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Python types.Text方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sqlalchemy.types.Text方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python types.Text方法的具体用法?Python types.Text怎么用?Python types.Text使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sqlalchemy.types的用法示例。


示例1: fields_map

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def fields_map(self, field_type):
        if field_type == "primary":
            return ID(stored=True, unique=True)
        type_map = {
            'date': types.Date,
            'datetime': types.DateTime,
            'boolean': types.Boolean,
            'integer': types.Integer,
            'float': types.Float
        if isinstance(field_type, str):
            field_type = type_map.get(field_type, types.Text)

        if not isinstance(field_type, type):
            field_type = field_type.__class__

        if issubclass(field_type, (types.DateTime, types.Date)):
            return DATETIME(stored=True, sortable=True)
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Integer):
            return NUMERIC(stored=True, numtype=int)
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Float):
            return NUMERIC(stored=True, numtype=float)
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Boolean):
            return BOOLEAN(stored=True)
        return TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=self.analyzer, sortable=False) 

示例2: test_should_composite_convert

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def test_should_composite_convert():
    registry = Registry()

    class CompositeClass:
        def __init__(self, col1, col2):
            self.col1 = col1
            self.col2 = col2

    @convert_sqlalchemy_composite.register(CompositeClass, registry)
    def convert_composite_class(composite, registry):
        return graphene.String(description=composite.doc)

    field = convert_sqlalchemy_composite(
        composite(CompositeClass, (Column(types.Unicode(50)), Column(types.Unicode(50))), doc="Custom Help Text"),
    assert isinstance(field, graphene.String) 

示例3: test_max_ident_in_varchar_not_present

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def test_max_ident_in_varchar_not_present(self):
        """test [ticket:3504].

        Here we are testing not just that the "max" token comes back
        as None, but also that these types accept "max" as the value
        of "length" on construction, which isn't a directly documented
        pattern however is likely in common use.

        metadata = self.metadata

            Column("t1", types.String),
            Column("t2", types.Text("max")),
            Column("t3", types.Text("max")),
            Column("t4", types.LargeBinary("max")),
            Column("t5", types.VARBINARY("max")),
        for col in inspect(testing.db).get_columns("t"):
            is_(col["type"].length, None)
            in_("max", str(col["type"].compile(dialect=testing.db.dialect))) 

示例4: _convert_type

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def _convert_type(self, dj_field, sa_type):
        kwargs = {}
        if sa_type is SA_ARRAY:
            internal_type = dj_field.base_field.get_internal_type()
            kwargs['item_type'] = self._types.get(internal_type)
            if kwargs['item_type'] is None:
                raise ConversionError(
                    'Unable convert array: '
                    'item type "%s" not found' % internal_type
        elif sa_type is Geometry:
            kwargs['geometry_type'] = 'POINT'
            kwargs['srid'] = dj_field.srid
        elif sa_type is sa_types.Numeric:
            kwargs['scale'] = dj_field.decimal_places,
            kwargs['precision'] = dj_field.max_digits
        elif sa_type in (sa_types.String, sa_types.Text):
            kwargs['length'] = dj_field.max_length
        elif sa_type is SA_UUID:
            kwargs['as_uuid'] = True
        return sa_type(**kwargs) 

示例5: fields_map

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def fields_map(self, field_type):
        if field_type == "primary":
            return {'type': 'keyword'}

        type_map = {
            'date': types.Date,
            'datetime': types.DateTime,
            'boolean': types.Boolean,
            'integer': types.Integer,
            'float': types.Float,
            'binary': types.Binary
        if isinstance(field_type, str):
            field_type = type_map.get(field_type, types.Text)

        if not isinstance(field_type, type):
            field_type = field_type.__class__

        if issubclass(field_type, (types.DateTime, types.Date)):
            return {'type': 'date'}
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Integer):
            return {'type': 'long'}
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Float):
            return {'type': 'float'}
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Boolean):
            return {'type': 'boolean'}
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Binary):
            return {'type': 'binary'}
        return {'type': 'string'}

# https://medium.com/@federicopanini/elasticsearch-6-0-removal-of-mapping-types-526a67ff772 

示例6: native_type

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def native_type(self, registry):
        if self.encrypt_key:
            return types.Text

        return self.sqlalchemy_type 

示例7: get_field

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def get_field(sqlalchemy_type, **column_kwargs):
    class Model(declarative_base()):
        __tablename__ = 'model'
        id_ = Column(types.Integer, primary_key=True)
        column = Column(sqlalchemy_type, doc="Custom Help Text", **column_kwargs)

    column_prop = inspect(Model).column_attrs['column']
    return convert_sqlalchemy_column(column_prop, get_global_registry(), mock_resolver) 

示例8: test_should_text_convert_string

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def test_should_text_convert_string():
    assert get_field(types.Text()).type == graphene.String 

示例9: load_dialect_impl

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
        if dialect.name == "mysql":
            return dialect.type_descriptor(
                LONGTEXT(charset="utf8mb4", collation="utf8mb4_unicode_ci")
            return dialect.type_descriptor(Text()) 

示例10: add_false_positive

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def add_false_positive(context, issue):
    """Add a finding into the database as a new finding

    :param context: The Behave context
    :param response: An issue data structure (see steps.py)
    dbconn = open_database(context)
    if dbconn is None:
        # There is no false positive db in use, and we cannot store the data,
        # so we will assert a failure.
        assert False, "Issues were found in scan, but no false positive database is in use."

    # Add the finding into the database

    db_insert = context.headlessscanner_issues.insert().values(
        new_issue=True,  # Boolean
        # The result from Burp Extender does not include a timestamp,
        # so we add the current time
        timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow(),  # DateTime
        test_runner_host=socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn()),  # Text
        scenario_id=issue['scenario_id'],  # Text
        url=issue['url'],  # Text
        severity=issue['severity'],  # Text
        issuetype=issue['issuetype'],  # Text
        issuename=issue['issuename'],  # Text
        issuedetail=issue['issuedetail'],  # Text
        confidence=issue['confidence'],  # Text
        host=issue['host'],  # Text
        port=issue['port'],  # Text
        protocol=issue['protocol'],  # Text
        messages=json.dumps(issue['messages']))  # Blob


示例11: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def __init__(self, mysql_as_long=False, mysql_as_medium=False):
        """Initialize JSON-encoding type."""
        super(JsonEncodedType, self).__init__()

        if mysql_as_long and mysql_as_medium:
            raise TypeError("mysql_as_long and mysql_as_medium are mutually "

        if mysql_as_long:
            self.impl = Text().with_variant(mysql.LONGTEXT(), 'mysql')
        elif mysql_as_medium:
            self.impl = Text().with_variant(mysql.MEDIUMTEXT(), 'mysql') 

示例12: test_load_dialect_impl

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def test_load_dialect_impl(self):
        dialect = mysql_base.MySQLDialect()
        impl = self.sqltype.load_dialect_impl(dialect)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.Text, type(impl))
        dialect = sqlite_base.SQLiteDialect()
        impl = self.sqltype.load_dialect_impl(dialect)
        self.assertEqual(types.Text, type(impl)) 

示例13: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def __init__(self):
        self._types = {
            # Django internal type => SQLAlchemy type
            'ArrayField': SA_ARRAY,
            'AutoField': sa_types.Integer,
            'BigAutoField': sa_types.BigInteger,
            'BigIntegerField': sa_types.BigInteger,
            'BooleanField': sa_types.Boolean,
            'CharField': sa_types.String,
            'DateField': sa_types.Date,
            'DateTimeField': sa_types.DateTime,
            'DecimalField': sa_types.Numeric,
            'DurationField': sa_types.Interval,
            'FileField': sa_types.String,
            'FilePathField': sa_types.String,
            'FloatField': sa_types.Float,
            'GenericIPAddressField': sa_types.String,
            'IntegerField': sa_types.Integer,
            'JSONField': SA_JSONB,
            'NullBooleanField': sa_types.Boolean,
            'PointField': Geometry,
            'PositiveIntegerField': sa_types.Integer,
            'PositiveSmallIntegerField': sa_types.SmallInteger,
            'SlugField': sa_types.String,
            'SmallIntegerField': sa_types.SmallInteger,
            'TextField': sa_types.Text,
            'TimeField': sa_types.Time,
            'UUIDField': SA_UUID,
            # TODO: Add missing GIS fields

示例14: merge_stock_info

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def merge_stock_info():
    合并 wind,ifind 数据到对应名称的表中
    table_name = 'stock_info'
    logging.info("更新 %s 开始", table_name)
    has_table = engine_md.has_table(table_name)
    ifind_table_name = 'ifind_{table_name}'.format(table_name=table_name)
    wind_table_name = 'wind_{table_name}'.format(table_name=table_name)
    # ifind_model = TABLE_MODEL_DIC[ifind_table_name]
    # wind_model = TABLE_MODEL_DIC[wind_table_name]
    # with with_db_session(engine_md) as session:
    #     session.query(ifind_model, wind_model).filter(ifind_model.c.ths_code == wind_model.c.wind_code)
    ifind_sql_str = "select * from {table_name}".format(table_name=ifind_table_name)
    wind_sql_str = "select * from {table_name}".format(table_name=wind_table_name)
    ifind_df = pd.read_sql(ifind_sql_str, engine_md)  # , index_col='ths_code'
    wind_df = pd.read_sql(wind_sql_str, engine_md)  # , index_col='wind_code'
    joined_df = pd.merge(ifind_df, wind_df, how='outer',
                         left_on='ths_code', right_on='wind_code', indicator='indicator_column')
    col_merge_dic = {
        'unique_code': (String(20), prefer_left, {'left_key': 'ths_code', 'right_key': 'wind_code'}),
        'sec_name': (String(20), prefer_left, {'left_key': 'ths_stock_short_name_stock', 'right_key': 'sec_name'}),
        'cn_name': (String(100), get_value, {'key': 'ths_corp_cn_name_stock'}),
        'en_name': (String(100), get_value, {'key': 'ths_corp_name_en_stock'}),
        'delist_date': (Date, prefer_left, {'left_key': 'ths_delist_date_stock', 'right_key': 'delist_date'}),
        'ipo_date': (Date, prefer_left, {'left_key': 'ths_ipo_date_stock', 'right_key': 'ipo_date'}),
        'pre_name': (Text, prefer_left, {'left_key': 'ths_corp_name_en_stock', 'right_key': 'prename'}),
        'established_date': (Date, get_value, {'key': 'ths_established_date_stock'}),
        'exch_city': (String(20), get_value, {'key': 'exch_city'}),
        'exch_cn': (String(20), get_value, {'key': 'ths_listing_exchange_stock'}),
        'exch_eng': (String(20), get_value, {'key': 'exch_eng'}),
        'stock_code': (String(20), prefer_left, {'left_key': 'ths_stock_code_stock', 'right_key': 'trade_code'}),
        'mkt': (String(20), get_value, {'key': 'mkt'}),

    col_merge_rule_dic = {
        key: (val[1], val[2]) for key, val in col_merge_dic.items()
    dtype = {
        key: val[0] for key, val in col_merge_dic.items()
    data_df = merge_data(joined_df, col_merge_rule_dic)
    data_count = bunch_insert_on_duplicate_update(data_df, table_name, engine_md, dtype)
    logger.info('%s 新增或更新记录 %d 条', table_name, data_count)
    if not has_table and engine_md.has_table(table_name):
        alter_table_2_myisam(engine_md, [table_name])

    return data_df 

示例15: open_database

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Text [as 别名]
def open_database(context):
    """Opens the database specified in the feature file and creates
    tables if not already created

    :param context: The Behave context
    :return: A database handle, or None if no database in use
    if hasattr(context, 'dburl') is False:
        return None  # No false positives database is in use
    dbconn = None

    # Try to connect to the database
        db_engine = create_engine(context.dburl)
        dbconn = db_engine.connect()
    except (IOError, exc.OperationalError):
        assert False, "Cannot connect to database '%s'" % context.dburl

    # Set up the database table to store new findings and false positives.
    # We use LargeBinary to store those fields that could contain somehow
    # bad Unicode, just in case some component downstream tries to parse
    # a string provided as Unicode.
    db_metadata = MetaData()
    db_metadata.bind = db_engine
    context.httpfuzzer_issues = Table('httpfuzzer_issues', db_metadata,
                                      Column('new_issue', types.Boolean),
                                      Column('issue_no', types.Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
                                      Column('timestamp', types.DateTime(timezone=True)),
                                      Column('test_runner_host', types.Text),
                                      Column('scenario_id', types.Text),
                                      Column('url', types.Text),
                                      Column('server_protocol_error', types.Text),
                                      Column('server_timeout', types.Boolean),
                                      Column('server_error_text_detected', types.Boolean),
                                      Column('server_error_text_matched', types.Text),
                                      Column('req_method', types.Text),
                                      Column('req_headers', types.LargeBinary),
                                      Column('req_body', types.LargeBinary),
                                      Column('resp_statuscode', types.Text),
                                      Column('resp_headers', types.LargeBinary),
                                      Column('resp_body', types.LargeBinary),
                                      Column('resp_history', types.LargeBinary))

    # Create the table if it doesn't exist
    # and otherwise no effect

    return dbconn 
