本文整理汇总了Scala中org.joda.time.Duration类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala Duration类的具体用法?Scala Duration怎么用?Scala Duration使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: getDelay
package com.box.castle.core.committer.manager
import com.box.castle.core.common.{BoundedQueue, ReadSample}
import com.box.castle.core.config.BatchSizeManagerConfig
import org.joda.time.Duration
import org.slf4s.Logging
def getDelay(committerActorId: String): Duration = {
if (samples.size > 1) {
// We need atleast 2 samples to figure out the rate of data generation and hence the delay
val dataRead: Double = samples.last.bytesRead - samples.front.bytesRead
val elapsedTime: Double = samples.last.timestamp - samples.front.timestamp
val rate: Double = dataRead / elapsedTime
val delay = (bufferSize * batchSizeManagerConfig.targetBatchSizePercent) / rate
// The discount factor reduces delay based on how many consecutive full buffers we have seen.
val discount = Math.pow(batchSizeManagerConfig.discountFactor, consecutiveFullBuffers)
val computedDelay = Math.min(batchSizeManagerConfig.maxWaitTime.getMillis, (delay * discount).toLong)
log.info(s"$committerActorId idling for ${computedDelay / 1000} seconds after calculating a rate of ${"%.3f".format(rate / 1048.576)} MiB/sec with discountFactor of ${"%.3f".format(discount)}")
new Duration(computedDelay)
else {
// Not enough data to compute delay
def size: Int = samples.size
def getLastSample: ReadSample = samples.last
示例2: BatchSizeManagerConfig
package com.box.castle.core.config
import org.joda.time.Duration
import BatchSizeManagerConfig._
case class BatchSizeManagerConfig(samplingSlots: Int = DefaultSamplingSlots,
samplingInterval: Duration = DefaultSamplingInterval,
maxWaitTime: Duration = DefaultMaxWaitTime,
discountFactor: Double = DefaultDiscountFactor,
fullBufferThresholdCount: Int = DefaultFullBufferThresholdCount,
emptyBufferThresholdCount: Int = DefaultEmptyBufferThresholdCount,
targetBatchSizePercent: Double = DefaultTargetBatchSizePercent) {
require(samplingSlots > 1, "Sampling Slots should be greater than 1")
require(discountFactor > 0 && discountFactor < 1, "Discount Factor should range between 0 to 1")
require(targetBatchSizePercent >= 0 && targetBatchSizePercent <= 1,
"Target batch size percent must be in the interval [0, 1] inclusive")
object BatchSizeManagerConfig {
val DefaultTargetBatchSizePercent = 0
val DefaultSamplingSlots = 20
val DefaultSamplingInterval = new Duration(60000) // 1 minute
val DefaultMaxWaitTime = new Duration(300000) // 5 minutes
val DefaultDiscountFactor = 0.8
val DefaultFullBufferThresholdCount = 3
val DefaultEmptyBufferThresholdCount = 3
示例3: PointSpec
package com.pygmalios.reactiveinflux.command.write
import com.pygmalios.reactiveinflux._
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone, Duration}
object PointSpec {
val dateTime1 = new DateTime(1983, 1, 10, 11, 42, 7, 13, DateTimeZone.UTC)
val time1 = PointTime(dateTime1)
val point1 = Point(time1, "m1", Map.empty, Map("fk" -> LongFieldValue(-1)))
val time2 = time1.plus(Duration.millis(3))
val point2 = Point(time2, "m2", Map("tk1" -> "tv1", "tk2" -> "tv2"),
"fk" -> BooleanFieldValue(true),
"fk2" -> BigDecimalFieldValue(1),
"fk3" -> StringFieldValue("abcXYZ")
示例4: FutureExecutorStats
package justinb99.futureexecutor
import org.joda.time.Duration
import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormat
case class FutureExecutorStats(numberOfQueuedFutures: Int,
numberOfExecutingFutures: Int,
executionTimeMillis: Long,
numberOfCompletedFutures: Int,
numberOfFailedFutures: Int)
val executionTime: String = FormattedDuration(executionTimeMillis)
val averageExecutionTimeMillis = executionTimeMillis / numberOfCompletedFutures.toLong
val averageExecutionTime: String = FormattedDuration(averageExecutionTimeMillis)
//TODO: convert this to use json4s
override def toString: String = {
| "numberOfQueuedFutures": $numberOfQueuedFutures,
| "numberOfExecutingFutures": $numberOfExecutingFutures,
| "executionTimeMillis": $executionTimeMillis,
| "numberOfCompletedFutures": $numberOfCompletedFutures,
| "numberOfFailedFutures": $numberOfFailedFutures,
| "executionTime": "$executionTime",
| "averageExecutionTimeMillis": $averageExecutionTimeMillis,
| "averageExecutionTime": "$averageExecutionTime"
object FormattedDuration {
def apply(millis: Long): String = {
PeriodFormat.getDefault.print(new Duration(millis).toPeriod())
示例5: OauthCode
package models
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, Duration}
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json.{JsPath, Json, OWrites, Reads}
import scala.util.Random
case class OauthCode(code : String, user: User, client : OauthClient) {
val created = new DateTime(new java.util.Date())
// currently codes are valid for one day
def isExpired : Boolean = created.plus(new Duration(24L*60L*60L*1000L)).isBeforeNow
object OauthCode {
def apply(user: User, client: OauthClient) : OauthCode = OauthCode(Random.alphanumeric.take(100).mkString, user, client)
// implicit val oauthCodeJsonFormat = Json.format[OauthCode]
implicit val profileWrites : OWrites[OauthCode] = (
(JsPath \ "code").write[String] and
(JsPath \ "user").write[User] and
(JsPath \ "client").write[OauthClient]
implicit val profileReads : Reads[OauthCode] = (
(JsPath \ "code").read[String] and
(JsPath \ "user").read[User] and
(JsPath \ "client").read[OauthClient]
)((code, user, client) => OauthCode(code, user, client))
示例6: Application
package controllers
import org.joda.time.{Duration, DateTime}
import play.api.cache.Cached
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.Play.current
object Application extends Controller {
val dateFormat = play.api.http.dateFormat
case class WithCacheControl(action: EssentialAction) extends EssentialAction {
def apply(request: RequestHeader) = {
implicit val executionContext = play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.defaultContext
action(request).map { result =>
result.header.headers.get(EXPIRES).map(dateFormat.parseDateTime) match {
case None => result
case Some(expires) =>
val now = DateTime.now()
val maxAge = new Duration(now, expires).getStandardSeconds + 1
(CACHE_CONTROL, s"max-age=$maxAge")
val key: (RequestHeader) => String = { case rh => rh.uri }
val cacheDurationFromExpiresHeader: scala.PartialFunction[ResponseHeader, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration] = {
case rh => rh.headers.get(EXPIRES).map(dateFormat.parseDateTime) match {
case None => scala.concurrent.duration.Duration(5, scala.concurrent.duration.SECONDS)
case Some(expires) =>
val expiresIn = Math.max(new Duration(DateTime.now(), expires).getStandardSeconds, 1)
scala.concurrent.duration.Duration(expiresIn, scala.concurrent.duration.SECONDS)
def index = WithCacheControl { Cached(key, cacheDurationFromExpiresHeader) {
Action {
val expires = DateTime.now().plusSeconds(5).toString(dateFormat)
Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))
.withHeaders((EXPIRES, expires))
示例7: JarInfo
package spark.jobserver.io
import com.typesafe.config._
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, Duration}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
// Uniquely identifies the jar used to run a job
case class JarInfo(appName: String, uploadTime: DateTime)
// Both a response and used to track job progress
// NOTE: if endTime is not None, then the job has finished.
case class JobInfo(jobId: String, contextName: String,
jarInfo: JarInfo, classPath: String,
startTime: DateTime, endTime: Option[DateTime],
error: Option[Throwable]) {
def jobLengthMillis: Option[Long] = endTime.map { end => new Duration(startTime, end).getMillis() }
def isRunning: Boolean = !endTime.isDefined
def isErroredOut: Boolean = endTime.isDefined && error.isDefined
def getLastUploadTime(appName: String): Option[DateTime] =
Await.result(getApps, 60 seconds).get(appName)
示例8: DefaultModule
package modules
import com.galacticfog.gestalt.security.SecurityConfig
import com.galacticfog.gestalt.security.data.domain.{AccountStoreMappingService, DefaultAccountStoreMappingServiceImpl}
import com.google.inject.{AbstractModule, Provides}
import org.joda.time.Duration
import scala.util.Properties.envOrNone
import scala.util.Try
class DefaultModule extends AbstractModule {
override def configure(): Unit = {
def providesSecurityConfig(): SecurityConfig = {
import SecurityConfig._
val tokenLifetime = (for {
envString <- envOrNone("OAUTH_TOKEN_LIFETIME")
lifetime <- Try { Duration.parse(envString) }.toOption
} yield lifetime) getOrElse DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFETIME
val methodOverrideParameter = envOrNone("METHOD_OVERRIDE_PARAM") getOrElse DEFAULT_METHOD_OVERRIDE_PARAM
val database = DatabaseConfig(
host = envOrThrow("DATABASE_HOSTNAME"),
username = envOrThrow("DATABASE_USERNAME"),
password = envOrThrow("DATABASE_PASSWORD"),
dbname = envOrThrow("DATABASE_NAME"),
port = getEnvOptInt("DATABASE_PORT").getOrElse(5432),
timeout = getEnvOptInt("DATABASE_TIMEOUT_MS").getOrElse(5000)
val rateLimiting = AuthAttemptConfig(
attemptsPerPeriod = getEnvOptInt("OAUTH_RATE_LIMITING_AMOUNT") getOrElse AuthAttemptConfig.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS_PER_MINUTE
tokenLifetime = tokenLifetime,
methodOverrideParameter = methodOverrideParameter,
database = database,
rateLimiting = rateLimiting
示例9: PerformanceReporting
package highperfscala.clientreports.views
import org.joda.time.{Duration, Instant, Interval}
object PerformanceReporting {
def trend(
now: () => Instant,
findOrders: (Interval, Ticker) => List[Order],
findExecutions: (Interval, Ticker) => List[Execution],
request: GenerateTradingPerformanceTrend): List[TradingPerformanceTrend] = {
def periodPnL(
duration: Duration): Map[Ticker, PeriodPnL] = {
val currentTime = now()
val interval = new Interval(currentTime.minus(duration), currentTime)
(for {
ticker <- request.tickers
orders = findOrders(interval, ticker)
executions = findExecutions(interval, ticker)
idToExecPrice = executions.groupBy(_.id).mapValues(es =>
signedExecutionPrices = for {
o <- orders
if o.clientId == request.clientId
price <- idToExecPrice.get(o.id).map(p => o match {
case _: BuyOrder => Price(p.value * -1)
case _: SellOrder => p
} yield price
trend = signedExecutionPrices.foldLeft(PnL.zero) {
case (pnl, p) => PnL(pnl.value + p.value)
} match {
case p if p.value >= PnL.zero.value => PeriodPositive
case _ => PeriodNegative
} yield ticker -> trend).toMap
val tickerToLastHour = periodPnL(Duration.standardHours(1)).mapValues {
case PeriodPositive => LastHourPositive
case PeriodNegative => LastHourNegative
val tickerToLastDay = periodPnL(Duration.standardDays(1)).mapValues {
case PeriodPositive => LastDayPositive
case PeriodNegative => LastDayNegative
val tickerToLastSevenDays = periodPnL(Duration.standardDays(7)).mapValues {
case PeriodPositive => LastSevenDayPositive
case PeriodNegative => LastSevenDayNegative
case (((t, lastHour), (_, lastDay)), (_, lastSevenDays)) =>
TradingPerformanceTrend(t, lastHour, lastDay, lastSevenDays)
示例10: ViewPerformanceReporting
package highperfscala.clientreports.views
import org.joda.time.{Duration, Instant, Interval}
object ViewPerformanceReporting {
def trend(
now: () => Instant,
findOrders: (Interval, Ticker) => List[Order],
findExecutions: (Interval, Ticker) => List[Execution],
request: GenerateTradingPerformanceTrend): List[TradingPerformanceTrend] = {
def periodPnL(
duration: Duration): Map[Ticker, PeriodPnL] = {
val currentTime = now()
val interval = new Interval(currentTime.minus(duration), currentTime)
(for {
ticker <- request.tickers
orders = findOrders(interval, ticker)
executions = findExecutions(interval, ticker)
idToExecPrice = executions.groupBy(_.id).mapValues(es =>
signedExecutionPrices = for {
o <- orders.view
if o.clientId == request.clientId
price <- idToExecPrice.get(o.id).map(p => o match {
case _: BuyOrder => Price(p.value * -1)
case _: SellOrder => p
} yield price
trend = signedExecutionPrices.foldLeft(PnL.zero) {
case (pnl, p) => PnL(pnl.value + p.value)
} match {
case p if p.value >= PnL.zero.value => PeriodPositive
case _ => PeriodNegative
} yield ticker -> trend).toMap
val tickerToLastHour = periodPnL(Duration.standardHours(1)).mapValues {
case PeriodPositive => LastHourPositive
case PeriodNegative => LastHourNegative
val tickerToLastDay = periodPnL(Duration.standardDays(1)).mapValues {
case PeriodPositive => LastDayPositive
case PeriodNegative => LastDayNegative
val tickerToLastSevenDays = periodPnL(Duration.standardDays(7)).mapValues {
case PeriodPositive => LastSevenDayPositive
case PeriodNegative => LastSevenDayNegative
case (((t, lastHour), (_, lastDay)), (_, lastSevenDays)) =>
TradingPerformanceTrend(t, lastHour, lastDay, lastSevenDays)
示例11: TotalEstimatorSpec
package cas.analysis
import java.util.Date
import cas.analysis.estimation._
import cas.analysis.subject.Subject
import cas.analysis.subject.components.{CreationDate, Likability, Virality}
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, Duration, Period}
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
class TotalEstimatorSpec extends Specification {
"TotalEstimator" should {
val estims = new LoyaltyEstimator(LoyaltyConfigs(Map(
Duration.standardMinutes(2) -> 2.0)
)) :: Nil
val estimator = new TotalEstimator(estims)
"Return error" in {
"With lack of subject components" in {
val subj = Subject(List(CreationDate(DateTime.now())))
val actuality = estimator estimateActuality subj
println("[TotalEstimator] Left msg (lack of components): " + actuality.left.get)
actuality.right.getOrElse(-1.0) must beCloseTo(-1.0, 0.001)
"Return actuality" in {
"With weight" in {
val subj = Subject(List(Likability(5.0), Virality(11.0), CreationDate(DateTime.now())))
val actuality = estimator estimateActuality subj
actuality.right.getOrElse(-10.0) must beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0.3)
示例12: Timer
package com.pharmpress.timer
import org.joda.time.Duration
import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatterBuilder
class Timer {
val millis = 0L
def display:String = {
val duration = new Duration(millis)
val formatter = new PeriodFormatterBuilder()