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Python setup.cfg方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中setuptools.setup.cfg方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python setup.cfg方法的具体用法?Python setup.cfg怎么用?Python setup.cfg使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在setuptools.setup的用法示例。


示例1: test_egg_info_save_version_info_setup_empty

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def test_egg_info_save_version_info_setup_empty(self, tmpdir_cwd, env):
        When the egg_info section is empty or not present, running
        save_version_info should add the settings to the setup.cfg
        in a deterministic order, consistent with the ordering found
        on Python 2.7 with PYTHONHASHSEED=0.
        setup_cfg = os.path.join(env.paths['home'], 'setup.cfg')
        dist = Distribution()
        ei = egg_info(dist)

        with open(setup_cfg, 'r') as f:
            content = f.read()

        assert '[egg_info]' in content
        assert 'tag_build =' in content
        assert 'tag_date = 0' in content

        expected_order = 'tag_build', 'tag_date',

        self._validate_content_order(content, expected_order) 

示例2: _set_fetcher_options

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def _set_fetcher_options(self, base):
        When easy_install is about to run bdist_egg on a source dist, that
        source dist might have 'setup_requires' directives, requiring
        additional fetching. Ensure the fetcher options given to easy_install
        are available to that command as well.
        # find the fetch options from easy_install and write them out
        # to the setup.cfg file.
        ei_opts = self.distribution.get_option_dict('easy_install').copy()
        fetch_directives = (
            'find_links', 'site_dirs', 'index_url', 'optimize',
            'site_dirs', 'allow_hosts',
        fetch_options = {}
        for key, val in ei_opts.items():
            if key not in fetch_directives:
            fetch_options[key.replace('_', '-')] = val[1]
        # create a settings dictionary suitable for `edit_config`
        settings = dict(easy_install=fetch_options)
        cfg_filename = os.path.join(base, 'setup.cfg')
        setopt.edit_config(cfg_filename, settings) 

示例3: _set_fetcher_options

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def _set_fetcher_options(self, base):
        When easy_install is about to run bdist_egg on a source dist, that
        source dist might have 'setup_requires' directives, requiring
        additional fetching. Ensure the fetcher options given to easy_install
        are available to that command as well.
        # find the fetch options from easy_install and write them out
        #  to the setup.cfg file.
        ei_opts = self.distribution.get_option_dict('easy_install').copy()
        fetch_directives = (
            'find_links', 'site_dirs', 'index_url', 'optimize',
            'site_dirs', 'allow_hosts',
        fetch_options = {}
        for key, val in ei_opts.items():
            if key not in fetch_directives: continue
            fetch_options[key.replace('_', '-')] = val[1]
        # create a settings dictionary suitable for `edit_config`
        settings = dict(easy_install=fetch_options)
        cfg_filename = os.path.join(base, 'setup.cfg')
        setopt.edit_config(cfg_filename, settings) 

示例4: _set_fetcher_options

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def _set_fetcher_options(self, base):
        When easy_install is about to run bdist_egg on a source dist, that
        source dist might have 'setup_requires' directives, requiring
        additional fetching. Ensure the fetcher options given to easy_install
        are available to that command as well.
        # find the fetch options from easy_install and write them out
        # to the setup.cfg file.
        ei_opts = self.distribution.get_option_dict('easy_install').copy()
        fetch_directives = (
            'find_links', 'site_dirs', 'index_url', 'optimize', 'allow_hosts',
        fetch_options = {}
        for key, val in ei_opts.items():
            if key not in fetch_directives:
            fetch_options[key.replace('_', '-')] = val[1]
        # create a settings dictionary suitable for `edit_config`
        settings = dict(easy_install=fetch_options)
        cfg_filename = os.path.join(base, 'setup.cfg')
        setopt.edit_config(cfg_filename, settings) 

示例5: env

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def env(self):
        with contexts.tempdir(prefix='setuptools-test.') as env_dir:
            env = Environment(env_dir)
            os.chmod(env_dir, stat.S_IRWXU)
            subs = 'home', 'lib', 'scripts', 'data', 'egg-base'
            env.paths = dict(
                (dirname, os.path.join(env_dir, dirname))
                for dirname in subs
            list(map(os.mkdir, env.paths.values()))
                env.paths['home']: {
                    '.pydistutils.cfg': DALS("""
                    egg-base = %(egg-base)s
                    """ % env.paths)
            yield env 

示例6: test_notoxini_noerror_in_help

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def test_notoxini_noerror_in_help(initproj, cmd):
    initproj("examplepro", filedefs={})
    result = cmd("-h")
    msg = "ERROR: tox config file (either pyproject.toml, tox.ini, setup.cfg) not found\n"
    assert result.err != msg 

示例7: test_notoxini_noerror_in_help_ini

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def test_notoxini_noerror_in_help_ini(initproj, cmd):
    initproj("examplepro", filedefs={})
    result = cmd("--help-ini")
    msg = "ERROR: tox config file (either pyproject.toml, tox.ini, setup.cfg) not found\n"
    assert result.err != msg 

示例8: extract_wininst_cfg

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def extract_wininst_cfg(dist_filename):
    """Extract configuration data from a bdist_wininst .exe

    Returns a configparser.RawConfigParser, or None
    f = open(dist_filename, 'rb')
        endrec = zipfile._EndRecData(f)
        if endrec is None:
            return None

        prepended = (endrec[9] - endrec[5]) - endrec[6]
        if prepended < 12:  # no wininst data here
            return None
        f.seek(prepended - 12)

        tag, cfglen, bmlen = struct.unpack("<iii", f.read(12))
        if tag not in (0x1234567A, 0x1234567B):
            return None  # not a valid tag

        f.seek(prepended - (12 + cfglen))
        cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser(
            {'version': '', 'target_version': ''})
            part = f.read(cfglen)
            # Read up to the first null byte.
            config = part.split(b'\0', 1)[0]
            # Now the config is in bytes, but for RawConfigParser, it should
            #  be text, so decode it.
            config = config.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
        except configparser.Error:
            return None
        if not cfg.has_section('metadata') or not cfg.has_section('Setup'):
            return None
        return cfg


示例9: extract_wininst_cfg

# 需要导入模块: from setuptools import setup [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools.setup import cfg [as 别名]
def extract_wininst_cfg(dist_filename):
    """Extract configuration data from a bdist_wininst .exe

    Returns a configparser.RawConfigParser, or None
    f = open(dist_filename, 'rb')
        endrec = zipfile._EndRecData(f)
        if endrec is None:
            return None

        prepended = (endrec[9] - endrec[5]) - endrec[6]
        if prepended < 12:  # no wininst data here
            return None
        f.seek(prepended - 12)

        tag, cfglen, bmlen = struct.unpack("<iii", f.read(12))
        if tag not in (0x1234567A, 0x1234567B):
            return None  # not a valid tag

        f.seek(prepended - (12 + cfglen))
        init = {'version': '', 'target_version': ''}
        cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser(init)
            part = f.read(cfglen)
            # Read up to the first null byte.
            config = part.split(b'\0', 1)[0]
            # Now the config is in bytes, but for RawConfigParser, it should
            #  be text, so decode it.
            config = config.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
        except configparser.Error:
            return None
        if not cfg.has_section('metadata') or not cfg.has_section('Setup'):
            return None
        return cfg

