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Python event.listen方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sqlalchemy.event.listen方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python event.listen方法的具体用法?Python event.listen怎么用?Python event.listen使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sqlalchemy.event的用法示例。


示例1: define_views

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def define_views(cls, metadata, schema):
        for table_name in ('users', 'email_addresses'):
            fullname = table_name
            if schema:
                fullname = "%s.%s" % (schema, table_name)
            view_name = fullname + '_v'
            query = "CREATE VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %s" % (
                view_name, fullname)

                DDL("DROP VIEW %s" % view_name)

示例2: _listen

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def _listen(cls, event_key, raw=False, propagate=False, **kw):
            target, identifier, fn = \
                event_key.dispatch_target, event_key.identifier, event_key.fn

            if target.class_ in target.all_holds:
                collection = target.all_holds[target.class_]
                collection = target.all_holds[target.class_] = {}

            event.registry._stored_in_collection(event_key, target)
            collection[event_key._key] = (event_key, raw, propagate)

            if propagate:
                stack = list(target.class_.__subclasses__())
                while stack:
                    subclass = stack.pop(0)
                    subject = target.resolve(subclass)
                    if subject is not None:
                        # we are already going through __subclasses__()
                        # so leave generic propagate flag False
                            listen(raw=raw, propagate=False, **kw) 

示例3: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def __init__(self, field, allow_null, throw_exception, message,
                 interpolate_message, parent):
        """ Initialize a Validator object.

        :type throw_exception: Throw a ValidateError exception
        :param field: Model.field | Column to listen
        :param interpolate_message: Validator interpolates message with
            values from context if True, outputs original message otherwise
        self.parent = weakref.ref(parent)
        self.field = field
        self.allow_null = allow_null
        self.throw_exception = throw_exception
        self.message = message
        self.interpolate_message = interpolate_message

示例4: _listen

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def _listen(cls, event_key, propagate=True, **kw):
        target, identifier, fn = \
            event_key.dispatch_target, event_key.identifier, \

        def listen(target_cls, *arg):
            listen_cls = target()
            if propagate and issubclass(target_cls, listen_cls):
                return fn(target_cls, *arg)
            elif not propagate and target_cls is listen_cls:
                return fn(target_cls, *arg)

        def remove(ref):
            key = event.registry._EventKey(
                None, identifier, listen,

        target = weakref.ref(target.class_, remove)


示例5: associate_with

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def associate_with(cls, sqltype):
        """Associate this wrapper with all future mapped columns
        of the given type.

        This is a convenience method that calls
        ``associate_with_attribute`` automatically.

        .. warning::

           The listeners established by this method are *global*
           to all mappers, and are *not* garbage collected.   Only use
           :meth:`.associate_with` for types that are permanent to an
           application, not with ad-hoc types else this will cause unbounded
           growth in memory usage.


        def listen_for_type(mapper, class_):
            for prop in mapper.column_attrs:
                if isinstance(prop.columns[0].type, sqltype):
                    cls.associate_with_attribute(getattr(class_, prop.key))

        event.listen(mapper, 'mapper_configured', listen_for_type) 

示例6: listens_for

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def listens_for(target, identifier, *args, **kw):
    """Decorate a function as a listener for the given target + identifier.


        from sqlalchemy import event
        from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint

        @event.listens_for(UniqueConstraint, "after_parent_attach")
        def unique_constraint_name(const, table):
            const.name = "uq_%s_%s" % (

    A given function can also be invoked for only the first invocation
    of the event using the ``once`` argument::

        @event.listens_for(Mapper, "before_configure", once=True)
        def on_config():

    .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 Added ``once=True`` to :func:`.event.listen`
       and :func:`.event.listens_for`.

    .. seealso::

        :func:`.listen` - general description of event listening

    def decorate(fn):
        listen(target, identifier, fn, *args, **kw)
        return fn
    return decorate 

示例7: contains

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def contains(target, identifier, fn):
    """Return True if the given target/ident/fn is set up to listen.

    .. versionadded:: 0.9.0


    return _event_key(target, identifier, fn).contains() 

示例8: execute_at

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def execute_at(self, event_name, target):
        """Link execution of this DDL to the DDL lifecycle of a SchemaItem.

        Links this ``DDLElement`` to a ``Table`` or ``MetaData`` instance,
        executing it when that schema item is created or dropped. The DDL
        statement will be executed using the same Connection and transactional
        context as the Table create/drop itself. The ``.bind`` property of
        this statement is ignored.

        :param event:
          One of the events defined in the schema item's ``.ddl_events``;
          e.g. 'before-create', 'after-create', 'before-drop' or 'after-drop'

        :param target:
          The Table or MetaData instance for which this DDLElement will
          be associated with.

        A DDLElement instance can be linked to any number of schema items.

        ``execute_at`` builds on the ``append_ddl_listener`` interface of
        :class:`.MetaData` and :class:`.Table` objects.

        Caveat: Creating or dropping a Table in isolation will also trigger
        any DDL set to ``execute_at`` that Table's MetaData.  This may change
        in a future release.


        def call_event(target, connection, **kw):
            if self._should_execute_deprecated(event_name,
                                               target, connection, **kw):
                return connection.execute(self.against(target))

        event.listen(target, "" + event_name.replace('-', '_'), call_event) 

示例9: define_temp_tables

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def define_temp_tables(cls, metadata):
        # cheat a bit, we should fix this with some dialect-level
        # temp table fixture
        if testing.against("oracle"):
            kw = {
                'prefixes': ["GLOBAL TEMPORARY"],
                'oracle_on_commit': 'PRESERVE ROWS'
            kw = {
                'prefixes': ["TEMPORARY"],

        user_tmp = Table(
            "user_tmp", metadata,
            Column("id", sa.INT, primary_key=True),
            Column('name', sa.VARCHAR(50)),
            Column('foo', sa.INT),
            sa.UniqueConstraint('name', name='user_tmp_uq'),
            sa.Index("user_tmp_ix", "foo"),
        if testing.requires.view_reflection.enabled and \
                user_tmp, "after_create",
                DDL("create temporary view user_tmp_v as "
                    "select * from user_tmp")
                user_tmp, "before_drop",
                DDL("drop view user_tmp_v")

示例10: populate

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def populate(cls, class_, subject):
        for subclass in class_.__mro__:
            if subclass in cls.all_holds:
                collection = cls.all_holds[subclass]
                for event_key, raw, propagate in collection.values():
                    if propagate or subclass is class_:
                        # since we can't be sure in what order different
                        # classes in a hierarchy are triggered with
                        # populate(), we rely upon _EventsHold for all event
                        # assignment, instead of using the generic propagate
                        # flag.
                            listen(raw=raw, propagate=False) 

示例11: before_parent_attach

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def before_parent_attach(self, target, parent):
        """Called before a :class:`.SchemaItem` is associated with
        a parent :class:`.SchemaItem`.

        :param target: the target object
        :param parent: the parent to which the target is being attached.

        :func:`.event.listen` also accepts a modifier for this event:

        :param propagate=False: When True, the listener function will
         be established for any copies made of the target object,
         i.e. those copies that are generated when
         :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used.


示例12: after_parent_attach

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def after_parent_attach(self, target, parent):
        """Called after a :class:`.SchemaItem` is associated with
        a parent :class:`.SchemaItem`.

        :param target: the target object
        :param parent: the parent to which the target is being attached.

        :func:`.event.listen` also accepts a modifier for this event:

        :param propagate=False: When True, the listener function will
         be established for any copies made of the target object,
         i.e. those copies that are generated when
         :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used.


示例13: register

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def register(cls, session):
        if not hasattr(session, '_model_changes'):
            session._model_changes = {}

        event.listen(session, 'before_flush', cls.record_ops)
        event.listen(session, 'before_commit', cls.record_ops)
        event.listen(session, 'before_commit', cls.before_commit)
        event.listen(session, 'after_commit', cls.after_commit)
        event.listen(session, 'after_rollback', cls.after_rollback) 

示例14: get_engine

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def get_engine(echo=True):
    """ Creates a engine to a specific database.
        :returns: engine
    global _ENGINE
    if not _ENGINE:
        sql_connection = config_get(DATABASE_SECTION, 'default')
        config_params = [('pool_size', int), ('max_overflow', int), ('pool_timeout', int),
                         ('pool_recycle', int), ('echo', int), ('echo_pool', str),
                         ('pool_reset_on_return', str), ('use_threadlocal', int)]
        params = {}
        if 'mysql' in sql_connection:
            conv = mysql_convert_decimal_to_float()
            params['connect_args'] = {'conv': conv}
        for param, param_type in config_params:
                params[param] = param_type(config_get(DATABASE_SECTION, param))
        _ENGINE = create_engine(sql_connection, **params)
        if 'mysql' in sql_connection:
            event.listen(_ENGINE, 'checkout', mysql_ping_listener)
        elif 'postgresql' in sql_connection:
            event.listen(_ENGINE, 'connect', psql_convert_decimal_to_float)
        elif 'sqlite' in sql_connection:
            event.listen(_ENGINE, 'connect', _fk_pragma_on_connect)
        elif 'oracle' in sql_connection:
            event.listen(_ENGINE, 'connect', my_on_connect)
    assert _ENGINE
    return _ENGINE 

示例15: define_temp_tables

# 需要导入模块: from sqlalchemy import event [as 别名]
# 或者: from sqlalchemy.event import listen [as 别名]
def define_temp_tables(cls, metadata):
        # the definition of temporary tables in the temporary table tests needs to be overwritten,
        # because similar to oracle, in HANA one needs to mention GLOBAL or LOCAL in the temporary table definition

        if testing.against("hana"):
            kw = {
                'prefixes': ["GLOBAL TEMPORARY"],
            kw = {
                'prefixes': ["TEMPORARY"],

        user_tmp = Table(
            "user_tmp", metadata,
            Column("id", sa.INT, primary_key=True),
            Column('name', sa.VARCHAR(50)),
            Column('foo', sa.INT),
            sa.UniqueConstraint('name', name='user_tmp_uq'),
            sa.Index("user_tmp_ix", "foo"),
        if testing.requires.view_reflection.enabled and \
                user_tmp, "after_create",
                DDL("create temporary view user_tmp_v as "
                    "select * from user_tmp")
                user_tmp, "before_drop",
                DDL("drop view user_tmp_v")
