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Python six.viewitems方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中six.viewitems方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python six.viewitems方法的具体用法?Python six.viewitems怎么用?Python six.viewitems使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在six的用法示例。


示例1: plot_avg_regret

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def plot_avg_regret(policy):

    """Plot average regret with respect to time.

        policy: bandit object
            The bandit algorithm you want to evaluate.

    avg_reward = calculate_avg_reward(policy)
    points = sorted(six.viewitems(avg_reward), key=lambda x: x[0])
    x, y = zip(*points)
    plt.plot(x, [1 - reward for reward in y], 'r-', label="average regret")
    plt.ylabel('avg regret')
    plt.title("Average Regret with respect to Time") 

示例2: form_valid

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def form_valid(self, form):
        Main functionality, creates :class:`Service` and calls
        :meth:`execute` with proper parameters.  If everything
        is successful, calls Base :meth:`form_valid`.  If error
        is throw, adds it to the form and calls :meth:`form_invalid`
            cls = self.get_service_class()
            return super(ServiceViewMixin, self).form_valid(form)

        except InvalidInputsError as e:
            for k, v in viewitems(e.errors):
                form.add_error(k, v)
            return self.form_invalid(form)
        except ValidationError as e:
            form.add_error(None, e)
            return self.form_invalid(form) 

示例3: dump

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def dump(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        # FIXME: doesn't support recursion
        def stringify(layer, indent=0, tab='  '):
            data = (k for k, v in six.viewitems(layer) if not isinstance(v, node))
            result = []
            for k in data:
                result.append("{:s}{!r} -> {!r}".format(tab * indent, k, layer[k]))

            branches = [k for k, v in six.viewitems(layer) if isinstance(v, node)]
            for k in branches:
                result.append("{:s}{!r}".format(tab * indent, k))
                branch_data = stringify(layer[k], indent+1, tab=tab)
            return result
        return '\n'.join(("{!r}({:d})".format(cls, self.id), '\n'.join(stringify(self))))

### cache for looking up encoder/decoder types 

示例4: CaptureFrameLocals

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def CaptureFrameLocals(self, frame):
    """Captures local variables and arguments of the specified frame.

      frame: frame to capture locals and arguments.

      (arguments, locals) tuple.
    # Capture all local variables (including method arguments).
    variables = {n: self.CaptureNamedVariable(n, v, 1,
                 for n, v in six.viewitems(frame.f_locals)}

    # Split between locals and arguments (keeping arguments in the right order).
    nargs = frame.f_code.co_argcount
    if frame.f_code.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARARGS: nargs += 1
    if frame.f_code.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARKEYWORDS: nargs += 1

    frame_arguments = []
    for argname in frame.f_code.co_varnames[:nargs]:
      if argname in variables: frame_arguments.append(variables.pop(argname))

    return (frame_arguments, list(six.viewvalues(variables))) 

示例5: get_data_keys_from_structure

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def get_data_keys_from_structure(structure):
    data_keys = []

    def _get_data_keys_from_structure(structure):
        if isinstance(structure, basestring):
        elif isinstance(structure, list):
        elif isinstance(structure, dict):
            for _, val in six.viewitems(structure):
            raise TypeError("The bundle structure only support "
                            "dict, list and str.")

    return data_keys 

示例6: match_node

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def match_node(self, key):
        found_node = None
        for regex_key, node in six.viewitems(self._key_node_dict):
            match_object = re.match("(?:%s)\Z" % regex_key, key)
            if match_object is not None:
                if found_node is None:
                    found_node = node
                    found_regex_key = regex_key
                    found_match_object = match_object
                    raise ValueError("The data key '{}' matches multiple keys: "
                                     "'{}' for {} and '{}' for {}.".format(
                                         key, found_regex_key, found_node,
                                         regex_key, node))
        if found_node is None:
            raise KeyError(key)
        return found_regex_key, found_node, found_match_object 

示例7: viewflatitems

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def viewflatitems(self):
        ''' Return view of flattened items '''
        return six.viewitems(self.flattened()) 

示例8: get_advice

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def get_advice(context, action_ids, experts):
    advice = {}
    for t, context_t in six.viewitems(context):
        advice[t] = {}
        for exp_i, expert in enumerate(experts):
            prob = expert.predict_proba(context_t[np.newaxis, :])[0]
            advice[t][exp_i] = {}
            for action_id, action_prob in zip(action_ids, prob):
                advice[t][exp_i][action_id] = action_prob
    return advice 

示例9: reward

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def reward(self, history_id, rewards):
        """Reward the previous action with reward.

        history_id : int
            The history id of the action to reward.

        rewards : dictionary
            The dictionary {action_id, reward}, where reward is a float.
        context = (self._history_storage

        # Update the model
        model = self._model_storage.get_model()
        B = model['B']  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        f = model['f']

        for action_id, reward in six.viewitems(rewards):
            context_t = np.reshape(context[action_id], (-1, 1))
            B += context_t.dot(context_t.T)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            f += reward * context_t
            mu_hat = np.linalg.inv(B).dot(f)
        self._model_storage.save_model({'B': B, 'mu_hat': mu_hat, 'f': f})

        # Update the history
        self._history_storage.add_reward(history_id, rewards) 

示例10: reward

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def reward(self, history_id, rewards):
        """Reward the previous action with reward.

        history_id : int
            The history id of the action to reward.

        rewards : dictionary
            The dictionary {action_id, reward}, where reward is a float.
        context = (self._history_storage

        # Update the model
        model = self._model_storage.get_model()
        A = model['A']  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        A_inv = model['A_inv']  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        b = model['b']
        theta = model['theta']

        for action_id, reward in six.viewitems(rewards):
            action_context = np.reshape(context[action_id], (-1, 1))
            A[action_id] += action_context.dot(action_context.T)
            A_inv[action_id] = np.linalg.inv(A[action_id])
            b[action_id] += reward * action_context
            theta[action_id] = A_inv[action_id].dot(b[action_id])
            'A': A,
            'A_inv': A_inv,
            'b': b,
            'theta': theta,

        # Update the history
        self._history_storage.add_reward(history_id, rewards) 

示例11: reward

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def reward(self, history_id, rewards):
        """Reward the previous action with reward.

        history_id : int
            The history id of the action to reward.

        rewards : dictionary
            The dictionary {action_id, reward}, where reward is a float.
        context = (self._historystorage

        model = self._modelstorage.get_model()
        w = model['w']
        action_probs = model['action_probs']
        action_ids = list(six.viewkeys(six.next(six.itervalues(context))))

        # Update the model
        for action_id, reward in six.viewitems(rewards):
            y_hat = {}
            v_hat = {}
            for i in six.viewkeys(context):
                y_hat[i] = (context[i][action_id] * reward
                            / action_probs[action_id])
                v_hat[i] = sum(
                    [context[i][k] / action_probs[k] for k in action_ids])
                w[i] = w[i] * np.exp(
                    self.p_min / 2
                    * (y_hat[i] + v_hat[i]
                       * np.sqrt(np.log(len(context) / self.delta)
                                 / (len(action_ids) * self.max_rounds))))

            'action_probs': action_probs, 'w': w})

        # Update the history
        self._historystorage.add_reward(history_id, rewards) 

示例12: get_format_str

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def get_format_str(data):
    for format_str, format_class in six.viewitems(FORMAT_DICT):
        if isinstance(data, format_class):
            return format_str
    raise ValueError("Data type {} is not supported.".format(type(data))) 

示例13: hashable_lru

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def hashable_lru(maxsize=16):
    def hashable_cache_internal(func):
        cache = lru_cache(maxsize=maxsize)
        def deserialize(value):
            if isinstance(value, Serialized):
                return json.loads(value.json)
                return value

        def func_with_serialized_params(*args, **kwargs):
            _args = tuple([deserialize(arg) for arg in args])
            _kwargs = {k: deserialize(v) for k, v in six.viewitems(kwargs)}
            return func(*_args, **_kwargs)

        cached_func = cache(func_with_serialized_params)

        def hashable_cached_func(*args, **kwargs):
            _args = tuple([
                Serialized(json.dumps(arg, sort_keys=True))
                if type(arg) in (list, dict) else arg
                for arg in args
            _kwargs = {
                k: Serialized(json.dumps(v, sort_keys=True))
                if type(v) in (list, dict) else v
                for k, v in kwargs.items()
            return copy.deepcopy(cached_func(*_args, **_kwargs))
        hashable_cached_func.cache_info = cached_func.cache_info
        hashable_cached_func.cache_clear = cached_func.cache_clear
        return hashable_cached_func

    return hashable_cache_internal 

示例14: globals

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def globals(Globals, **tagmap):
        '''Apply the tags in `Globals` back into the database.'''
        global apply
        cls, tagmap_output = apply.__class__, u", {:s}".format(u', '.join(u"{:s}={:s}".format(internal.utils.string.escape(oldtag), internal.utils.string.escape(newtag)) for oldtag, newtag in six.iteritems(tagmap))) if tagmap else ''

        count = 0
        for ea, res in Globals:
            ns = func if func.within(ea) else db

            # grab the current (old) tag state
            state = ns.tag(ea)

            # transform the new tag state using the tagmap
            new = { tagmap.get(name, name) : value for name, value in six.viewitems(res) }

            # check if the tag mapping resulted in the deletion of a tag
            if len(new) != len(res):
                for name in six.viewkeys(res) - six.viewkeys(new):
                    logging.warn(u"{:s}.globals(...{:s}) : Refusing requested tag mapping as it results in the tag \"{:s}\" overwriting the tag \"{:s}\" in the global {:#x}. The value {!s} would be replaced with {!s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"'), internal.utils.string.escape(tagmap[name], '"'), ea, internal.utils.string.repr(res[name]), internal.utils.string.repr(res[tagmap[name]])))

            # check what's going to be overwritten with different values prior to doing it
            for name in six.viewkeys(state) & six.viewkeys(new):
                if state[name] == new[name]: continue
                logging.warn(u"{:s}.globals(...{:s}) : Overwriting tag \"{:s}\" for global at {:#x} with new value {!s}. Old value was {!s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"'), ea, internal.utils.string.repr(new[name]), internal.utils.string.repr(state[name])))

            # now we can apply the tags to the global address
                [ ns.tag(ea, name, value) for name, value in six.iteritems(new) if state.get(name, dummy) != value ]
                logging.warn(u"{:s}.globals(...{:s}) : Unable to apply tags ({!s}) to global {:#x}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.repr(new), ea), exc_info=True)

            # increase our counter
            count += 1
        return count

    ## applying contents tags to all the functions 

示例15: contents

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import viewitems [as 别名]
def contents(Contents, **tagmap):
        '''Apply the tags in `Contents` back into each function within the database.'''
        global apply
        cls, tagmap_output = apply.__class__, u", {:s}".format(u', '.join(u"{:s}={:s}".format(internal.utils.string.escape(oldtag), internal.utils.string.escape(newtag)) for oldtag, newtag in six.iteritems(tagmap))) if tagmap else ''

        count = 0
        for loc, res in Contents:
            ea = locationToAddress(loc)

            # warn the user if this address is not within a function
            if not func.within(ea):
                logging.warn(u"{:s}.contents(...{:s}) : Address {:#x} is not within a function. Using a global tag.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, ea))

            # grab the current (old) tag state
            state = db.tag(ea)

            # transform the new tag state using the tagmap
            new = { tagmap.get(name, name) : value for name, value in six.viewitems(res) }

            # check if the tag mapping resulted in the deletion of a tag
            if len(new) != len(res):
                for name in six.viewkeys(res) - six.viewkeys(new):
                    logging.warn(u"{:s}.contents(...{:s}) : Refusing requested tag mapping as it results in the tag \"{:s}\" overwriting tag \"{:s}\" for the contents at {:#x}. The value {!s} would be overwritten by {!s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"'), internal.utils.string.escape(tagmap[name], '"'), ea, internal.utils.string.repr(res[name]), internal.utils.string.repr(res[tagmap[name]])))

            # inform the user if any tags are being overwritten with different values
            for name in six.viewkeys(state) & six.viewkeys(new):
                if state[name] == new[name]: continue
                logging.warn(u"{:s}.contents(...{:s}) : Overwriting contents tag \"{:s}\" for address {:#x} with new value {!s}. Old value was {!s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"'), ea, internal.utils.string.repr(new[name]), internal.utils.string.repr(state[name])))

            # write the tags to the contents address
                [ db.tag(ea, name, value) for name, value in six.iteritems(new) if state.get(name, dummy) != value ]
                logging.warn(u"{:s}.contents(...{:s}) : Unable to apply tags {!s} to location {:#x}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.repr(new), ea), exc_info=True)

            # increase our counter
            count += 1
        return count

    ## applying frames to all the functions 
