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Python install.WheelFile方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中wheel.install.WheelFile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python install.WheelFile方法的具体用法?Python install.WheelFile怎么用?Python install.WheelFile使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在wheel.install的用法示例。


示例1: test_install

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import install [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.install import WheelFile [as 别名]
def test_install():
    tempdir = mkdtemp()
    def get_supported():
        return list(wheel.pep425tags.get_supported()) + [('py3', 'none', 'win32')]
    whl = WheelFile(TESTWHEEL, context=get_supported)
    assert whl.supports_current_python(get_supported)
        locs = {}
        for key in ('purelib', 'platlib', 'scripts', 'headers', 'data'):
            locs[key] = os.path.join(tempdir, key)
        assert len(os.listdir(locs['purelib'])) == 0
        assert check(locs['platlib'], 'hello.pyd')
        assert check(locs['platlib'], 'hello', 'hello.py')
        assert check(locs['platlib'], 'hello', '__init__.py')
        assert check(locs['data'], 'hello.dat')
        assert check(locs['headers'], 'hello.dat')
        assert check(locs['scripts'], 'hello.sh')
        assert check(locs['platlib'], 'test-1.0.dist-info', 'RECORD')

示例2: assert_winfo_similar

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import install [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.install import WheelFile [as 别名]
def assert_winfo_similar(whl_fname, exp_items, drop_version=True):
    wf = WheelFile(whl_fname)
    wheel_parts = wf.parsed_filename.groupdict()
    # Info can contain duplicate keys (e.g. Tag)
    w_info = sorted(get_info(wf).items())
    if drop_version:
        w_info = _filter_key(w_info, 'Wheel-Version')
        exp_items = _filter_key(exp_items, 'Wheel-Version')
    assert_equal(len(exp_items), len(w_info))
    # Extract some information from actual values
    wheel_parts['pip_version'] = dict(w_info)['Generator'].split()[1]
    for (key1, value1), (key2, value2) in zip(exp_items, w_info):
        assert_equal(key1, key2)
        value1 = value1.format(**wheel_parts)
        assert_equal(value1, value2) 

示例3: test_compatibility_tags

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import install [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.install import WheelFile [as 别名]
def test_compatibility_tags():
    """Test compatibilty tags are working."""
    wf = WheelFile("package-1.0.0-cp32.cp33-noabi-noarch.whl")
    assert (list(wf.compatibility_tags) ==
                 [('cp32', 'noabi', 'noarch'), ('cp33', 'noabi', 'noarch')])
    assert (wf.arity == 2)

    wf2 = WheelFile("package-1.0.0-1st-cp33-noabi-noarch.whl")
    wf2_info = wf2.parsed_filename.groupdict()
    assert wf2_info['build'] == '1st', wf2_info 

示例4: test_pick_best

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import install [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.install import WheelFile [as 别名]
def test_pick_best():
    """Test the wheel ranking algorithm."""
    def get_tags(res):
        info = res[-1].parsed_filename.groupdict()
        return info['pyver'], info['abi'], info['plat']

    cand_tags = [('py27', 'noabi', 'noarch'), ('py26', 'noabi', 'noarch'),
                 ('cp27', 'noabi', 'linux_i686'),
                 ('cp26', 'noabi', 'linux_i686'),
                 ('cp27', 'noabi', 'linux_x86_64'),
                 ('cp26', 'noabi', 'linux_x86_64')]
    cand_wheels = [WheelFile('testpkg-1.0-%s-%s-%s.whl' % t)
                   for t in cand_tags]

    supported = [('cp27', 'noabi', 'linux_i686'), ('py27', 'noabi', 'noarch')]
    supported2 = [('cp27', 'noabi', 'linux_i686'), ('py27', 'noabi', 'noarch'),
                  ('cp26', 'noabi', 'linux_i686'), ('py26', 'noabi', 'noarch')]
    supported3 = [('cp26', 'noabi', 'linux_i686'), ('py26', 'noabi', 'noarch'),
                  ('cp27', 'noabi', 'linux_i686'), ('py27', 'noabi', 'noarch')]

    for supp in (supported, supported2, supported3):
        context = lambda: list(supp)
        for wheel in cand_wheels:
            wheel.context = context
        best = max(cand_wheels)
        assert list(best.tags)[0] == supp[0]

        # assert_equal(
        #     list(map(get_tags, pick_best(cand_wheels, supp, top=False))), supp) 

示例5: make_wheel

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import install [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.install import WheelFile [as 别名]
def make_wheel(name, ver, pyver, abi, arch):
    name = WHEELPAT % dict(name=name, ver=ver, pyver=pyver, abi=abi,
    return WheelFile(name)

# This relies on the fact that generate_supported will always return the
# exact pyver, abi, and architecture for its first (best) match. 

示例6: _split_filename

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import install [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.install import WheelFile [as 别名]
def _split_filename(filename):
    """ Split a .whl or .tar.gz distribution file name
    into a (package_name, version) tuple

    >>> _split_filename('abc-1.1.tar.gz')
    ('abc', <Version('1.1')>)
    >>> _split_filename('dir/abc-1.1.tar.gz')
    ('abc', <Version('1.1')>)
    >>> _split_filename('a_bc-1.1.tar.gz')
    ('a-bc', <Version('1.1')>)
    >>> _split_filename('a_b-c-1.1.tar.gz')
    ('a-b-c', <Version('1.1')>)
    >>> _split_filename('mis_builder-')
    ('mis-builder', <Version('')>)
    >>> _split_filename('a/b/mis_builder-')
    ('mis-builder', <Version('')>)
    basename = os.path.basename(filename)
    if basename.endswith('.whl'):
        wheelfile = WheelFile(basename)
        package_name = wheelfile.parsed_filename.group('name')
        package_ver = wheelfile.parsed_filename.group('ver')
    elif basename.endswith('.tar.gz'):
        package_ver = basename.split('-')[-1][:-7]
        package_name = basename[:-(len(package_ver) + 8)]
        raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized file type %s" % (filename,))
    package_name = package_name.replace('_', '-')
    package_ver = parse_version(package_ver)
    return package_name, package_ver 
