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Python xarray.decode_cf方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中xarray.decode_cf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python xarray.decode_cf方法的具体用法?Python xarray.decode_cf怎么用?Python xarray.decode_cf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在xarray的用法示例。


示例1: test_maybe_apply_time_shift_inst

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def test_maybe_apply_time_shift_inst(gfdl_data_loader, ds_inst, var_name,
    ds_inst = xr.decode_cf(ds_inst)
    generate_file_set_args['dtype_in_time'] = 'inst'
    generate_file_set_args['intvl_in'] = '3hr'
    da = ds_inst[var_name]
    result = gfdl_data_loader._maybe_apply_time_shift(
        da.copy(), **generate_file_set_args)[TIME_STR]

    expected = da[TIME_STR] + np.timedelta64(-3, 'h')
    expected[TIME_STR] = expected
    assert result.identical(expected)

    generate_file_set_args['intvl_in'] = 'daily'
    da = ds_inst[var_name]
    result = gfdl_data_loader._maybe_apply_time_shift(
        da.copy(), **generate_file_set_args)[TIME_STR]

    expected = da[TIME_STR]
    expected[TIME_STR] = expected
    assert result.identical(expected) 

示例2: create_range

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def create_range(i, decode=False):
    where = create_dset_where(i)
    ngates = where["nbins"]
    range_start = where["rstart"] * 1000.0
    bin_range = where["rscale"]
    cent_first = range_start + bin_range / 2.0
    range_data = np.arange(
        cent_first, range_start + bin_range * ngates, bin_range, dtype="float32"
    range_attrs = io.xarray.range_attrs
    range_attrs["meters_to_center_of_first_gate"] = cent_first[0]
    range_attrs["meters_between_gates"] = bin_range[0]
    da = xr.DataArray(range_data, dims=["range"], attrs=range_attrs)
    if decode:
        da = xr.decode_cf(xr.Dataset({"arr": da})).arr
    return da 

示例3: _make_coords_faces

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def _make_coords_faces(self, all_iters):
        time = self.delta_t * all_iters
        time_attrs = {'units': self.time_units,
                      'calendar': self.calendar}
        coords = {'face': ('face', np.arange(self.nface)),
                  'i': ('i', np.arange(self.nx)),
                  'i_g': ('i_g', np.arange(self.nx)),
                  'j': ('j', np.arange(self.nx)),
                  'j_g': ('j_g', np.arange(self.nx)),
                  'k': ('k', np.arange(self.nz)),
                  'k_u': ('k_u', np.arange(self.nz)),
                  'k_l': ('k_l', np.arange(self.nz)),
                  'k_p1': ('k_p1', np.arange(self.nz + 1)),
                  'niter': ('time', all_iters),
                  'time': ('time', time, time_attrs)
        return xr.decode_cf(xr.Dataset(coords=coords)) 

示例4: test_create_ensemble

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def test_create_ensemble(self):
        ens = ensembles.create_ensemble(self.nc_files_simple)
        assert len(ens.realization) == len(self.nc_files_simple)
        assert len(ens.time) == 151

        # create again using xr.Dataset objects
        ds_all = []
        for n in self.nc_files_simple:
            ds = xr.open_dataset(n, decode_times=False)
            ds["time"] = xr.decode_cf(ds).time

        ens1 = ensembles.create_ensemble(ds_all)
        coords = list(ens1.coords)
        for c in coords:
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(ens[c], ens1[c])

        for i in np.arange(0, len(ens1.realization)):
                ens1.isel(realization=i).tg_mean.values, ds_all[i].tg_mean.values

示例5: prep_time_data

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def prep_time_data(ds):
    """Prepare time coordinate information in Dataset for use in aospy.

    1. If the Dataset contains a time bounds coordinate, add attributes
       representing the true beginning and end dates of the time interval used
       to construct the Dataset
    2. If the Dataset contains a time bounds coordinate, overwrite the time
       coordinate values with the averages of the time bounds at each timestep
    3. Decode the times into np.datetime64 objects for time indexing

    ds : Dataset
        Pre-processed Dataset with time coordinate renamed to

        The processed Dataset

    ds = ensure_time_as_index(ds)
    if TIME_BOUNDS_STR in ds:
        ds = ensure_time_avg_has_cf_metadata(ds)
        ds[TIME_STR] = average_time_bounds(ds)
        logging.warning("dt array not found.  Assuming equally spaced "
                        "values in time, even though this may not be "
                        "the case")
        ds = add_uniform_time_weights(ds)
    return xr.decode_cf(ds, decode_times=True, decode_coords=False,

示例6: test_assert_has_data_for_time

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def test_assert_has_data_for_time():
    time_bounds = np.array([[0, 31], [31, 59], [59, 90]])
    nv = np.array([0, 1])
    time = np.array([15, 46, 74])
    data = np.zeros((3))
    var_name = 'a'
    ds = xr.DataArray(data,
    ds[TIME_BOUNDS_STR] = xr.DataArray(time_bounds,
                                       coords=[time, nv],
                                       dims=[TIME_STR, BOUNDS_STR],
    units_str = 'days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00'
    ds[TIME_STR].attrs['units'] = units_str
    ds = ensure_time_avg_has_cf_metadata(ds)
    ds = set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds)
    ds = xr.decode_cf(ds)
    da = ds[var_name]

    start_date = np.datetime64('2000-01-01')
    end_date = np.datetime64('2000-03-31')
    _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date, end_date)

    start_date_bad = np.datetime64('1999-12-31')
    end_date_bad = np.datetime64('2000-04-01')

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date_bad, end_date)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date, end_date_bad)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date_bad, end_date_bad) 

示例7: test_assert_has_data_for_time_cftime_datetimes

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def test_assert_has_data_for_time_cftime_datetimes(calendar, date_type):
    time_bounds = np.array([[0, 2], [2, 4], [4, 6]])
    nv = np.array([0, 1])
    time = np.array([1, 3, 5])
    data = np.zeros((3))
    var_name = 'a'
    ds = xr.DataArray(data,
    ds[TIME_BOUNDS_STR] = xr.DataArray(time_bounds,
                                       coords=[time, nv],
                                       dims=[TIME_STR, BOUNDS_STR],
    units_str = 'days since 0002-01-02 00:00:00'
    ds[TIME_STR].attrs['units'] = units_str
    ds[TIME_STR].attrs['calendar'] = calendar
    ds = ensure_time_avg_has_cf_metadata(ds)
    ds = set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds)

    ds = xr.decode_cf(ds)
    da = ds[var_name]

    start_date = date_type(2, 1, 2)
    end_date = date_type(2, 1, 8)

    _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date, end_date)

    start_date_bad = date_type(2, 1, 1)
    end_date_bad = date_type(2, 1, 9)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date_bad, end_date)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date, end_date_bad)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date_bad, end_date_bad) 

示例8: test_assert_has_data_for_time_str_input

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def test_assert_has_data_for_time_str_input():
    time_bounds = np.array([[0, 31], [31, 59], [59, 90]])
    nv = np.array([0, 1])
    time = np.array([15, 46, 74])
    data = np.zeros((3))
    var_name = 'a'
    ds = xr.DataArray(data,
    ds[TIME_BOUNDS_STR] = xr.DataArray(time_bounds,
                                       coords=[time, nv],
                                       dims=[TIME_STR, BOUNDS_STR],
    units_str = 'days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00'
    ds[TIME_STR].attrs['units'] = units_str
    ds = ensure_time_avg_has_cf_metadata(ds)
    ds = set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds)
    ds = xr.decode_cf(ds)
    da = ds[var_name]

    start_date = '2000-01-01'
    end_date = '2000-03-31'
    _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date, end_date)

    start_date_bad = '1999-12-31'
    end_date_bad = '2000-04-01'

    # With strings these checks are disabled
    _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date_bad, end_date)
    _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date, end_date_bad)
    _assert_has_data_for_time(da, start_date_bad, end_date_bad) 

示例9: test_sel_time

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def test_sel_time():
    time_bounds = np.array([[0, 31], [31, 59], [59, 90]])
    nv = np.array([0, 1])
    time = np.array([15, 46, 74])
    data = np.zeros((3))
    var_name = 'a'
    ds = xr.DataArray(data,
    ds[TIME_BOUNDS_STR] = xr.DataArray(time_bounds,
                                       coords=[time, nv],
                                       dims=[TIME_STR, BOUNDS_STR],
    units_str = 'days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00'
    ds[TIME_STR].attrs['units'] = units_str
    ds = ensure_time_avg_has_cf_metadata(ds)
    ds = set_grid_attrs_as_coords(ds)
    ds = xr.decode_cf(ds)
    da = ds[var_name]

    start_date = np.datetime64('2000-02-01')
    end_date = np.datetime64('2000-03-31')
    result = sel_time(da, start_date, end_date)
    assert result[SUBSET_START_DATE_STR].values == start_date
    assert result[SUBSET_END_DATE_STR].values == end_date 

示例10: test_maybe_apply_time_shift_ts

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def test_maybe_apply_time_shift_ts(gfdl_data_loader, ds_with_time_bounds,
                                   var_name, generate_file_set_args):
    ds = xr.decode_cf(ds_with_time_bounds)
    da = ds[var_name]
    result = gfdl_data_loader._maybe_apply_time_shift(
        da.copy(), **generate_file_set_args)[TIME_STR]
    assert result.identical(da[TIME_STR]) 

示例11: read

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def read(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """Read and parse a NetCDF file and load it to a xarray.Dataset

            filename: Path and name of the file as string or FileInfo object.
            **kwargs: Additional key word arguments that are allowed for the
                :class:`~typhon.files.handlers.common.NetCDF4` class.

            A xarray.Dataset object.

        # Make sure that the standard fields are always gonna be imported:
        fields = kwargs.pop("fields", None)
        if fields is not None:
            fields = {"time", "lat", "lon"} | set(fields)

        # xarray has problems with decoding the time variable correctly. Hence,
        # we disable it here:
        decode_cf = kwargs.pop("decode_cf", True)

        data = super().read(filename, fields=fields, decode_cf=False, **kwargs)

        # Then we fix the problem (we need integer64 instead of integer 32):
        attrs = data["time"].attrs.copy()
        data["time"] = data["time"].astype(int)
        data["time"].attrs = attrs

        # Do decoding now (just if the user wanted it!)
        if decode_cf:
            return xr.decode_cf(data)

        return data 

示例12: create_ray_time

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def create_ray_time(i, decode=False, nrays=360):
    time_data = (create_startazT(i, nrays=nrays) + create_stopazT(i, nrays=nrays)) / 2.0
    da = xr.DataArray(time_data, dims=["azimuth"], attrs=io.xarray.time_attrs)
    if decode:
        da = xr.decode_cf(xr.Dataset({"arr": da})).arr
    return da 

示例13: create_azimuth

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def create_azimuth(decode=False, nrays=360):
    startaz = create_startazA(nrays=nrays)
    stopaz = create_stopazA(nrays=nrays)
    zero_index = np.where(stopaz < startaz)
    stopaz[zero_index[0]] += 360
    azimuth_data = (startaz + stopaz) / 2.0
    da = xr.DataArray(azimuth_data, dims=["azimuth"], attrs=io.xarray.az_attrs)
    if decode:
        da = xr.decode_cf(xr.Dataset({"arr": da})).arr
    return da 

示例14: create_elevation

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def create_elevation(i, decode=False, nrays=360):
    startel = create_startelA(i, nrays=nrays)
    stopel = create_stopelA(i, nrays=nrays)
    elevation_data = (startel + stopel) / 2.0
    da = xr.DataArray(elevation_data, dims=["azimuth"], attrs=io.xarray.el_attrs)
    if decode:
        da = xr.decode_cf(xr.Dataset({"arr": da})).arr
    return da 

示例15: _decode_cf

# 需要导入模块: import xarray [as 别名]
# 或者: from xarray import decode_cf [as 别名]
def _decode_cf(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, xr.DataArray):
            out = xr.decode_cf(xr.Dataset({"arr": obj}), self._kwargs).arr
            out = xr.decode_cf(obj, self._kwargs)
        return out 
