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Python threads.deferToThreadPool方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中twisted.internet.threads.deferToThreadPool方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python threads.deferToThreadPool方法的具体用法?Python threads.deferToThreadPool怎么用?Python threads.deferToThreadPool使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在twisted.internet.threads的用法示例。


示例1: _deferToThreadPool

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def _deferToThreadPool(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
        """Defer execution of ``f(*args, **kwargs)`` to the thread pool.
        This returns a deferred which will callback with the result of
        that expression, or errback with a failure wrapping the raised
        if self._pool.joined:
            return fail(
                ReactorNotRunning("This thimble's threadpool already stopped.")
        if not self._pool.started:
                'during', 'shutdown', self._pool.stop)

        return deferToThreadPool(self._reactor, self._pool, f, *args, **kwargs) 

示例2: getHostByName

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def getHostByName(self, name, timeout = (1, 3, 11, 45)):
        See L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IResolverSimple.getHostByName}.

        Note that the elements of C{timeout} are summed and the result is used
        as a timeout for the lookup.  Any intermediate timeout or retry logic
        is left up to the platform via L{socket.gethostbyname}.
        if timeout:
            timeoutDelay = sum(timeout)
            timeoutDelay = 60
        userDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        lookupDeferred = threads.deferToThreadPool(
            self.reactor, self.reactor.getThreadPool(),
            socket.gethostbyname, name)
        cancelCall = self.reactor.callLater(
            timeoutDelay, self._cleanup, name, lookupDeferred)
        self._runningQueries[lookupDeferred] = (userDeferred, cancelCall)
        lookupDeferred.addBoth(self._checkTimeout, name, lookupDeferred)
        return userDeferred 

示例3: _authenticateUsernamePassword

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def _authenticateUsernamePassword(self, dn, password):
        Open a secondary connection to the LDAP server and try binding to it
        with the given credentials

        @returns: True if the password is correct, False otherwise
        @rtype: deferred C{bool}

        @raises: L{LDAPConnectionError} if unable to connect.
        d = deferToThreadPool(
            reactor, self.threadpool,
            self._authenticateUsernamePassword_inThread, dn, password
        qsize = self.threadpool._queue.qsize()
        if qsize > 0:
            self.log.error("LDAP thread pool overflowing: {qsize}", qsize=qsize)
            self.poolStats["connection-thread-blocked"] += 1
        return d 

示例4: _recordsFromQueryString

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def _recordsFromQueryString(
        self, queryString, recordTypes=None,
        limitResults=None, timeoutSeconds=None
        d = deferToThreadPool(
            reactor, self.threadpool,
        qsize = self.threadpool._queue.qsize()
        if qsize > 0:
            self.log.error("LDAP thread pool overflowing: {qsize}", qsize=qsize)
            self.poolStats["connection-thread-blocked"] += 1
        return d 

示例5: runWithConnection

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def runWithConnection(self, func, *args, **kw):
        Execute a function with a database connection and return the result.

        @param func: A callable object of one argument which will be executed
            in a thread with a connection from the pool. It will be passed as
            its first argument a L{Connection} instance (whose interface is
            mostly identical to that of a connection object for your DB-API
            module of choice), and its results will be returned as a
            L{Deferred}. If the method raises an exception the transaction will
            be rolled back. Otherwise, the transaction will be committed.
            B{Note} that this function is B{not} run in the main thread: it
            must be threadsafe.

        @param *args: positional arguments to be passed to func

        @param **kw: keyword arguments to be passed to func

        @return: a L{Deferred} which will fire the return value of
            C{func(Transaction(...), *args, **kw)}, or a
        return threads.deferToThreadPool(self._reactor, self.threadpool,
                                         func, *args, **kw) 

示例6: runWithConnection

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def runWithConnection(self, func, *args, **kw):
        Execute a function with a database connection and return the result.

        @param func: A callable object of one argument which will be executed
            in a thread with a connection from the pool.  It will be passed as
            its first argument a L{Connection} instance (whose interface is
            mostly identical to that of a connection object for your DB-API
            module of choice), and its results will be returned as a Deferred.
            If the method raises an exception the transaction will be rolled
            back.  Otherwise, the transaction will be committed.  B{Note} that
            this function is B{not} run in the main thread: it must be

        @param *args: positional arguments to be passed to func

        @param **kw: keyword arguments to be passed to func

        @return: a Deferred which will fire the return value of
            C{func(Transaction(...), *args, **kw)}, or a Failure.
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        return threads.deferToThreadPool(reactor, self.threadpool,
                                         func, *args, **kw) 

示例7: resolveHostName

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def resolveHostName(self, resolutionReceiver, hostName, portNumber=0,
                        addressTypes=None, transportSemantics='TCP'):
        See L{IHostnameResolver.resolveHostName}

        @param resolutionReceiver: see interface

        @param hostName: see interface

        @param portNumber: see interface

        @param addressTypes: see interface

        @param transportSemantics: see interface

        @return: see interface
        pool = self._getThreadPool()
        addressFamily = _typesToAF[_any if addressTypes is None
                                   else frozenset(addressTypes)]
        socketType = _transportToSocket[transportSemantics]
        def get():
                return self._getaddrinfo(hostName, portNumber, addressFamily,
            except gaierror:
                return []
        d = deferToThreadPool(self._reactor, pool, get)
        resolution = HostResolution(hostName)
        def deliverResults(result):
            for family, socktype, proto, cannoname, sockaddr in result:
                addrType = _afToType[family]
                    addrType(_socktypeToType.get(socktype, 'TCP'), *sockaddr)
        return resolution 

示例8: runWithConnection

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def runWithConnection(self, func, *args, **kw):
        Execute a function with a database connection and return the result.

        @param func: A callable object of one argument which will be executed
            in a thread with a connection from the pool. It will be passed as
            its first argument a L{Connection} instance (whose interface is
            mostly identical to that of a connection object for your DB-API
            module of choice), and its results will be returned as a
            L{Deferred}. If the method raises an exception the transaction will
            be rolled back. Otherwise, the transaction will be committed.
            B{Note} that this function is B{not} run in the main thread: it
            must be threadsafe.

        @param *args: positional arguments to be passed to func

        @param **kw: keyword arguments to be passed to func

        @return: a L{Deferred} which will fire the return value of
            C{func(Transaction(...), *args, **kw)}, or a
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        return threads.deferToThreadPool(reactor, self.threadpool,
                                         func, *args, **kw) 

示例9: runInteraction

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kw):
        Interact with the database and return the result.

        The 'interaction' is a callable object which will be executed in a
        thread using a pooled connection. It will be passed an L{Transaction}
        object as an argument (whose interface is identical to that of the
        database cursor for your DB-API module of choice), and its results will
        be returned as a L{Deferred}. If running the method raises an
        exception, the transaction will be rolled back. If the method returns a
        value, the transaction will be committed.

        NOTE that the function you pass is *not* run in the main thread: you
        may have to worry about thread-safety in the function you pass to this
        if it tries to use non-local objects.

        @param interaction: a callable object whose first argument is an

        @param *args: additional positional arguments to be passed to

        @param **kw: keyword arguments to be passed to interaction

        @return: a Deferred which will fire the return value of
            C{interaction(Transaction(...), *args, **kw)}, or a
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        return threads.deferToThreadPool(reactor, self.threadpool,
                                         interaction, *args, **kw) 

示例10: test_deferredResult

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def test_deferredResult(self):
        L{threads.deferToThreadPool} executes the function passed, and
        correctly handles the positional and keyword arguments given.
        d = threads.deferToThreadPool(reactor, self.tp,
                                      lambda x, y=5: x + y, 3, y=4)
        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 7)
        return d 

示例11: _threaded_method

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def _threaded_method(method_name, sync_name, reactor_name, threadpool_name):
    Create a method that calls another method in a threadpool.

    :param str method_name: The name of the method to look up on the "sync"
    :param str sync_name: The name of the attribute of ``self`` on which to
        look up the other method to run.  This is the "sync" object.
    :param str reactor_name: The name of the attribute of ``self`` referencing
        the reactor to use to get results back to the calling thread.
    :param str threadpool_name: The name of the attribute of ``self``
        referencing a ``twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadPool`` instance to use
        to run the method in a different thread.

    :return: The new thread-using method.  It has the same signature as the
             original method except it returns a ``Deferred`` that fires with
             the original method's result.
    def _run_in_thread(self, *args, **kwargs):
        reactor = getattr(self, reactor_name)
        sync = getattr(self, sync_name)
        threadpool = getattr(self, threadpool_name)
        original = getattr(sync, method_name)
        return deferToThreadPool(
            reactor, threadpool, preserve_context(original), *args, **kwargs
    return _run_in_thread 

示例12: _recordWithDN

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def _recordWithDN(self, dn):
        d = deferToThreadPool(
            reactor, self.threadpool,
            self._recordWithDN_inThread, dn
        qsize = self.threadpool._queue.qsize()
        if qsize > 0:
            self.log.error("LDAP thread pool overflowing: {qsize}", qsize=qsize)
            self.poolStats["connection-thread-blocked"] += 1
        return d 

示例13: runInteraction

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kw):
        Interact with the database and return the result.

        The 'interaction' is a callable object which will be executed in a
        thread using a pooled connection. It will be passed an L{Transaction}
        object as an argument (whose interface is identical to that of the
        database cursor for your DB-API module of choice), and its results will
        be returned as a L{Deferred}. If running the method raises an
        exception, the transaction will be rolled back. If the method returns a
        value, the transaction will be committed.

        NOTE that the function you pass is *not* run in the main thread: you
        may have to worry about thread-safety in the function you pass to this
        if it tries to use non-local objects.

        @param interaction: a callable object whose first argument is an

        @param *args: additional positional arguments to be passed to

        @param **kw: keyword arguments to be passed to interaction

        @return: a Deferred which will fire the return value of
            C{interaction(Transaction(...), *args, **kw)}, or a
        return threads.deferToThreadPool(self._reactor, self.threadpool,
                                         interaction, *args, **kw) 

示例14: stopService

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def stopService(self):
        Stop the writer thread, wait for it to finish.
        return deferToThreadPool(
            self._mainReactor, self._mainReactor.getThreadPool(), self._thread.join

示例15: runInteraction

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import threads [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThreadPool [as 别名]
def runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kw):
        Interact with the database and return the result.

        The 'interaction' is a callable object which will be executed
        in a thread using a pooled connection. It will be passed an
        L{Transaction} object as an argument (whose interface is
        identical to that of the database cursor for your DB-API
        module of choice), and its results will be returned as a
        Deferred. If running the method raises an exception, the
        transaction will be rolled back. If the method returns a
        value, the transaction will be committed.

        NOTE that the function you pass is *not* run in the main
        thread: you may have to worry about thread-safety in the
        function you pass to this if it tries to use non-local

        @param interaction: a callable object whose first argument
            is an L{adbapi.Transaction}.

        @param *args: additional positional arguments to be passed
            to interaction

        @param **kw: keyword arguments to be passed to interaction

        @return: a Deferred which will fire the return value of
            'interaction(Transaction(...), *args, **kw)', or a Failure.
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        return threads.deferToThreadPool(reactor, self.threadpool,
                                         interaction, *args, **kw) 
