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Python setuptools.command方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中setuptools.command方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python setuptools.command方法的具体用法?Python setuptools.command怎么用?Python setuptools.command使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在setuptools的用法示例。


示例1: run_setup

# 需要导入模块: import setuptools [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools import command [as 别名]
def run_setup(self, setup_script, setup_base, args):
        sys.modules.setdefault('distutils.command.bdist_egg', bdist_egg)
        sys.modules.setdefault('distutils.command.egg_info', egg_info)

        args = list(args)
        if self.verbose > 2:
            v = 'v' * (self.verbose - 1)
            args.insert(0, '-' + v)
        elif self.verbose < 2:
            args.insert(0, '-q')
        if self.dry_run:
            args.insert(0, '-n')
            "Running %s %s", setup_script[len(setup_base) + 1:], ' '.join(args)
            run_setup(setup_script, args)
        except SystemExit as v:
            raise DistutilsError("Setup script exited with %s" % (v.args[0],)) 

示例2: _set_fetcher_options

# 需要导入模块: import setuptools [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools import command [as 别名]
def _set_fetcher_options(self, base):
        When easy_install is about to run bdist_egg on a source dist, that
        source dist might have 'setup_requires' directives, requiring
        additional fetching. Ensure the fetcher options given to easy_install
        are available to that command as well.
        # find the fetch options from easy_install and write them out
        # to the setup.cfg file.
        ei_opts = self.distribution.get_option_dict('easy_install').copy()
        fetch_directives = (
            'find_links', 'site_dirs', 'index_url', 'optimize',
            'site_dirs', 'allow_hosts',
        fetch_options = {}
        for key, val in ei_opts.items():
            if key not in fetch_directives:
            fetch_options[key.replace('_', '-')] = val[1]
        # create a settings dictionary suitable for `edit_config`
        settings = dict(easy_install=fetch_options)
        cfg_filename = os.path.join(base, 'setup.cfg')
        setopt.edit_config(cfg_filename, settings) 

示例3: run_setup

# 需要导入模块: import setuptools [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools import command [as 别名]
def run_setup(self, setup_script, setup_base, args):
        sys.modules.setdefault('distutils.command.bdist_egg', bdist_egg)
        sys.modules.setdefault('distutils.command.egg_info', egg_info)

        args = list(args)
        if self.verbose>2:
            v = 'v' * (self.verbose - 1)
        elif self.verbose<2:
        if self.dry_run:
            "Running %s %s", setup_script[len(setup_base)+1:], ' '.join(args)
            run_setup(setup_script, args)
        except SystemExit:
            v = sys.exc_info()[1]
            raise DistutilsError("Setup script exited with %s" % (v.args[0],)) 

示例4: _set_fetcher_options

# 需要导入模块: import setuptools [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools import command [as 别名]
def _set_fetcher_options(self, base):
        When easy_install is about to run bdist_egg on a source dist, that
        source dist might have 'setup_requires' directives, requiring
        additional fetching. Ensure the fetcher options given to easy_install
        are available to that command as well.
        # find the fetch options from easy_install and write them out
        #  to the setup.cfg file.
        ei_opts = self.distribution.get_option_dict('easy_install').copy()
        fetch_directives = (
            'find_links', 'site_dirs', 'index_url', 'optimize',
            'site_dirs', 'allow_hosts',
        fetch_options = {}
        for key, val in ei_opts.items():
            if key not in fetch_directives: continue
            fetch_options[key.replace('_', '-')] = val[1]
        # create a settings dictionary suitable for `edit_config`
        settings = dict(easy_install=fetch_options)
        cfg_filename = os.path.join(base, 'setup.cfg')
        setopt.edit_config(cfg_filename, settings) 

示例5: find_sources

# 需要导入模块: import setuptools [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools import command [as 别名]
def find_sources(self):
        """Generate SOURCES.txt only if there isn't one already.

        If we are in an sdist command, then we always want to update
        SOURCES.txt. If we are not in an sdist command, then it doesn't
        matter one flip, and is actually destructive.
        However, if we're in a git context, it's always the right thing to do
        to recreate SOURCES.txt
        manifest_filename = os.path.join(self.egg_info, "SOURCES.txt")
        if (not os.path.exists(manifest_filename) or
                os.path.exists('.git') or
                'sdist' in sys.argv):
            log.info("[pbr] Processing SOURCES.txt")
            mm = LocalManifestMaker(self.distribution)
            mm.manifest = manifest_filename
            self.filelist = mm.filelist
            log.info("[pbr] Reusing existing SOURCES.txt")
            self.filelist = egg_info.FileList()
            for entry in open(manifest_filename, 'r').read().split('\n'):

示例6: initialize_options

# 需要导入模块: import setuptools [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools import command [as 别名]
def initialize_options(self):
        # initialize_options() may be called multiple times on the
        # same command object, so make sure not to override previously
        # set options.
        if getattr(self, '_initialized', False):

        super(build_ext, self).initialize_options()

        if os.environ.get('EDGEDB_DEBUG'):
            self.cython_always = True
            self.cython_annotate = True
            self.cython_directives = "linetrace=True"
            self.define = 'PG_DEBUG,CYTHON_TRACE,CYTHON_TRACE_NOGIL'
            self.debug = True
            self.cython_always = False
            self.cython_annotate = None
            self.cython_directives = None
            self.debug = False 

示例7: run_setup

# 需要导入模块: import setuptools [as 别名]
# 或者: from setuptools import command [as 别名]
def run_setup(self, setup_script, setup_base, args):
        sys.modules.setdefault('distutils.command.bdist_egg', bdist_egg)
        sys.modules.setdefault('distutils.command.egg_info', egg_info)

        args = list(args)
        if self.verbose > 2:
            v = 'v' * (self.verbose - 1)
            args.insert(0, '-' + v)
        elif self.verbose < 2:
            args.insert(0, '-q')
        if self.dry_run:
            args.insert(0, '-n')
            "Running %s %s", setup_script[len(setup_base) + 1:], ' '.join(args)
            run_setup(setup_script, args)
        except SystemExit:
            v = sys.exc_info()[1]
            raise DistutilsError("Setup script exited with %s" % (v.args[0],)) 
