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Python telegram.User方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中telegram.User方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python telegram.User方法的具体用法?Python telegram.User怎么用?Python telegram.User使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在telegram的用法示例。


示例1: get_settings

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def get_settings(bot: Bot, update: Update):
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    args = msg.text.split(None, 1)

    # ONLY send settings in PM
    if chat.type != chat.PRIVATE:
        if is_user_admin(chat, user.id):
            text = "Click here to get this chat's settings, as well as yours."
                                                          bot.username, chat.id))]]))
            text = "Click here to check your settings."

        send_settings(chat.id, user.id, True) 

示例2: check_update

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def check_update(self, update):
            chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
            user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
            if super().check_update(update):
                # Should be safe since check_update passed.
                command = update.effective_message.text_html.split(None, 1)[0][1:].split('@')[0]

                # disabled, admincmd, user admin
                if sql.is_command_disabled(chat.id, command):
                    return command in ADMIN_CMDS and is_user_admin(chat, user.id)

                # not disabled
                    return True

            return False 

示例3: enforce_gban

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def enforce_gban(bot: Bot, update: Update):
    # Not using @restrict handler to avoid spamming - just ignore if cant gban.
    if sql.does_chat_gban(update.effective_chat.id) and update.effective_chat.get_member(bot.id).can_restrict_members:
        user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
        chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
        msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

        if user and not is_user_admin(chat, user.id):
            check_and_ban(update, user.id)

        if msg.new_chat_members:
            new_members = update.effective_message.new_chat_members
            for mem in new_members:
                check_and_ban(update, mem.id)

        if msg.reply_to_message:
            user = msg.reply_to_message.from_user  # type: Optional[User]
            if user and not is_user_admin(chat, user.id):
                check_and_ban(update, user.id, should_message=False) 

示例4: enforce_gmute

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def enforce_gmute(bot: Bot, update: Update):
    # Not using @restrict handler to avoid spamming - just ignore if cant gmute.
    if sql.does_chat_gmute(update.effective_chat.id) and update.effective_chat.get_member(bot.id).can_restrict_members:
        user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
        chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
        msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

        if user and not is_user_admin(chat, user.id):
            check_and_mute(bot, update, user.id, should_message=True)
        if msg.new_chat_members:
            new_members = update.effective_message.new_chat_members
            for mem in new_members:
                check_and_mute(bot, update, mem.id, should_message=True)
        if msg.reply_to_message:
            user = msg.reply_to_message.from_user  # type: Optional[User]
            if user and not is_user_admin(chat, user.id):
                check_and_mute(bot, update, user.id, should_message=True) 

示例5: set_welcome

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def set_welcome(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom welcome message!")

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the welcome message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)) 

示例6: set_goodbye

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def set_goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("You didn't specify what to reply with!")
        return ""

    sql.set_custom_gdbye(chat.id, content or text, data_type, buttons)
    msg.reply_text("Successfully set custom goodbye message!")
    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#SET_GOODBYE" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
           "\nSet the goodbye message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                               mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)) 

示例7: set_about_bio

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def set_about_bio(bot: Bot, update: Update):
    message = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    sender = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    if message.reply_to_message:
        repl_message = message.reply_to_message
        user_id = repl_message.from_user.id
        if user_id == message.from_user.id:
            message.reply_text("Ha, you can't set your own bio! You're at the mercy of others here...")
        elif user_id == bot.id and sender.id not in SUDO_USERS:
            message.reply_text("Erm... yeah, I only trust sudo users to set my bio.")

        text = message.text
        bio = text.split(None, 1)  # use python's maxsplit to only remove the cmd, hence keeping newlines.
        if len(bio) == 2:
            if len(bio[1]) < MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH // 4:
                sql.set_user_bio(user_id, bio[1])
                message.reply_text("Updated {}'s bio!".format(repl_message.from_user.first_name))
                    "A bio needs to be under {} characters! You tried to set {}.".format(
                        MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH // 4, len(bio[1])))
        message.reply_text("Reply to someone's message to set their bio!") 

示例8: reset_warns

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def reset_warns(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str:
    message = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]

    user_id = extract_user(message, args)

    if user_id:
        sql.reset_warns(user_id, chat.id)
        message.reply_text("Warnings have been reset!")
        warned = chat.get_member(user_id).user
        return "<b>{}:</b>" \
               "\n#RESETWARNS" \
               "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
               "\n<b>User:</b> {} (<code>{}</code>)".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                                            mention_html(user.id, user.first_name),
                                                            mention_html(warned.id, warned.first_name),
        message.reply_text("No user has been designated!")
    return "" 

示例9: reply_filter

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def reply_filter(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    message = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    chat_warn_filters = sql.get_chat_warn_triggers(chat.id)
    to_match = extract_text(message)
    if not to_match:
        return ""

    for keyword in chat_warn_filters:
        pattern = r"( |^|[^\w])" + re.escape(keyword) + r"( |$|[^\w])"
        if re.search(pattern, to_match, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
            user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
            warn_filter = sql.get_warn_filter(chat.id, keyword)
            return warn(user, chat, warn_filter.reply, message)
    return "" 

示例10: set_warn_limit

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def set_warn_limit(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    if args:
        if args[0].isdigit():
            if int(args[0]) < 3:
                msg.reply_text("The minimum warn limit is 3!")
                sql.set_warn_limit(chat.id, int(args[0]))
                msg.reply_text("Updated the warn limit to {}".format(args[0]))
                return "<b>{}:</b>" \
                       "\n#SET_WARN_LIMIT" \
                       "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
                       "\nSet the warn limit to <code>{}</code>".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                                                        mention_html(user.id, user.first_name), args[0])
            msg.reply_text("Give me a number as an arg!")
        limit, soft_warn = sql.get_warn_setting(chat.id)

        msg.reply_text("The current warn limit is {}".format(limit))
    return "" 

示例11: pin

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def pin(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str:
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]

    is_group = chat.type != "private" and chat.type != "channel"

    prev_message = update.effective_message.reply_to_message

    is_silent = True
    if len(args) >= 1:
        is_silent = not (args[0].lower() == 'notify' or args[0].lower() == 'loud' or args[0].lower() == 'violent')

    if prev_message and is_group:
            bot.pinChatMessage(chat.id, prev_message.message_id, disable_notification=is_silent)
        except BadRequest as excp:
            if excp.message == "Chat_not_modified":
        return "<b>{}:</b>" \
               "\n#PINNED" \
               "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))

    return "" 

示例12: unpin

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def unpin(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]

    except BadRequest as excp:
        if excp.message == "Chat_not_modified":

    return "<b>{}:</b>" \
           "\n#UNPINNED" \
           "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                       mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)) 

示例13: get_settings

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def get_settings(update, context):
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
    args = msg.text.split(None, 1)

    # ONLY send settings in PM
    if chat.type != chat.PRIVATE:
        if is_user_admin(chat, user.id):
            text = tl(update.effective_message, "Klik di sini untuk mendapatkan pengaturan obrolan ini, serta milik Anda.")
                                                          context.bot.username, chat.id))]]))
        # else:
        #     text = tl(update.effective_message, "Klik di sini untuk memeriksa pengaturan Anda.")

        send_settings(chat.id, user.id, True) 

示例14: enforce_gban

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def enforce_gban(update, context):
    # Not using @restrict handler to avoid spamming - just ignore if cant gban.
    if sql.does_chat_gban(update.effective_chat.id) and update.effective_chat.get_member(context.bot.id).can_restrict_members:
        user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
        chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
        msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

        if user and not is_user_admin(chat, user.id):
            check_and_ban(update, user.id)

        if msg.new_chat_members:
            new_members = update.effective_message.new_chat_members
            for mem in new_members:
                check_and_ban(update, mem.id)

        if msg.reply_to_message:
            user = msg.reply_to_message.from_user  # type: Optional[User]
            if user and not is_user_admin(chat, user.id):
                check_and_ban(update, user.id, should_message=False) 

示例15: set_welcome

# 需要导入模块: import telegram [as 别名]
# 或者: from telegram import User [as 别名]
def set_welcome(update, context) -> str:
	chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
	user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]
	msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

	# If user is not set text and not reply a message
	if not msg.reply_to_message:
		if len(msg.text.split()) == 1:
			send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda harus memberikan isi dalam pesan selamat datang!\nKetik `/welcomehelp` untuk beberapa bantuan pada welcome"), parse_mode="markdown")
			return ""

	text, data_type, content, buttons = get_welcome_type(msg)

	if data_type is None:
		send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda tidak menentukan apa yang harus dibalas!"))
		return ""

	sql.set_custom_welcome(chat.id, content, text, data_type, buttons)
	send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Berhasil mengatur pesan sambutan kustom!"))

	return "<b>{}:</b>" \
		   "\n#SET_WELCOME" \
		   "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
		   "\nSet a welcome message.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
											   mention_html(user.id, user.first_name)) 
