本文整理汇总了Scala中java.time.Month类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala Month类的具体用法?Scala Month怎么用?Scala Month使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: parseYearMonthDayEra
package epam.idobrovolskiy.wikipedia.trending.cli
import java.time.Month
import epam.idobrovolskiy.wikipedia.trending.time.WikiDate
private val Aliases = Map("now" -> WikiDate.Now, "genesis" -> WikiDate.MinDate)
private val YearMonthDayRe = """(\d{1,4})(?:[/\.]([01]\d)(?:[/\.](\d\d))?)?""".r
private def parseYearMonthDayEra(lcDate: String): Option[WikiDate] = {
val dateSB = new StringBuilder(lcDate)
var isAd = true
if (dateSB.endsWith("ad")) {
dateSB.delete(dateSB.length - 2, dateSB.length)
else if (dateSB.endsWith("bc")) {
dateSB.delete(dateSB.length - 2, dateSB.length)
isAd = false
if (dateSB.length == 0) {
Some(if (isAd) WikiDate.AD else WikiDate.BC)
dateSB match {
case YearMonthDayRe(year, month, day) =>
if (day == null) None else Some(day.toByte),
if (month == null) None else Some(Month.of(month.toInt)),
case _ => None
private def parseDecade(lcDate: String): Option[WikiDate] = ???
private def parseCentury(lcDate: String): Option[WikiDate] = ???
private def parseThousandYearsAgo(lcDate: String): Option[WikiDate] = ???
def parse(date: String): Option[WikiDate] = {
val lcDate = date.toLowerCase
示例2: WikiDateParserTest
package epam.idobrovolskiy.wikipedia.trending.cli
import java.time.Month
import epam.idobrovolskiy.wikipedia.trending.time.WikiDate
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
class WikiDateParserTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
val parser = WikiDateParser
"1971" should "parse correctly" in {
parser.parse("1971") shouldEqual Some(WikiDate.AD(1971))
"123/03" should "parse correctly" in {
parser.parse("123/03") shouldEqual Some(WikiDate.AD(123, Month.MARCH))
"2017.08.04" should "parse correctly" in {
parser.parse("2017.08.04") shouldEqual Some(WikiDate.AD(2017, Month.AUGUST, 4))
"33BC" should "parse correctly" in {
parser.parse("33BC") shouldEqual Some(WikiDate.BC(33))
"121.02BC" should "parse correctly" in {
parser.parse("121.02BC") shouldEqual Some(WikiDate.BC(121, Month.FEBRUARY))
"202.12.31BC" should "parse correctly" in {
parser.parse("202.12.31BC") shouldEqual Some(WikiDate.BC(202, Month.DECEMBER, 31))
"NOW" should "parse as WikiDate.Now" in {
parser.parse("NOW") shouldEqual Some(WikiDate.Now)
"GENESIS" should "parse as WikiDate.MinDate" in {
parser.parse("GENESIS") shouldEqual Some(WikiDate.MinDate)
示例3: WikiDateTest
package epam.idobrovolskiy.wikipedia.trending.time
import java.time.Month
import epam.idobrovolskiy.wikipedia.trending.tokenizer.StopWordsTokenizer
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
class WikiDateTest extends FunSuite {
test("Test WikiDate after Ser-De results in source value") {
val wd = WikiDate.AD(123, Month.AUGUST, 31)
assertResult(wd) {
import java.io._
// Serialize
val bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val o = new ObjectOutputStream(bo)
val bytes = bo.toByteArray
// Deserialize
val bi = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
val i = new ObjectInputStream(bi)
val t = i.readObject.asInstanceOf[WikiDate]
//Although the test passes, t holds incorrect representation field values (for year, month, day, etc.). Test should be updated after Ser-De issue is fixed in WikiDate class.
test("ser calc") {
val date = WikiDate.deserialize(2233824) // 2129364 //2567655
val t = new StopWordsTokenizer
// val tt = t.getTopNTokens(Seq("""In Ireland, the rebel Irish Catholics formed their own government – Confederate Ireland with the intention of helping the Royalists in return for religious toleration and political autonomy."""))
val tt = t.getTopNTokens(Seq("""government – Confederate """))
示例4: baseEnrichOutput
package it.escopelliti.pipeline
import java.time.{LocalDate, Month}
import it.escopelliti.utils.ConfigurationProvider
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait Pipeline extends Serializable {
protected def baseEnrichOutput[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, W: ClassTag](left: RDD[(K, V)])
(right: RDD[(K, W)],
month: Month,
updateOutput: (V, Option[W], Month) => V): RDD[(K, V)] = {
.leftOuterJoin(right) // we do not know beforehand if there will be stats for that month
.mapValues { case (prevOutput, valueOpt) =>
updateOutput(prevOutput, valueOpt, month)
abstract class BasePipeline[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, T: ClassTag, W: ClassTag]() extends Pipeline {
def apply(input: RDD[(K, V)], data: RDD[(K, T)]): RDD[(K, V)] = {
build(input, data, ConfigurationProvider.getRunDate())
protected def transform(data: RDD[(K, T)], month: Month, runDate: LocalDate): RDD[(K, W)]
protected def updateOutput(kpiOut: V, valueOpt: Option[W], month: Month): V
protected def build(input: RDD[(K, V)], data: RDD[(K, T)], date: LocalDate): RDD[(K, V)] = {
Month.values().foldLeft(input) {
case (acc, month) =>
baseEnrichOutput[K, V, W](acc)(transform(data, month, date), month, updateOutput)
示例5: TimeSeriesStatsStep
package it.escopelliti.pipeline
import java.time.{LocalDate, Month}
import it.escopelliti.domain.DataValues.{CrossSale, Output, Stats, TimeSeries}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import it.escopelliti.utils.DataProcessingUtils._
object TimeSeriesStatsStep {
def apply: TimeSeriesStatsStep = new TimeSeriesStatsStep()
class TimeSeriesStatsStep() extends BasePipeline[String, Output, CrossSale, Stats] {
def transform(data: RDD[(String, CrossSale)], month: Month, runDate: LocalDate): RDD[(String, Stats)] = {
.filter {
case (_, sale) =>
val saleDate = sale.date
isDateInMonth(saleDate, month) && isValidDate(saleDate, runDate)
.aggregateByKey(List.empty[CrossSale])(_ :+ _, _ ++ _)
override protected def updateOutput(previousOutput: Output, valueOpt: Option[Stats], month: Month): Output = {
val newTimeSeries = valueOpt match {
case Some(stats) =>
previousOutput.timeSeries.months + (month.getValue() -> stats)
case None =>
previousOutput.timeSeries.months + (month.getValue() -> Stats.emptyStats(month))
previousOutput.copy(timeSeries = TimeSeries(newTimeSeries))
示例6: RunHistorical
package com.temerev.mi.run
import java.io.{FileWriter, File}
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.{ZoneId, Duration, LocalDate, Month}
import com.miriamlaurel.fxcore._
import com.miriamlaurel.fxcore.market.Quote
import com.miriamlaurel.fxcore.portfolio.StrictPortfolio
import com.temerev.mi.analytics.{FutureView, Window}
import com.temerev.mi.io.TickReader
import com.temerev.mi.strategy.BreakoutStrategy
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.io.Source
object RunHistorical extends App {
val TZ = ZoneId.of("UTC")
val reader = new TickReader(new File("/opt/data"))
val startDate = LocalDate.of(2015, Month.OCTOBER, 1)
val endDate = LocalDate.of(2015, Month.OCTOBER, 30)
val format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")
println("Loading ticks...")
val startTs = System.currentTimeMillis()
val ticks = reader.getTicks(EURUSD, startDate, endDate).map(_.best)
val smap = readSeasonalityMap(new File(args(0)))
val outDir = new File(args(1))
var view = FutureView(500, Window(Duration.ofHours(1), Duration.ofMinutes(5)), Queue.empty)
var candidates = Vector.empty[FutureView]
var count = 0
var ts = 0L
val strategy = BreakoutStrategy(new StrictPortfolio(), view.window, smap)
val result = ticks.foldLeft(strategy)((s: BreakoutStrategy, q: Quote) => s.apply(q))
def readSeasonalityMap(file: File): Map[Int, BigDecimal] = {
val pairs = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().map(s => {
val tokens = s.split(",")
(tokens(0).toInt, BigDecimal(tokens(1)))
Map(pairs.toSeq: _*)
示例7: TZDBSpec
package kuyfi
import java.time.{DayOfWeek, LocalTime, Month, LocalDateTime}
import kuyfi.TZDB._
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
class TZDBSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"Year ordering" should
"orders given years" in {
(GivenYear(2001): RuleYear) <= (GivenYear(2002): RuleYear) shouldBe true
(GivenYear(2004): RuleYear) >= (GivenYear(2002): RuleYear) shouldBe true
(GivenYear(2004): RuleYear) == (GivenYear(2004): RuleYear) shouldBe true
it should "make everything less than Maximum" in {
(GivenYear(2001): RuleYear) <= (Maximum: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Minimum: RuleYear) <= (Maximum: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Only: RuleYear) <= (Maximum: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Maximum: RuleYear) >= (Maximum: RuleYear) && (Maximum: RuleYear) <= (Maximum: RuleYear) shouldBe true
it should "make everything more than Maximum" in {
(GivenYear(2001): RuleYear) <= (Maximum: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Minimum: RuleYear) <= (Maximum: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Only: RuleYear) <= (Maximum: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Minimum: RuleYear) >= (Minimum: RuleYear) && (Minimum: RuleYear) <= (Minimum: RuleYear) shouldBe true
it should "make everything equal to Only" in {
(GivenYear(2001): RuleYear) >= (Only: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Minimum: RuleYear) >=(Only: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Maximum: RuleYear) >= (Only: RuleYear) shouldBe true
(Only: RuleYear) <= (Only: RuleYear) && (Only: RuleYear) >= (Only: RuleYear) shouldBe true
"Until" should
"calculate date time" in {
val until = Until(1998,Some(Month.APRIL),Some(AfterWeekday(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY,1)),Some(AtWallTime(LocalTime.of(3, 0), endOfDay = false)))
until.toDateTime shouldBe LocalDateTime.of(1998, Month.APRIL, 5, 3, 0)
until.toDateTime shouldBe LocalDateTime.of(1998, Month.APRIL, 5, 3, 0)
"On" should
"calculate day on a year" in {
val on = AfterWeekday(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY, 1)
on.dayOnYear(1998, Month.APRIL) shouldBe 5
val on2 = DayOfTheMonth(5)
on2.dayOnYear(1998, Month.APRIL) shouldBe 5
示例8: Main
package dtc.examples
import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime, Month}
import dtc.instances.localDateTime._
// scalastyle:off
object Main extends App {
val calendar = Calendar(List(
LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate.now(), LocalTime.of(10, 0)),
LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate.now(), LocalTime.of(11, 0)),
LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate.now().minusDays(2), LocalTime.of(12, 0)),
LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate.now().minusDays(2), LocalTime.of(14, 0)),
LocalDateTime.of(2016, Month.OCTOBER, 9, 11, 0),
LocalDateTime.of(2016, Month.OCTOBER, 9, 11, 0),
"Birthday party"
println(calendar.eventsAfter(LocalDateTime.now().minusDays(1L)).mkString(", "))
println(calendar.onlyWorkDays.mkString(", "))
val period = Period(LocalDateTime.now(), LocalDateTime.now().plusDays(1L))
示例9: EtcdJsonProtocolSpec
package me.maciejb.etcd.client.impl
import java.time.Month
import me.maciejb.etcd.client.EtcdNode
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import spray.json._
class EtcdJsonProtocolSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
import EtcdJsonProtocol._
"EtcdJsonProtocol" should "deserialize node with defined expiration time" in {
val node = """{
"createdIndex": 17,
"dir": true,
"expiration": "2013-12-11T10:37:33.689275857-08:00",
"key": "/dir",
"modifiedIndex": 17,
"ttl": 30
node.expiration match {
case Some(i) ?
i.getYear shouldBe 2013
i.getMonth shouldBe Month.DECEMBER
i.getDayOfMonth shouldBe 11
case _ ? fail
示例10: VolunteerCSVReader
package Readers
import java.io.File
import java.time.Month
import Core.{Availability, Person}
import com.github.tototoshi.csv.CSVReader
case class VolunteerCSVReader(filename: String) {
private val reader = CSVReader.open(new File(filename))
private val raw: List[Map[String, String]] = reader.allWithHeaders()
private def availability(row: Map[String,String], tentativeMeansAvailable: Boolean) : Availability = {
val sun = "Available Sun 6/12" -> Availability.AllDay(2016, Month.JUNE, 12)
val mon = "Available Mon 6/13" -> Availability.AllDay(2016, Month.JUNE, 13)
val tue = "Available Tue 6/14" -> Availability.AllDay(2016, Month.JUNE, 14)
val wed = "Available Wed 6/15" -> Availability.AllDay(2016, Month.JUNE, 15)
val thu = "Available Thurs 6/16" -> Availability.AllDay(2016, Month.JUNE, 16)
val fri = "Available Fri 6/17" -> Availability.AllDay(2016, Month.JUNE, 17)
val days = List(sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri)
// compute availability
days.foldLeft(Availability.NotAvailable){ case (acc,(key,avail)) =>
if (row(key) == "Y"
|| (if (tentativeMeansAvailable) { row(key) == "T" } else { false })) {
acc + avail
} else {
def people(tentativeMeansAvailable: Boolean) : (Set[Person],Set[Person]) = {
val allPeople = raw.flatMap { row =>
if (row("Can Serve (confirmed)") == "Y") {
val avail = availability(row, tentativeMeansAvailable)
row("First name"),
row("Last name"),
} else {
allPeople.partition { person => person.availability != Availability.NotAvailable }