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Python serial.to_bytes方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中serial.to_bytes方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python serial.to_bytes方法的具体用法?Python serial.to_bytes怎么用?Python serial.to_bytes使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在serial的用法示例。


示例1: encode

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def encode(self, data, final=False):
        Incremental encode, keep track of digits and emit a byte when a pair
        of hex digits is found. The space is optional unless the error
        handling is defined to be 'strict'.
        state = self.state
        encoded = []
        for c in data.upper():
            if c in HEXDIGITS:
                z = HEXDIGITS.index(c)
                if state:
                    encoded.append(z + (state & 0xf0))
                    state = 0
                    state = 0x100 + (z << 4)
            elif c == ' ':      # allow spaces to separate values
                if state and self.errors == 'strict':
                    raise UnicodeError('odd number of hex digits')
                state = 0
                if self.errors == 'strict':
                    raise UnicodeError('non-hex digit found: {!r}'.format(c))
        self.state = state
        return serial.to_bytes(encoded) 

示例2: encode

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def encode(self, input, final=False):
        state = self.state
        encoded = []
        for c in input.upper():
            if c in HEXDIGITS:
                z = HEXDIGITS.index(c)
                if state:
                    encoded.append(z + (state & 0xf0))
                    state = 0
                    state = 0x100 + (z << 4)
            elif c == ' ':      # allow spaces to separate values
                if state and self.errors == 'strict':
                    raise UnicodeError('odd number of hex digits')
                state = 0
                if self.errors == 'strict':
                    raise UnicodeError('non-hex digit found: %r' % c)
        self.state = state
        return serial.to_bytes(encoded) 

示例3: main

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def main():
    print("use CTRL + C to interrupt program\n")
    delay = 3           # set interval of seconds between each reading
    port = '/dev/cu.usbserial-FTFKDA5O'
    ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=19200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=1)
    while True:
        #v = fl.readlines(eol=serial.to_bytes("\r\n"))
        #v = ser.read()
        ser.write(b"s") # only stable
        #ser.write(b"w") # any weight
        v = ser.readline()
        # b'          194 g  \r\n'

示例4: hex_encode

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def hex_encode(data, errors='strict'):
    """'40 41 42' -> b'@ab'"""
    return (serial.to_bytes([int(h, 16) for h in data.split()]), len(data)) 

示例5: hex_encode

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def hex_encode(input, errors='strict'):
    return (serial.to_bytes([int(h, 16) for h in input.split()]), len(input)) 

示例6: get_emissivity

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def get_emissivity():
	read = ser.read(4)
	return read[2]/100

# function to get temperatures from MCU (Celsius degrees x 100) 

示例7: initialize_grid

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def initialize_grid(ser, lock):
    """Initialize the Grid by sending "0xC0", expected response is "0x21"

        - True for successful initialization
        - False otherwise

        with lock:
            # Flush input and output buffers

            # Write data to serial port to initialize the Grid
            bytes_written = ser.write(serial.to_bytes([0xC0]))

            # Wait before checking response

            # Read response, one byte = 0x21 is expected for a successful initialization
            response = ser.read(size=1)

            # Check if the Grid responded with any data
            if response:
                # Check for correct response (should be 0x21)
                if response[0] == int("0x21", 16):
                    print("Grid initialized")
                    return True

                # Incorrect response received from the grid
                    helper.show_error("Problem initializing the Grid unit.\n\n"
                                      "Response 0x21 expected, got " + hex(ord(response)) + ".\n\n"
                                      "Please check serial port " + ser.port +".\n")
                    return False

            # In case no response (0 bytes) from the Grid
                helper.show_error("Problem initializing the Grid unit.\n\n"
                                  "Response 0x21 expected, no response received.\n\n"
                                   "Please check serial port " + ser.port +".\n")
                return False

    except Exception as e:
            helper.show_error("Problem initializing the Grid unit.\n\n"
                              "Exception:\n" + str(e) + "\n\n"
                              "The application will now exit.")

示例8: set_fan

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def set_fan(ser, fan, voltage, lock):
    """Sets voltage of a specific fan.
        The Grid only supports voltages between 4.0V and 12.0V in 0.5V steps (e.g. 4.0, 7.5. 12.0)
        Configuring "0V" stops a fan.

    # Valid voltages and corresponding data (two bytes)
    speed_data = {0:    [0x00, 0x00],  # 0%     (Values below 4V is not supported by the Grid, fans will be stopped)
                  4.0:  [0x04, 0x00],  # 33.3%  (4.0V)
                  4.5:  [0x04, 0x50],  # 37.5%  (4.5V)
                  5.0:  [0x05, 0x00],  # 41.7%  (5V)
                  5.5:  [0x05, 0x50],  # 45.8%  (5.5V)
                  6.0:  [0x06, 0x00],  # 50.0%  (6V)
                  6.5:  [0x06, 0x50],  # 54.2%  (6.5V)
                  7.0:  [0x07, 0x00],  # 58.3%  (7V)
                  7.5:  [0x07, 0x50],  # 62.5%  (7.5V)
                  8.0:  [0x08, 0x00],  # 66.7%  (8V)
                  8.5:  [0x08, 0x50],  # 70.1%  (8.5V)
                  9.0:  [0x09, 0x00],  # 75.0%  (9.0V)
                  9.5:  [0x09, 0x50],  # 79.2%  (9.5V)
                  10.0: [0x0A, 0x00],  # 83.3%  (10.0V)
                  10.5: [0x0A, 0x50],  # 87.5%  (10.5V)
                  11.0: [0x0B, 0x00],  # 91.7%  (11.0V)
                  11.5: [0x0B, 0x50],  # 95.8%  (11.5V)
                  12.0: [0x0C, 0x00]}  # 100.0% (12.0V)

    fan_data = {1: 0x01,  # Fan 1
                2: 0x02,  # Fan 2
                3: 0x03,  # Fan 3
                4: 0x04,  # Fan 4
                5: 0x05,  # Fan 5
                6: 0x06}  # Fan 6

    # Define bytes to be sent to the Grid for configuring a specific fan's voltage
    # Format is seven bytes:
    # 44 <fan id> C0 00 00 <voltage integer> <voltage decimal>
    # Example configuring "7.5V" for fan "1":
    # 44 01 C0 00 00 07 50
    serial_data = [0x44, fan_data[fan], 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, speed_data[voltage][0], speed_data[voltage][1]]

        with lock:
            bytes_written = ser.write(serial.to_bytes(serial_data))

            # TODO: Check reponse
            # Expected response is one byte
            response = ser.read(size=1)
            print("Fan " + str(fan) + " updated")
    except Exception as e:
        helper.show_error("Could not set speed for fan " + str(fan) + ".\n\n"
                          "Please check settings for serial port " + str(ser.port) + ".\n\n"
                          "Exception:\n" + str(e) + "\n\n"
                          "The application will now exit.")

示例9: read_fan_rpm

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def read_fan_rpm(ser, lock):
    """Reads the current rpm of each fan.
        - If success: A list with rpm data for each fan
        - If failure to read data: An empty list

    # List to hold fan rpm data to be returned
    fans = []

    with lock:
        for fan in [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]:
                # Define bytes to be sent to the Grid for reading rpm for a specific fan
                # Format is two bytes:
                # 8A <fan id>
                serial_data = [0x8A, fan]

                # TODO: Check bytes written
                bytes_written = ser.write(serial.to_bytes(serial_data))

                # Wait before checking response

                # Expected response is 5 bytes
                # Example response: C0 00 00 03 00 = 0x0300 = 768 rpm (two bytes unsigned)
                response = ser.read(size=5)

                # Check if the Grid responded with any data
                if response:
                    # Check for correct response, first three bytes should be C0 00 00
                    if response[0] == int("0xC0", 16) and response[1] == response[2] == int("0x00", 16):
                        # Convert rpm from 2-bytes unsigned value to decimal
                        rpm = response[3] * 256 + response[4]

                    # An incorrect response was received, return an empty list
                        return []

                # In case no response (0 bytes) received, return an empty list
                    return []

            except Exception as e:
                helper.show_error("Could not read rpm for fan " + str(fan) + ".\n\n"
                                  "Please check serial port settings.\n\n"
                                  "Exception:\n" + str(e) + "\n\n"
                                  "The application will now exit.")

        # Fan
        return fans 

示例10: read_fan_voltage

# 需要导入模块: import serial [as 别名]
# 或者: from serial import to_bytes [as 别名]
def read_fan_voltage(ser, lock):
    """Reads the current voltage of each fan.

        - If success: a list with voltage data for each fan
        - If failure to read data: An empty list

    # List to hold fan voltage data to be returned
    fans = []

    with lock:
        for fan in [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]:
                # Define bytes to be sent to the Grid for reading voltage for a specific fan
                # Format is two bytes, e.g. [0x84, <fan id>]
                serial_data = [0x84, fan]

                bytes_written = ser.write(serial.to_bytes(serial_data))

                # Wait before checking response

                # Expected response is 5 bytes
                # Example response: 00 00 00 0B 01 = 0x0B 0x01 = 11.01 volt
                response = ser.read(size=5)

                # Check if the Grid responded with any data
                if response:
                    # Check for correct response (first three bytes should be 0x00)
                    if response[0] == int("0xC0", 16) and response[1] == response[2] == int("0x00", 16):
                        # Convert last two bytes to a decimal float value
                        voltage = float(str(response[3]) + "." + str(response[4]))
                        # Add the voltage for the current fan to the list

                    # An incorrect response was received
                        print("Error reading fan voltage, incorrect response")
                        return []

                # In case no response (0 bytes) is returned from the Grid
                    print("Error reading fan voltage, no data returned")
                    return []

            except Exception as e:
                helper.show_error("Could not read fan voltage.\n\n"
                                  "Please check serial port " + ser.port + ".\n\n"
                                  "Exception:\n" + str(e) + "\n\n"
                                  "The application will now exit.")

        return fans 
