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Python tensorflow.sparse_reduce_sum方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.sparse_reduce_sum方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tensorflow.sparse_reduce_sum方法的具体用法?Python tensorflow.sparse_reduce_sum怎么用?Python tensorflow.sparse_reduce_sum使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在tensorflow的用法示例。


示例1: count_nonzero_wrapper

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def count_nonzero_wrapper(X, optype):
    """Wrapper for handling sparse and dense versions of `tf.count_nonzero`.

    X : tf.Tensor (N, K)
    optype : str, {'dense', 'sparse'}

    tf.Tensor (1,K)
    with tf.name_scope('count_nonzero_wrapper') as scope:
        if optype == 'dense':
            return tf.count_nonzero(X, axis=0, keep_dims=True)
        elif optype == 'sparse':
            indicator_X = tf.SparseTensor(X.indices, tf.ones_like(X.values), X.dense_shape)
            return tf.sparse_reduce_sum(indicator_X, axis=0, keep_dims=True)
            raise NameError('Unknown input type in count_nonzero_wrapper') 

示例2: _loss_op

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def _loss_op(self):
        '''Operator to compute the loss for the model.
        This method should not be directly called the variables outside the class.
        Not we do not need to initialise the loss as zero for each batch as process the entire data in just one batch.'''

        complete_loss = tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits(
                            targets = self.labels,
                            logits = self.outputs,

        def _compute_masked_loss(complete_loss):
            '''Method to compute the masked loss'''
            normalized_mask = self.mask / tf.sparse_reduce_sum(self.mask)
            complete_loss = tf.multiply(complete_loss, tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(normalized_mask))
            return tf.reduce_sum(complete_loss)
            # the sparse_tensor_to_dense would be the bottleneck step and should be replaced by something more efficient

        complete_loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(self.mode, TRAIN),
                                true_fn=lambda : tf.reduce_mean(complete_loss),
                                false_fn=lambda : _compute_masked_loss(complete_loss))

        return complete_loss * self.normalisation_constant 

示例3: _accuracy_op

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def _accuracy_op(self):
        '''Operator to compute the accuracy for the model.
        This method should not be directly called the variables outside the class.'''

        correct_predictions = tf.cast(tf.equal(self.predictions,
                                       self.labels), dtype=tf.float32)

        def _compute_masked_accuracy(correct_predictions):
            '''Method to compute the masked loss'''
            normalized_mask = self.mask / tf.sparse_reduce_sum(self.mask)
            correct_predictions = tf.multiply(correct_predictions, tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(normalized_mask))
            return tf.reduce_sum(correct_predictions, name="accuracy_op")

        accuracy = tf.cond(tf.equal(self.mode, TRAIN),
                                true_fn=lambda: tf.reduce_mean(correct_predictions, name="accuracy_op"),
                                false_fn=lambda: _compute_masked_accuracy(correct_predictions))

        return accuracy 

示例4: weighted_margin_rank_batch

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def weighted_margin_rank_batch(self, tf_prediction_serial, tf_interactions, tf_sample_predictions, tf_n_items,
        positive_interaction_mask = tf.greater(tf_interactions.values, 0.0)
        positive_interaction_indices = tf.boolean_mask(tf_interactions.indices,
        positive_interaction_values = tf.boolean_mask(tf_interactions.values,

        positive_interactions = tf.SparseTensor(indices=positive_interaction_indices,
        listening_sum_per_item = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(positive_interactions, axis=0)
        gathered_sums = tf.gather(params=listening_sum_per_item,

        # [ n_positive_interactions ]
        positive_predictions = tf.boolean_mask(tf_prediction_serial,

        n_items = tf.cast(tf_n_items, dtype=tf.float32)
        n_sampled_items = tf.cast(tf_n_sampled_items, dtype=tf.float32)

        # [ n_positive_interactions, n_sampled_items ]
        mapped_predictions_sample_per_interaction = tf.gather(params=tf_sample_predictions,

        # [ n_positive_interactions, n_sampled_items ]
        summation_term = tf.maximum(1.0
                                    - tf.expand_dims(positive_predictions, axis=1)
                                    + mapped_predictions_sample_per_interaction,

        # [ n_positive_interactions ]
        sampled_margin_rank = ((n_items / n_sampled_items)
                               * tf.reduce_sum(summation_term, axis=1)
                               * positive_interaction_values / gathered_sums)

        loss = tf.log(sampled_margin_rank + 1.0)
        return loss 

示例5: text_to_labels

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def text_to_labels(self,
    """Convert text strings to label sequences.
      text: ascii encoded string tensor with shape [batch_size]
      dense: whether to return dense labels
      pad_value: Value used to pad labels to the same length.
      return_lengths: if True, also return text lengths
      labels: sparse or dense tensor of labels
    batch_size = tf.shape(text)[0]
    chars = tf.string_split(text, delimiter='')

    labels_sp = tf.SparseTensor(

    if return_dense:
      labels = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(labels_sp, default_value=pad_value)
      labels = labels_sp

    if return_lengths:
      text_lengths = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(
          tf.fill([tf.shape(chars.indices)[0]], 1),
      return labels, text_lengths
      return labels 

示例6: gather_forced_att_logits

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def gather_forced_att_logits(encoder_input_symbols, encoder_decoder_vocab_map, 
                             att_logit, batch_size, attn_length, 
  """Gathers attention weights as logits for forced attention."""
  flat_input_symbols = tf.reshape(encoder_input_symbols, [-1])
  flat_label_symbols = tf.gather(encoder_decoder_vocab_map,
  flat_att_logits = tf.reshape(att_logit, [-1])

  flat_range = tf.to_int64(tf.range(tf.shape(flat_label_symbols)[0]))
  batch_inds = tf.floordiv(flat_range, attn_length)
  position_inds = tf.mod(flat_range, attn_length)
  attn_vocab_inds = tf.transpose(tf.pack(
      [batch_inds, position_inds, tf.to_int64(flat_label_symbols)]))
  # Exclude indexes of entries with flat_label_symbols[i] = -1.
  included_flat_indexes = tf.reshape(tf.where(tf.not_equal(
      flat_label_symbols, -1)), [-1])
  included_attn_vocab_inds = tf.gather(attn_vocab_inds, 
  included_flat_att_logits = tf.gather(flat_att_logits, 

  sparse_shape = tf.to_int64(tf.pack(
      [batch_size, attn_length, target_vocab_size]))

  sparse_label_logits = tf.SparseTensor(included_attn_vocab_inds, 
      included_flat_att_logits, sparse_shape)
  forced_att_logit_sum = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(sparse_label_logits, [1])

  forced_att_logit = tf.reshape(forced_att_logit_sum, 
      [-1, target_vocab_size])

  return forced_att_logit 

示例7: sparse_placeholder

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def sparse_placeholder(dtype, shape=None, name=None):
  """Inserts a placeholder for a sparse tensor that will be always fed.

  **Important**: This sparse tensor will produce an error if evaluated.
  Its value must be fed using the `feed_dict` optional argument to
  `Session.run()`, `Tensor.eval()`, or `Operation.run()`.

  For example:

  x = tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32)
  y = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(x)

  with tf.Session() as sess:
    print(sess.run(y))  # ERROR: will fail because x was not fed.

    indices = np.array([[3, 2, 0], [4, 5, 1]], dtype=np.int64)
    values = np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float32)
    shape = np.array([7, 9, 2], dtype=np.int64)
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={
      x: tf.SparseTensorValue(indices, values, shape)}))  # Will succeed.
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={
      x: (indices, values, shape)}))  # Will succeed.

    sp = tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=values, dense_shape=shape)
    sp_value = sp.eval(session=sess)
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={x: sp_value}))  # Will succeed.

    dtype: The type of `values` elements in the tensor to be fed.
    shape: The shape of the tensor to be fed (optional). If the shape is not
      specified, you can feed a sparse tensor of any shape.
    name: A name for prefixing the operations (optional).

    A `SparseTensor` that may be used as a handle for feeding a value, but not
    evaluated directly.
  shape_name = (name + "/shape") if name is not None else None
  shape = _normalize_sparse_shape(shape, shape_name)
  if shape is None:
    shape = placeholder(dtypes.int64, shape=[None], name=shape_name)
  return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
          dtype, shape=[None],
          name=(name + "/values") if name is not None else None),
          dtypes.int64, shape=[None, None],
          name=(name + "/indices") if name is not None else None),
# pylint: enable=redefined-outer-name 

示例8: sparse_placeholder

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def sparse_placeholder(dtype, shape=None, name=None):
  """Inserts a placeholder for a sparse tensor that will be always fed.

  **Important**: This sparse tensor will produce an error if evaluated.
  Its value must be fed using the `feed_dict` optional argument to
  `Session.run()`, `Tensor.eval()`, or `Operation.run()`.

  For example:

  x = tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32)
  y = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(x)

  with tf.Session() as sess:
    print(sess.run(y))  # ERROR: will fail because x was not fed.

    indices = np.array([[3, 2, 0], [4, 5, 1]], dtype=np.int64)
    values = np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float32)
    shape = np.array([7, 9, 2], dtype=np.int64)
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={
      x: tf.SparseTensorValue(indices, values, shape)}))  # Will succeed.
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={
      x: (indices, values, shape)}))  # Will succeed.

    sp = tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=values, dense_shape=shape)
    sp_value = sp.eval(session)
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={x: sp_value}))  # Will succeed.

    dtype: The type of `values` elements in the tensor to be fed.
    shape: The shape of the tensor to be fed (optional). If the shape is not
      specified, you can feed a sparse tensor of any shape.
    name: A name for prefixing the operations (optional).

    A `SparseTensor` that may be used as a handle for feeding a value, but not
    evaluated directly.
  shape_name = (name + "/shape") if name is not None else None
  shape = _normalize_sparse_shape(shape, shape_name)
  if shape is None:
    shape = placeholder(dtypes.int64, shape=[None], name=shape_name)
  return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
          dtype, shape=[None],
          name=(name + "/values") if name is not None else None),
          dtypes.int64, shape=[None, None],
          name=(name + "/indices") if name is not None else None),
# pylint: enable=redefined-outer-name 

示例9: sparse_placeholder

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def sparse_placeholder(dtype, shape=None, name=None):
  """Inserts a placeholder for a sparse tensor that will be always fed.

  **Important**: This sparse tensor will produce an error if evaluated.
  Its value must be fed using the `feed_dict` optional argument to
  `Session.run()`, `Tensor.eval()`, or `Operation.run()`.

  For example:

  x = tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32)
  y = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(x)

  with tf.Session() as sess:
    print(sess.run(y))  # ERROR: will fail because x was not fed.

    indices = np.array([[3, 2, 0], [4, 5, 1]], dtype=np.int64)
    values = np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float32)
    shape = np.array([7, 9, 2], dtype=np.int64)
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={
      x: tf.SparseTensorValue(indices, values, shape)}))  # Will succeed.
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={
      x: (indices, values, shape)}))  # Will succeed.

    sp = tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=values, shape=shape)
    sp_value = sp.eval(session)
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={x: sp_value}))  # Will succeed.

    dtype: The type of `values` elements in the tensor to be fed.
    shape: The shape of the tensor to be fed (optional). If the shape is not
      specified, you can feed a sparse tensor of any shape.
    name: A name for prefixing the operations (optional).

    A `SparseTensor` that may be used as a handle for feeding a value, but not
    evaluated directly.
  shape_name = (name + "/shape") if name is not None else None
  shape = _normalize_sparse_shape(shape, shape_name)
  if shape is None:
    shape = placeholder(dtypes.int64, shape=[None], name=shape_name)
  return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
          dtype, shape=[None],
          name=(name + "/values") if name is not None else None),
          dtypes.int64, shape=[None, None],
          name=(name + "/indices") if name is not None else None),
# pylint: enable=redefined-outer-name 

示例10: dice_coef_2

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def dice_coef_2(ground_truth, prediction, weight_map=None):
    Function to calculate the dice loss with the definition given in

        Milletari, F., Navab, N., & Ahmadi, S. A. (2016)
        V-net: Fully convolutional neural
        networks for volumetric medical image segmentation. 3DV 2016

    using a square in the denominator

    :param prediction: the logits
    :param ground_truth: the segmentation ground_truth
    :param weight_map:
    :return: the loss
    ground_truth = tf.to_int64(ground_truth)
    prediction = tf.cast(prediction, tf.float32)
    ids = tf.range(tf.to_int64(tf.shape(ground_truth)[0]), dtype=tf.int64)
    ids = tf.stack([ids, ground_truth], axis=1)
    one_hot = tf.SparseTensor(
        values=tf.ones_like(ground_truth, dtype=tf.float32),
    if weight_map is not None:
        n_classes = prediction.shape[1].value
        weight_map_nclasses = tf.reshape(
            tf.tile(weight_map, [n_classes]), prediction.get_shape())
        dice_numerator = 2.0 * tf.sparse_reduce_sum(
            weight_map_nclasses * one_hot * prediction, reduction_axes=[0])
        dice_denominator = \
            tf.reduce_sum(weight_map_nclasses * tf.square(prediction),
                          reduction_indices=[0]) + \
            tf.sparse_reduce_sum(one_hot * weight_map_nclasses,
        dice_numerator = 2.0 * tf.sparse_reduce_sum(
            one_hot * prediction, reduction_axes=[0])
        dice_denominator = \
            tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(prediction), reduction_indices=[0]) + \
            tf.sparse_reduce_sum(one_hot, reduction_axes=[0])
    epsilon_denominator = 0.00001

    dice_score = dice_numerator / (dice_denominator + epsilon_denominator)
    # dice_score.set_shape([n_classes])
    # minimising (1 - dice_coefficients)

    # return 1.0 - tf.reduce_mean(dice_score)
    return tf.reduce_mean(dice_score) 

示例11: dice_coef_2

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def dice_coef_2(ground_truth, prediction, weight_map=None):
    Function to calculate the dice loss with the definition given in

        Milletari, F., Navab, N., & Ahmadi, S. A. (2016)
        V-net: Fully convolutional neural
        networks for volumetric medical image segmentation. 3DV 2016

    using a square in the denominator

    :param prediction: the logits
    :param ground_truth: the segmentation ground_truth
    :param weight_map:
    :return: the loss
    ground_truth = tf.to_int64(ground_truth)
    prediction = tf.cast(prediction, tf.float32)
    ids = tf.range(tf.to_int64(tf.shape(ground_truth)[0]), dtype=tf.int64)
    ids = tf.stack([ids, ground_truth], axis=1)
    one_hot = tf.SparseTensor(
        values=tf.ones_like(ground_truth, dtype=tf.float32),
    if weight_map is not None:
        n_classes = prediction.shape[1].value
        weight_map_nclasses = tf.reshape(
            tf.tile(weight_map, [n_classes]), prediction.get_shape())
        dice_numerator = 2.0 * tf.sparse_reduce_sum(
            weight_map_nclasses * one_hot * prediction, reduction_axes=[0])
        dice_denominator = \
            tf.reduce_sum(weight_map_nclasses * tf.square(prediction),
                          reduction_indices=[0]) + \
            tf.sparse_reduce_sum(one_hot * weight_map_nclasses,
        dice_numerator = 2.0 * tf.sparse_reduce_sum(
            one_hot * prediction, reduction_axes=[0])
        dice_denominator = \
            tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(prediction), reduction_indices=[0]) + \
            tf.sparse_reduce_sum(one_hot, reduction_axes=[0])
    epsilon_denominator = 0.00001

    dice_score = dice_numerator / (dice_denominator + epsilon_denominator)
    # dice_score.set_shape([n_classes])
    # minimising (1 - dice_coefficients)

    #return 1.0 - tf.reduce_mean(dice_score)
    return tf.reduce_mean(dice_score) 

示例12: soft_ncut

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def soft_ncut(image, image_segment, image_weights):
        image: [B, H, W, C]
        image_segment: [B, H, W, K]
        image_weights: [B, H*W, H*W]
        Soft_Ncut: scalar
    batch_size = tf.shape(image)[0]
    num_class = tf.shape(image_segment)[-1]
    image_shape = image.get_shape()
    weight_size = image_shape[1].value * image_shape[2].value
    image_segment = tf.transpose(image_segment, [0, 3, 1, 2]) # [B, K, H, W]
    image_segment = tf.reshape(image_segment, tf.stack([batch_size, num_class, weight_size])) # [B, K, H*W]
    # Dis-association
    # [B0, H*W, H*W] @ [B1, K1, H*W] contract on [[2],[2]] = [B0, H*W, B1, K1]
    W_Ak = sparse_tensor_dense_tensordot(image_weights, image_segment, axes=[[2],[2]])
    W_Ak = tf.transpose(W_Ak, [0,2,3,1]) # [B0, B1, K1, H*W]
    W_Ak = sycronize_axes(W_Ak, [0,1], tensor_dims=4) # [B0=B1, K1, H*W]
    # [B1, K1, H*W] @ [B2, K2, H*W] contract on [[2],[2]] = [B1, K1, B2, K2]
    dis_assoc = tf.tensordot(W_Ak, image_segment, axes=[[2],[2]])
    dis_assoc = sycronize_axes(dis_assoc, [0,2], tensor_dims=4) # [B1=B2, K1, K2]
    dis_assoc = sycronize_axes(dis_assoc, [1,2], tensor_dims=3) # [K1=K2, B1=B2]
    dis_assoc = tf.transpose(dis_assoc, [1,0]) # [B1=B2, K1=K2]
    dis_assoc = tf.identity(dis_assoc, name="dis_assoc")
    # Association
    # image_segment: [B0, K0, H*W]
    sum_W = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(image_weights,axis=2) # [B1, W*H]
    assoc = tf.tensordot(image_segment, sum_W, axes=[2,1]) # [B0, K0, B1]
    assoc = sycronize_axes(assoc, [0,2], tensor_dims=3) # [B0=B1, K0]
    assoc = tf.identity(assoc, name="assoc")
    # Soft NCut
    eps = 1e-6
    soft_ncut = tf.cast(num_class, tf.float32) - \
                tf.reduce_sum((dis_assoc + eps) / (assoc + eps), axis=1)
    return soft_ncut 

示例13: construct_computation_graph

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def construct_computation_graph(self):

        batch_size = tf.shape(self.placeholder['clicked_feature'])[1]
        denseshape = tf.concat([tf.cast(tf.reshape(batch_size, [-1]), tf.int64), tf.reshape(self.placeholder['time'], [-1]), tf.reshape(self.placeholder['item_size'], [-1])], 0)

        # construct lstm
        cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(self.rnn_hidden, state_is_tuple=True)
        initial_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
        rnn_outputs, rnn_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, self.placeholder['clicked_feature'], initial_state=initial_state, time_major=True)
        # rnn_outputs: (time, user=batch, rnn_hidden)
        # (1) output forward one-step (2) then transpose
        u_bar_feature = tf.concat([tf.zeros([1, batch_size, self.rnn_hidden], dtype=tf.float32), rnn_outputs], 0)
        u_bar_feature = tf.transpose(u_bar_feature, perm=[1, 0, 2])  # (user, time, rnn_hidden)
        # gather corresponding feature
        u_bar_feature_gather = tf.gather_nd(u_bar_feature, self.placeholder['ut_dispid_ut'])
        combine_feature = tf.concat([u_bar_feature_gather, self.placeholder['ut_dispid_feature']], axis=1)
        # indicate size
        combine_feature = tf.reshape(combine_feature, [-1, self.rnn_hidden + self.f_dim])

        # utility
        u_net = mlp(combine_feature, self.hidden_dims, 1, activation=tf.nn.elu, sd=1e-1, act_last=False)
        u_net = tf.reshape(u_net, [-1])

        click_u_tensor = tf.SparseTensor(self.placeholder['ut_clickid'], tf.gather(u_net, self.placeholder['click_sublist_index']), dense_shape=denseshape)
        disp_exp_u_tensor = tf.SparseTensor(self.placeholder['ut_dispid'], tf.exp(u_net), dense_shape=denseshape)  # (user, time, id)
        disp_sum_exp_u_tensor = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(disp_exp_u_tensor, axis=2)
        sum_click_u_tensor = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(click_u_tensor, axis=2)

        loss_tmp = - sum_click_u_tensor + tf.log(disp_sum_exp_u_tensor + 1)  # (user, time) loss
        loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.placeholder['ut_dense'], loss_tmp))
        event_cnt = tf.reduce_sum(self.placeholder['ut_dense'])
        loss = loss_sum / event_cnt

        dense_exp_disp_util = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(disp_exp_u_tensor, default_value=0.0, validate_indices=False)

        click_tensor = tf.sparse_to_dense(self.placeholder['ut_clickid'], denseshape, self.placeholder['ut_clickid_val'], default_value=0.0, validate_indices=False)
        argmax_click = tf.argmax(click_tensor, axis=2)
        argmax_disp = tf.argmax(dense_exp_disp_util, axis=2)

        top_2_disp = tf.nn.top_k(dense_exp_disp_util, k=2, sorted=False)[1]
        argmax_compare = tf.cast(tf.equal(argmax_click, argmax_disp), tf.float32)
        precision_1_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.placeholder['ut_dense'], argmax_compare))
        tmpshape = tf.concat([tf.cast(tf.reshape(batch_size, [-1]), tf.int64), tf.reshape(self.placeholder['time'], [-1]), tf.constant([1], dtype=tf.int64)], 0)
        top2_compare = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.reshape(argmax_click, tmpshape), tf.cast(top_2_disp, tf.int64)), tf.float32), axis=2)
        precision_2_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.placeholder['ut_dense'], top2_compare))
        precision_1 = precision_1_sum / event_cnt
        precision_2 = precision_2_sum / event_cnt

        return loss, precision_1, precision_2, loss_sum, precision_1_sum, precision_2_sum, event_cnt 

示例14: sparse_placeholder

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import sparse_reduce_sum [as 别名]
def sparse_placeholder(dtype, shape=None, name=None):
  """Inserts a placeholder for a sparse tensor that will be always fed.

  **Important**: This sparse tensor will produce an error if evaluated.
  Its value must be fed using the `feed_dict` optional argument to
  `Session.run()`, `Tensor.eval()`, or `Operation.run()`.

  For example:

  x = tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32)
  y = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(x)

  with tf.Session() as sess:
    print(sess.run(y))  # ERROR: will fail because x was not fed.

    indices = np.array([[3, 2, 0], [4, 5, 1]], dtype=np.int64)
    values = np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float32)
    shape = np.array([7, 9, 2], dtype=np.int64)
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={
      x: tf.SparseTensorValue(indices, values, shape)}))  # Will succeed.
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={
      x: (indices, values, shape)}))  # Will succeed.

    sp = tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=values, dense_shape=shape)
    sp_value = sp.eval(session=sess)
    print(sess.run(y, feed_dict={x: sp_value}))  # Will succeed.

    dtype: The type of `values` elements in the tensor to be fed.
    shape: The shape of the tensor to be fed (optional). If the shape is not
      specified, you can feed a sparse tensor of any shape.
    name: A name for prefixing the operations (optional).

    A `SparseTensor` that may be used as a handle for feeding a value, but not
    evaluated directly.
  shape_name = (name + "/shape") if name is not None else None
  shape, rank = _normalize_sparse_shape(shape, shape_name)
  if shape is None:
    shape = placeholder(dtypes.int64, shape=[rank], name=shape_name)
  return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
          name=(name + "/values") if name is not None else None),
          dtypes.int64, shape=[None, rank],
          name=(name + "/indices") if name is not None else None),

# pylint: enable=redefined-outer-name 
