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Scala AtomicReference类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Scala中java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala AtomicReference类的具体用法?Scala AtomicReference怎么用?Scala AtomicReference使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: userPreferencesFileContents

package com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.io

import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.file.{FileSystem, FileSystems, Files}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.action.framework.ActionEnvironment
import com.github.madoc.create_sbt_project.io.Write.WriteToAppendable

import scala.io.Source

trait FileSystemSupport extends ActionEnvironment {
  def userPreferencesFileContents:Option[String]
  def writeToStandardOutput:Write
  def writeToErrorOutput:Write
object FileSystemSupport {
  val default:FileSystemSupport = new Default(FileSystems getDefault)
  val main:AtomicReference[FileSystemSupport] = new AtomicReference[FileSystemSupport](default)

  class Default(val fs:FileSystem) extends FileSystemSupport {
    def userPreferencesFileContents = {
      val prefsPath = fs getPath userPreferencesFilePath
      if(Files.exists(prefsPath) && Files.isRegularFile(prefsPath) && Files.isReadable(prefsPath)) {
        val source = Source.fromInputStream(Files newInputStream prefsPath, "utf-8")
        try Some(source mkString) finally source.close()
      else None

    val writeToErrorOutput = new WriteToAppendable(systemErr)
    val writeToStandardOutput = new WriteToAppendable(systemOut)
    def fileExists(path:String) = Files exists (fs getPath path)
    def isFileWritable(path:String) = Files isWritable (fs getPath path)
    def isDirectory(path:String) = Files isDirectory (fs getPath path)
    def mkdirs(path:String) = Files createDirectories (fs getPath path)
    def outputToFile[A](contents:A, path:String, charset:Charset)(implicit output:Output[A]) = {
      val writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(fs getPath path, charset)
      try output(contents)(new WriteToAppendable(writer)) finally writer close

    protected def systemErr:Appendable = System err
    protected def systemOut:Appendable = System out
    protected def userHomeDirectory:String = System.getProperty("user.home")
    protected def userPreferencesFilePath:String =
      if(userHomeDirectory endsWith "/") userHomeDirectory + ".create-sbt-project.json"
      else userHomeDirectory + "/.create-sbt-project.json"

示例2: TimeBasedPublishEmitter

package knot.core.emitters

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import knot.core.Signals.Request
import knot.core.config.PartConfig
import knot.core.scheduler.{Cancellable, Scheduler}
import knot.core.{Signals, TickSource, Upstream, Workbench}

import scala.util.control.NonFatal

case class TimeBasedPublishEmitter[O](override val workbench: Workbench,
                                      override val config: PartConfig,
                                      override val part: TickSource[O],
                                      scheduler: Scheduler,
                                      initialDelay: Long,
                                      delay: Long,
                                      timeUnit: TimeUnit)
  extends SignalEmitter(workbench, config, part)
    with TimeBasedPublisherContext[O]
    with PushEmitter[O] {
  require(delay > 0, s"delay must be > 0 (delay=$delay)")


  private val tick = new AtomicReference[Cancellable](null)

  override def autoReceive(signal: Signals.Signal): Unit = {
    signal match {
      case Request(n) => onRequest(part, n)
      case _ =>

  override def onRequest(part: Upstream[_], n: Long): Unit = {
    super.onRequest(part, n)
    tick.compareAndSet(null, scheduler.schedule(() => tryOnTime(), initialDelay, delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS))

  override def unSubscribe(): Unit = {
    val t = tick.getAndSet(null)
    if (t != null)

  private def tryOnTime(): Unit = {
    try this.part.onTime() catch {
      case NonFatal(e) => error(e)

示例3: Intern

package org.leialearns.crystallize.util

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import scala.collection.immutable

object Intern {
  private val internalized = new AtomicReference[immutable.HashMap[AnyRef,Internalizable]](immutable.HashMap.empty)

  def internalize[T <: Internalizable](thing: T): T = {
    val key = thing.equivalenceKey
    var result: Option[Internalizable] = None
    do {
      val oldInternalized = internalized.get()
      result = oldInternalized.get(key)
      result match {
        case Some(internal) => internal
        case _ =>
          val newInternalized = oldInternalized + ((key, thing))
          internalized.compareAndSet(oldInternalized, newInternalized)
    } while (result.isEmpty)

示例4: Chat

package code.snippet

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator

import net.liftweb.actor.LiftActor
import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd
import net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmds.SetValById
import net.liftweb.http._
import net.liftweb.util.ClearClearable
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._

object Chat {
  private [this] val ms = new AtomicReference(List("default message"))

  def messages = ".chat-message *" #> ms.get() & ClearClearable

  private [this] def append(msg:String):Unit =
    ms.updateAndGet(new UnaryOperator[List[String]] {
      override def apply(m: List[String]) = (m :+ msg).takeRight(5)

  private [this] def doPost:Unit = for {
    r <- S.request if r.post_?
    msg <- S.param("in")
  } yield {

  def submit = {
    S.session.foreach(_.plumbUpdateDOM(listenTo = List(ChatActor)))
    var msg = ""

    def onAjax():JsCmd = {

//      SendUpdateDOM()
      ChatActor ! ""
      SetValById("chat-in", "")

    "name=in" #> (SHtml.text(msg, msg = _, "id" -> "chat-in") ++ SHtml.hidden(onAjax))

object ChatActor extends LiftActor with ListenerManager {
  override def createUpdate = ""

  override def lowPriority = {
    case _ => sendListenersMessage(UpdateDOM())

示例5: transform

package org.pico.event

import java.io.Closeable
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicInteger, AtomicReference}

import org.pico.atomic.syntax.std.atomicReference._
import org.pico.disposal.OnClose

trait SimpleSinkSource[A, B] extends SinkSource[A, B] {
  private final val subscribers = new AtomicReference(List.empty[WeakReference[B => Unit]])
  private final val garbage = new AtomicInteger(0)

  def transform: A => B

  final override def publish(event: A): Unit = {
    subscribers.get().foreach { subscriberRef =>
      val subscriber = subscriberRef.get()

      if (subscriber != null) {
      } else {


  final override def subscribe(subscriber: B => Unit): Closeable = {
    val subscriberRef = new WeakReference(subscriber)

    subscribers.update(subscriberRef :: _)


    OnClose {

  final def houseKeep(): Unit = {
    if (garbage.get() > subscribers.get().size) {
      subscribers.update { subscriptions =>
        subscriptions.filter { subscription =>
          subscription.get() != null

示例6: FileBackedStatus

package org.scalawag.jibe.backend

import java.io.File
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator

import org.scalawag.jibe.FileUtils._
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat

class FileBackedStatus[A, B <: RootJsonFormat[A]](file: File, initialValue: A)(implicit jsonFormat: B) {
  private[this] var _status: A = initialValue

  updateFile(initialValue) // write the initial value to disk

  def get: A = _status

  def mutate(fn: A => A) = synchronized {
    val oldValue = _status
    val newValue = fn(_status)
    if ( oldValue != newValue ) {
      _status = newValue

      // Fire a change event
      changeListeners.get.foreach(_.apply(oldValue, newValue))

  private[this] val changeListeners = new AtomicReference[Seq[(A, A) => Unit]](Seq.empty)

  def addChangeListener(listener: (A, A) => Unit) =
    changeListeners.getAndUpdate(new UnaryOperator[Seq[(A, A) => Unit]] {
      override def apply(t: Seq[(A, A) => Unit]) = t :+ listener

  private[this] def updateFile(a: A) =
    writeFileWithPrintWriter(file) { pw =>

示例7: AtomicBuffer

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import scala.annotation.tailrec

class AtomicBuffer[T] {
  private val buffer = new AtomicReference[List[T]](Nil)

  final def +=(x: T): Unit = {
    val xs = buffer.get
    val nxs = x :: xs
    if (!buffer.compareAndSet(xs, nxs)) {

  override def toString = buffer.get().toString()

object SyncOnMutable extends App {
  val buffer = new AtomicBuffer[Int]

  def asyncAdd(numbers: Int): Unit = {
    buffer.synchronized {
      buffer += numbers
      ConcurrentCollections.log(s"buffer = $buffer")


示例8: TestIOGlobals

package io.really

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import _root_.io.really.io.IOConfig

class TestIOGlobals(val config: IOConfig) {
  import play.api.Logger
  private[this] val _actorSystem = new AtomicReference[ActorSystem]
  private val logger = Logger(getClass)
  lazy val actorSystem = _actorSystem.get

  def boot(): Unit = {
    _actorSystem.set(ActorSystem("IO-TEST", config.ioConfig))
    logger.info("IO Booted")

  def shutdown(): Unit = {
    logger.info("IO Terminated")

示例9: PlacedOrders

package services

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.Materializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import dao.EventDao
import models.{Order, OrderPlaced}

class PlacedOrders(orders: EventDao[OrderPlaced])(
    implicit sys: ActorSystem,
    mat: Materializer) {

  val allOrders = new AtomicReference[Seq[Order]]

    .scan(List.empty[Order]) {
      case (orders, OrderPlaced(order)) =>
        orders :+ order


示例10: SubscribeDispatcher

package com.twitter.finagle.redis.exp

import com.twitter.finagle.dispatch.GenSerialClientDispatcher
import com.twitter.finagle.redis.protocol._
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.util.{Future, NonFatal, Promise}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

class SubscribeDispatcher(trans: Transport[Command, Reply])
    extends GenSerialClientDispatcher[Command, Reply, Command, Reply](trans) {

  private val handler = new AtomicReference[SubscribeHandler]


  private[this] def loop(): Unit =
    trans.read().onSuccess { reply =>
    }.onFailure {
      case NonFatal(ex) =>
        Option(handler.get()).foreach(_.onException(this, ex))

  protected def dispatch(req: Command, p: Promise[Reply]): Future[Unit] = {
      .onSuccess { _ => p.setValue(NoReply) }
      .onFailure { case NonFatal(ex) => p.setException(ex) }

  override def apply(req: Command): Future[Reply] = {
    req match {
      case cmd: SubscribeCommand =>
        handler.compareAndSet(null, cmd.handler)
        super.apply(cmd).masked.onSuccess { _ =>
          req match {
            case Subscribe(channels, handler) =>
              channels.foreach(handler.onSuccess(_, this))
            case PSubscribe(patterns, handler) =>
              patterns.foreach(handler.onSuccess(_, this))
            case _ =>
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a subscribe/unsubscribe command")

  override def close(deadline: com.twitter.util.Time) = {

示例11: AppTest

package samples

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import com.github.cuzfrog.excel.Workbook
import utest._

object AppTest extends TestSuite {

  val workbookRef = new AtomicReference[Workbook](null)

  val tests = this {
    'OpenWorkbook {
    'PopulateSheet {
      workbookRef.get().sheets.foreach { sheet =>
        sheet.rows.foreach { row =>
          row.cells.foreach { cell =>
            cell.setValue(cell.getValue + "_p")
    'SaveWorkbook {
      workbookRef.get().saveAs(Files.createTempFile("tmp", ".xlsx").toString)


示例12: ProcessStepper

package org.http4s.finagle

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.std.option.none
import scalaz.stream.Process
import scalaz.syntax.monoid._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.Monoid

class ProcessStepper[A: Monoid](p: Process[Task, A]) {
  import scalaz.stream.Cause._
  import scalaz.stream.Process.{ Await, Emit, Halt, Step }

  private val cur = new AtomicReference[Process[Task, A]](p)

  def read: Task[Option[A]] = readFrom

  private val Done: Task[Option[A]] = Task.now(none[A])

  private def readFrom: Task[Option[A]] = {
    cur.get.step match {
      case s: Step[Task, A] @unchecked =>
        (s.head, s.next) match {
          case (Emit(os), cont) =>
            Task.now(os.foldLeft[A](?)((a, o) => a |+| o).some)
          case (awt: Await[Task, Any, A] @unchecked, cont) =>
            awt.evaluate flatMap { p =>
              cur.set(p +: cont)
      case Halt(End) =>
      case Halt(Kill) =>
      case Halt(Error(rsn)) =>

示例13: Room

package chat

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import javax.inject.{ Inject, Singleton }

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ BroadcastHub, Flow, Keep, MergeHub, Sink }
import akka.stream.{ KillSwitches, Materializer, UniqueKillSwitch }
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Sink, Source }
import akka.NotUsed

import scala.collection.mutable.{ Map => MutableMap }
import scala.concurrent.duration._

case class Room(roomId: String, bus: Flow[Message, Message, UniqueKillSwitch])

class RoomClient @Inject()(implicit val materializer: Materializer, implicit val system: ActorSystem) {

  def chatRoom(roomId: String): Room = synchronized {
    RoomClient.roomPool.get.get(roomId) match {
      case Some(room) =>
      case None =>
        val room = create(roomId)
        RoomClient.roomPool.get() += (roomId -> room)

  private def create(roomId: String): Room = {

    val (sink, source) =
      MergeHub.source[Message](perProducerBufferSize = 16)
          .toMat(BroadcastHub.sink(bufferSize = 256))(Keep.both)

    val bus = Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source)
        .joinMat(KillSwitches.singleBidi[Message, Message])(Keep.right)

    Room(roomId, bus)

object RoomClient {
  val roomPool = new AtomicReference[MutableMap[String, Room]](MutableMap[String, Room]())


示例14: CallbackHandler

package org.svars

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

class CallbackHandler[D, T](val thresholdSet: Set[D], val lattice: Lattice[D, T], val callback: D => Unit) {

  private val threshold = new AtomicReference(thresholdSet.toList.sortWith((a, b) => lattice < (a, b)))

  def tick(state: D): Unit = {
    var stop = false

    while (!stop) {
      val list = threshold.get

      list match {
        case head :: tail if lattice < (head, state) && threshold.compareAndSet(list, tail) =>
        case _ =>
          stop = true

示例15: ExecutionState

package org.imdex.tractor.internal

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import org.imdex.tractor.actor._
import org.imdex.tractor.dispatch.Dispatcher
import org.imdex.tractor.mailbox.{Envelope, Mailbox}

private[tractor] sealed trait ExecutionState
private[tractor] object ExecutionState {
    case object Idle extends ExecutionState // Mailbox is empty, actor suspended until next received message
    case object Work extends ExecutionState // Mailbox processing in progress
    case object Suspended extends ExecutionState // Mailbox processing was suspended by the actor
    case object Stopped extends ExecutionState // Actor is stopped

private[tractor] object ActorData {
    def apply(env: Environment, dispatcher: Dispatcher, actor: JustActor, mailbox: Mailbox, receiveContext: InternalReceiveContext, state: ExecutionState): ActorData = {
        new ActorData(env, dispatcher, actor, mailbox, new AtomicReference(state), actor.receive(receiveContext), receiveContext)

private[tractor] final class ActorData(override val environment: Environment,
                                       override val dispatcher: Dispatcher,
                                       var actor: JustActor, // NOTE: var only to avoid dangling actor references when actor is dead
                                       var mailbox: Mailbox,
                                       val state: AtomicReference[ExecutionState],
                                       var receive: PartialFunction[Any, Any], // NOTE: var only to avoid dangling actor references when actor is dead
                                       val receiveContext: InternalReceiveContext) extends ActorContext {
    override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = obj match {
        case that: ActorData => actor eq that.actor
        case _               => false

    override def hashCode(): Int = actor.hashCode()

    override def enqueue(letter: Envelope): Unit = {
        import ExecutionState._

        val idle = state.compareAndSet(Idle, Work) // synchronization point
        mailbox += letter
        if (idle) dispatcher.notifyResume(this)
