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Python urllib.splittype方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中urllib.splittype方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python urllib.splittype方法的具体用法?Python urllib.splittype怎么用?Python urllib.splittype使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在urllib的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0,
                 allow_none=0, use_datetime=0):
        # establish a "logical" server connection

        # get the url
        import urllib
        type, uri = urllib.splittype(uri)
        if type not in ("http", "https"):
            raise IOError, "unsupported XML-RPC protocol"
        self.__host, self.__handler = urllib.splithost(uri)
        if not self.__handler:
            self.__handler = "/RPC2"

        if transport is None:
            if type == "https":
                transport = SafeTransport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
                transport = Transport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
        self.__transport = transport

        self.__encoding = encoding
        self.__verbose = verbose
        self.__allow_none = allow_none 

示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0,
                 allow_none=0, use_datetime=0):
        # establish a "logical" server connection

        # get the url
        import urllib
        type, uri = urllib.splittype(uri)
        if type not in ("http", "https"):
            raise IOError("unsupported XML-RPC protocol")
        self.__host, self.__handler = urllib.splithost(uri)
        if not self.__handler:
            self.__handler = "/RPC2"

        if transport is None:
            if type == "https":
                transport = SafeTransport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
                transport = Transport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
        self.__transport = transport

        self.__encoding = encoding
        self.__verbose = verbose
        self.__allow_none = allow_none 

示例3: GetScheme

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def GetScheme(uriRef):
    Obtains, with optimum efficiency, just the scheme from a URI reference.
    Returns a string, or if no scheme could be found, returns None.
    # Using a regex seems to be the best option. Called 50,000 times on
    # different URIs, on a 1.0-GHz PIII with FreeBSD 4.7 and Python
    # 2.2.1, this method completed in 0.95s, and 0.05s if there was no
    # scheme to find. By comparison,
    #   urllib.splittype()[0] took 1.5s always;
    #   Ft.Lib.Uri.SplitUriRef()[0] took 2.5s always;
    #   urlparse.urlparse()[0] took 3.5s always.
    m = SCHEME_PATTERN.match(uriRef)
    if m is None:
        return None
        return m.group(1) 

示例4: request

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers={}):
        # Request is called before connect, so can interpret url and get
        # real host/port to be used to make CONNECT request to proxy
        proto, rest = urllib.splittype(url)

        if proto is None:
            raise ValueError, "unknown URL type: %s" % url

        # Get host
        host, rest = urllib.splithost(rest)

        # Try to get port
        host, port = urllib.splitport(host)

        # If port is not defined try to get from proto
        if port is None:
                port = self._ports[proto]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError, "unknown protocol for: %s" % url

        self._real_host = host
        self._real_port = int(port)

        httplib.HTTPConnection.request(self, method, url, body, headers) 

示例5: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0,
        # establish a "logical" server connection

        # get the url
        import urllib
        type, uri = urllib.splittype(uri)
        if type not in ("http", "https"):
            raise IOError, "unsupported B-RPC protocol"
        self.__host, self.__handler = urllib.splithost(uri)
        if not self.__handler:
            self.__handler = "/RPC2"

        if transport is None:
            if type == "https":
                transport = xmlrpclib.SafeTransport()
                transport = xmlrpclib.Transport()
        self.__transport = transport

        self.__encoding = encoding
        self.__verbose = verbose
        self.__allow_none = allow_none 

示例6: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0,
        # establish a "logical" server connection

        # get the url
        import urllib
        type, uri = urllib.splittype(uri)
        if type not in ("http", "https"):
            raise IOError, "unsupported EB-RPC protocol"
        self.__host, self.__handler = urllib.splithost(uri)
        if not self.__handler:
            self.__handler = "/RPC2"

        if transport is None:
            if type == "https":
                transport = xmlrpclib.SafeTransport()
                transport = xmlrpclib.Transport()
        self.__transport = transport

        self.__encoding = encoding
        self.__verbose = verbose
        self.__allow_none = allow_none 

示例7: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0):
        self.location = uri             # server location (url)
        self.trace = verbose            # show debug messages
        self.exceptions = True          # raise errors? (JSONRPCError)
        self.timeout = None
        self.json_request = self.json_response = ''

        type, uri = urllib.splittype(uri)
        if type not in ("http", "https"):
            raise IOError("unsupported JSON-RPC protocol")
        self.__host, self.__handler = urllib.splithost(uri)

        if transport is None:
            if type == "https":
                transport = JSONSafeTransport()
                transport = JSONTransport()
        self.__transport = transport
        self.__encoding = encoding
        self.__verbose = verbose 

示例8: follow

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def follow(self, **kw):
        If this request is a redirect, follow that redirect.  It
        is an error if this is not a redirect response.  Returns
        another response object.
        assert self.status >= 300 and self.status < 400, (
            "You can only follow redirect responses (not %s)"
            % self.full_status)
        location = self.header('location')
        type, rest = urllib.splittype(location)
        host, path = urllib.splithost(rest)
        # @@: We should test that it's not a remote redirect
        return self.test_app.get(location, **kw) 

示例9: _spliturl

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def _spliturl(url):
    scheme, opaque = urllib.splittype(url)
    netloc, path = urllib.splithost(opaque)
    host, port = urllib.splitport(netloc)
    # Strip brackets if its an IPv6 address
    if host.startswith('[') and host.endswith(']'): host = host[1:-1]
    if port is None: port = DEFAULT_PORT
    return scheme, host, port, path

# Given an HTTP request handler, this wrapper objects provides a related
# family of convenience methods built using that handler. 

示例10: url2pathname

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def url2pathname(pathname):
    """OS-specific conversion from a relative URL of the 'file' scheme
    to a file system path; not recommended for general use."""
    # XXXX The .. handling should be fixed...
    tp = urllib.splittype(pathname)[0]
    if tp and tp != 'file':
        raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot convert non-local URL to pathname'
    # Turn starting /// into /, an empty hostname means current host
    if pathname[:3] == '///':
        pathname = pathname[2:]
    elif pathname[:2] == '//':
        raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot convert non-local URL to pathname'
    components = pathname.split('/')
    # Remove . and embedded ..
    i = 0
    while i < len(components):
        if components[i] == '.':
            del components[i]
        elif components[i] == '..' and i > 0 and \
                                  components[i-1] not in ('', '..'):
            del components[i-1:i+1]
            i = i-1
        elif components[i] == '' and i > 0 and components[i-1] != '':
            del components[i]
            i = i+1
    if not components[0]:
        # Absolute unix path, don't start with colon
        rv = ':'.join(components[1:])
        # relative unix path, start with colon. First replace
        # leading .. by empty strings (giving ::file)
        i = 0
        while i < len(components) and components[i] == '..':
            components[i] = ''
            i = i + 1
        rv = ':' + ':'.join(components)
    # and finally unquote slashes and other funny characters
    return urllib.unquote(rv) 

示例11: test_splittype

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def test_splittype(self):
        splittype = urllib.splittype
        self.assertEqual(splittype('type:opaquestring'), ('type', 'opaquestring'))
        self.assertEqual(splittype('opaquestring'), (None, 'opaquestring'))
        self.assertEqual(splittype(':opaquestring'), (None, ':opaquestring'))
        self.assertEqual(splittype('type:'), ('type', ''))
        self.assertEqual(splittype('type:opaque:string'), ('type', 'opaque:string')) 

示例12: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0,
                 allow_none=0, use_datetime=0, context=None):
        # establish a "logical" server connection

        if unicode and isinstance(uri, unicode):
            uri = uri.encode('ISO-8859-1')

        # get the url
        import urllib
        type, uri = urllib.splittype(uri)
        if type not in ("http", "https"):
            raise IOError, "unsupported XML-RPC protocol"
        self.__host, self.__handler = urllib.splithost(uri)
        if not self.__handler:
            self.__handler = "/RPC2"

        if transport is None:
            if type == "https":
                transport = SafeTransport(use_datetime=use_datetime, context=context)
                transport = Transport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
        self.__transport = transport

        self.__encoding = encoding
        self.__verbose = verbose
        self.__allow_none = allow_none 

示例13: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0,
                 allow_none=0, use_datetime=0):
        # establish a "logical" server connection

        if isinstance(uri, unicode):
            uri = uri.encode('ISO-8859-1')

        # get the url
        import urllib
        type, uri = urllib.splittype(uri)
        if type not in ("http", "https"):
            raise IOError, "unsupported XML-RPC protocol"
        self.__host, self.__handler = urllib.splithost(uri)
        if not self.__handler:
            self.__handler = "/RPC2"

        if transport is None:
            if type == "https":
                transport = SafeTransport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
                transport = Transport(use_datetime=use_datetime)
        self.__transport = transport

        self.__encoding = encoding
        self.__verbose = verbose
        self.__allow_none = allow_none 

示例14: getpage

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def getpage(self, url_pair):
        # Incoming argument name is a (URL, fragment) pair.
        # The page may have been cached in the name_table variable.
        url, fragment = url_pair
        if self.name_table.has_key(url):
            return self.name_table[url]

        scheme, path = urllib.splittype(url)
        if scheme in ('mailto', 'news', 'javascript', 'telnet'):
            self.note(1, " Not checking %s URL" % scheme)
            return None
        isint = self.inroots(url)

        # Ensure that openpage gets the URL pair to
        # print out its error message and record the error pair
        # correctly.
        if not isint:
            if not self.checkext:
                self.note(1, " Not checking ext link")
                return None
            f = self.openpage(url_pair)
            if f:
            return None
        text, nurl = self.readhtml(url_pair)

        if nurl != url:
            self.note(1, " Redirected to %s", nurl)
            url = nurl
        if text:
            return Page(text, url, maxpage=self.maxpage, checker=self)

    # These next three functions take (URL, fragment) pairs as
    # arguments, so that openpage() receives the appropriate tuple to
    # record error messages. 

示例15: savefilename

# 需要导入模块: import urllib [as 别名]
# 或者: from urllib import splittype [as 别名]
def savefilename(self, url):
        type, rest = urllib.splittype(url)
        host, path = urllib.splithost(rest)
        path = path.lstrip("/")
        user, host = urllib.splituser(host)
        host, port = urllib.splitnport(host)
        host = host.lower()
        if not path or path[-1] == "/":
            path = path + "index.html"
        if os.sep != "/":
            path = os.sep.join(path.split("/"))
        path = os.path.join(host, path)
        return path 
