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Python weakref.WeakMethod方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中weakref.WeakMethod方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python weakref.WeakMethod方法的具体用法?Python weakref.WeakMethod怎么用?Python weakref.WeakMethod使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在weakref的用法示例。


示例1: connect

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def connect(self, s, func):
        """Register *func* to be called when signal *s* is generated.
        self._func_cid_map.setdefault(s, {})
            proxy = WeakMethod(func, self._remove_proxy)
        except TypeError:
            proxy = _StrongRef(func)
        if proxy in self._func_cid_map[s]:
            return self._func_cid_map[s][proxy]

        cid = next(self._cid_gen)
        self._func_cid_map[s][proxy] = cid
        self.callbacks.setdefault(s, {})
        self.callbacks[s][cid] = proxy
        return cid 

示例2: _dispatch

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def _dispatch(self, event, sender, **kwargs):
        """Issue a dispatch for `event` coming from `sender.

        event: str
            event name from EVENTS
        sender: DispatchClient
            object requesting the dispatch
        for client, callback_ref in self.get_clients_dict(event).items():
            logging.debug("Central dispatch calling {} about {}.".format(type(client).__name__, event))
            callback_ref(event, sender=sender, **kwargs)
            # When using WeakMethod references, this should rather be:
            # callback_ref()(event, sender=sender, **kwargs) 

示例3: test_hashing

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def test_hashing(self):
        # Alive WeakMethods are hashable if the underlying object is
        # hashable.
        x = Object(1)
        y = Object(1)
        a = weakref.WeakMethod(x.some_method)
        b = weakref.WeakMethod(y.some_method)
        c = weakref.WeakMethod(y.other_method)
        # Since WeakMethod objects are equal, the hashes should be equal.
        self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(b))
        ha = hash(a)
        # Dead WeakMethods retain their old hash value
        del x, y
        self.assertEqual(hash(a), ha)
        self.assertEqual(hash(b), ha)
        # If it wasn't hashed when alive, a dead WeakMethod cannot be hashed.
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, c) 

示例4: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def __init__(self):

        self._state = MediaState.Null
        self._elements = []
        self._old_pipe = ''
        self._loop_count = 0

        self._gst_pipe = Gst.Pipeline()
        self._gst_state = Gst.State.NULL
        self._time_query = Gst.Query.new_position(Gst.Format.TIME)

        bus = self._gst_pipe.get_bus()

        # Use a weakref instead of the method or the object will not be
        # garbage-collected
        on_message = weakref.WeakMethod(self.__on_message)
        handler = bus.connect('message', lambda *args: on_message()(*args))
        weakref.finalize(self, self.__finalizer, self._gst_pipe, handler,


示例5: connect

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def connect(self, slot_callable, mode=Connection.Direct):
        """Connect the given slot, if not already connected.

        :param slot_callable: The slot (a python callable) to be connected
        :param mode: Connection mode
        :type mode: Connection
        :raise ValueError: if mode not in Connection enum
        if mode not in Connection:
            raise ValueError('invalid mode value: {0}'.format(mode))

        with self.__lock:
            # Create a new Slot object, use a weakref for the callback
            # to avoid cyclic references.
            callback = weak_call_proxy(weakref.WeakMethod(self.__remove_slot))
            self.__slots[slot_id(slot_callable)] = mode.new_slot(slot_callable,

示例6: _remove_handler

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def _remove_handler(self, name, handler):
        """Used internally to remove all handler instances for the given event name.

        This is normally called from a dead ``WeakMethod`` to remove itself from the
        event stack.

        # Iterate over a copy as we might mutate the list
        for frame in list(self._event_stack):

            if name in frame:
                    if frame[name] == handler:
                        del frame[name]
                        if not frame:
                except TypeError:
                    # weakref is already dead

示例7: connect

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def connect(self, slot):
        """Connect a slot to the signal.

        If the input slot is already connected, nothing is done.

           slot:  Instance method or function to connect.
        # Create a weak reference to the method or function.
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            wr_slot = weakref.WeakMethod(slot)
            wr_slot = weakref.ref(slot)

        # Only insert the slot if it doesn't already exist.  If the index
        # method throws, the slot doesn't exist yet. Insert it at the
        # beginning so that when we call the slots in reverse order, they
        # will be called in the order inserted.
        if wr_slot not in self.slots:
            self.slots.insert(0, wr_slot)


示例8: disconnect

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def disconnect(self, slot):
        """Disconnect a slot from the signal.

        If the input slot is not connected, nothing is done.

           slot:  Instance method or function to disconnect.
        # Create a weak reference to the method or function so that we can
        # use the comparison operator on the weakref to find the slot.
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            wr_slot = weakref.WeakMethod(slot)
            wr_slot = weakref.ref(slot)

        except ValueError:


示例9: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def __init__(self, func, asynchronous=False, priority=PRIORITIES.NONE, times=None, identifier=None, **kw):
        self.func = kwargs_resilient(func)
        self._func = get_original_func(func)  # save the original funtion so we can unregister based on the function

        # identifier only applicable to methods
        if inspect.ismethod(self._func) or isinstance(self._func, weakref.WeakMethod):
            self.identifier = identifier
            self.identifier = None

        # Backwards compatibility
        self.asynchronous = kw.pop("async", asynchronous)
        assert not kw, "SignalHandler's kwargs should contain only 'async' argument for backwards compatibility"

        self.priority = priority
        self.times = times
        self.idx = next(self._idx_gen)

        if isinstance(func, weakref.WeakMethod):
            func = func()  # to allow accessing it's __code__ and __name__
        self.filename = func.__code__.co_filename
        self.lineno = func.__code__.co_firstlineno
        self.name = self.__name__ = func.__name__ 

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def __init__(self, slot, weak=False):
        self._weak = weak or isinstance(slot, weakref.ref)
        if weak and not isinstance(slot, weakref.ref):
            if isinstance(slot, types.MethodType):
                slot = WeakMethod(slot)
                slot = weakref.ref(slot)
        self._slot = slot 

示例11: __set__

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def __set__(self, obj, value):
        if value is None:
                weakMethod = weakref.WeakMethod(value)
            except TypeError:
                setattr(obj, self.weakrefCallbackName, lambda: value)
                setattr(obj, self.weakrefCallbackName, weakMethod) 

示例12: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def __init__(self):
        self.clients_dict = {event: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() for event in EVENTS}    # central dispatch information
    # For each event, store a dict that maps the clients registered for that event to their callback routines
    # The objects are keys in the inner dict, implemented as a WeakKeyDictionary to allow deletion/garbage collection
    # when object should expire. Callback methods are stored as weakref.WeakMethod for the same reason. 

示例13: register

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def register(self, event, who, callback=None):
        Register object `who` for event `event`. (This modifies `clients_dict`.)

        event: str
            event name from EVENTS
        who: DispatchClient
            object to be registered
        callback: method, optional
            custom callback method other than `.receive()`
        logging.debug("Registering {} for {}. welcome.".format(type(who).__name__, event))
        if callback is None:
            callback_ref = getattr(who, 'receive')
            # For purposes of garbage collection, this should preferably be:
            # callback_ref = weakref.WeakMethod(getattr(who, 'receive'))
            # However, as of 06/12/20, pathos balks on this on Windows (while Linux is passing).
            # Note that reference to callback methods is likely to prevent proper garbage collection,
            # so may have to revisit this issue if necessary.
            callback_ref = callback
            # For purposes of garbage collection, this should preferably be:
            # callback_ref = weakref.WeakMethod(callback)
            # However, as of 06/12/20, pathos balks on this on Windows (while Linux is passing).
            # Note that the reference to callback methods is likely to prevent proper garbage collection,
            # so may have to revisit this issue if necessary.
        self.get_clients_dict(event)[who] = callback_ref 

示例14: test_alive

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def test_alive(self):
        o = Object(1)
        r = weakref.WeakMethod(o.some_method)
        self.assertIsInstance(r, weakref.ReferenceType)
        self.assertIsInstance(r(), type(o.some_method))
        self.assertIs(r().__self__, o)
        self.assertIs(r().__func__, o.some_method.__func__)
        self.assertEqual(r()(), 4) 

示例15: test_object_dead

# 需要导入模块: import weakref [as 别名]
# 或者: from weakref import WeakMethod [as 别名]
def test_object_dead(self):
        o = Object(1)
        r = weakref.WeakMethod(o.some_method)
        del o
        self.assertIs(r(), None) 
