本文整理汇总了Scala中org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala ShouldMatchers类的具体用法?Scala ShouldMatchers怎么用?Scala ShouldMatchers使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: HuffmanSuite
package patmat
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, ShouldMatchers}
import patmat.Huffman._
class HuffmanSuite extends FunSuite with ShouldMatchers {
trait TestTrees {
val t1 = Fork(Leaf('a',2), Leaf('b',3), List('a','b'), 5)
val t2 = Fork(Fork(Leaf('a',2), Leaf('b',3), List('a','b'), 5), Leaf('d',4), List('a','b','d'), 9)
test("weight of a larger tree") {
new TestTrees {
weight(t1) should be(5)
test("chars of a larger tree") {
new TestTrees {
chars(t2) should be(List('a', 'b', 'd'))
test("string2chars(\"hello, world\")") {
string2Chars("hello, world") should be(List('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'))
test("makeOrderedLeafList for some frequency table") {
makeOrderedLeafList(List(('t', 2), ('e', 1), ('x', 3))) should be(List(Leaf('e', 1), Leaf('t', 2), Leaf('x', 3)))
test("combine of some leaf list") {
val leaflist = List(Leaf('e', 1), Leaf('t', 2), Leaf('x', 4))
combine(leaflist) should be(List(Fork(Leaf('e', 1), Leaf('t', 2), List('e', 't'), 3), Leaf('x', 4)))
test("decode and encode a very short text should be identity") {
val fc = Huffman.frenchCode
decode(fc, encode(fc)("letsmakeitmorecomplicated".toList)) should be("letsmakeitmorecomplicated".toList)
示例2: CountChangeSuite
package recfun
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, ShouldMatchers}
class CountChangeSuite extends FunSuite with ShouldMatchers {
import Week1.countChange
test("countChange: example given in instructions") {
countChange(4, List(1, 2)) should be(3)
test("countChange: sorted CHF") {
countChange(300, List(5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500)) should be(1022)
test("countChange: no pennies") {
countChange(301, List(5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500)) should be(0)
test("countChange: unsorted CHF") {
countChange(300, List(500, 5, 50, 100, 20, 200, 10)) should be(1022)
示例3: DomainStructureTest
package org.dele.text.lapa.patterns
import DomainStructure._
import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import org.testng.annotations.Test
class DomainStructureTest extends TestNGSuite with ShouldMatchers with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {
import org.dele.text.lapa.TestHelper._
def t1 = {
val ds = domainStructure.children
ds.size shouldBe(3)
def t2 = {
val d = engDomainMgr.queryDomainId("cyber-attack", "entity-list-connector-words")
d shouldBe(Option("_root_"))
def t3 = {
val ds = load(domainTree, List("cyber-attack"))
ds.children.size shouldBe 2
ds.children.exists(_.id == "cyber-attack") shouldBe false
val ds2 = load(domainTree, List("military-maneuver", "-online-attack"))
ds2.children.size shouldBe 2
ds2.children.exists(_.id == "-online-attack") shouldBe false
示例4: StoppedByMatcherManagerTest
package org.dele.text.maen.matchers
import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import org.testng.annotations.Test
class StoppedByMatcherManagerTest extends TestNGSuite with ShouldMatchers with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {
import StoppedByMatcherManager._
val testData = Table(
("stoppedByMap", "reverseMap"),
(Iterable("l1" -> List(StoppedByConfig("sl1", true), StoppedByConfig("sl2", true))), Map("sl1" -> (true -> List("l1")), "sl2" -> (true -> List("l1")))),
Iterable("l1" -> List(StoppedByConfig("sl1", true), StoppedByConfig("sl2", true)), ("l1" -> List(StoppedByConfig("sl3", false)))),
Map("sl1" -> (true -> List("l1")), "sl2" -> (true -> List("l1")), "sl3" -> (false -> List("l1")))
def t1 = {
forAll(testData) {
(stoppedByMap, reverseMap) => {
val m = new StoppedByMatcherManager(stoppedByMap)
p => {
val k = p._1
val expected = p._2
m.getListsStopBy(k).get shouldBe expected
示例5: CompositeMatcherTest
package org.dele.text.maen.matchers
import TMatcher._
import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import org.testng.annotations.Test
class CompositeMatcherTest extends TestNGSuite with ShouldMatchers {
import org.dele.text.maen.AtomPropMatcherLib._
import org.dele.text.maen.TestHelper._
val idWord = "atom-matcher-f-word"
val idPhrase = "atom-matcher-f-phrase"
val idSentence = "atom-matcher-f-sentence"
val idGroup = Option("atom-matchers")
implicit val smlib = EmptySubMatchCheckerLib
import SubMatchCheckerLib._
def t1 = {
val matchers = Array(
fromAtomMatcher(FExact("word"), EmptyCheckerIds, Option(idWord)),
fromAtomMatcher(FExact("phrase"), EmptyCheckerIds, Option(idPhrase))
val compMatcher = matchersOrderedAllPositive(matchers, EmptyCheckerIds, idGroup)
val testInput = inputFrom("word and Word phrase , Phrase")
var result = compMatcher.matchFrom(DummyResultPool(testInput), 0)
result.size shouldBe(4)
val noMatchers = Array(
val noCompMatcher = matchersOrderedAllPositive(noMatchers, EmptyCheckerIds, idGroup)
result = noCompMatcher.matchFrom(DummyResultPool(testInput), 0)
result.size shouldBe(0)
val noMatchers2 = Array(
val noCompMatcher2 = matchersOrderedAllPositive(noMatchers2, EmptyCheckerIds, idGroup)
result = noCompMatcher2.matchFrom(DummyResultPool(testInput), 0)
result.size shouldBe(0)
示例6: MatcherTmplTest
package org.dele.text.maen.matchers
import org.dele.text.maen.ConfValueStringParser.Parsed
import org.dele.text.maen.TestHelper._
import SubMatchCheckerLib._
import org.dele.text.maen.test.TestAtom._
import org.dele.text.maen.AtomPropMatcherLib
import org.dele.text.maen.test.{TestAtom, TestInput}
import org.dele.text.maen.TInput
import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import org.testng.annotations.Test
class MatcherTmplTest extends TestNGSuite with ShouldMatchers {
def t1 = {
import MatcherTmpl._
import TSubMatchChecker._
import TMatcher._
import org.dele.text.maen.AtomPropMatcherLib._
import org.dele.text.maen.test.TestInput._
val lngChecker = "lngChecker"
implicit val checkerLib = new SubMatchCheckerLib(Map(lngChecker -> Parsed("Lng", Array())), List()) //SubMatchCheckerLib.c(Map(lngChecker -> ListNGramChecker))
val tmplId = "id1"
val tlib = new MatcherTmplLib(
List(new MatcherTmplDef(tmplId, "MTL_RepetitionAll", lngChecker)), List()
val matcherId = "orgCompanyMatcher"
val matcher = fromAtomMatcher(E(EmptyRegexDict, Array("Organization", "Company")), EmptyCheckerIds, Option(matcherId))
val mm = MatcherManager.create
val id2 = "orgCompanySeq"
val m2 = tlib.spawn(tmplId, Array(Array(matcherId)), EmptyRegexDict, Option(id2))
val input:TInput = fromAtomArrayEng(IndexedSeq(
entityAtom("FBI", "Organization", "OrgEntity"),
entityAtom("Microsoft", "Company", "OrgEntity"),
entityAtom("IBM", "Company", "OrgEntity")
val rp = mm.m(input, EmptySubMatchCheckerLib, MatcherManager.EmptyMIdFilters)
val r = rp.query(id2)
r.size shouldBe >(0)
示例7: FromAtomMatcherTest
package org.dele.text.maen
import org.dele.text.maen.test.TestAtom.Atom
import org.dele.text.maen.matchers.TMatcher
import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import org.testng.annotations.Test
class FromAtomMatcherTest extends TestNGSuite with ShouldMatchers {
import TMatcher._
import TestHelper._
import AtomPropMatcherLib._
import org.dele.text.maen.test.TestInput._
def t1 = {
implicit val subMatchCheckerLib = EmptySubMatchCheckerLib
val seqMatcher = fromAtomMatcher(F(EmptyRegexDict, "word"))
val input = fromAtomArrayEng(IndexedSeq(
Atom("Word", Map()),
Atom("to", Map()),
Atom("word", Map())
val matches = seqMatcher.m(
matches.size shouldBe(2)
示例8: AbbrevListSpec
// src/test/scala/progscala2/typesystem/bounds/list/AbbrevListSpec.scala
package progscala2.typesystem.bounds.list
import org.scalatest.{ FunSpec, ShouldMatchers }
class AbbrevListSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
describe ("AbbrevNil") {
it ("item :: AbbrevNil == AbbrevList(item)") {
val list = (1 :: AbbrevNil)
list.head shouldEqual 1
list.tail shouldEqual AbbrevNil
it ("AbbrevNil.foreach(...) does nothing") {
var failed = false
AbbrevNil.foreach { x => failed = true }
failed shouldEqual false
describe ("::") {
it ("item :: nonEmptyAbbrevList == AbbrevList(item, ...)") {
val list = 1 :: 2 :: AbbrevNil
val list2 = 3 :: list
list2.head shouldEqual 3
list2.tail.head shouldEqual 1
list2.tail.tail.head shouldEqual 2
list2.tail.tail.tail shouldEqual AbbrevNil
it ("nonEmptyAbbrevList.foreach(...) does something for each element") {
var count = 0
(1 :: 2 :: AbbrevNil).foreach { x => count += 1 }
count shouldEqual 2
示例9: ComplexSpec
// src/test/scala/progscala2/toolslibs/ComplexSpec.scala
package progscala2.toolslibs
import org.scalatest.{ FunSpec, ShouldMatchers }
class ComplexSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
describe ("Complex addition with (0.0, 0.0)") {
it ("returns a number N' that is identical to original number N") {
val c1 = Complex(1.2, 3.4)
(c1 + Complex(0.0, 0.0)) shouldEqual c1
describe ("Complex subtraction with (0.0, 0.0)") {
it ("returns a number N' that is identical to original number N") {
val c1 = Complex(1.2, 3.4)
(c1 - Complex(0.0, 0.0)) shouldEqual c1
describe ("Complex addition") {
it ("returns a new number where the real and imaginary parts are the sums of the input values' real and imaginary parts, respectively.") {
val c1 = Complex(1.2, 3.4)
val c2 = Complex(5.6, 7.8)
(c1 + c2).real shouldEqual (c1.real + c2.real)
(c1 + c2).imaginary shouldEqual (c1.imaginary + c2.imaginary)
describe ("Complex subtraction") {
it ("return a new number where the real and imaginary parts are the differences of the input values' real and imaginary parts, respectively.") {
val c1 = Complex(1.2, 3.4)
val c2 = Complex(5.6, 7.8)
(c1 - c2).real shouldEqual (c1.real - c2.real)
(c1 - c2).imaginary shouldEqual (c1.imaginary - c2.imaginary)
示例10: ReaperUTest
package com.example.util
import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestKit, TestProbe}
import com.example.StopSystemAfterAll
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, ShouldMatchers}
class ReaperUTest
extends TestKit(ActorSystem("testsystem"))
with FlatSpecLike
with ShouldMatchers
with StopSystemAfterAll
with ImplicitSender {
import Reaper._
override def afterAll(): Unit = {
trait ReaperFixture {
val reaper = system.actorOf(Props(new TestReaper(testActor)))
val actor1 = TestProbe()
val actor2 = TestProbe()
val actor3 = TestProbe()
val actor4 = TestProbe()
"The Reaper" should "call the allSoulsReaped method after all watched actors are dead" in new ReaperFixture {
reaper ! WatchMe(actor3.ref)
reaper ! WatchMe(actor1.ref)
it should "fail to call the allSoulsReaped method if not all watched actors are dead" in new ReaperFixture {
reaper ! WatchMe(actor3.ref)
reaper ! WatchMe(actor1.ref)
示例11: ComputationStrategyTest
package com.socrata.computation_strategies
import com.socrata.computation_strategies.StrategyType._
import org.scalatest.{ShouldMatchers, FunSuite}
class ComputationStrategyTest extends FunSuite with ShouldMatchers {
import TestData._
val strategies = StrategyType.allStrategyTypes - Test // Don't care to test Test strategy
def forStrategyData(test: StrategyData => Unit): Unit = {
strategies.foreach { typ =>
test("Should map strategy types to the correct computation strategy") {
val strategies = ComputationStrategy.strategies
var count = 0
def testStrategies(typ: StrategyType, strategy: ComputationStrategy): Unit = {
strategies.get(typ) should be (Some(strategy))
count += 1
testStrategies(GeoRegionMatchOnPoint, GeoRegionMatchOnPointComputationStrategy)
testStrategies(GeoRegion, GeoRegionMatchOnPointComputationStrategy)
testStrategies(GeoRegionMatchOnString, GeoRegionMatchOnStringComputationStrategy)
testStrategies(Geocoding, GeocodingComputationStrategy)
testStrategies(Test, TestComputationStrategy)
strategies.size should be (count) // force people to update this test if they add new strategies
strategies.size should be (StrategyType.allStrategyTypes.size)
test("Should be able to validate all strategy types") {
forStrategyData { data =>
ComputationStrategy.validate(data.fullDefinition) should be (None)
test("Should be able to validate all strategy types with column types") {
forStrategyData { data =>
ComputationStrategy.validate(data.fullDefinition, columnTypes) should be (None)
test("Should be able to transform all strategy types") {
forStrategyData { data =>
ComputationStrategy.transform(data.fullDefinition, columnIds) should be (data.fullDefinitionTransformed)
示例12: GeocodingComputationStrategyTest
package com.socrata.computation_strategies
import com.socrata.computation_strategies.GeocodingComputationStrategy.GeocodingSourcesDoNotMatchSourceColumns
import org.scalatest.{ShouldMatchers, FunSuite}
class GeocodingComputationStrategyTest extends FunSuite with ShouldMatchers {
import TestData._
import TestData.GeocodingData._
def testValidate(definition: StrategyDefinition[String], expected: Option[ValidationError] = None): Unit = {
GeocodingComputationStrategy.validate(definition) should be (expected)
def testTransform(definition: StrategyDefinition[String],
columns: Map[String, Int],
expected: Either[ValidationError, StrategyDefinition[Int]]): Unit = {
GeocodingComputationStrategy.transform(definition, columns) should be (expected)
test("Definition with full sources and parameters should be invalid") {
test("Definition with no sources should be invalid") {
val expected = Some(GeocodingSourcesDoNotMatchSourceColumns(List(), Some(GeocodingSources(Some(address),Some(city),
testValidate(noSourcesDefinition, expected)
test("Definition with no parameters should be invalid") {
testValidate(noParamsDefinition, Some(MissingParameters(GeocodingParameterSchema)))
test("Definition with an unknown source column should fail to transform") {
testTransform(fullDefinition, columnIds - address, Left(UnknownSourceColumn(address)))
示例13: MatchingAlgorithmsUTest
package com.sjsortablecodingchallenge.matching
import com.sjsortablecodingchallenge.TestFixtures
import com.sjsortablecodingchallenge.listing.Listing
import com.sjsortablecodingchallenge.matching.MatchingAlgorithms._
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, ShouldMatchers}
class MatchingAlgorithmsUTest extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers with TestFixtures {
"matching on manufacturer and (in title) the model field" should "succeed if the listing title contains the text in " +
"all fields regardless of case, but not if ' for ' is in the title, and only if the word is not part of a larger word, " +
"and replace dashes with space, remove dashes, and remove spaces in model" in new Products {
val matchingListingNoChange = Listing("lastest dsc-W310, brand new", "sOny", "USD", "10.99")
val matchingListingWithSpace = Listing("lastest dsc W310, brand new", "sOny", "USD", "10.99")
val matchingListingRemoveDash = Listing("lastest dscW310, brand new", "sOny", "USD", "10.99")
val matchingListingButWithFor = Listing(" for sale! lastest dsc-W310, brand new", "Sony", "USD", "10.99")
val matchingListingButWithForeignFor =
Listing(" f" + "\u00FC" + "r sale! lastest dsc-W310, brand new", "Sony", "USD", "10.99")
val matchingListingButWithMaybeFor = Listing(" f?r sale! lastest dsc-W310, brand new", "Sony", "USD", "10.99")
val nonMatchingModel = Listing("sOnY sale! lastest dsc-W3101, brand new", "Sony", "KZT", "10.99")
val nonMatchingManufacturer = Listing(" sale! lastest dsc-W310, brand new", "fakeSony", "GBP", "10.99")
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershot, matchingListingNoChange) shouldBe true
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershot, matchingListingWithSpace) shouldBe true
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershot, matchingListingRemoveDash) shouldBe true
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershot, matchingListingButWithFor) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershot, matchingListingButWithForeignFor) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershot, matchingListingButWithMaybeFor) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershot, nonMatchingModel) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershot, nonMatchingManufacturer) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershotNoDash, matchingListingNoChange) shouldBe true
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershotNoDash, matchingListingWithSpace) shouldBe true
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershotNoDash, matchingListingRemoveDash) shouldBe true
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershotNoDash, matchingListingButWithFor) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershotNoDash, matchingListingButWithForeignFor) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershotNoDash, matchingListingButWithMaybeFor) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershotNoDash, nonMatchingModel) shouldBe false
matchUsingRegexsDashesSpaces(sonyCybershotNoDash, nonMatchingManufacturer) shouldBe false
示例14: closeTo
package core
import core.models.{Body, Vector2D}
import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers
trait Helpers extends ShouldMatchers {
private val Tolerance = 0.01
def closeTo(testValue: Double) = testValue +- Tolerance
def randomScalar = math.random - 0.5
def randomVector = Vector2D(randomScalar, randomScalar)
def randomVectors: Stream[Vector2D] = randomVector #:: randomVectors
def randomVectorPairs: Stream[(Vector2D, Vector2D)] = randomVectors.zip(randomVectors)
def randomVectorTriplets: Stream[(Vector2D, Vector2D, Vector2D)] =
(randomVector, randomVector, randomVector) #:: randomVectorTriplets
def randomBody = Body(
position = randomVector,
velocity = randomVector,
force = randomVector,
mass = randomScalar)
示例15: MessageBrokerMessageDispatcherUTest
package plumbing
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.testkit.TestKit
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, ShouldMatchers, Suite, BeforeAndAfterAll}
class MessageBrokerMessageDispatcherUTest
extends TestKit(ActorSystem("TestSystem"))
with FlatSpecLike
with ShouldMatchers
with StopSystemAfterAll
with MockFactory {
trait StopSystemAfterAll extends BeforeAndAfterAll {
this: TestKit with Suite =>
override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {