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Python symbol.classdef方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中symbol.classdef方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python symbol.classdef方法的具体用法?Python symbol.classdef怎么用?Python symbol.classdef使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在symbol的用法示例。


示例1: compile_node

# 需要导入模块: import symbol [as 别名]
# 或者: from symbol import classdef [as 别名]
def compile_node(self, node):
        ### emit a line-number node?
        n = node[0]

        if n == symbol.encoding_decl:
            self.encoding = node[2]
            node = node[1]
            n = node[0]

        if n == symbol.single_input:
            return self.single_input(node[1:])
        if n == symbol.file_input:
            return self.file_input(node[1:])
        if n == symbol.eval_input:
            return self.eval_input(node[1:])
        if n == symbol.lambdef:
            return self.lambdef(node[1:])
        if n == symbol.funcdef:
            return self.funcdef(node[1:])
        if n == symbol.classdef:
            return self.classdef(node[1:])

        raise WalkerError, ('unexpected node type', n) 

示例2: classdef

# 需要导入模块: import symbol [as 别名]
# 或者: from symbol import classdef [as 别名]
def classdef(self, nodelist):
        # classdef: 'class' NAME ['(' [testlist] ')'] ':' suite

        name = nodelist[1][1]
        doc = self.get_docstring(nodelist[-1])
        if nodelist[2][0] == token.COLON:
            bases = []
        elif nodelist[3][0] == token.RPAR:
            bases = []
            bases = self.com_bases(nodelist[3])

        # code for class
        code = self.com_node(nodelist[-1])

        if doc is not None:
            assert isinstance(code, Stmt)
            assert isinstance(code.nodes[0], Discard)
            del code.nodes[0]

        return Class(name, bases, doc, code, lineno=nodelist[1][2]) 

示例3: _extract_info

# 需要导入模块: import symbol [as 别名]
# 或者: from symbol import classdef [as 别名]
def _extract_info(self, tree):
        # extract docstring
        if len(tree) == 2:
            found, vars = match(DOCSTRING_STMT_PATTERN[1], tree[1])
            found, vars = match(DOCSTRING_STMT_PATTERN, tree[3])
        if found:
            self._docstring = eval(vars['docstring'])
        # discover inner definitions
        for node in tree[1:]:
            found, vars = match(COMPOUND_STMT_PATTERN, node)
            if found:
                cstmt = vars['compound']
                if cstmt[0] == symbol.funcdef:
                    name = cstmt[2][1]
                    self._function_info[name] = FunctionInfo(cstmt)
                elif cstmt[0] == symbol.classdef:
                    name = cstmt[2][1]
                    self._class_info[name] = ClassInfo(cstmt) 

示例4: Annotate

# 需要导入模块: import symbol [as 别名]
# 或者: from symbol import classdef [as 别名]
def Annotate(cls, symbol_type, children):
    if symbol_type != symbol.stmt:
      return None

    compound_statement = children[0]
    if compound_statement.type != symbol.compound_stmt:
      return None

    statement = compound_statement.children[0]
    if statement.type == symbol.classdef:
      return cls(statement.type, statement.children)
    elif (statement.type == symbol.decorated and
          statement.children[-1].type == symbol.classdef):
      return cls(statement.type, statement.children)
      return None 

示例5: decorated

# 需要导入模块: import symbol [as 别名]
# 或者: from symbol import classdef [as 别名]
def decorated(self, nodelist):
        assert nodelist[0][0] == symbol.decorators
        if nodelist[1][0] == symbol.funcdef:
            n = [nodelist[0]] + list(nodelist[1][1:])
            return self.funcdef(n)
        elif nodelist[1][0] == symbol.classdef:
            decorators = self.decorators(nodelist[0][1:])
            cls = self.classdef(nodelist[1][1:])
            cls.decorators = decorators
            return cls
        raise WalkerError() 

示例6: _get_forbidden_symbols

# 需要导入模块: import symbol [as 别名]
# 或者: from symbol import classdef [as 别名]
def _get_forbidden_symbols():
    Returns a list of symbol codes representing statements that are *not*
    wanted in configuration files.
        # Python 2.5:
        symlst = [symbol.break_stmt, symbol.classdef, symbol.continue_stmt,
                  symbol.decorator, symbol.decorators, symbol.eval_input,
                  symbol.except_clause, symbol.exec_stmt, symbol.flow_stmt,
                  symbol.for_stmt, symbol.fpdef, symbol.fplist, symbol.funcdef,
                  symbol.global_stmt, symbol.import_as_name, symbol.import_as_names,
                  symbol.import_from, symbol.import_name, symbol.import_stmt,
                  symbol.lambdef, symbol.old_lambdef, symbol.print_stmt,
                  symbol.raise_stmt, symbol.try_stmt, symbol.while_stmt,
                  symbol.with_stmt, symbol.with_var, symbol.yield_stmt,
    except AttributeError:
        # Python 2.4:        
        symlst = [symbol.break_stmt, symbol.classdef, symbol.continue_stmt,
                  symbol.decorator, symbol.decorators, symbol.eval_input,
                  symbol.except_clause, symbol.exec_stmt, symbol.flow_stmt,
                  symbol.for_stmt, symbol.fpdef, symbol.fplist, symbol.funcdef,
                  symbol.global_stmt, symbol.import_as_name, symbol.import_as_names,
                  symbol.import_from, symbol.import_name, symbol.import_stmt,
                  symbol.lambdef, symbol.print_stmt, symbol.raise_stmt,
                  symbol.try_stmt, symbol.while_stmt]
    return symlst 
