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Python tensorflow.RegisterShape方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.RegisterShape方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tensorflow.RegisterShape方法的具体用法?Python tensorflow.RegisterShape怎么用?Python tensorflow.RegisterShape使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在tensorflow的用法示例。


示例1: nn_distance

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2):
Computes the distance of nearest neighbors for a pair of point clouds
input: xyz1: (batch_size,#points_1,3)  the first point cloud
input: xyz2: (batch_size,#points_2,3)  the second point cloud
output: dist1: (batch_size,#point_1)   distance from first to second
output: idx1:  (batch_size,#point_1)   nearest neighbor from first to second
output: dist2: (batch_size,#point_2)   distance from second to first
output: idx2:  (batch_size,#point_2)   nearest neighbor from second to first
	return nn_distance_module.nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2)
#def _nn_distance_shape(op):
	#return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),

示例2: nn_distance

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def nn_distance(xyz1, xyz2):
    Computes the distance of nearest neighbors for a pair of point clouds
    input: xyz1: (batch_size,#points_1,3)  the first point cloud
    input: xyz2: (batch_size,#points_2,3)  the second point cloud
    output: dist1: (batch_size,#point_1)   distance from first to second
    output: idx1:  (batch_size,#point_1)   nearest neighbor from first to second
    output: dist2: (batch_size,#point_2)   distance from second to first
    output: idx2:  (batch_size,#point_2)   nearest neighbor from second to first
    xyz1 = tf.expand_dims(xyz1, 0)
    xyz2 = tf.expand_dims(xyz2, 0)
    return nn_distance_module.nn_distance(xyz1, xyz2)

# @tf.RegisterShape('NnDistance')
# def _nn_distance_shape(op):
# shape1=op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(3)
# shape2=op.inputs[1].get_shape().with_rank(3)
# return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),
# tf.TensorShape([shape2.dims[0],shape2.dims[1]]),tf.TensorShape([shape2.dims[0],shape2.dims[1]])] 

示例3: match_cost

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def match_cost(xyz1,xyz2,match):
	xyz1 : batch_size * #dataset_points * 3
	xyz2 : batch_size * #query_points * 3
	match : batch_size * #query_points * #dataset_points
	cost : batch_size
	return approxmatch_module.match_cost(xyz1,xyz2,match)
#def _match_cost_shape(op):
#	shape1=op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#	shape2=op.inputs[1].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#	shape3=op.inputs[2].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#	return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0]])] 

示例4: nn_distance

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2):
Computes the distance of nearest neighbors for a pair of point clouds
input: xyz1: (batch_size,#points_1,3)  the first point cloud
input: xyz2: (batch_size,#points_2,3)  the second point cloud
output: dist1: (batch_size,#point_1)   distance from first to second
output: idx1:  (batch_size,#point_1)   nearest neighbor from first to second
output: dist2: (batch_size,#point_2)   distance from second to first
output: idx2:  (batch_size,#point_2)   nearest neighbor from second to first
    return nn_distance_module.nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2)
#def _nn_distance_shape(op):
    #return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),

示例5: nn_distance

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2):
Computes the distance of nearest neighbors for a pair of point clouds
input: xyz1: (batch_size,#points_1,3)  the first point cloud
input: xyz2: (batch_size,#points_2,3)  the second point cloud
output: dist1: (batch_size,#point_1)   distance from first to second
output: idx1:  (batch_size,#point_1)   nearest neighbor from first to second
output: dist2: (batch_size,#point_2)   distance from second to first
output: idx2:  (batch_size,#point_2)   nearest neighbor from second to first
        return nn_distance_module.nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2)
#def _nn_distance_shape(op):
	#return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),

示例6: gather_point

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def gather_point(inp, idx):
    batch_size * ndataset * 3   float32
    batch_size * npoints        int32
    batch_size * npoints * 3    float32
    return sampling_module.gather_point(inp, idx)

# @tf.RegisterShape('GatherPoint')
# def _gather_point_shape(op):
#    shape1=op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#    shape2=op.inputs[1].get_shape().with_rank(2)
#    return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape2.dims[1],shape1.dims[2]])] 

示例7: nn_distance

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2):
Computes the distance of nearest neighbors for a pair of point clouds
input: xyz1: (batch_size,#points_1,3)  the first point cloud
input: xyz2: (batch_size,#points_2,3)  the second point cloud
output: dist1: (batch_size,#point_1)   distance from first to second
output: idx1:  (batch_size,#point_1)   nearest neighbor from first to second
output: dist2: (batch_size,#point_2)   distance from second to first
output: idx2:  (batch_size,#point_2)   nearest neighbor from second to first
	xyz1 = tf.expand_dims(xyz1, 0)
	xyz2 = tf.expand_dims(xyz2, 0)
	return nn_distance_module.nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2)
#def _nn_distance_shape(op):
	#return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),

示例8: match_cost

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def match_cost(xyz1, xyz2, match):
    xyz1 : batch_size * #dataset_points * 3
    xyz2 : batch_size * #query_points * 3
    match : batch_size * #query_points * #dataset_points
    cost : batch_size
    return approxmatch_module.match_cost(xyz1, xyz2, match)
# def _match_cost_shape(op):
#	shape1=op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#	shape2=op.inputs[1].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#	shape3=op.inputs[2].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#	return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0]])] 

示例9: nn_distance

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def nn_distance(xyz1, xyz2):
Computes the distance of nearest neighbors for a pair of point clouds
input: xyz1: (batch_size,#points_1,3)  the first point cloud
input: xyz2: (batch_size,#points_2,3)  the second point cloud
output: dist1: (batch_size,#point_1)   distance from first to second
output: idx1:  (batch_size,#point_1)   nearest neighbor from first to second
output: dist2: (batch_size,#point_2)   distance from second to first
output: idx2:  (batch_size,#point_2)   nearest neighbor from second to first
    return nn_distance_module.nn_distance(xyz1, xyz2)
# def _nn_distance_shape(op):
    # shape1=op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(3)
    # shape2=op.inputs[1].get_shape().with_rank(3)
    # return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape1.dims[1]]),
    # tf.TensorShape([shape2.dims[0],shape2.dims[1]]),tf.TensorShape([shape2.dims[0],shape2.dims[1]])] 

示例10: match_cost

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def match_cost(xyz1,xyz2,match):
	xyz1 : batch_size * #dataset_points * 3
	xyz2 : batch_size * #query_points * 3
	match : batch_size * #query_points * #dataset_points
	cost : batch_size
	return approxmatch_module.match_cost(xyz1,xyz2,match)

示例11: gather_point

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def gather_point(inp,idx):
    batch_size * ndataset * 3   float32
    batch_size * npoints        int32
    batch_size * npoints * 3    float32
    return sampling_module.gather_point(inp,idx)
#def _gather_point_shape(op):
#    shape1=op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#    shape2=op.inputs[1].get_shape().with_rank(2)
#    return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape2.dims[1],shape1.dims[2]])] 

示例12: nn_distance

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def nn_distance(xyz1, xyz2):
	Computes the distance of nearest neighbors for a pair of point clouds
	input: xyz1: (batch_size,#points_1,3)  the first point cloud
	input: xyz2: (batch_size,#points_2,3)  the second point cloud
	output: dist1: (batch_size,#point_1)   distance from first to second
	output: idx1:  (batch_size,#point_1)   nearest neighbor from first to second
	output: dist2: (batch_size,#point_2)   distance from second to first
	output: idx2:  (batch_size,#point_2)   nearest neighbor from second to first
	xyz1 = tf.expand_dims(xyz1, 0)
	xyz2 = tf.expand_dims(xyz2, 0)
	return nn_distance_module.nn_distance(xyz1,xyz2)


示例13: match_cost

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def match_cost(xyz1,xyz2,match):
	xyz1 : batch_size * #dataset_points * 3
	xyz2 : batch_size * #query_points * 3
	match : batch_size * #query_points * #dataset_points
	cost : batch_size
	xyz1 = tf.expand_dims(xyz1, 0)
	xyz2 = tf.expand_dims(xyz2, 0)
	return approxmatch_module.match_cost(xyz1,xyz2,match)

示例14: gather_point

# 需要导入模块: import tensorflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from tensorflow import RegisterShape [as 别名]
def gather_point(inp,idx):
    batch_size * ndataset * dim   float32
    batch_size * npoints        int32
    batch_size * npoints * dim    float32
    return sampling_module.gather_point(inp,idx)
#def _gather_point_shape(op):
#    shape1=op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(3)
#    shape2=op.inputs[1].get_shape().with_rank(2)
#    return [tf.TensorShape([shape1.dims[0],shape2.dims[1],shape1.dims[2]])] 
