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Scala FreeSpec类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Scala中org.scalatest.FreeSpec的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala FreeSpec类的具体用法?Scala FreeSpec怎么用?Scala FreeSpec使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: QQStagerTestCase

package qq
package macros

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import qq.cc.{LocalOptimizer, Parser}
import qq.data.{FilterAST, Program}
import qq.macros.QQStager._
import qq.util.Recursion
import qq.util.Recursion.RecursionEngine

case class QQStagerTestCase(name: String, programs: Vector[String], literalResults: Vector[Program[FilterAST]])

class QQStagerSmokeTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  implicit val recEngine: RecursionEngine =

  val testCases = Vector(
      Vector(".", ". | .", ".lol", ".key.[1].hey"),
      Vector(qq".", qq". | .", qq".lol", qq".key.[1].hey"))

  val _ =
    testCases.foreach(tc =>
      tc.name in {
        val _ = tc.programs.map(p => LocalOptimizer.optimizeProgram(Parser.program.parse(p).get.value)) shouldBe tc.literalResults

示例2: ImplicitInstanceResolutionSpec

package com.example.catfood.futures

import cats.Applicative
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, MustMatchers }
import cats.implicits._

import scala.util.Success

class ImplicitInstanceResolutionSpec extends FreeSpec with MustMatchers {

  def wrapA[A, F[_]](v: A)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[A] =

  // F[_] <: Applicative[_]]
  def doubleWrap[A, F[_]](v: F[A])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[F[A]] =

  "hinting at an implicit with the value type does not work" in {
    // found scala.util.Try[Int], required Option[Int]
    "val o: Option[Int] = wrapA(1)" mustNot typeCheck

  "the default implicit instance is Try" in {
    // found scala.util.Try[Int], required Option[Int]
    val tr = wrapA(1)
    tr mustBe Success(1)

  "explicit passing of the implicit instance works" in {
    val opt = wrapA(1)(catsStdInstancesForOption)
    opt mustBe Some(1) //an[Option[Int]]

  "explicit parametrization works" in {
    val opt = wrapA[Int, Option](1)
    opt mustBe Some(1) //an[Option[Int]]

  "if the Applicative type is passed in, the correct instance is resolved" in {
    val x = doubleWrap(Option(1))
    x mustBe Some(Some(1))


示例3: ExistentialPrerequisitesSpec

package com.example.catfood.existentials

import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, MustMatchers }

class ExistentialPrerequisitesSpec extends FreeSpec with MustMatchers {

  "must work a as a type erasure" in {

    trait Existential {
      type Inner
      val value: Inner

    case class ExOne(value: Int) extends Existential {
      override type Inner = Int

    val ex1: Existential = ExOne(1)

    final case class TypeErasor[A](value: A) extends Existential { type Inner = A }

    val intErased: Existential = TypeErasor(1)
    val v1: intErased.Inner = intErased.value
    val stringErased        = TypeErasor("abc")
    val v2: stringErased.Inner = stringErased.value
    val caseErased             = TypeErasor(ExOne(4))
    val v3: caseErased.Inner = caseErased.value

    // we lost the information about the type of the .value of each Existential instance.
    //  but we can still add restrictions to it



示例4: EitherErrorSpec

package com.example.catfood.errors

import com.example.catfood.errors.ApplicationDomain._
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, MustMatchers }

class EitherErrorSpec extends FreeSpec with MustMatchers {

  def arm: Either[SystemOffline, Nuke]      = Right(Nuke())
  def aim: Either[RotationNeedsOil, Target] = Right(Target())
  def launch(target: Target, nuke: Nuke): Either[MissedByMeters, Impacted] =

  def attack(): Either[NukeException, Impacted] =
    for {
      nuke     <- arm
      target   <- aim
      impacted <- launch(target, nuke)
    } yield impacted

  "must attack" in {
    attack() mustBe Left(MissedByMeters(5))


示例5: CartesianSyntaxSpec

package com.example.catfood.ap

import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, MustMatchers }
import cats.implicits._

class CartesianSyntaxSpec extends FreeSpec with MustMatchers {

  "raw result is a CartesianBuilder" in {
//    CartesianBuilder[Option]#CartesianBuilder2[Int, Int] - is inaccessible - private to syntax
    val builder = Option(1) |@| Option(2)

  // def tupled(implicit invariant: Invariant[F], cartesian: Cartesian[F]): F[(A0, A1)] = Cartesian.tuple2(a0, a1)
  "tupling the results" in {
    (Option(1) |@| Option(2)).tupled mustBe Option((1, 2))

  "mapping over the builder" in {

    // CartesianBuilder2:
    // def map[Z](f: (A0, A1) => Z)(implicit functor: Functor[F], cartesian: Cartesian[F]): F[Z] = Cartesian.map2(a0, a1)(f)
    Option(1) |@| Option(2) map ((i, j) => (i, j)) mustBe Option((1, 2))

  "right projection" in {
    Option(1) *> Option(2) mustBe Option(2)
    Option(1) *> None mustBe None

  "left projection" in {
    Option(1) <* Option(2) mustBe Option(1)
    None <* Option(1) mustBe None

  "contramap" in {}


示例6: AvroSpec

package com.lukecycon.avro

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
import org.scalacheck.Prop._

class AvroSpec extends FreeSpec with Checkers {

  def roundTrip[T: AvroFormat](v: T, comp: Boolean = false) =
    Avro.read(Avro.write(v, comp), comp)

  def checkPrimative[T: Arbitrary: AvroFormat](name: String) =
    s"Avro roundTrip should be identity for $name" - {
      "uncompressed" in {
        check { i: T =>
          roundTrip(i) == Right(i)

      "compressed" in {
        check { i: T =>
          roundTrip(i, true) == Right(i)

  checkPrimative[Either[Int, String]]("Either[_]")
  checkPrimative[Map[String, Int]]("Map[String, _]")

示例7: PrintVarSpec

package simple

import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers }

class PrintVarSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  import PrintVar._
  "printVarName"  - {
    val myTest = "test"
    val myVar = printVarName(myTest)
    myVar should equal ("myTest")

  "printVar" - {
    val myTest = "test3"
    val myVar = printVar(myTest)
    myVar should equal ("""myTest="test3"""")


示例8: FunctorsSpec

import cats.Functor
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class FunctorsSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "functor for Tree" in {
    import Functors.treeFunctor

    Functor[Tree].map(Leaf(1))(_ * 2) shouldBe Leaf(2)

        Branch(Leaf(2), Leaf(3))
    )(_ * 3) shouldBe Branch(Leaf(1 * 3), Branch(Leaf(2 * 3), Leaf(3 * 3)))


示例9: SuperAdderSpec

import cats.Monoid
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import cats.instances.int._
import cats.instances.option._

class SuperAdderSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  import SuperAdder._

  "addInt" in {
    addInts(List(1,2,3)) shouldBe List(1,2,3).sum

  "addOption" in {
    ) shouldBe Some(1 + 2 + 3)

  "generalized add for lists of anything" in {
    add(List(1,2,3)) shouldBe 1 + 2 + 3
    add(List(Some(1), Some(2), None)) shouldBe Some(1 + 2)

  "adding Orders" in {
    add(List(Order(totalCost = 5, quantity = 2))) shouldBe Order(5, 2)
        Order(totalCost = 5, quantity = 2),
        Order(totalCost = 1, quantity = 3)
    ) shouldBe Order(5 + 1, 2 + 3)



case class Order(totalCost: Double, quantity: Double)

object Order {
  implicit val monoidInstance: Monoid[Order] = new Monoid[Order] {
    def empty: Order = Order(0,0)

    def combine(x: Order, y: Order): Order =
        totalCost = x.totalCost + y.totalCost,
        quantity = x.quantity + y.quantity)

示例10: BuildDefinitionTest

package com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.model

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class BuildDefinitionTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "basic test" in {
    val buildFile = BuildDefinition(
      name = Some("create-sbt-project"),
      organization = Some("com.github.madoc"),
      version = Some("0.1-SNAPSHOT"),
      scalaVersion = Some("2.11.8"),
      extraScalacOptions = Seq("-language:_", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8"),
      resolverURLsToNames = Map(
        "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots" ? "Sonatype Snapshots",
        "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases" ? "Sonatype Releases"
      libraryDependencies = Seq(
        LibraryDependency(groupID="org.scalatest", artifactID="scalatest", revision="3.0.0", configuration=Some("test"), withSources=true),
        LibraryDependency(groupID="org.scalacheck", artifactID="scalacheck", revision="1.13.3", configuration=Some("test"), withSources=true)
      javaOptionContextsToOptions = Map(
        Set[String]() ? Seq("-Xdebug", "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"),
        Set("Test","run") ? Seq("-Djava.awt.headless=true")
    buildFile.toString should be (
      """organization := "com.github.madoc"
        |name := "create-sbt-project"
        |version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
        |scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
        |scalacOptions ++= Seq("-language:_", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8")
        |resolvers ++= Seq(
        |  "Sonatype Releases" at "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases",
        |  "Sonatype Snapshots" at "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots"
        |libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        |  "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.0" % "test" withSources(),
        |  "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % "1.13.3" % "test" withSources()
        |javaOptions ++= Seq("-Xdebug", "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005")
        |javaOptions in (Test, run) += "-Djava.awt.headless=true"
        |""" stripMargin

示例11: LibraryDependencyTest

package com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.model

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class LibraryDependencyTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "simple case" in {
    val ld=LibraryDependency(groupID="com.github.madoc", artifactID="create_sbt_project", revision="0.1-SNAPSHOT")
    ld.toString should be (""""com.github.madoc" %% "create_sbt_project" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"""")
  "without adding scala version" in {
    val ld=LibraryDependency(groupID="com.github.madoc", artifactID="create_sbt_project", revision="0.1-SNAPSHOT", addScalaVersion=false)
    ld.toString should be (""""com.github.madoc" % "create_sbt_project" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"""")
  "for 'test'" in {
    val ld=LibraryDependency(groupID="com.github.madoc", artifactID="create_sbt_project", revision="0.1-SNAPSHOT", configuration=Some("test"))
    ld.toString should be (""""com.github.madoc" %% "create_sbt_project" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT" % "test"""")
  "with sources" in {
    val ld=LibraryDependency(groupID="com.github.madoc", artifactID="create_sbt_project", revision="0.1-SNAPSHOT", withSources=true)
    ld.toString should be (""""com.github.madoc" %% "create_sbt_project" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT" withSources()""")
  "everything together" in {
    val ld=LibraryDependency(groupID="com.github.madoc", artifactID="create_sbt_project", revision="0.1-SNAPSHOT", addScalaVersion=false, configuration=Some("test"), withSources=true)
    ld.toString should be (""""com.github.madoc" % "create_sbt_project" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT" % "test" withSources()""")

示例12: GitIgnoreTest

package com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.model

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class GitIgnoreTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "basic test" in {
    val gitIgnore = GitIgnore(Set(".idea", ".idea_modules", ".c9", "*.iml", "target", "out", "project/target",
      "project/project", "project.vim", "*~", "*#", ".DS_Store", "src/autogenerated"))
    gitIgnore.toString should be (
        |""" stripMargin

示例13: CSPHelpFormatterTest

package com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.cli

import java.io.PrintWriter

import com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.io.Write.WriteToAppendable
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class CSPHelpFormatterTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "directory is only attached to the usage line" in {
    val formatter = new CSPHelpFormatter
    val (sb1, sb2) = (new java.lang.StringBuilder, new java.lang.StringBuilder)
    formatter.printWrapped(new PrintWriter(new WriteToAppendable(sb1) asJavaIOWriter), 100, 2, "usage: a b c")
    formatter.printWrapped(new PrintWriter(new WriteToAppendable(sb2) asJavaIOWriter), 100, 2, "non-usage: a b c")
    sb1.toString.trim should be ("usage: a b c [directory]")
    sb2.toString.trim should be ("non-usage: a b c")

示例14: ParseCommandLineTest

package com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.cli

import com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.cli.CommandLineResult.CreateSBTProject
import com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.config.RootConfig
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class ParseCommandLineTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "parsing a null command line does not throw an error" in {
    val resultForNull = ParseCommandLine(null)
    resultForNull shouldBe a[CreateSBTProject]
    resultForNull match {
      case CreateSBTProject(modConfig) ? modConfig(RootConfig()) should be (RootConfig())
      case _ ? fail

示例15: TestCLIErrors

package com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.main

import com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.io.{FileSystemSupport, TestFileSystemSupport}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class TestCLIErrors extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MainTestTools {
  "adding a missing library reference leads to the appropriate error message" in {
    val fs = runWithNoUserConfig("-l", "foolib", "--", "testproject")(noStandardOutput = true)
    fs.getErrorOutput.trim should be("""Missing definition for library "foolib".""")
  "adding a missing plugin reference leads to the appropriate error message" in {
    val fs = runWithNoUserConfig("-p", "fooplugin", "--", "testproject")(noStandardOutput = true)
    fs.getErrorOutput.trim should be("""Missing definition for plugin "fooplugin".""")
  "leaving out both project name and directory leads to the appropriate error message" in {
    val fs = new TestFileSystemSupport()
    val prevFS = FileSystemSupport.main.get
    try Main.main(Array.empty[String]) finally FileSystemSupport.main.set(prevFS)
    fs.getErrorOutput.trim should be("""Neither project name nor project directory is set, but one of the two must be given.""")
  "specifying more than one project directory leads to the appropriate error message" in {
    val fs = runWithNoUserConfig("testproject1", "testproject2")(noStandardOutput = true)
    fs.getErrorOutput.trim should be("""More than one project directory specified.""")
  "whitespace in the project directory leads to an error" in {
    val fs = runWithNoUserConfig(" ws")(noStandardOutput=true)
    fs.getErrorOutput.trim should be ("""Whitespace before project directory.""")
  "empty project organization (as opposed to left out) leads to an error" in {
    val fs = runWithNoUserConfig("-o", "", "testproject")(noStandardOutput=true)
    fs.getErrorOutput.trim should be ("""Empty project organization.""")
