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Python types.Boolean方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sqlalchemy.types.Boolean方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python types.Boolean方法的具体用法?Python types.Boolean怎么用?Python types.Boolean使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sqlalchemy.types的用法示例。


示例1: get_type

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def get_type(data_type):
    type_map = {
        "bytes": types.LargeBinary,
        "boolean": types.Boolean,
        "date": types.Date,
        "datetime": types.DateTime,
        "double": types.Numeric,
        "text": types.String,
        "keyword": types.String,
        "integer": types.Integer,
        "half_float": types.Float,
        "geo_point": types.String,
        # TODO get a solution for nested type
        "nested": types.String,
        # TODO get a solution for object
        "object": types.BLOB,
        "long": types.BigInteger,
        "float": types.Float,
        "ip": types.String,
    type_ = type_map.get(data_type)
    if not type_:
        logger.warning(f"Unknown type found {data_type} reverting to string")
        type_ = types.String
    return type_ 

示例2: fields_map

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def fields_map(self, field_type):
        if field_type == "primary":
            return ID(stored=True, unique=True)
        type_map = {
            'date': types.Date,
            'datetime': types.DateTime,
            'boolean': types.Boolean,
            'integer': types.Integer,
            'float': types.Float
        if isinstance(field_type, str):
            field_type = type_map.get(field_type, types.Text)

        if not isinstance(field_type, type):
            field_type = field_type.__class__

        if issubclass(field_type, (types.DateTime, types.Date)):
            return DATETIME(stored=True, sortable=True)
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Integer):
            return NUMERIC(stored=True, numtype=int)
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Float):
            return NUMERIC(stored=True, numtype=float)
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Boolean):
            return BOOLEAN(stored=True)
        return TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=self.analyzer, sortable=False) 

示例3: _add_annotation_docs_to_sqlite

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def _add_annotation_docs_to_sqlite(dbcon, annotation_docs, item):
    # add full item path for convenience
    annotation_docs.loc[:, "item_name"] = item['name']

    # save tables to sqlite
        name='annotation_docs', con=dbcon, if_exists='append',
            'annotation_girder_id': String(),
            '_modelType': String(),
            '_version': Integer(),
            'itemId': String(),
            'item_name': String(),
            'created': String(),
            'creatorId': String(),
            'public': Boolean(),
            'updated': String(),
            'updatedId': String(),
            'groups': String(),
            'element_count': Integer(),
            'element_details': Integer(), },

示例4: test_implicitly_boolean

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def test_implicitly_boolean(self):
        # test for expressions that the database always considers as boolean
        # even if there is no boolean datatype.
        assert not self.table1.c.myid._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert (self.table1.c.myid == 5)._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert (self.table1.c.myid == 5).self_group()._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert (self.table1.c.myid == 5).label("x")._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert not_(self.table1.c.myid == 5)._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert or_(
            self.table1.c.myid == 5, self.table1.c.myid == 7
        assert not column("x", Boolean)._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert not (self.table1.c.myid + 5)._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert not not_(column("x", Boolean))._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert (
            not select([self.table1.c.myid])
        assert not text("x = y")._is_implicitly_boolean
        assert not literal_column("x = y")._is_implicitly_boolean 

示例5: get_columns

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
        # Extend types supported by PrestoDialect as defined in PyHive
        type_map = {
            'bigint': sql_types.BigInteger,
            'integer': sql_types.Integer,
            'boolean': sql_types.Boolean,
            'double': sql_types.Float,
            'varchar': sql_types.String,
            'timestamp': sql_types.TIMESTAMP,
            'date': sql_types.DATE,
            'array<bigint>': sql_types.ARRAY(sql_types.Integer),
            'array<varchar>': sql_types.ARRAY(sql_types.String)

        rows = self._get_table_columns(connection, table_name, schema)
        result = []
        for row in rows:
                coltype = type_map[row.Type]
            except KeyError:
                logger.warn("Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" % (row.Type, row.Column))
                coltype = sql_types.NullType
                'name': row.Column,
                'type': coltype,
                # newer Presto no longer includes this column
                'nullable': getattr(row, 'Null', True),
                'default': None,
        return result 

示例6: test_reflect_select

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def test_reflect_select(table, table_using_test_dataset):
    for table in [table, table_using_test_dataset]:
        assert len(table.c) == 18

        assert isinstance(table.c.integer, Column)
        assert isinstance(table.c.integer.type, types.Integer)
        assert isinstance(table.c.timestamp.type, types.TIMESTAMP)
        assert isinstance(table.c.string.type, types.String)
        assert isinstance(table.c.float.type, types.Float)
        assert isinstance(table.c.boolean.type, types.Boolean)
        assert isinstance(table.c.date.type, types.DATE)
        assert isinstance(table.c.datetime.type, types.DATETIME)
        assert isinstance(table.c.time.type, types.TIME)
        assert isinstance(table.c.bytes.type, types.BINARY)
        assert isinstance(table.c['record.age'].type, types.Integer)
        assert isinstance(table.c['record.name'].type, types.String)
        assert isinstance(table.c['nested_record.record.age'].type, types.Integer)
        assert isinstance(table.c['nested_record.record.name'].type, types.String)
        assert isinstance(table.c.array.type, types.ARRAY)

        rows = table.select().execute().fetchall()
        assert len(rows) == 1000 

示例7: fields_map

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def fields_map(self, field_type):
        if field_type == "primary":
            return {'type': 'keyword'}

        type_map = {
            'date': types.Date,
            'datetime': types.DateTime,
            'boolean': types.Boolean,
            'integer': types.Integer,
            'float': types.Float,
            'binary': types.Binary
        if isinstance(field_type, str):
            field_type = type_map.get(field_type, types.Text)

        if not isinstance(field_type, type):
            field_type = field_type.__class__

        if issubclass(field_type, (types.DateTime, types.Date)):
            return {'type': 'date'}
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Integer):
            return {'type': 'long'}
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Float):
            return {'type': 'float'}
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Boolean):
            return {'type': 'boolean'}
        elif issubclass(field_type, types.Binary):
            return {'type': 'binary'}
        return {'type': 'string'}

# https://medium.com/@federicopanini/elasticsearch-6-0-removal-of-mapping-types-526a67ff772 

示例8: test_should_boolean_convert_boolean

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def test_should_boolean_convert_boolean():
    assert get_field(types.Boolean()).type == graphene.Boolean 

示例9: get_columns

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
        SQL_COLS = """
            SELECT CAST(a.attname AS VARCHAR(128)) as name,
                   a.atttypid as typeid,
                   not a.attnotnull as nullable,
                   a.attcolleng as length,
            FROM _v_relation_column a
            WHERE a.name = :tablename
            ORDER BY a.attnum
        s = text(SQL_COLS,
                 bindparams=[bindparam('tablename', type_=sqltypes.String)],
                 typemap={'name': NAME,
                          'typeid': sqltypes.Integer,
                          'nullable': sqltypes.Boolean,
                          'length': sqltypes.Integer,
                          'format_type': sqltypes.String,
        c = connection.execute(s, tablename=table_name)
        rows = c.fetchall()
        # format columns
        columns = []
        for name, typeid, nullable, length, format_type in rows:
            coltype_class, has_length = oid_datatype_map[typeid]
            if coltype_class is sqltypes.Numeric:
                precision, scale = re.match(
                    r'numeric\((\d+),(\d+)\)', format_type).groups()
                coltype = coltype_class(int(precision), int(scale))
            elif has_length:
                coltype = coltype_class(length)
                coltype = coltype_class()
                'name': name,
                'type': coltype,
                'nullable': nullable,
        return columns 

示例10: _add_folder_to_sqlite

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def _add_folder_to_sqlite(dbcon, folder_info):
    # modify folder info to prep for appending to sqlite table
    folder_info_dtypes = {
        '_accessLevel': Integer(),
        '_id': String(),
        '_modelType': String(),
        'baseParentId': String(),
        'baseParentType': String(),
        'created': String(),
        'creatorId': String(),
        'description': String(),
        'name': String(),
        'parentCollection': String(),
        'parentId': String(),
        'public': Boolean(),
        'size': Integer(),
        'updated': String(),
        'folder_path': String(),

    # in case anything is not in the schema, drop it
    folder_info = {
        k: v for k, v in folder_info.items()
        if k in folder_info_dtypes.keys()}

    # convert to df and add to items table
    folder_info_df = DataFrame.from_dict(folder_info, orient='index').T
        name='folders', con=dbcon, if_exists='append',
        dtype=folder_info_dtypes, index=False) 

示例11: add_false_positive

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def add_false_positive(context, issue):
    """Add a finding into the database as a new finding

    :param context: The Behave context
    :param response: An issue data structure (see steps.py)
    dbconn = open_database(context)
    if dbconn is None:
        # There is no false positive db in use, and we cannot store the data,
        # so we will assert a failure.
        assert False, "Issues were found in scan, but no false positive database is in use."

    # Add the finding into the database

    db_insert = context.headlessscanner_issues.insert().values(
        new_issue=True,  # Boolean
        # The result from Burp Extender does not include a timestamp,
        # so we add the current time
        timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow(),  # DateTime
        test_runner_host=socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn()),  # Text
        scenario_id=issue['scenario_id'],  # Text
        url=issue['url'],  # Text
        severity=issue['severity'],  # Text
        issuetype=issue['issuetype'],  # Text
        issuename=issue['issuename'],  # Text
        issuedetail=issue['issuedetail'],  # Text
        confidence=issue['confidence'],  # Text
        host=issue['host'],  # Text
        port=issue['port'],  # Text
        protocol=issue['protocol'],  # Text
        messages=json.dumps(issue['messages']))  # Blob


示例12: compare_type

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def compare_type(self, ctxt, insp_col, meta_col, insp_type, meta_type):
        """Return True if types are different, False if not.

        Return None to allow the default implementation to compare these types.

        :param ctxt: alembic MigrationContext instance
        :param insp_col: reflected column
        :param meta_col: column from model
        :param insp_type: reflected column type
        :param meta_type: column type from model


        # some backends (e.g. mysql) don't provide native boolean type
        BOOLEAN_METADATA = (types.BOOLEAN, types.Boolean)
        BOOLEAN_SQL = BOOLEAN_METADATA + (types.INTEGER, types.Integer)

        if issubclass(type(meta_type), BOOLEAN_METADATA):
            return not issubclass(type(insp_type), BOOLEAN_SQL)

        # Alembic <=0.8.4 do not contain logic of comparing Variant type with
        # others.
        if isinstance(meta_type, types.Variant):
            orig_type = meta_col.type
            impl_type = meta_type.load_dialect_impl(ctxt.dialect)
            meta_col.type = impl_type
                return self.compare_type(ctxt, insp_col, meta_col, insp_type,
                meta_col.type = orig_type

        return ctxt.impl.compare_type(insp_col, meta_col) 

示例13: _compare_server_default

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def _compare_server_default(bind, meta_col, insp_def, meta_def):
        if isinstance(meta_col.type, sqlalchemy.Boolean):
            if meta_def is None or insp_def is None:
                return meta_def != insp_def
            insp_def = insp_def.strip("'")
            return not (
                isinstance(meta_def.arg, expr.True_) and insp_def == "1" or
                isinstance(meta_def.arg, expr.False_) and insp_def == "0"

示例14: test_default_reflection

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def test_default_reflection(self):

        # (ask_for, roundtripped_as_if_different)

        specs = [
            (String(3), '"foo"'),
            (sqltypes.NUMERIC(10, 2), "100.50"),
            (Integer, "5"),
            (Boolean, "False"),
        columns = [
            Column("c%i" % (i + 1), t[0], server_default=text(t[1]))
            for (i, t) in enumerate(specs)
        db = testing.db
        m = MetaData(db)
        Table("t_defaults", m, *columns)
            m2 = MetaData(db)
            rt = Table("t_defaults", m2, autoload=True)
            expected = [c[1] for c in specs]
            for i, reflected in enumerate(rt.c):
                eq_(str(reflected.server_default.arg), expected[i])

示例15: test_boolean_default

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import types [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean [as 别名]
def test_boolean_default(self):
        t = Table(
            Column("x", Boolean, server_default=sql.false()),
        with testing.db.connect() as conn:
                [(False,), (True,)],
