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Python endpoints.HostnameEndpoint方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中twisted.internet.endpoints.HostnameEndpoint方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python endpoints.HostnameEndpoint方法的具体用法?Python endpoints.HostnameEndpoint怎么用?Python endpoints.HostnameEndpoint使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在twisted.internet.endpoints的用法示例。


示例1: createClientEndpoint

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
        Creates a L{HostnameEndpoint} instance where the hostname is resolved
        into a single IPv4 address.
        expectedAddress = ''
        address = HostnameAddress(b"example.com", 80)
        endpoint = endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(
            deterministicResolvingReactor(reactor, [expectedAddress]),
            b"example.com", address.port, **connectArgs

        return (endpoint, (expectedAddress, address.port, clientFactory,
                connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
                connectArgs.get('bindAddress', None)),

示例2: test_endpointConnectFailure

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_endpointConnectFailure(self):
        If L{HostnameEndpoint.connect} is invoked and there is no server
        listening for connections, the returned L{Deferred} will fail with
        expectedError = error.ConnectError(string="Connection Failed")

        mreactor = RaisingMemoryReactorWithClock(

        clientFactory = object()

        ep, ignoredArgs, ignoredDest = self.createClientEndpoint(
            mreactor, clientFactory)

        d = ep.connect(clientFactory)
        self.assertEqual(self.failureResultOf(d).value, expectedError)
        self.assertEqual([], mreactor.getDelayedCalls()) 

示例3: test_endpointConnectFailureAfterIteration

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_endpointConnectFailureAfterIteration(self):
        If a connection attempt initiated by
        L{HostnameEndpoint.connect} fails only after
        L{HostnameEndpoint} has exhausted the list of possible server
        addresses, the returned L{Deferred} will fail with
        expectedError = error.ConnectError(string="Connection Failed")

        mreactor = MemoryReactor()

        clientFactory = object()

        ep, ignoredArgs, ignoredDest = self.createClientEndpoint(
            mreactor, clientFactory)

        d = ep.connect(clientFactory)
        host, port, factory, timeout, bindAddress = mreactor.tcpClients[0]
        factory.clientConnectionFailed(mreactor.connectors[0], expectedError)
        self.assertEqual(self.failureResultOf(d).value, expectedError)
        self.assertEqual([], mreactor.getDelayedCalls()) 

示例4: test_deferBadEncodingToConnect

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_deferBadEncodingToConnect(self):
        Since any client of L{IStreamClientEndpoint} needs to handle Deferred
        failures from C{connect}, L{HostnameEndpoint}'s constructor will not
        raise exceptions when given bad host names, instead deferring to
        returning a failing L{Deferred} from C{connect}.
        endpoint = endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(
            deterministicResolvingReactor(MemoryReactor(), ['']),
            b'\xff-garbage-\xff', 80
        deferred = endpoint.connect(Factory.forProtocol(Protocol))
        err = self.failureResultOf(deferred, ValueError)
        self.assertIn("\\xff-garbage-\\xff", str(err))
        endpoint = endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(
            deterministicResolvingReactor(MemoryReactor(), ['']),
            u'\u2ff0-garbage-\u2ff0', 80
        deferred = endpoint.connect(Factory())
        err = self.failureResultOf(deferred, ValueError)
        self.assertIn("\\u2ff0-garbage-\\u2ff0", str(err)) 

示例5: test_ignoreUnknownAddressTypes

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_ignoreUnknownAddressTypes(self):
        If an address type other than L{IPv4Address} and L{IPv6Address} is
        returned by on address resolution, the endpoint ignores that address.
        self.mreactor = MemoryReactor()
        self.endpoint = endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(
            deterministicResolvingReactor(self.mreactor, ['', object(),
            b"www.example.com", 80
        clientFactory = None


        (host, port, factory, timeout, bindAddress) = self.mreactor.tcpClients[1]
        self.assertEqual(len(self.mreactor.tcpClients), 2)
        self.assertEqual(host, '1:2::3:4')
        self.assertEqual(port, 80) 

示例6: test_hostnameEndpointConstruction

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_hostnameEndpointConstruction(self):
        A L{HostnameEndpoint} is constructed from parameters passed to
        reactor = object()
        endpoint = endpoints.clientFromString(
        hostnameEndpoint = endpoint._wrappedEndpoint
        self.assertIs(hostnameEndpoint._reactor, reactor)
        self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._hostBytes, b'example.com')
        self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._port, 443)
        self.assertEqual(hostnameEndpoint._timeout, 10)

示例7: test_utf8Encoding

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_utf8Encoding(self):
        The hostname passed to L{clientFromString} is treated as utf-8 bytes;
        it is then encoded as IDNA when it is passed along to
        L{HostnameEndpoint}, and passed as unicode to L{optionsForClientTLS}.
        reactor = object()
        endpoint = endpoints.clientFromString(
            reactor, b'tls:\xc3\xa9xample.example.com:443'
        connectionCreator = connectionCreatorFromEndpoint(
            reactor, endpoint)

示例8: test_fallbackNameResolution

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_fallbackNameResolution(self):
        L{_fallbackNameResolution} returns a L{Deferred} that fires
        with the resoution of the the host and request port.
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        ep = endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(reactor,

        host, port = ("", 1)

        resolutionDeferred = ep._fallbackNameResolution(host, port)

        def assertHostPortFamilySockType(result):
            self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
            [(family, socktype, _, _, sockaddr)] = result
            self.assertEqual(family, AF_INET)
            self.assertEqual(socktype, SOCK_STREAM)
            self.assertEqual(sockaddr, (host, port))

        return resolutionDeferred.addCallback(assertHostPortFamilySockType) 

示例9: test_endpointConnectFailure

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_endpointConnectFailure(self):
        When L{HostnameEndpoint.connect} cannot connect to its
        destination, the returned L{Deferred} will fail with
        expectedError = error.ConnectError(string="Connection Failed")

        mreactor = RaisingMemoryReactorWithClock(

        clientFactory = object()

        ep, ignoredArgs, ignoredDest = self.createClientEndpoint(
            mreactor, clientFactory)

        d = ep.connect(clientFactory)
        self.assertEqual(self.failureResultOf(d).value, expectedError)
        self.assertEqual([], mreactor.getDelayedCalls()) 

示例10: test_deprecation

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_deprecation(self):
        Instantiating L{HostnameEndpoint} with a reactor that does not
        provide L{IReactorPluggableResolver} emits a deprecation warning.
        mreactor = MemoryReactor()

        clientFactory = object()

        self.createClientEndpoint(mreactor, clientFactory)

        warnings = self.flushWarnings()
        self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
        self.assertIs(DeprecationWarning, warnings[0]['category'])

            'Passing HostnameEndpoint a reactor that does not provide'
            ' IReactorPluggableNameResolver'
            ' (twisted.internet.testing.MemoryReactorClock)'
            ' was deprecated in Twisted 17.5.0;'
            ' please use a reactor that provides'
            ' IReactorPluggableNameResolver instead')) 

示例11: test_hostIPv6Address

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_hostIPv6Address(self):
        When the host passed to L{HostnameEndpoint} is an IPv6 address it is
        wrapped in brackets in the string representation, like in a URI. This
        prevents the colon separating the host from the port from being
        endpoint = endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(
            deterministicResolvingReactor(Clock(), []),
            b'::1', 22,

        rep = repr(endpoint)

        self.assertEqual("<HostnameEndpoint [::1]:22>", rep)
        self.assertIs(str, type(rep)) 

示例12: connectionCreatorFromEndpoint

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def connectionCreatorFromEndpoint(memoryReactor, tlsEndpoint):
    Given a L{MemoryReactor} and the result of calling L{wrapClientTLS},
    extract the L{IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator} associated with it.

    Implementation presently uses private attributes but could (and should) be
    refactored to just call C{.connect()} on the endpoint, when
    L{HostnameEndpoint} starts directing its C{getaddrinfo} call through the
    reactor it is passed somehow rather than via the global threadpool.

    @param memoryReactor: the reactor attached to the given endpoint.
        (Presently unused, but included so tests won't need to be modified to
        honor it.)

    @param tlsEndpoint: The result of calling L{wrapClientTLS}.

    @return: the client connection creator associated with the endpoint
    @rtype: L{IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator}
    return tlsEndpoint._wrapperFactory(None)._connectionCreator 

示例13: test_endpoint_from_hint_obj

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def test_endpoint_from_hint_obj(self):
        def efho(hint, tor=None):
            return endpoint_from_hint_obj(hint, tor, reactor)
        self.assertIsInstance(efho(DirectTCPV1Hint("host", 1234, 0.0)),
        self.assertEqual(efho("unknown:stuff:yowza:pivlor"), None)

        # tor=None
        self.assertEqual(efho(TorTCPV1Hint("host", "port", 0)), None)
        self.assertEqual(efho(UnknownHint("foo")), None)

        tor = mock.Mock()
        def tor_ep(hostname, port):
            if hostname == "non-public":
                raise ValueError
            return ("tor_ep", hostname, port)
        tor.stream_via = mock.Mock(side_effect=tor_ep)

        self.assertEqual(efho(DirectTCPV1Hint("host", 1234, 0.0), tor),
                         ("tor_ep", "host", 1234))
        self.assertEqual(efho(TorTCPV1Hint("host2.onion", 1234, 0.0), tor),
                         ("tor_ep", "host2.onion", 1234))
        self.assertEqual( efho(DirectTCPV1Hint("non-public", 1234, 0.0), tor), None)

        self.assertEqual(efho(UnknownHint("foo"), tor), None) 

示例14: endpoint_from_hint_obj

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def endpoint_from_hint_obj(hint, tor, reactor):
    if tor:
        if isinstance(hint, (DirectTCPV1Hint, TorTCPV1Hint)):
            # this Tor object will throw ValueError for non-public IPv4
            # addresses and any IPv6 address
                return tor.stream_via(hint.hostname, hint.port)
            except ValueError:
                return None
        return None
    if isinstance(hint, DirectTCPV1Hint):
        # avoid DNS lookup unless necessary
        if isIPAddress(hint.hostname):
            return TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, hint.hostname, hint.port)
        if isIPv6Address(hint.hostname):
            return TCP6ClientEndpoint(reactor, hint.hostname, hint.port)
        return HostnameEndpoint(reactor, hint.hostname, hint.port)
    return None 

示例15: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from twisted.internet import endpoints [as 别名]
# 或者: from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint [as 别名]
def __init__(self, hosts, clientId=None,
        # Afkak used to suport a timeout of None, but that's a bad idea in
        # practice (Kafka has been seen to black-hole requests) so support was
        # removed in Afkak 3.0.0.
        if timeout is None:
            raise TypeError('timeout must be a number, not None, since Afkak 3.0.0')
        self.timeout = float(timeout) / 1000.0  # msecs to secs

        if clientId is not None:
            self.clientId = clientId
            self._clientIdBytes = _coerce_client_id(clientId)

        # FIXME: clients should be private
        self.clients = {}  # Broker-NodeID -> _KafkaBrokerClient instance
        self.topics_to_brokers = {}  # TopicAndPartition -> BrokerMetadata
        self.partition_meta = {}  # TopicAndPartition -> PartitionMetadata
        self._group_to_coordinator = {}  # consumer_group -> BrokerMetadata
        self._coordinator_fetches = {}  # consumer_group -> Tuple[Deferred, List[Deferred]]
        self.topic_partitions = {}  # topic_id -> [0, 1, 2, ...]
        self.topic_errors = {}  # topic_id -> topic_error_code
        self.correlation_id = correlation_id
        self.close_dlist = None  # Deferred wait on broker client disconnects
        # Do we disconnect brokerclients when requests via them timeout?
        self._disconnect_on_timeout = disconnect_on_timeout
        self._brokers = {}  # Broker-NodeID -> BrokerMetadata
        self._closing = False  # Are we shutting down/shutdown?
        self.update_cluster_hosts(hosts)  # Store hosts and mark for lookup
        if reactor is None:
            from twisted.internet import reactor
        self.reactor = reactor
        self._endpoint_factory = endpoint_factory
        assert retry_policy(1) >= 0.0
        self._retry_policy = retry_policy 
