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Python ops.linemerge方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中shapely.ops.linemerge方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ops.linemerge方法的具体用法?Python ops.linemerge怎么用?Python ops.linemerge使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在shapely.ops的用法示例。


示例1: draw_v_pair

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def draw_v_pair(pair, strip, l):
    # Drow polligons between two masks from test
    if l > 0:
        roi_points = [(0, 0), (img_side_len, 0),
                      (img_side_len*l, img_side_len), (0, img_side_len)]
        roi_poly = Polygon(roi_points)
        top_tile = find_points(pair[0])
        bottom_tile = find_points(pair[1])
        top_tile_pos, top_tile_neg = top_tile
        bottom_tile_pos, bottom_tile_neg = bottom_tile
        v_shift = l * img_side_len

        square_points = [(0, 0), (img_side_len, 0), (img_side_len, v_shift), (0, v_shift)]
        square_poly = Polygon(square_points)
        lines = []
        for i in range(len(top_tile_pos[bottom])):
            line = LineString([(top_tile_pos[bottom][i], 0),
                               (bottom_tile_pos[top][i], v_shift),
                               (bottom_tile_neg[top][i], v_shift),
                               (top_tile_neg[bottom][i], 0)])

        merged = linemerge([square_poly.boundary, *lines])
        borders = unary_union(merged)
        polygons = []
        for poly in polygonize(borders):
        masks = [mask_for_polygons([polygons[i]], (v_shift, img_side_len))
                 for i in range(0, len(polygons), 2)]
        mask = (np.any(masks, axis=0)*255).astype(np.uint8)
        return mask
    return None 

示例2: linemerge

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def linemerge(self):
        lines = ops.linemerge([geometry.LineString(x) for x in self.paths])
        return Drawing.from_shapely(lines) 

示例3: snap_points

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def snap_points(points, lines, tolerance, crs):
    length = lines.shape[0]
    for i in range(length):
        for point in points.geometry:
            line = lines.loc[i, "geometry"]
            line._crs = crs
            point._crs = crs
            point_inline_projection = line.interpolate(line.project(point))
            point_inline_projection._crs = crs
            distance_to_line = point.distance(point_inline_projection)
            if (point.x, point.y) in line.coords:
                x = "nothing"
                if distance_to_line < tolerance:
                    buff = point.buffer(0.1)
                    ### Split the line on the buffer
                    geometry = split(line, buff)
                    geometry._crs = crs
                    line_1_points = [tuple(xy) for xy in geometry[0].coords[:-1]]
                    line_1_points.append((point.x, point.y))
                    line_2_points = []
                    line_2_points.append((point.x, point.y))
                    line_2_points.extend([x for x in geometry[-1].coords[1:]])
                    ### Stitch together the first segment, the interpolated point, and the last segment
                    new_line = linemerge((LineString(line_1_points), LineString(line_2_points)))
                    lines.loc[i, "geometry"] = new_line

    G = points["geometry"].apply(lambda geom: geom.wkb)
    points = points.loc[G.drop_duplicates().index]

    G = lines["geometry"].apply(lambda geom: geom.wkb)
    lines = lines.loc[G.drop_duplicates().index]

    return points, lines 

示例4: one_linestring_per_intersection

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def one_linestring_per_intersection(lines, crs):
    """ Move line endpoints to intersections of line segments.

    Given a list of touching or possibly intersecting LineStrings, return a
    list LineStrings that have their endpoints at all crossings and
    intersecting points and ONLY there.

        a list of LineStrings or a MultiLineString

        a list of LineStrings
    lines_merged = linemerge(lines)

    # intersecting multiline with its bounding box somehow triggers a first intersection
        bounding_box = box(*lines_merged.bounds)
        lines_merged = lines_merged.intersection(bounding_box)
        # if the bounding_box fails, then revert to lines merge.
        print('bounding box method did not work, falling to a more simple method, no need to worry')

    # merge the result
    lines_merged = linemerge(lines_merged)

    lines = [line for line in lines_merged]
    df = gdf(geometry=lines, crs=crs)
    return df 

示例5: shape

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def shape(self) -> base.BaseGeometry:
        return linemerge(shape(x["geometry"]) for x in self.geojson()) 

示例6: shape

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def shape(self) -> LineString:
        return linemerge([x.shape for x in self._parse() if x is not None]) 

示例7: generate

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def generate() -> MultiLineString:
    A python module called by the `script` command must implement this function, which takes
    no arguments and return a MultiLineString object.
    :return: resulting MultiLineString
    segs = []

    # horizontal segments
    for i in range(math.floor(N / 2)):
        for j in range(M):
            append_maybe([(i, j), (i + 1, j)], segs)

    # add half horizontal segments
    if N % 2 == 0:
        for j in range(M):
            append_maybe([((N / 2) - 1, j), (N / 2, j)], segs)

    # add vertical segments
    for i in range(math.ceil(N / 2)):
        for j in range(M - 1):
            append_maybe([(i, j), (i, j + 1)], segs)

    half_mls = MultiLineString(segs)
    other_mls = affinity.translate(affinity.scale(half_mls, -1, 1, origin=(0, 0)), N - 1, 0)

    return ops.linemerge(ops.unary_union([half_mls, other_mls])) 

示例8: merge_surfaces

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def merge_surfaces(self):
        """Merge all surfaces in the shade collection into one contiguous
        surface, even if they're not contiguous, by using bounds."""
        if len(self.list_surfaces) > 1:
            merged_lines = linemerge(self.list_surfaces)
            minx, miny, maxx, maxy = merged_lines.bounds
            surf_1 = self.list_surfaces[0]
            new_pvsurf = PVSurface(
                coords=[(minx, miny), (maxx, maxy)],
                shaded=self.shaded, normal_vector=surf_1.n_vector,
            self.list_surfaces = [new_pvsurf]

示例9: polygon

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def polygon(n, r, br, notch=False):
    p = regular_polygon(n, 0, 0, r)
    g = geometry.Polygon(p)
    g = g.buffer(br).exterior
    if notch:
        g = g.difference(polygon_splits(n, 0, 0, r * 2, br * 2))
        g = ops.linemerge(g)
    p = axi.shapely_to_paths(g)
    return axi.Drawing(p).origin() 

示例10: __plot_edges

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def __plot_edges(self, to_plot: List, edges: List, vertices: List, label: str):
        lines = []
        for edge_idx in to_plot:
            edge = edges[edge_idx]
            start_vertex = vertices[edge.start]
            end_vertex = vertices[edge.end]
            # Note it could be that the edge is supposed to be parabola (edge.is_linear
            # will be false), but in our case we always have boxes with 90 degree
            # corners. If it's a parabola then the focus is one of these corners, and by
            # drawing a line instead of a parabola we at worse cut through this point,
            # which is fine.
                    [[start_vertex.X, start_vertex.Y], [end_vertex.X, end_vertex.Y]]
        merged_line = ops.linemerge(geometry.MultiLineString(lines))
        kwargs = {"label": label, "alpha": 0.5, "color": self.__colour_mapping[label]}
        # Merged line is either a MultiLineString which means we need to draw multiple
        # lines, or it is a LineString which means we only need to draw one.
        if isinstance(merged_line, geometry.MultiLineString):
            for line in merged_line:
                xs, ys = self.__simplify_outlines(line)
                self.__ax.plot(xs, ys, **kwargs)
                    "label", None
                )  # Only pass label once for single legend entry
            xs, ys = self.__simplify_outlines(merged_line)
            self.__ax.plot(xs, ys, **kwargs) 

示例11: find_fit_corners

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def find_fit_corners(tile1, tile2, left):
    # Draw missed corners polygons
    c = can_be_corner(tile1, tile2, left)
    ret = None
    if c is not None:
        x1 = c[0][0]
        x2 = c[1][0]
        y1 = c[0][1]
        y2 = c[1][1]
        pol = fit_third_order(x1, x2, y1, y2, c[0][2], c[1][2])
        if pol is not None:
            pol_points = []
            if left:
                pol_points.append((min(y1,y2), min(x1, x2)))
                pol_points.append((min(y1,y2), max(x1, x2)))
            pol_points_a = []
            for x_i in range(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2)+1):
                y_i = int(poly_3(*pol, x_i))
                pol_points_a.append((int(y_i), int(x_i)))
            if all([0<=x[0]<=img_side_len for x in pol_points_a])\
                    and all([0<=x[1]<=img_side_len for x in pol_points_a]):
            if left:
                pol_points.append((max(y1, y2), max(x1, x2)))
                pol_points.append((img_side_len, 0))
                pol_points.append((max(y1,y2), min(x1, x2)))
                pol_points.append((img_side_len, img_side_len))
            square_points = [(0, 0), (img_side_len, 0),
                             (img_side_len, img_side_len),
                             (0, img_side_len)]
            square_poly = Polygon(square_points)
            line = LineString(pol_points)

            merged = linemerge([square_poly.boundary, line])
            borders = unary_union(merged)
            polygons = []
            for poly in polygonize(borders):
            if len(polygons) > 1:
                return mask_for_polygons([polygons[1]],
                                         (img_side_len, img_side_len)) 

示例12: _interpolate_lines

# 需要导入模块: from shapely import ops [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.ops import linemerge [as 别名]
def _interpolate_lines(clusters, elongation_offset, extent, st_map, end_map):
    Interpolates the baseline clusters and sets the correct line direction.
    logger.debug('Reticulating splines')
    lines = []
    extent = geom.Polygon([(0, 0), (extent[1]-1, 0), (extent[1]-1, extent[0]-1), (0, extent[0]-1), (0, 0)])
    f_st_map = maximum_filter(st_map, size=20)
    f_end_map = maximum_filter(end_map, size=20)
    for cluster in clusters[1:]:
        # find start-end point
        points = [point for edge in cluster for point in edge]
        dists = squareform(pdist(points))
        i, j = np.unravel_index(dists.argmax(), dists.shape)
        # build adjacency matrix for shortest path algo
        adj_mat = np.full_like(dists, np.inf)
        for l, r in cluster:
            idx_l = points.index(l)
            idx_r = points.index(r)
            adj_mat[idx_l, idx_r] = dists[idx_l, idx_r]
        # shortest path
        _, pr = shortest_path(adj_mat, directed=False, return_predecessors=True, indices=i)
        k = j
        line = [points[j]]
        while pr[k] != -9999:
            k = pr[k]
        # smooth line
        line = np.array(line[::-1])
        line = approximate_polygon(line[:,[1,0]], 1)
        lr_dir = line[0] - line[1]
        lr_dir = (lr_dir.T  / np.sqrt(np.sum(lr_dir**2,axis=-1))) * elongation_offset/2
        line[0] = line[0] + lr_dir
        rr_dir = line[-1] - line[-2]
        rr_dir = (rr_dir.T  / np.sqrt(np.sum(rr_dir**2,axis=-1))) * elongation_offset/2
        line[-1] = line[-1] + rr_dir
        ins = geom.LineString(line).intersection(extent)
        if ins.type == 'MultiLineString':
            ins = linemerge(ins)
            # skip lines that don't merge cleanly
            if ins.type != 'LineString':
        line = np.array(ins, dtype='uint')
        l_end = tuple(line[0])[::-1]
        r_end = tuple(line[-1])[::-1]
        if f_st_map[l_end] - f_end_map[l_end] > 0.2 and f_st_map[r_end] - f_end_map[r_end] < -0.2:
        elif f_st_map[l_end] - f_end_map[l_end] < -0.2 and f_st_map[r_end] - f_end_map[r_end] > 0.2:
            line = line[::-1]
            logger.debug('Insufficient marker confidences in output. Defaulting to upright line.')
            if line[0][0] > line[-1][0]:
                line = line[::-1]
    return lines 
