本文整理汇总了Scala中java.awt.Color类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala Color类的具体用法?Scala Color怎么用?Scala Color使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: GraphicMatrix
package swayvil.langtonant.gui
import java.awt.{ Graphics2D, BasicStroke }
import java.awt.geom._ // Rectangle2D
import swayvil.langtonant.Matrix
import swayvil.langtonant.Square
import scala.swing.Panel
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Dimension
class GraphicMatrix(private var m: Matrix) extends Panel with GUI {
preferredSize = new Dimension(m.size * squareSize, m.size * squareSize)
override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) {
m.matrix.foreach { (row: Array[Square]) => row.foreach { (square: Square) => drawSquare(g, square.x, square.y) } }
override def repaint() {
private def drawSquare(g: Graphics2D, x: Int, y: Int) {
var rec = new Rectangle2D.Double(squareSize * x, squareSize * y, squareSize, squareSize)
if (m.matrix(x)(y).isWhite)
if (m.matrix(x)(y).isAnt)
g.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(squareSize * x, squareSize * y, squareSize, squareSize))
g.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(squareSize * x, squareSize * y, squareSize, squareSize))
示例2: Bubble
package com.alvinalexander.bubbles
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Graphics
import java.awt.Graphics2D
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration
import java.awt.Transparency
case class Bubble (
var x: Int,
var y: Int,
var lastX: Int,
var lastY: Int,
circleDiameter: Int,
fgColor: Color,
bgColor: Color,
char: Char
private var image: BufferedImage = null
def drawBubbleFast(g: Graphics, gc: GraphicsConfiguration) {
val g2 = g.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
if (image == null) {
println("image was null")
// build the image on the first call
image = gc.createCompatibleImage(circleDiameter+1, circleDiameter+1, Transparency.BITMASK)
val gImg = image.getGraphics.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
g2.drawImage(image, x, y, null)
// given a Graphics object, render the bubble
def renderBubble(g: Graphics) {
val g2 = g.create.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
// draw the circle
g2.fillOval(0, 0, circleDiameter, circleDiameter)
// draw the character
示例3: GameOver
package com.alvinalexander
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Font
package object bubbles {
val SCREEN_WIDTH = 800
val NUM_CIRCLES = 10
val CIRCLE_FONT = new Font("Sans Serif", Font.BOLD, 22)
val APPLICATION_NAME = "Akka Actors 'Kill The Characters' Game"
val ACTOR_SYSTEM_NAME = "TinyBubbles"
val BUBBLE_PANEL_ACTOR_NAME = "bubblePanelActor"
val MAIN_FRAME_ACTOR_NAME = "mainFrameActor"
val KEY_LISTENER_ACTOR_NAME = "keyListenerActor"
val PLAY_SOUND_ACTOR_NAME = "playSoundActor"
val ACTOR_MANAGER_NAME = "actorManager"
val COLORS = Array(
(Color.WHITE, Color.BLUE),
(Color.BLACK, Color.CYAN),
(Color.BLACK, Color.GREEN),
(Color.BLACK, Color.LIGHT_GRAY),
(Color.WHITE, Color.MAGENTA),
(Color.WHITE, Color.ORANGE),
(Color.WHITE, Color.PINK),
(Color.WHITE, Color.RED),
(Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE),
(Color.BLACK, Color.YELLOW))
// actor messages
case object GameOver
示例4: ColorApp
package com.esri
import java.awt.Color
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
object ColorApp extends App {
val rnd = new java.security.SecureRandom()
val colorSeq = for (_ <- 0 until 200)
yield {
val r = rnd.nextInt(255)
val g = rnd.nextInt(255)
val b = rnd.nextInt(255)
val hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB(r, g, b, null).map(_.toDouble)
val colorLen = colorSeq.length
val somSize = 8
val nodes = for {
q <- 0 until somSize
r <- 0 until somSize
} yield Node(q, r, colorSeq(rnd.nextInt(colorLen)))
val epochMax = colorLen * 100
implicit val pb = TerminalProgressBar(epochMax)
val som = SOM(nodes)
som.train(colorSeq, epochMax, somSize / 2, initialAlpha = 0.3)
som.saveAsPNG("/tmp/som.png", 20)
示例5: ButtonRenderer
package ui.proofView
import java.awt.{Color, Component}
import javax.swing.{UIManager, JTable, JButton}
import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer
class ButtonRenderer extends JButton with TableCellRenderer {
override def getTableCellRendererComponent(table: JTable, value: Object, isSelected: Boolean, hasFocus: Boolean, row: Int, column: Int): Component = {
if (isSelected) {
} else {
if (value != null) {
} else {
return this
示例6: extractBinary
package neuroflow.application.processor
import java.awt.Color
import java.io.File
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import scala.io.Source
def extractBinary(path: String, selector: Int => Boolean): Vector[Double] = extractBinary(new File(path), selector)
def extractBinary(file: File, selector: Int => Boolean): Vector[Double] = {
val img = ImageIO.read(file)
(0 until img.getHeight).flatMap { h =>
(0 until img.getWidth).flatMap { w =>
val c = new Color(img.getRGB(w, h))
(if (selector(c.getRed) || selector(c.getBlue) || selector(c.getGreen)) 1.0 else 0.0) :: Nil
示例7: Scatter3D
import java.awt.Color
import javax.swing.{JFrame, JPanel, WindowConstants}
import org.math.plot._
object Scatter3D {
def loadDataFromCSV(csvPath: String): JPanel = {
val data = scala.io.Source.fromFile(csvPath).getLines().map(_.split(",").map(_.trim.toDouble).toSeq)
val (x, y, z) = (data map {
case Seq(x_, y_, z_) => (x_, y_, z_)
val colors = z map (x => new Color(Color.HSBtoRGB(x.toFloat, 1.0f, 0.5f)))
val plot = new Plot3DPanel()
plot.addScatterPlot("Fractal in 3D", colors, x, y, z)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val plot = loadDataFromCSV(args.headOption.getOrElse("D:/Programming/Projects/FractalGenerator/output.csv"))
val frame = new JFrame("Fractal3D")
frame.setSize(900, 900)
示例8: log
package de.sciss.imperfect
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.{Date, Locale}
import scala.annotation.elidable
import scala.annotation.elidable.CONFIG
package object hough {
var showLog = true
private[this] val logHeader = new SimpleDateFormat("[d MMM yyyy, HH:mm''ss.SSS] 'imperfect' - ", Locale.US)
final val NominalWidth = 1920
final val NominalHeight = 1080
final val VisibleWidth = 3840
final val VisibleHeight = 540
// final val OffScreenImg = new BufferedImage(VisibleWidth, VisibleHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY)
final val OffScreenImg = new BufferedImage(VisibleWidth, VisibleHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
final val OffScreenG = {
val res = OffScreenImg.createGraphics()
res.fillRect(0, 0, VisibleWidth, VisibleHeight)
@elidable(CONFIG) def log(what: => String): Unit =
if (showLog) Console.out.println(s"${logHeader.format(new Date())}$what")
def warn(s: String): Unit =
Console.err.println(s"Warning: $s")
示例9: render
package eu.kraml.render
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import eu.kraml.Main.EventMonitor
import eu.kraml.model.{Circle, HeatMap, PointStyle, Record}
import eu.kraml.render.heatmap._
private[render] trait RecordRenderer {
def render(overlay: BufferedImage, coordinateConverter: CoordinateConverter, records: List[Record])
(implicit progress: EventMonitor): Unit
private[render] class CircleRenderer(private val diameter: Int, private val color: Color) extends RecordRenderer {
private val radius = diameter/2.0
override def render(overlay: BufferedImage, coordinateConverter: CoordinateConverter, records: List[Record])
(implicit progress: EventMonitor): Unit = {
val awtG = overlay.createGraphics()
val process = progress.startProcess("rendering point")
records.foreach( r => {
val center = coordinateConverter.toCanvasCoords(r.coordinate)
val shape = new Ellipse2D.Double(center.x-radius, center.y-radius, diameter, diameter)
process << 1
private[render] object RecordRenderer {
def getRenderer(style: PointStyle): RecordRenderer =
style match {
case Circle(d, c) => new CircleRenderer(d, c.toAWT)
case HeatMap() => new TiledRenderer(DefaultStyle)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"unknown point style $style")
示例10: DefaultStyle
package eu.kraml.render.heatmap
import java.awt.Color
import eu.kraml.model.Record
import eu.kraml.render.heatmap.TiledRenderer.{LimitedReach, PixelStyle}
import scala.math._
object DefaultStyle extends PixelStyle with LimitedReach {
private val exponent = 2
override def evaluatePixel(x: Int, y: Int, records: Traversable[((Int, Int), Traversable[Record])]): Color = {
val weight = records
.map( {
case ((c_x,c_y), points) => (math.sqrt(math.pow(c_x - x, 2) + math.pow(c_y - y, 2)), points.size)
.filter( {
case (distance, count) => distance < distanceCutoff
.map {
case (distance, count) =>
val linearFactor = (distanceCutoff - distance) / distanceCutoff
val modifiedFactor = math.pow(linearFactor, exponent)
count * modifiedFactor
val clipped = min(weight, 255).toInt
new Color(255, 0, 0, clipped)
override def distanceCutoff: Int = 70
示例11: Body
package core.models
import java.awt.Color
import core.universe.UniverseConstants._
import Vector2D._
case class Body(position: Vector2D = Zero,
velocity: Vector2D = Zero,
force: Vector2D = Zero,
mass: Double = 0.1,
color: Color = Color.BLACK) {
require(mass > 0, "Mass cannot be negative or zero")
def +(that: Body): Body = {
val totalMass = mass + that.mass
val x = (position.x * mass + that.position.x * that.mass) / totalMass
val y = (position.y * mass + that.position.y * that.mass) / totalMass
copy(Vector2D(x, y), Zero, Zero, totalMass)
def forceBetween(that: Body): Vector2D = {
val distance = this.position.distance(that.position)
val squaredDistance = Math.pow(distance, 2)
val forceMagnitude = (GRAVITATION * that.mass * mass) / squaredDistance
val unitDirection = (that.position - position) / distance
unitDirection * forceMagnitude
def applyForce(_force: Vector2D): Body = copy(force = force + _force)
def addForceFrom(that: Body): Body = copy(force = force + forceBetween(that))
def distance(that: Body): Double = this.position.distance(that.position)
def resetForce: Body = copy(force = Zero)
def updateStateVariables(): Body = {
val acceleration = force / mass
val deltaVelocity = acceleration * DISCRETIZED_TIME_STEP
val deltaPosition = (velocity + (deltaVelocity / 2.0)) * DISCRETIZED_TIME_STEP
copy(position = this.position + deltaPosition, velocity = this.velocity + deltaVelocity)
示例12: Cor
package jerimum
import java.awt.Color
import br.edu.ifrn.potigol.Potigolutil._
case class Cor(vermelho: Inteiro, verde: Inteiro, azul: Inteiro) {
def color = new Color(vermelho, verde, azul)
def this(color: Color) = this(color.getRed, color.getGreen, color.getBlue)
object Cor {
val AMARELO = new Cor(Color.yellow)
val AZUL = new Cor(Color.blue)
val BRANCO = new Cor(Color.white)
val CIANO = new Cor(Color.cyan)
val CINZA = new Cor(Color.gray)
val CINZA_CLARO = new Cor(Color.lightGray)
val CINZA_ESCURO = new Cor(Color.darkGray)
val LARANJA = new Cor(Color.orange)
val MAGENTA = new Cor(Color.magenta)
val PRETO = new Cor(Color.black)
val ROSA = new Cor(Color.pink)
val VERDE = new Cor(Color.green)
val VERMELHO = new Cor(Color.red)
示例13: IconService
package ylabs.play.common.services
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.image.{ WritableRaster, BufferedImage }
import scala.util.Random
class IconService {
def createImageWithBackground(image: BufferedImage, palette: List[Color]): BufferedImage = {
val index = new Random().nextInt(palette.length)
val backColor = palette.slice(index, index + 1).head
val raster = image.copyData(null)
val copy = new BufferedImage(image.getColorModel, raster, image.isAlphaPremultiplied, null)
for {
i ? 0 until copy.getWidth
j ? 0 until copy.getHeight
} yield {
new Color(copy.getRGB(i, j), true) match {
case c if c.getAlpha == 0 ?
copy.setRGB(i, j, backColor.getRGB)
case _ ?
示例14: IconServiceTest
package ylabs.play.common.services
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import ylabs.play.common.test.{ MyPlaySpec, OneAppPerTestWithOverrides }
class IconServiceTest extends MyPlaySpec with OneAppPerTestWithOverrides {
"test background" in {
val height = 30
val width = 30
val image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
for {
i ? 0 until height
j ? 0 until width
} yield {
val color = new Color(0, 0, 0, i % 2)
image.setRGB(i, j, color.getRGB)
val service = new IconService
val newImage = service.createImageWithBackground(image, List(Color.red, Color.blue, Color.green))
for {
i ? 0 until height
j ? 0 until width
} yield {
val origColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, i % 2)
image.getRGB(i, j) shouldBe origColor.getRGB
if (i % 2 == 0) newImage.getRGB(i, j) should (equal(Color.red.getRGB) or equal(Color.blue.getRGB) or equal(Color.green.getRGB))
else newImage.getRGB(i, j) shouldBe origColor.getRGB
示例15: View
package com.ganchurin.view
import java.awt.Color
import com.ganchurin.model.PopulationState
import com.ganchurin.reactive.Consumer
import com.typesafe.config.Config
class View(config: Config) extends Consumer[PopulationState] {
private val title = config getString "title"
private val width = config getInt "width"
private val height = config getInt "height"
private val cellSize = config getInt "cellSize"
private val gridSize = config getInt "gridSize"
private val panel = new PointPanel(width, height, cellSize, gridSize)
private val converter = new PopulationConverter(cellSize, gridSize)
new MainFrame(title, width, height, panel)
panel setBackground Color.LIGHT_GRAY
override def consume(value: PopulationState): Unit = {
val task = converter.toRepaintTask(value)
panel paintRectangles task.rectanglesToPaint
panel clearRectangles task.rectanglesToClear