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Python six.exec_方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中six.exec_方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python six.exec_方法的具体用法?Python six.exec_怎么用?Python six.exec_使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在six的用法示例。


示例1: exec_wrapped_code

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def exec_wrapped_code(environment=None, post_process=None):
    Exec the submission code, with the given environment.
    `post_process` is a function that takes a string, the original stdout of
    the code, and returns a new string, the transformed stdout, suitable for
    if environment is None:
        environment = {}
    def test_fn(submission_module):
        with capture_stdout() as stdout:
            six.exec_(submission_module.submission_code, environment)
        stdout_text = stdout.getvalue()
        if post_process:
            stdout_text = post_process(stdout_text)

    return test_fn 

示例2: exec_code_and_inspect_values

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def exec_code_and_inspect_values(environment=None, vars_to_inspect=None, post_process=None):
    Exec the submission code, with the given environment.
    `vars_to_inspect` is a list of variables to inspect the values of (they will
    be inspected by printing to stdout). Does not otherwise inspect student output.
    `post_process` is a function that takes a string, the original stdout of
    the code, and returns a new string, the transformed stdout, suitable for
    if environment is None:
        environment = {}
    def test_fn(submission_module):
        with capture_stdout() as stdout:
            six.exec_(submission_module.submission_code, environment)

        for var in vars_to_inspect:

    return test_fn 

示例3: get_wrapped

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def get_wrapped(func, wrapper_template, evaldict):
    # Preserve the argspec for the wrapped function so that testing
    # tools such as pytest can continue to use their fixture injection.
    args, a, kw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
    values = args[-len(defaults):] if defaults else None

    signature = inspect.formatargspec(args, a, kw, defaults)
    is_bound_method = hasattr(func, '__self__')
    if is_bound_method:
        args = args[1:]     # Omit 'self'
    callargs = inspect.formatargspec(args, a, kw, values,
                                     formatvalue=lambda v: '=' + v)

    ctx = {'signature': signature, 'funcargs': callargs}
    six.exec_(wrapper_template % ctx, evaldict)

    wrapper = evaldict['wrapper']

    update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
    if is_bound_method:
        wrapper = wrapper.__get__(func.__self__, type(func.__self__))
    return wrapper 

示例4: testdata_guifront

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def testdata_guifront(defaultdb='testdb1'):
    import ibeis
    main_locals = ibeis.main(defaultdb=defaultdb, allow_newdir=True)
    ibs, back = ut.dict_take(main_locals, ['ibs', 'back'])
    ibswgt = back.ibswgt  # NOQA
    globals__ = globals()
    locals__  = locals()
    def testdata_main_loop(globals_=globals__, locals_=locals__):
        locals_  = locals_.copy()
        globals_ = globals_.copy()
        if '--cmd' in sys.argv:
            gt.qtapp_loop(qwin=ibswgt, ipy=True)
            six.exec_(ut.ipython_execstr(), globals_, locals_)
        elif ut.show_was_requested():
    return ibs, back, ibswgt, testdata_main_loop 

示例5: load_module

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def load_module(self, full_name):
        orig = full_name.split('.')[-1]

        if orig not in sklearn.__all__:
            raise ImportError('%s not in sklearn' % orig)

        mod = sys.modules.setdefault(full_name, imp.new_module(full_name))
        mod.__file__ = ''
        mod.__name__ = full_name
        mod.__path__ = ''
        mod.__loader__ = self
        mod.__package__ = '.'.join(full_name.split('.')[:-1])

        code = _code.substitute({'mod_name': orig})

        six.exec_(code, mod.__dict__)

        return mod 

示例6: _set_signature

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def _set_signature(mock, original, instance=False):
    # creates a function with signature (*args, **kwargs) that delegates to a
    # mock. It still does signature checking by calling a lambda with the same
    # signature as the original.

    skipfirst = isinstance(original, ClassTypes)
    result = _get_signature_object(original, instance, skipfirst)
    if result is None:
        return mock
    func, sig = result
    def checksig(*args, **kwargs):
        sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
    _copy_func_details(func, checksig)

    name = original.__name__
    if not _isidentifier(name):
        name = 'funcopy'
    context = {'_checksig_': checksig, 'mock': mock}
    src = """def %s(*args, **kwargs):
    _checksig_(*args, **kwargs)
    return mock(*args, **kwargs)""" % name
    six.exec_(src, context)
    funcopy = context[name]
    _setup_func(funcopy, mock, sig)
    return funcopy 

示例7: parse_user_config

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def parse_user_config(config, source_code=None):
        if source_code is None:
            with codecs.open(config["base"]["strategy_file"], encoding="utf-8") as f:
                source_code = f.read()

        scope = {}

        code = compile(source_code, config["base"]["strategy_file"], 'exec')
        six.exec_(code, scope)

        __config__ = scope.get("__config__", {})

        deep_update(__config__, config)

        for sub_key, sub_dict in six.iteritems(__config__):
            if sub_key not in config["whitelist"]:
            deep_update(sub_dict, config[sub_key])

    except Exception as e:
        system_log.error(_('in parse_user_config, exception: {e}').format(e=e))
        return config 

示例8: parse_user_config_from_code

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def parse_user_config_from_code(config, source_code=None):
        if source_code is None:
            with codecs.open(config["base"]["strategy_file"], encoding="utf-8") as f:
                source_code = f.read()

        scope = {}

        code = compile(source_code, config["base"]["strategy_file"], 'exec')
        six.exec_(code, scope)

        __config__ = scope.get("__config__", {})

        for sub_key, sub_dict in six.iteritems(__config__):
            if sub_key not in config["whitelist"]:
            deep_update(sub_dict, config[sub_key])

    except Exception as e:
        system_log.error(_(u"in parse_user_config, exception: {e}").format(e=e))
        return config 

示例9: test_exec_

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def test_exec_():
    def f():
        l = []
        assert l == [1]
    ns = {}
    six.exec_("x = 42", ns)
    assert ns["x"] == 42
    glob = {}
    loc = {}
    six.exec_("global y; y = 42; x = 12", glob, loc)
    assert glob["y"] == 42
    assert "x" not in glob
    assert loc["x"] == 12
    assert "y" not in loc 

示例10: test_astore_model

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def test_astore_model(session, cas_session, change_dir):
    """Ensure the register_sas_classification_model.py example executes successfully."""

    # Mock up Session() to return the Betamax-recorded session
    def Session(*args, **kwargs):
        return session

    with open('register_sas_classification_model.py') as f:
        # Remove Session import and set CAS session to Betamax-recorded CAS
        # session
        code = f.read().replace('from sasctl import Session', '')
        code = code.replace("s = swat.CAS('hostname', 5570, 'username', 'password')",
                            's = cas_session')
        # Exec the script.

示例11: test_register_sas_regression_model

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def test_register_sas_regression_model(session, cas_session, change_dir):
    """Ensure the register_sas_regression_model.py example executes successfully."""

    # Mock up Session() to return the Betamax-recorded session
    def Session(*args, **kwargs):
        return session

    with open('register_sas_regression_model.py') as f:
        # Remove Session import and set CAS session to Betamax-recorded CAS
        # session
        code = f.read().replace('from sasctl import Session', '')
        code = code.replace("with swat.CAS('hostname', 5570, 'username', 'password') as cas:",
                            "with cas_session as cas:")
        # Exec the script.

示例12: test_full_lifecycle

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def test_full_lifecycle(session, change_dir):
    """Ensure the register_scikit_classification_model.py example executes successfully."""

    pytest.skip("Fix/re-implement.  Performance upload creates unrecorded CAS "
                "session that can't be replayed.")

    # Mock up Session() to return the Betamax-recorded session
    def Session(*args, **kwargs):
        return session

    with open('full_lifecycle.py') as f:
        # Remove import of Session to ensure mock function will be used
        # instead.
        code = f.read().replace('from sasctl import Session', '')


示例13: code_config

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def code_config(config, source_code=None):
        if source_code is None:
            with codecs.open(config["base"]["strategy_file"], encoding="utf-8") as f:
                source_code = f.read()

        # FIXME: hardcode for parametric mod
        def noop(*args, **kwargs):
        scope = {'define_parameter': noop}

        code = compile(source_code, config["base"]["strategy_file"], 'exec')
        six.exec_(code, scope)

        return scope.get('__config__', {})
    except Exception as e:
        system_log.error(_(u"in parse_user_config, exception: {e}").format(e=e))
        return {} 

示例14: get_wrapped

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def get_wrapped(func, wrapper_template, evaldict):
    # Preserve the argspec for the wrapped function so that testing
    # tools such as pytest can continue to use their fixture injection.
    args, a, kw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)

    signature = inspect.formatargspec(args, a, kw, defaults)
    is_bound_method = hasattr(func, '__self__')
    if is_bound_method:
        args = args[1:]  # Omit 'self'
    callargs = inspect.formatargspec(args, a, kw, None)

    ctx = {'signature': signature, 'funcargs': callargs}
    six.exec_(wrapper_template % ctx, evaldict)

    wrapper = evaldict['wrapper']

    update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
    if is_bound_method:
        wrapper = wrapper.__get__(func.__self__, type(func.__self__))
    return wrapper 

示例15: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import six [as 别名]
# 或者: from six import exec_ [as 别名]
def __init__(self, score_file):
        file_string = open(score_file, 'r').read()
        file_string = file_string.replace('import jmp_score as jmp', '')
        file_string = file_string.replace('from __future__ import division', '')
        file_string = file_string.replace('from math import *', '')
        file_string = file_string.replace('import numpy as np', '')
        self.file_string = file_string
        six.exec_(self.file_string, globals())

            self.input_dict = getInputMetadata()
            self.output_dict = getOutputMetadata()
            self.model_dict = getModelMetadata()
        except NameError:
            raise ValueError("The file is not a valid Python scroing file from JMP") 
