本文整理汇总了Scala中akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Scala SupervisorStrategy类的具体用法?Scala SupervisorStrategy怎么用?Scala SupervisorStrategy使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: GetAddress
package wow.common.network
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, Props, SupervisorStrategy}
import akka.io.Tcp._
import akka.io.{IO, Tcp}
case object GetAddress
class TCPServer[A <: TCPSessionFactory](val factory: A, val address: String, val port: Int)
extends Actor with ActorLogging {
log.debug("Binding server with socket")
IO(Tcp)(context.system) ! Bind(self, new InetSocketAddress(address, port))
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.stoppingStrategy
override def postStop(): Unit = log.debug(s"Stopped TCP server for $address:$port")
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case Bound(localAddress) =>
log.debug(s"TCP port opened at: ${localAddress.getHostString}:${localAddress.getPort}")
case Connected(remote, local) =>
log.debug(s"Remote connection set from $remote to $local")
val handlerRef = context.actorOf(factory.props(sender), factory.PreferredName + TCPSession.PreferredName(remote))
sender ! Register(handlerRef)
case CommandFailed(_: Bind) => context stop self
object TCPServer {
def props[A <: TCPSessionFactory](companion: A, address: String, port: Int): Props = Props(classOf[TCPServer[A]],
val PreferredName = "tcp"
示例2: CriticalProcessesManager
package net.hvieira.yeoldeonlinestore.actor
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, OneForOneStrategy, Props, SupervisorStrategy}
import net.hvieira.yeoldeonlinestore.actor.CriticalProcessesManager._
import net.hvieira.yeoldeonlinestore.actor.store.StoreManager
import net.hvieira.yeoldeonlinestore.actor.user.UserManager
import net.hvieira.yeoldeonlinestore.api.Item
object CriticalProcessesManager {
private val STORE_MANAGER = "store-manager"
private val USER_MANAGER = "user-manager"
def props(itemProvider: () => Iterable[Item]) = Props(new CriticalProcessesManager(itemProvider))
class CriticalProcessesManager(private val itemProvider: () => Iterable[Item]) extends Actor {
override def preStart(): Unit = {
context.actorOf(StoreManager.props(3, itemProvider), STORE_MANAGER)
context.actorOf(UserManager.props(), USER_MANAGER)
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case _ => SupervisorStrategy.restart
override def receive: Receive = {
case IntroduceUserManagerReq =>
val possibleRef = context.child(USER_MANAGER)
possibleRef match {
case Some(ref) => sender ! IntroductionResponse(ref)
case None => throw new IllegalStateException("User manager actor ref does not exist")
case IntroduceStoreManagerReq =>
val possibleRef = context.child(STORE_MANAGER)
possibleRef match {
case Some(ref) => sender ! IntroductionResponse(ref)
case None => throw new IllegalStateException("Store manager actor ref does not exist")
case object IntroduceUserManagerReq
case object IntroduceStoreManagerReq
final case class IntroductionResponse(ref: ActorRef)
示例3: TodoServiceProtocol
package services.actor
import akka.actor.{ Actor, ActorLogging, Props, SupervisorStrategy }
import dto.Todo
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import shade.memcached.{ Configuration, Memcached }
object TodoServiceProtocol {
sealed trait Request
case object GetList extends Request
case class CreateTodo(text: String, limitAt: DateTime) extends Request
case class UpdateTodo(id: Long, text: String, limitAt: DateTime) extends Request
sealed trait Response
case class Failure(cause: Throwable) extends Response
case class ListGot(list: Seq[Todo]) extends Response
case object Success extends Response
class TodoServiceActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import TodoServiceProtocol._
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.stoppingStrategy
val client = Memcached(Configuration(""))(context.dispatcher)
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg: Request =>
val memcached = context.actorOf(TodoMemcachedActor.props(client))
memcached forward msg
object TodoServiceActor {
def props: Props = Props(classOf[TodoServiceActor])
示例4: SuppervisedFsu
package com.wincom.dcim.sharded
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorInitializationException, DeathPactException, OneForOneStrategy, Props, SupervisorStrategy}
class SuppervisedFsu extends Actor {
override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case _: IllegalArgumentException ? SupervisorStrategy.Restart
case _: ActorInitializationException ? SupervisorStrategy.Restart
case _: DeathPactException ? SupervisorStrategy.Restart
case _: Exception ? SupervisorStrategy.Restart
val fsuActor = context.actorOf(Props[FsuActor], s"${self.path.name}")
def receive = {
case msg ? fsuActor forward msg
示例5: Notifier
package auctionsystem
import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy
import akka.actor.OneForOneStrategy
import akka.event.LoggingReceive
import akka.actor.Props
import auctionsystem.Notifier.Notification
import auctionsystem.Notifier.RepeatRequest
import auctionsystem.exceptions.RemoteServerErrorException
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Resume
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Stop
class Notifier extends Actor {
val auctionPublisher = context.actorSelection("akka.tcp://[email protected]:2552/user/auctionPublisher")
var requestsMap = Map [ActorRef, Notification]()
var idx = 0;
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3) {
case _: RemoteServerErrorException =>
println(s"An error occurred when trying to connect with remote server, node that caused failure: ${sender.path}. Resuming...")
self ! RepeatRequest(requestsMap(sender), sender)
case e =>
println(s"Something else went wrong: $e")
def receive = LoggingReceive {
case Notification(auction, highestBidder, highestBid) =>
val notifierRequest = context.actorOf(Props(new NotifierRequest(auctionPublisher)), "notifierRequest" + idx);
idx = idx + 1
val notification = Notification(auction, highestBidder, highestBid)
requestsMap += (notifierRequest -> notification)
notifierRequest ! notification
object Notifier {
final case class RepeatRequest(notification: Notification, notifierRequest: ActorRef)
final case class Notification(auctionName: String, highestBidder: ActorRef, highestBid: Int);
示例6: SearchDatabaseActor
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Stop
import akka.actor.{Actor, OneForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.io.Source._
class SearchDatabaseActor(filename: String) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case Search(title) =>
val lines = fromFile(filename).getLines
sender ! SearchResponse(lines.filter(s => s.startsWith(title)).toArray)
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(10, Duration(60, "seconds")) {
case _: Exception => Stop
case class SearchResponse(books: Array[String])
示例7: ClientActor
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Resume
import akka.actor.{Actor, OneForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class ClientActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case Ordered =>
println("\033[33m:: Book was ordered\033[0m")
case Searched(titles, prices) =>
for (i <- titles.indices)
println("\033[33m:: " + s"'${titles(i)}' costs ${prices(i)} PLN" + "\033[0m")
case SearchError(message) =>
println("\033[33m:: Search failed in database: " + message + "\033[0m")
case StreamLine(line) =>
println("\033[37m" + line + "\033[0m")
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(10, Duration(60, "seconds")) {
case _: Exception => Resume
示例8: StreamActor
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Restart
import akka.actor.{Actor, OneForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy}
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Sink, Source}
import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, OverflowStrategy, ThrottleMode}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.io.Source.fromFile
class StreamActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case StreamBook(filename) =>
val materializer = ActorMaterializer.create(context) // Materializing and running a stream always requires a Materializer to be in implicit scope.
val sink = Source
.actorRef(1000, OverflowStrategy.dropNew) // If the buffer is full when a new element arrives, drops the new element.
.throttle(1, Duration(1, "seconds"), 1, ThrottleMode.shaping) // throttle - to slow down the stream to 1 element per second.
.to(Sink.actorRef(sender, NotUsed)) // Sink is a set of stream processing steps that has one open input. Can be used as a Subscriber.
val lines = fromFile(filename).getLines
lines.foreach(line => sink ! StreamLine(line))
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(10, Duration(60, "seconds")) {
case _: Exception => Restart
case class StreamBook(fileName: String)
case class StreamLine(line: String)
示例9: OrderActor
import java.io.FileWriter
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Escalate
import akka.actor.{Actor, OneForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
class OrderActor() extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case Order(title: String) =>
val currentSender = sender
currentSender ! Ordered
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(10, Duration(60, "seconds")) {
case _: Exception => Escalate // because of other threads
case class Order(title: String)
case class Ordered()
object orderSingleton {
def orderBook(title: String): Unit = {
new FileWriter("orders.txt", true) { // append to end of file
示例10: RootActorSystem
package com.wavesplatform.actor
import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, AllForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy, SupervisorStrategyConfigurator}
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scorex.utils.ScorexLogging
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
object RootActorSystem extends ScorexLogging {
@volatile private var failed = false
final class EscalatingStrategy extends SupervisorStrategyConfigurator {
override def create(): SupervisorStrategy = AllForOneStrategy(loggingEnabled = false) {
case t: Throwable =>
failed = true
log.error("Root actor got exception, escalate", t)
def start(id: String, config: Config)(init: ActorSystem => Unit): Unit = {
val system = ActorSystem(id, config)
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
log.error(s"Error while initializing actor system $id", e)
Await.result(system.whenTerminated, Duration.Inf)
if (failed) {
} else {
示例11: AccountSupervisor
package sample.blog
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorInitializationException, ActorLogging, DeathPactException, OneForOneStrategy, Props, SupervisorStrategy, Terminated}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class AccountSupervisor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
val counter = context.actorOf(Props[AccountEntity], "account-")
override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 2) {
case _: IllegalArgumentException ? SupervisorStrategy.Resume
case _: ActorInitializationException ? SupervisorStrategy.Stop
case _: DeathPactException ? SupervisorStrategy.Stop
case _: Exception ? SupervisorStrategy.Restart
def receive = {
case x:Terminated =>
log.info(s"The child ${sender} terminated due to - ${x}")
case msg ? {
log.info(s"Supervisor of this message ${msg} - ${self.path}")
counter forward msg
示例12: Supervision
package com.pagerduty.scheduler.akka
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Escalate
import akka.actor.{AllForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy, SupervisorStrategyConfigurator}
import com.pagerduty.scheduler.Scheduler
object Supervision {
val AlwaysEscalateStrategy = AllForOneStrategy() {
case _: Throwable => Escalate
def makeAlwaysEscalateTopicSupervisorStrategy(logger: Scheduler.Logging): AllForOneStrategy = {
AllForOneStrategy() {
case throwable: Throwable => {
final class UserGuardianEscalateStrategy extends SupervisorStrategyConfigurator {
override def create(): SupervisorStrategy = Supervision.AlwaysEscalateStrategy
示例13: SimplifiedTweetProcessorActor
package org.eigengo.rsa.ingest.v100
import java.util.UUID
import akka.actor.{Actor, OneForOneStrategy, Props, SupervisorStrategy}
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpMethods, HttpRequest, Uri}
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import cakesolutions.kafka.{KafkaProducer, KafkaProducerRecord, KafkaSerializer}
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
import org.eigengo.rsa.Envelope
object SimplifiedTweetProcessorActor {
def props(config: Config): Props = {
val producerConf = KafkaProducer.Conf(
new StringSerializer,
Props(classOf[SimplifiedTweetProcessorActor], producerConf)
class SimplifiedTweetProcessorActor(producerConf: KafkaProducer.Conf[String, Envelope]) extends Actor {
private[this] val producer = KafkaProducer(conf = producerConf)
implicit val _ = ActorMaterializer()
import scala.concurrent.duration._
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 10.seconds) {
case _ ? SupervisorStrategy.Restart
override def receive: Receive = {
case TweetImage(handle, content) ?
producer.send(KafkaProducerRecord("tweet-image", handle,
Envelope(version = 100,
handle = handle,
ingestionTimestamp = System.nanoTime(),
processingTimestamp = System.nanoTime(),
messageId = UUID.randomUUID().toString,
correlationId = UUID.randomUUID().toString,
payload = content)))
case SimplifiedTweet(handle, mediaUrls) ?
mediaUrls.foreach { mediaUrl ?
import context.dispatcher
val request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.GET, uri = Uri(mediaUrl))
val timeout = 1000.millis
Http(context.system).singleRequest(request).flatMap(_.entity.toStrict(timeout)).foreach { entity ?
self ! TweetImage(handle, ByteString.copyFrom(entity.data.toArray))
示例14: AkkaSupervision
package trove.core.event
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.{Resume, Stop}
import akka.actor.{ActorInitializationException, ActorKilledException, OneForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy, SupervisorStrategyConfigurator}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
class AkkaSupervision extends SupervisorStrategyConfigurator with Logging {
override def create(): SupervisorStrategy = {
logger.debug("Creating custom akka supervisor strategy")
OneForOneStrategy() {
case _: ActorInitializationException => Stop
case _: ActorKilledException => Stop
case e: Exception =>
logger.error("Exception in event listener", e)
示例15: Intact
package oriana
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Stop
import akka.actor.{OneForOneStrategy, SupervisorStrategy, Props, Actor}
sealed trait FuseStatus
case object Intact extends FuseStatus
case object Blown extends FuseStatus
class Fuse(childSpec: Props) extends Actor {
case object FuseBlown
var status: FuseStatus = Intact
val child = context.actorOf(childSpec)
def receive = {
case Fuse.ReadStatus => sender() ! status
case FuseBlown => status = Blown
case x if status == Intact => child forward x
override def supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case _: Throwable =>
self ! FuseBlown
object Fuse {
case object ReadStatus
def props(childSpec: Props) = Props(new Fuse(childSpec))