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Python cli.WheelError方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中wheel.cli.WheelError方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cli.WheelError方法的具体用法?Python cli.WheelError怎么用?Python cli.WheelError使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在wheel.cli的用法示例。


示例1: open

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import cli [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.cli import WheelError [as 别名]
def open(self, name_or_info, mode="r", pwd=None):
        def _update_crc(newdata, eof=None):
            if eof is None:
                eof = ef._eof
            else:  # Python 2
                update_crc_orig(newdata, eof)

            if eof and running_hash.digest() != expected_hash:
                raise WheelError("Hash mismatch for file '{}'".format(native(ef_name)))

        ef = ZipFile.open(self, name_or_info, mode, pwd)
        ef_name = as_unicode(name_or_info.filename if isinstance(name_or_info, ZipInfo)
                             else name_or_info)
        if mode == 'r' and not ef_name.endswith('/'):
            if ef_name not in self._file_hashes:
                raise WheelError("No hash found for file '{}'".format(native(ef_name)))

            algorithm, expected_hash = self._file_hashes[ef_name]
            if expected_hash is not None:
                # Monkey patch the _update_crc method to also check for the hash from RECORD
                running_hash = hashlib.new(algorithm)
                update_crc_orig, ef._update_crc = ef._update_crc, _update_crc

        return ef 

示例2: open

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import cli [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.cli import WheelError [as 别名]
def open(self, name_or_info, mode="r", pwd=None):
        def _update_crc(newdata, eof=None):
            if eof is None:
                eof = ef._eof
            else:  # Python 2
                update_crc_orig(newdata, eof)

            if eof and running_hash.digest() != expected_hash:
                raise WheelError("Hash mismatch for file '{}'".format(native(ef_name)))

        ef = super(WheelFile, self).open(name_or_info, mode, pwd)
        ef_name = as_unicode(name_or_info.filename if isinstance(name_or_info, ZipInfo)
                             else name_or_info)
        if mode == 'r' and not ef_name.endswith('/'):
            if ef_name not in self._file_hashes:
                raise WheelError("No hash found for file '{}'".format(native(ef_name)))

            algorithm, expected_hash = self._file_hashes[ef_name]
            if expected_hash is not None:
                # Monkey patch the _update_crc method to also check for the hash from RECORD
                running_hash = hashlib.new(algorithm)
                update_crc_orig, ef._update_crc = ef._update_crc, _update_crc

        return ef 

示例3: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import cli [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.cli import WheelError [as 别名]
def __init__(self, file, mode='r'):
        basename = os.path.basename(file)
        self.parsed_filename = WHEEL_INFO_RE.match(basename)
        if not basename.endswith('.whl') or self.parsed_filename is None:
            raise WheelError("Bad wheel filename {!r}".format(basename))

        super(WheelFile, self).__init__(file, mode, compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True)

        self.dist_info_path = '{}.dist-info'.format(self.parsed_filename.group('namever'))
        self.record_path = self.dist_info_path + '/RECORD'
        self._file_hashes = OrderedDict()
        self._file_sizes = {}
        if mode == 'r':
            # Ignore RECORD and any embedded wheel signatures
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path] = None, None
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path + '.jws'] = None, None
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path + '.p7s'] = None, None

            # Fill in the expected hashes by reading them from RECORD
                record = self.open(self.record_path)
            except KeyError:
                raise WheelError('Missing {} file'.format(self.record_path))

            with record:
                for line in record:
                    line = line.decode('utf-8')
                    path, hash_sum, size = line.rsplit(u',', 2)
                    if hash_sum:
                        algorithm, hash_sum = hash_sum.split(u'=')
                        if algorithm not in hashlib.algorithms_available:
                            raise WheelError('Unsupported hash algorithm: {}'.format(algorithm))
                        elif algorithm.lower() in {'md5', 'sha1'}:
                            raise WheelError(
                                'Weak hash algorithm ({}) is not permitted by PEP 427'

                        self._file_hashes[path] = (
                            algorithm, urlsafe_b64decode(hash_sum.encode('ascii'))) 

示例4: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import cli [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.cli import WheelError [as 别名]
def __init__(self, file, mode='r'):
        basename = os.path.basename(file)
        self.parsed_filename = WHEEL_INFO_RE.match(basename)
        if not basename.endswith('.whl') or self.parsed_filename is None:
            raise WheelError("Bad wheel filename {!r}".format(basename))

        ZipFile.__init__(self, file, mode, compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True)

        self.dist_info_path = '{}.dist-info'.format(self.parsed_filename.group('namever'))
        self.record_path = self.dist_info_path + '/RECORD'
        self._file_hashes = OrderedDict()
        self._file_sizes = {}
        if mode == 'r':
            # Ignore RECORD and any embedded wheel signatures
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path] = None, None
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path + '.jws'] = None, None
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path + '.p7s'] = None, None

            # Fill in the expected hashes by reading them from RECORD
                record = self.open(self.record_path)
            except KeyError:
                raise WheelError('Missing {} file'.format(self.record_path))

            with record:
                for line in record:
                    line = line.decode('utf-8')
                    path, hash_sum, size = line.rsplit(u',', 2)
                    if hash_sum:
                        algorithm, hash_sum = hash_sum.split(u'=')
                        except ValueError:
                            raise WheelError('Unsupported hash algorithm: {}'.format(algorithm))

                        if algorithm.lower() in {'md5', 'sha1'}:
                            raise WheelError(
                                'Weak hash algorithm ({}) is not permitted by PEP 427'

                        self._file_hashes[path] = (
                            algorithm, urlsafe_b64decode(hash_sum.encode('ascii'))) 

示例5: pack

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import cli [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.cli import WheelError [as 别名]
def pack(directory, dest_dir, build_number):
    """Repack a previously unpacked wheel directory into a new wheel file.

    The .dist-info/WHEEL file must contain one or more tags so that the target
    wheel file name can be determined.

    :param directory: The unpacked wheel directory
    :param dest_dir: Destination directory (defaults to the current directory)
    # Find the .dist-info directory
    dist_info_dirs = [fn for fn in os.listdir(directory)
                      if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, fn)) and DIST_INFO_RE.match(fn)]
    if len(dist_info_dirs) > 1:
        raise WheelError('Multiple .dist-info directories found in {}'.format(directory))
    elif not dist_info_dirs:
        raise WheelError('No .dist-info directories found in {}'.format(directory))

    # Determine the target wheel filename
    dist_info_dir = dist_info_dirs[0]
    name_version = DIST_INFO_RE.match(dist_info_dir).group('namever')

    # Add the build number if specific
    if build_number:
        name_version += '-' + build_number

    # Read the tags from .dist-info/WHEEL
    with open(os.path.join(directory, dist_info_dir, 'WHEEL')) as f:
        tags = [line.split(' ')[1].rstrip() for line in f if line.startswith('Tag: ')]
        if not tags:
            raise WheelError('No tags present in {}/WHEEL; cannot determine target wheel filename'

    # Reassemble the tags for the wheel file
    impls = sorted({tag.split('-')[0] for tag in tags})
    abivers = sorted({tag.split('-')[1] for tag in tags})
    platforms = sorted({tag.split('-')[2] for tag in tags})
    tagline = '-'.join(['.'.join(impls), '.'.join(abivers), '.'.join(platforms)])

    # Repack the wheel
    wheel_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, '{}-{}.whl'.format(name_version, tagline))
    with WheelFile(wheel_path, 'w') as wf:
        print("Repacking wheel as {}...".format(wheel_path), end='')


示例6: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import cli [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.cli import WheelError [as 别名]
def __init__(self, file, mode='r'):
        basename = os.path.basename(file)
        self.parsed_filename = WHEEL_INFO_RE.match(basename)
        if not basename.endswith('.whl') or self.parsed_filename is None:
            raise WheelError("Bad wheel filename {!r}".format(basename))

        super(WheelFile, self).__init__(file, mode, compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True)

        self.dist_info_path = '{}.dist-info'.format(self.parsed_filename.group('namever'))
        self.record_path = self.dist_info_path + '/RECORD'
        self._file_hashes = OrderedDict()
        self._file_sizes = {}
        if mode == 'r':
            # Ignore RECORD and any embedded wheel signatures
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path] = None, None
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path + '.jws'] = None, None
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path + '.p7s'] = None, None

            # Fill in the expected hashes by reading them from RECORD
                record = self.open(self.record_path)
            except KeyError:
                raise WheelError('Missing {} file'.format(self.record_path))

            with record:
                for line in record:
                    line = line.decode('utf-8')
                    path, hash_sum, size = line.rsplit(u',', 2)
                    if hash_sum:
                        algorithm, hash_sum = hash_sum.split(u'=')
                        except ValueError:
                            raise WheelError('Unsupported hash algorithm: {}'.format(algorithm))

                        if algorithm.lower() in {'md5', 'sha1'}:
                            raise WheelError(
                                'Weak hash algorithm ({}) is not permitted by PEP 427'

                        self._file_hashes[path] = (
                            algorithm, urlsafe_b64decode(hash_sum.encode('ascii'))) 

示例7: pack

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import cli [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.cli import WheelError [as 别名]
def pack(directory, dest_dir):
    """Repack a previously unpacked wheel directory into a new wheel file.

    The .dist-info/WHEEL file must contain one or more tags so that the target
    wheel file name can be determined.

    :param directory: The unpacked wheel directory
    :param dest_dir: Destination directory (defaults to the current directory)
    # Find the .dist-info directory
    dist_info_dirs = [fn for fn in os.listdir(directory)
                      if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, fn)) and DIST_INFO_RE.match(fn)]
    if len(dist_info_dirs) > 1:
        raise WheelError('Multiple .dist-info directories found in {}'.format(directory))
    elif not dist_info_dirs:
        raise WheelError('No .dist-info directories found in {}'.format(directory))

    # Determine the target wheel filename
    dist_info_dir = dist_info_dirs[0]
    name_version = DIST_INFO_RE.match(dist_info_dir).group('namever')

    # Read the tags from .dist-info/WHEEL
    with open(os.path.join(directory, dist_info_dir, 'WHEEL')) as f:
        tags = [line.split(' ')[1].rstrip() for line in f if line.startswith('Tag: ')]
        if not tags:
            raise WheelError('No tags present in {}/WHEEL; cannot determine target wheel filename'

    # Reassemble the tags for the wheel file
    impls = sorted({tag.split('-')[0] for tag in tags})
    abivers = sorted({tag.split('-')[1] for tag in tags})
    platforms = sorted({tag.split('-')[2] for tag in tags})
    tagline = '-'.join(['.'.join(impls), '.'.join(abivers), '.'.join(platforms)])

    # Repack the wheel
    wheel_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, '{}-{}.whl'.format(name_version, tagline))
    with WheelFile(wheel_path, 'w') as wf:
        print("Repacking wheel as {}...".format(wheel_path), end='')


示例8: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from wheel import cli [as 别名]
# 或者: from wheel.cli import WheelError [as 别名]
def __init__(self, file, mode='r', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED):
        basename = os.path.basename(file)
        self.parsed_filename = WHEEL_INFO_RE.match(basename)
        if not basename.endswith('.whl') or self.parsed_filename is None:
            raise WheelError("Bad wheel filename {!r}".format(basename))

        ZipFile.__init__(self, file, mode, compression=compression, allowZip64=True)

        self.dist_info_path = '{}.dist-info'.format(self.parsed_filename.group('namever'))
        self.record_path = self.dist_info_path + '/RECORD'
        self._file_hashes = OrderedDict()
        self._file_sizes = {}
        if mode == 'r':
            # Ignore RECORD and any embedded wheel signatures
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path] = None, None
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path + '.jws'] = None, None
            self._file_hashes[self.record_path + '.p7s'] = None, None

            # Fill in the expected hashes by reading them from RECORD
                record = self.open(self.record_path)
            except KeyError:
                raise WheelError('Missing {} file'.format(self.record_path))

            with record:
                for line in record:
                    line = line.decode('utf-8')
                    path, hash_sum, size = line.rsplit(u',', 2)
                    if hash_sum:
                        algorithm, hash_sum = hash_sum.split(u'=')
                        except ValueError:
                            raise WheelError('Unsupported hash algorithm: {}'.format(algorithm))

                        if algorithm.lower() in {'md5', 'sha1'}:
                            raise WheelError(
                                'Weak hash algorithm ({}) is not permitted by PEP 427'

                        self._file_hashes[path] = (
                            algorithm, urlsafe_b64decode(hash_sum.encode('ascii'))) 
