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Python xbmc.convertLanguage方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中xbmc.convertLanguage方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python xbmc.convertLanguage方法的具体用法?Python xbmc.convertLanguage怎么用?Python xbmc.convertLanguage使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在xbmc的用法示例。


示例1: parse_profiles

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import convertLanguage [as 别名]
def parse_profiles(data):
    """Parse profile information from Netflix response"""
    profiles_list = jgraph_get_list('profilesList', data)
        if not profiles_list:
            raise InvalidProfilesError('It has not been possible to obtain the list of profiles.')
        sort_order = 0
        current_guids = []
        for index, profile_data in iteritems(profiles_list):  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
            summary = jgraph_get('summary', profile_data)
            guid = summary['guid']
            common.debug('Parsing profile {}', summary['guid'])
            avatar_url = _get_avatar(profile_data, data, guid)
            is_active = summary.pop('isActive')
            g.LOCAL_DB.set_profile(guid, is_active, sort_order)
            g.SHARED_DB.set_profile(guid, sort_order)
            # Add profile language description translated from locale
            summary['language_desc'] = g.py2_decode(xbmc.convertLanguage(summary['language'][:2], xbmc.ENGLISH_NAME))
            for key, value in iteritems(summary):
                if key in PROFILE_DEBUG_INFO:
                    common.debug('Profile info {}', {key: value})
                if key == 'profileName':  # The profile name is coded as HTML
                    value = parse_html(value)
                g.LOCAL_DB.set_profile_config(key, value, guid)
            g.LOCAL_DB.set_profile_config('avatar', avatar_url, guid)
            sort_order += 1
    except Exception:
        import traceback
        common.error(g.py2_decode(traceback.format_exc(), 'latin-1'))
        common.error('Profile list data: {}', profiles_list)
        raise InvalidProfilesError 

示例2: convert_language_iso

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import convertLanguage [as 别名]
def convert_language_iso(from_value, iso_format=xbmc.ISO_639_1, use_fallback=True):
    Convert language code from an English name or three letter code (ISO 639-2) to two letter code (ISO 639-1)

    :param iso_format: specify the iso format (ISO_639_1 or ISO_639_2)
    :param use_fallback: if True when the conversion fails, is returned the current Kodi active language
    converted_lang = xbmc.convertLanguage(g.py2_encode(from_value), iso_format)
    if not use_fallback:
        return converted_lang
    converted_lang = converted_lang if converted_lang else xbmc.getLanguage(iso_format, False)  # Get lang. active
    return converted_lang if converted_lang else 'en' if iso_format == xbmc.ISO_639_1 else 'eng' 

示例3: get_language

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import convertLanguage [as 别名]
def get_language(language_format=xbmc.ENGLISH_NAME, region=False):
    language = xbmc.getLanguage(language_format, region)
    if not language or region and language.startswith('-'):
        engname = xbmc.getLanguage(xbmc.ENGLISH_NAME)
        regiontag = language
        if ' (' in engname:
            language = engname[:engname.rfind(' (')]
        if language_format != xbmc.ENGLISH_NAME:
            language = xbmc.convertLanguage(language, language_format) + regiontag
    return language 

示例4: ConvertLanguage

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import convertLanguage [as 别名]
def ConvertLanguage(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return xbmc.convertLanguage(*args, **kwargs) 

示例5: onInit

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import convertLanguage [as 别名]
def onInit(self):
        self.getControl(1).setLabel("Artwork Beef: " + L(CHOOSE_ART_HEADER).format(self.arttype, self.medialabel))
        self.guilist = self.getControl(6)

        for image in self.artlist:
            provider = image['provider'].display
            if isinstance(provider, int):
                provider = L(provider)
            secondprovider = image.get('second provider')
            if secondprovider:
                if isinstance(secondprovider, int):
                    secondprovider = L(secondprovider)
                provider = '{0}, {1}'.format(provider, secondprovider)
            title = image.get('title')
            if not title and 'subtype' in image:
                title = image['subtype'].display
            language = xbmc.convertLanguage(image['language'], xbmc.ENGLISH_NAME) if image.get('language') else None
            if not title:
                title = language
            if title and len(title) < 20 and not secondprovider:
                label = '{0} from {1}'.format(title, provider)
                summary = language if language and language != title else ''
                label = provider
                if language and language != title:
                    title = language + ' ' + title
                summary = title if title else ''
            rating = image.get('rating')
            size = image.get('size')
            if (rating or size) and summary:
                summary += '\n'
            if size:
                summary += image['size'].display
            if rating and size:
                summary += '   '
            if rating:
                summary += image['rating'].display
            listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label)
            # DEPRECATED: Above Krypton and higher (only), below Jarvis and lower (only)
            listitem.setProperty('Addon.Summary', summary)
            # DEPRECATED: Above is deprecated in Jarvis, but still works through Krypton (at least)
            # listitem.setArt({'icon': image['preview']})
            if image.get('existing'):

示例6: _AlterGPR

# 需要导入模块: import xbmc [as 别名]
# 或者: from xbmc import convertLanguage [as 别名]
def _AlterGPR(self, endpoint, headers, data):
        """ GPR data alteration for better language parsing and subtitles streaming instead of pre-caching """

            from urllib.parse import quote_plus
        except ImportError:
            from urllib import quote_plus
        import json
        from xbmc import convertLanguage, ENGLISH_NAME

        status_code, headers, content = self._ForwardRequest('get', endpoint, headers, data)

        # Grab the subtitle urls, merge them in a single list, append the locale codes to let Kodi figure
        # out which URL has which language, then sort them neatly in a human digestible order.
        content = json.loads(content)
        content['subtitles'] = []
        newsubs = []

        # Count the number of duplicates with the same ISO 639-1 codes
        langCount = {'forcedNarratives': {}, 'subtitleUrls': {}}
        for sub_type in list(langCount):  # list() instead of .keys() to avoid py3 iteration errors
            if sub_type in content:
                for i in range(0, len(content[sub_type])):
                    lang = content[sub_type][i]['languageCode'][0:2]
                    if lang not in langCount[sub_type]:
                        langCount[sub_type][lang] = 0
                    langCount[sub_type][lang] += 1

        # Merge the different subtitles lists in a single one, and append a spurious name file
        # to let Kodi figure out the locale, while at the same time enabling subtitles to be
        # proxied and transcoded on-the-fly.
        for sub_type in list(langCount):  # list() instead of .keys() to avoid py3 iteration errors
            if sub_type in content:
                for i in range(0, len(content[sub_type])):
                    fn = self._AdjustLocale(content[sub_type][i]['languageCode'], langCount[sub_type][content[sub_type][i]['languageCode'][0:2]])
                    variants = '{}{}'.format(
                        '-[CC]' if 'sdh' == content[sub_type][i]['type'] else '',
                        '.Forced' if 'forcedNarratives' == sub_type else ''
                    # Proxify the URLs, with a make believe Kodi-friendly file name
                    escapedurl = quote_plus(content[sub_type][i]['url'])
                    content[sub_type][i]['url'] = '{}/subtitles/{}/{}{}.srt'.format(
                    cl = py2_decode(convertLanguage(fn[0:2], ENGLISH_NAME))
                    newsubs.append((content[sub_type][i], cl, fn, variants, escapedurl))
                del content[sub_type]  # Reduce the data transfer by removing the lists we merged

        # Create the new merged subtitles list, and append time stretched variants.
        for sub in [x for x in sorted(newsubs, key=lambda sub: (sub[1], sub[2], sub[3]))]:

        self._SendResponse(status_code, headers, json.dumps(content), True) 
