extends Specification with ScalaCheck {

  def comparer = new MyersDiff()

  "Applying diff" should {
    "always pass" in prop { (left: Seq[Int], right: Seq[Int]) =>
      val changes = comparer.compare(left, right)
      Change.applyChanges(left, changes) should beEqualTo(right)

  "compare " should {
    "handle empty list comparisons" in {
      comparer.compare(Seq("a"), Seq()) should equalTo(List(ItemRemoved(0, "a")))
      comparer.compare(Seq("a", "c"), Seq()) should equalTo(List(ItemRemoved(0, "a"), ItemRemoved(0, "c")))
      comparer.compare(Seq(), Seq("b")) should equalTo(List(ItemAdded(0, "b")))
      comparer.compare(Seq(), Seq("b", "c")) should equalTo(List(ItemAdded(0, "b"), ItemAdded(1, "c")))
      comparer.compare(Seq(), Seq()) should equalTo(List())

    "handle addition" in {
      comparer.compare(Seq("A", "C"), Seq("A", "B", "C")) should equalTo(
        List(ItemAdded(1, "B"))

    "handle substitution" in {
      comparer.compare(Seq("A", "B", "C"), Seq("E", "B", "C")) should equalTo(List(ItemChanged(0, "A", "E")))

    "handle removal" in {
      comparer.compare(Seq("A", "B", "C", "D"), Seq("A", "C", "D")) should equalTo(
        List(ItemRemoved(1, "B"))

    "handle equal lists" in {
      comparer.compare(Seq("A", "B"), Seq("A", "B")) should equalTo(List())

    "Myers papers example" in {
      val left = Seq("A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "B", "A")
      val right = Seq("C", "B", "A", "B", "A", "C")

      val changes = comparer.compare(left, right)
      Change.applyChanges(left, changes) should beEqualTo(right)

示例6: CborASTSpec

package io.mediachain.util.cbor

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream

import io.mediachain.BaseSpec
import io.mediachain.util.cbor.CborAST._
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck

object CborASTSpec extends BaseSpec with ScalaCheck {
  import io.mediachain.util.cbor.CValueGenerators._
  import co.nstant.in.cbor.CborEncoder

  def is =
         - round-trip encodes to/from cbor-java DataItems $roundTripCborJava

  def roundTripCborJava = prop { cVal: CValue =>
    val asDataItem = toDataItem(cVal)
    val converted = toDataItem(fromDataItem(asDataItem))

    // We're comparing the DataItem representation because it will not
    // fail if the ordering of map keys differs, whereas CMaps will not
    // be equal if the ordering is different
    asDataItem must_== converted

    // make sure byte representation is equal
    val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
    new CborEncoder(out).encode(asDataItem)
    out.toByteArray must_== CborCodec.encode(cVal)

示例7: RuleSpec

package janstenpickle.vault.manage

import janstenpickle.vault.manage.Model.Rule
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Prop}
import org.specs2.{ScalaCheck, Specification}
import uscala.result.specs2.ResultMatchers

class RuleSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck with ResultMatchers {
  import RuleSpec._

  override def is =
      Can encode and decode policy strings $passes
      Cannot decode bad policy strings $fails

  def passes = Prop.forAllNoShrink(Gen.listOf(ruleGen).suchThat(_.nonEmpty)) (rules =>
    Rule.decode(rules.map(_.encode).mkString("\n")) must beOk.like {
      case a => a must containAllOf(rules)

  def fails = Prop.forAllNoShrink(Gen.listOf(badRuleGen).suchThat(_.nonEmpty)) (rules =>
    Rule.decode(rules.mkString("\n")) must beFail

object RuleSpec {
  val policyGen = Gen.option(Gen.oneOf("read", "write", "sudo", "deny"))
  val capabilitiesGen = Gen.option(
    Gen.listOf(Gen.oneOf("create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo", "deny")).

  val ruleGen = for {
    path <- Gen.alphaStr.suchThat(_.nonEmpty)
    policy <- policyGen
    capabilities <- capabilitiesGen
  } yield Rule(path, capabilities, policy)

  val badRuleGen = for {
    path <- Gen.alphaStr.suchThat(_.nonEmpty)
    policy <- policyGen
    capabilities <- capabilitiesGen
  } yield
       |path "$path"
       |   $policy cage
       |   $capabilities }""".stripMargin('|')

示例8: PolicyIT

package janstenpickle.vault.manage

import janstenpickle.vault.core.VaultSpec
import janstenpickle.vault.manage.Model.Rule
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Prop}
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import uscala.result.Result

class PolicyIT extends VaultSpec with ScalaCheck {
  import PolicyIT._
  import VaultSpec._

  override def is =
      Can successfully set and get policies $happy
      Cannot set an invalid policy $sad

  lazy val underTest = Policy(config)

  def happy = Prop.forAllNoShrink(
    Gen.listOf(ruleGen(longerStrGen, policyGen, capabilitiesGen)).
    suchThat(_.nonEmpty)) { (name, rules) =>
      (underTest.set(name.toLowerCase, rules)
      .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (underTest.delete(name.toLowerCase).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk)

  // cannot use generated values here as
  // vault seems to have a failure rate limit
  def sad = underTest.set(
    "nic", List(Rule("cage", Some(List("kim", "copolla"))))
  ).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beFail

object PolicyIT {
  val policyGen = Gen.option(Gen.oneOf("read", "write", "sudo", "deny"))
  val capabilitiesGen =
      "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo", "deny")).

  def ruleGen(
    pathGen: Gen[String],
    polGen: Gen[Option[String]],
    capGen: Gen[List[String]]
  ) = for {
    path <- pathGen
    policy <- polGen
    capabilities <- capGen
  } yield Rule(path, Some(capabilities), policy)

示例9: UserPassIT

package janstenpickle.vault.manage

import janstenpickle.vault.core.VaultSpec
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Prop}
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck

class UserPassIT extends VaultSpec with ScalaCheck {
  import UserPassIT._
  import VaultSpec._

  def is =
      Can create, update and delete a user $good
      Cannot create a user for a non-existent client $badClient
      Cannot create user with a bad policy $badPolicy

  lazy val underTest = UserPass(config)
  lazy val authAdmin = Auth(config)

  def good = Prop.forAllNoShrink(longerStrGen, longerStrGen, longerStrGen, Gen.posNum[Int], longerStrGen, policyGen)(
    (username, password, newPassword, ttl, client, policy) =>
      (authAdmin.enable("userpass", Some(client)).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (underTest.create(username, password, ttl, None, client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (underTest.setPassword(username, newPassword, client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (underTest.setPolicies(username, policy, client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (underTest.delete(username, client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (authAdmin.disable(client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk)

  def badClient = Prop.forAllNoShrink(longerStrGen, longerStrGen, Gen.posNum[Int], longerStrGen)(
    (username, password, ttl, client) =>
      underTest.create(username, password, ttl, None, client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beFail

  def badPolicy = Prop.forAllNoShrink(longerStrGen,
    (username, password, ttl, client, policy) =>
      (authAdmin.enable("userpass", Some(client)).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (underTest.create(username, password, ttl, Some(policy), client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (authAdmin.disable(client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk)

object UserPassIT {
  val policies = List("default", "root")
  val policyGen = Gen.listOf(Gen.oneOf(policies))

示例10: AuthIT

package janstenpickle.vault.manage

import janstenpickle.vault.core.VaultSpec
import org.scalacheck.{Prop, Gen}
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck

class AuthIT extends VaultSpec with ScalaCheck {
  import AuthIT._
  import VaultSpec._

  def is =
      Can enable and disable valid auth mount $happy
      Cannot enable an invalid auth type $enableFail

  lazy val underTest = new Auth(config)

  def happy = Prop.forAllNoShrink(
    backends, longerStrGen, Gen.option(longerStrGen))((backend, mount, desc) =>
      (underTest.enable(backend, Some(mount), desc)
      .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and
      (underTest.disable(mount).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk)

  def enableFail = Prop.forAllNoShrink(
    Gen.option(longerStrGen))((backend, mount, desc) =>
      underTest.enable(mount).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beFail


object AuthIT {
  val backendNames = List("github", "app-id", "ldap", "userpass")
  val backends = Gen.oneOf(backendNames)

示例11: ReflexVacuumAgentProgramSpec

package aima.core.environment.vacuum

import aima.core.agent.{Environment, Sensor, Actuator, AgentProgram}
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

import scala.annotation.tailrec

class ReflexVacuumAgentProgramSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck {

  implicit val arbVacuumEnvironment = Arbitrary(VacuumEnvironment())

  "should eventually clean environment" in prop { env: VacuumEnvironment =>
    val agentProgram = new AgentProgram {
      lazy val agent     = new SimpleReflexVacuumAgent
      lazy val actuators = Seq[Actuator](new SuckerActuator(agent), new MoveActuator(agent))
      lazy val sensors   = Seq[Sensor](new DirtSensor(agent), new AgentLocationSensor(agent))

    @tailrec def eventuallyClean(currentEnv: Environment): Boolean = {
      currentEnv match {
        case ve: VacuumEnvironment if ve.isClean() => true
        case _                                     => eventuallyClean(agentProgram.run(currentEnv))

    eventuallyClean(env.addAgent(agentProgram.agent)) must beTrue


示例12: PropertiesTest

package io.alphard.sbt

import io.alphard.sbt.util.Properties
import io.alphard.sbt.util.Properties._
import org.scalacheck.Prop
import org.specs2.{ScalaCheck, Specification}

import scala.language.reflectiveCalls

object PropertiesTest
  extends Specification
  with ScalaCheck {
  lazy val is = s2"""IO provides helpers methods that should
    convert a properties object to java properties object $convertPropertiesToJavaProperties
    convert a properties object to json object $convertPropertiesToJson
    deep merge two properties $deepMergeProperties()

  def convertPropertiesToJavaProperties() = {
    Prop.forAll(PropertiesArbitrary.propertiesGenerator(5, 2, "")) {
      (properties: Properties) =>
        val javaProperties = Properties.propertiesToJavaProperties(properties)
        val newProperties = Properties.javaPropertiesToProperties(javaProperties)
        newProperties must_== properties

  def convertPropertiesToJson() = {
    Prop.forAll(PropertiesArbitrary.propertiesGenerator(5, 2, "")) {
      (properties: Properties) =>
        val json = Properties.propertiesToJson(properties)
        val newProperties = Properties.jsonToProperties(json)
        newProperties must_== properties

  def deepMergeProperties() = {
    //@volatile var show = true
    Prop.forAll(PropertiesArbitrary.propertiesGenerator(3, 5, "first_"), PropertiesArbitrary.propertiesGenerator(4, 4, "second_")) {
      (firstProperties: Properties, secondProperties: Properties) =>
        val path = Path {
          (for (i <- 0 to 15) yield "altered_key_" + i): _*
        val key1 = "______THEKEY1______"
        val value1 = "_____THEVALUE1_____"
        val key2 = "______THEKEY2______"
        val value2 = "_____THEVALUE2_____"
        val alteredFirstProperties = firstProperties.+(path / key1, value1)
        val alteredSecondProperties = secondProperties.+(path / key2, value2)
        val alteredMergedProperties = alteredFirstProperties +++ alteredSecondProperties


        (firstProperties +++ firstProperties must_== firstProperties) and
          ((firstProperties +++ secondProperties).size must_== firstProperties.size + secondProperties.size) and
          (alteredMergedProperties.get(path / key1) must_== Some(value1)) and
          (alteredMergedProperties.get(path / key2) must_== Some(value2))

示例13: RichCloseableTest

package io.alphard.sbt.util

import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, File}
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import org.specs2.specification.Fragments
import org.specs2.{Specification, ScalaCheck}

import XIO._

object RichCloseableTest
  extends Specification
    with ScalaCheck  {

  override def is: Fragments =

      RichClosable should:
        Close output stream and input stream after read and write ${closeInputAndOutputStream()}


  def closeInputAndOutputStream() = {

    val message = "Hello World!"
    val byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes) {
      var isClosed: Boolean = false
      override def close(): Unit = {
        isClosed = true
    val byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() {
      var isClosed: Boolean = false
      override def close(): Unit = {
        isClosed = true

    (byteArrayInputStream, byteArrayOutputStream) foreach {
      case (in, out) =>
        val buffer = new Array[Byte](1024)
        var read = in.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)
        while(read > -1) {
          out.write(buffer, 0, read)
          read = in.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)

    (byteArrayInputStream.isClosed must_== true) and
      (byteArrayOutputStream.isClosed must_== true) and
      new String(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray).equals(message)


示例14: OrderBookCancelingSpec

package highperfscala
package orderbook

import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder}
import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{OrderCanceled, OrderCancelRejected}
import org.scalacheck.Prop
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

class OrderBookCancelingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck {

  """Given empty book
    |When cancel order arrives
    |Then OrderCancelRejected
  """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(OrderId.genOrderId) { id =>
    OrderBook.handle(OrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(id))._2 ====

  """Given empty book
    |and buy limit order added
    |When cancel order arrives
    |Then OrderCanceled
  """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(BuyLimitOrder.genBuyLimitOrder) { o =>
    (OrderBook.handle(_: OrderBook, AddLimitOrder(o))).andThen {
      case (ob, _) => OrderBook.handle(ob, CancelOrder(o.id))._2
    }(OrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled

  """Given empty book
    |and sell limit order added
    |When cancel order arrives
    |Then OrderCanceled
  """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(SellLimitOrder.genSellLimitOrder) { o =>
    (OrderBook.handle(_: OrderBook, AddLimitOrder(o))).andThen {
      case (ob, _) => OrderBook.handle(ob, CancelOrder(o.id))._2
    }(OrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled


示例15: LazyCancelOrderBookCancelingSpec

package highperfscala.orderbook

import highperfscala.orderbook.Commands.{AddLimitOrder, CancelOrder}
import highperfscala.orderbook.Events.{OrderCancelRejected, OrderCanceled}
import org.scalacheck.Prop
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

class LazyCancelOrderBookCancelingSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck {

  """Given empty book
    |When cancel order arrives
    |Then OrderCancelRejected
  """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(
    EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (id, ci, ei) =>
      () => ei, LazyCancelOrderBook.empty, CancelOrder(ci, id))._2 ====
      OrderCancelRejected(ei, id)

  """Given empty book
    |and buy limit order added
    |When cancel order arrives
    |Then OrderCanceled
  """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(
    EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (o, ci, ei) =>
      () => ei, _: LazyCancelOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, o))).andThen {
      case (ob, _) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(
        () => ei, ob, CancelOrder(ci, o.id))._2
    }(LazyCancelOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled(ei, o.id)

  """Given empty book
    |and sell limit order added
    |When cancel order arrives
    |Then OrderCanceled
  """.stripMargin ! Prop.forAll(
    EventInstant.genEventInstant) { (o, ci, ei) =>
      () => ei, _: LazyCancelOrderBook, AddLimitOrder(ci, o))).andThen {
      case (ob, _) => LazyCancelOrderBook.handle(
        () => ei, ob, CancelOrder(ci, o.id))._2
    }(LazyCancelOrderBook.empty) ==== OrderCanceled(ei, o.id)

