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Python types.InstanceType方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中types.InstanceType方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python types.InstanceType方法的具体用法?Python types.InstanceType怎么用?Python types.InstanceType使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在types的用法示例。


示例1: formatDevicesList

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def formatDevicesList(self, devicesCount):

        pack_format = '>'
        i = 0
        for field in self._fields_:
            if (i == devicesCount + 2):
            if type(field[1]) is types.InstanceType:
                if BaseStucture in field[1].__class__.__bases__:
                    pack_format += str(field[1].size()) + 's'
            elif 'si' == field[1]:
                pack_format += 'c'
            elif '<' in field[1]:
                pack_format += field[1][1:]
                pack_format += field[1]
            i += 1
        return pack_format 

示例2: packDevicesList

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def packDevicesList(self, devicesCount):
        values = []
        i = 0
        for field in self._fields_:
            if (i == devicesCount + 2):
            if type(field[1]) is types.InstanceType:
                if BaseStucture in field[1].__class__.__bases__:
                     values.append(getattr(self, field[0], 0).pack())
                if 'si' == field[1]:
                    values.append(chr(getattr(self, field[0], 0)))
                    values.append(getattr(self, field[0], 0))
            i += 1
        return struct.pack(self.formatDevicesList(devicesCount), *values) 

示例3: in_idle

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def in_idle():
    @rtype: C{boolean}
    @return: true if this function is run within idle.  Tkinter
    programs that are run in idle should never call L{Tk.mainloop}; so
    this function should be used to gate all calls to C{Tk.mainloop}.

    @warning: This function works by checking C{sys.stdin}.  If the
    user has modified C{sys.stdin}, then it may return incorrect
    import sys, types
    return (type(sys.stdin) == types.InstanceType and \
            sys.stdin.__class__.__name__ == 'PyShell')

##  Test code.

示例4: _invoke_callbacks

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def _invoke_callbacks(self):
        for callback in self._done_callbacks:
            except Exception:
                LOGGER.exception('exception calling callback for %r', self)
            except BaseException:
                # Explicitly let all other new-style exceptions through so
                # that we can catch all old-style exceptions with a simple
                # "except:" clause below.
                # All old-style exception objects are instances of
                # types.InstanceType, but "except types.InstanceType:" does
                # not catch old-style exceptions for some reason.  Thus, the
                # only way to catch all old-style exceptions without catching
                # any new-style exceptions is to filter out the new-style
                # exceptions, which all derive from BaseException.
                # Because of the BaseException clause above, this handler only
                # executes for old-style exception objects.
                LOGGER.exception('exception calling callback for %r', self) 

示例5: call_internal

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def call_internal(self, func_modifier, args, kw):
        """ Common utility class for calling an overloaded method,
        either bound on a class or not.  func_modifier is a lambda
        function which is used to "bind" bound methods to the correct
        argtype = type(args[0])
        class Old:
        if argtype is types.InstanceType: # old-style class
            argtype = args[0].__class__        
        hier = list(inspect.getmro(argtype)) # class hierarchy
        hier.reverse() # order w/ superclass first
        hier = [ t for t in hier if t in self.registry ]
        if len(hier) == 0:
            raise TypeError("Function %s has no compatible overloads registered for argument type %s" % 
                            (self.func_name, argtype))            
        result = None
        for t in hier:
            if not self.allow_cascade[t] and t != hier[-1]:
                continue # don't "cascade" down from superclass on this method
            result = func_modifier(self.registry[t])(*args, **kw)
        return result 

示例6: try_serialize_handler

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def try_serialize_handler(handler):
  """Try to serialize map/reduce handler.

    handler: handler function/instance. Handler can be a function or an
      instance of a callable class. In the latter case, the handler will
      be serialized across slices to allow users to save states.

    serialized handler string or None.
  if (isinstance(handler, types.InstanceType) or  # old style class
      (isinstance(handler, object) and  # new style class
       not inspect.isfunction(handler) and
       not inspect.ismethod(handler)) and
      hasattr(handler, "__call__")):
    return pickle.dumps(handler)
  return None 

示例7: error

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def error(self, obj, value):
        kind = type(value)
        if (not py3compat.PY3) and kind is InstanceType:
            msg = 'class %s' % value.__class__.__name__
            msg = '%s (i.e. %s)' % ( str( kind )[1:-1], repr( value ) )

        if obj is not None:
            e = "The '%s' trait of %s instance must be %s, but a value of %s was specified." \
                % (self.name, class_of(obj),
                   self.info(), msg)
            e = "The '%s' trait must be %s, but a value of %r was specified." \
                % (self.name, self.info(), msg)

        raise TraitError(e) 

示例8: pdef

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def pdef(self, obj, oname=''):
        """Print the call signature for any callable object.

        If the object is a class, print the constructor information."""

        if not callable(obj):
            print('Object is not callable.')

        header = ''

        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            header = self.__head('Class constructor information:\n')
            obj = obj.__init__
        elif (not py3compat.PY3) and type(obj) is types.InstanceType:
            obj = obj.__call__

        output = self._getdef(obj,oname)
        if output is None:
            self.noinfo('definition header',oname)
            print(header,self.format(output), end=' ', file=io.stdout)

    # In Python 3, all classes are new-style, so they all have __init__. 

示例9: init_info

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def init_info(self):
        self.type_name = 'instance'
        self.check_func = 'PyInstance_Check'
        self.c_type = 'py::object'
        self.return_type = 'py::object'
        self.to_c_return = 'py::object(py_obj)'
        self.matching_types = [types.InstanceType]
        # ref counting handled by py::object
        self.use_ref_count = 0

# Catchall Converter
# catch all now handles callable objects

示例10: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def __init__(self,data):
    self.change = 0
    self.maxtype = 0
    self.data = data
    if type(data) is types.InstanceType and ".dump" in str(data.__class__):
      self.which = 0
    elif type(data) is types.InstanceType and ".data" in str(data.__class__):
      self.which = 0
    elif type(data) is types.InstanceType and ".mdump" in str(data.__class__):
      self.which = 1
    elif type(data) is types.InstanceType and ".cdata" in str(data.__class__):
      self.which = 1
      raise StandardError,"unrecognized object passed to ensight"
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

示例11: latestVersionOf

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def latestVersionOf(self, anObject):
        Get the latest version of an object.

        This can handle just about anything callable; instances, functions,
        methods, and classes.
        t = type(anObject)
        if t == types.FunctionType:
            return latestFunction(anObject)
        elif t == types.MethodType:
            if anObject.im_self is None:
                return getattr(anObject.im_class, anObject.__name__)
                return getattr(anObject.im_self, anObject.__name__)
        elif t == types.InstanceType:
            # Kick it, if it's out of date.
            getattr(anObject, 'nothing', None)
            return anObject
        elif t == types.ClassType:
            return latestClass(anObject)
            log.msg('warning returning anObject!')
            return anObject 

示例12: collect_variables

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def collect_variables(self, vars, objects, names, treated, skip_unknown = False):
        for name in names:
            if name not in treated:
                    obj = objects[name]
                        if sys.version[0] == '2' and type(obj) is types.InstanceType:
                            type_name = "instance (" + obj.__class__.__name__ + ")"
                            type_name = type(obj).__name__
                        type_name = 'unknown'
                    if skip_unknown:
                    obj = SynthesizedValue('<undefined>', len_value=0)
                    type_name = 'unknown'
                vars.append((name, type(obj), safe_repr(obj), safe_hex_repr(obj), type_name, get_object_len(obj)))

示例13: latestVersionOf

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def latestVersionOf(self, anObject):
        Get the latest version of an object.

        This can handle just about anything callable; instances, functions,
        methods, and classes.
        t = type(anObject)
        if t == types.FunctionType:
            return latestFunction(anObject)
        elif t == types.MethodType:
            if anObject.__self__ is None:
                return getattr(anObject.im_class, anObject.__name__)
                return getattr(anObject.__self__, anObject.__name__)
        elif not _PY3 and t == InstanceType:
            # Kick it, if it's out of date.
            getattr(anObject, 'nothing', None)
            return anObject
        elif _isClassType(t):
            return latestClass(anObject)
            log.msg('warning returning anObject!')
            return anObject 

示例14: format

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def format(self):

        pack_format = '>'
        for field in self._fields_:
            if type(field[1]) is types.InstanceType:
                if BaseStucture in field[1].__class__.__bases__:
                    pack_format += str(field[1].size()) + 's'
            elif 'si' == field[1]:
                pack_format += 'c'
            elif '<' in field[1]:
                pack_format += field[1][1:]
                pack_format += field[1]
        return pack_format 

示例15: pack

# 需要导入模块: import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from types import InstanceType [as 别名]
def pack(self):
        values = []
        for field in self._fields_:
            if type(field[1]) is types.InstanceType:
                if BaseStucture in field[1].__class__.__bases__:
                     values.append(getattr(self, field[0], 0).pack())
                if 'si' == field[1]:
                    values.append(chr(getattr(self, field[0], 0)))
                    values.append(getattr(self, field[0], 0))
        return struct.pack(self.format(), *values) 
