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Python exceptions.InvalidElementStateException方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidElementStateException方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python exceptions.InvalidElementStateException方法的具体用法?Python exceptions.InvalidElementStateException怎么用?Python exceptions.InvalidElementStateException使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在selenium.common.exceptions的用法示例。


示例1: cannot_edit_fail

# 需要导入模块: from selenium.common import exceptions [as 别名]
# 或者: from selenium.common.exceptions import InvalidElementStateException [as 别名]
def cannot_edit_fail(_step):
    range_css = 'span.letter-grade'
    ranges = world.css_find(range_css)
    assert_equal(len(ranges), 2)
    assert_not_equal(ranges.last.value, 'Failure')

    # try to change the grade range -- this should throw an exception
        ranges.last.value = 'Failure'
    except (InvalidElementStateException):
        pass  # We should get this exception on failing to edit the element

    # check to be sure that nothing has changed
    ranges = world.css_find(range_css)
    assert_equal(len(ranges), 2)
    assert_not_equal(ranges.last.value, 'Failure') 

示例2: check_eyes_region_by_element

# 需要导入模块: from selenium.common import exceptions [as 别名]
# 或者: from selenium.common.exceptions import InvalidElementStateException [as 别名]
def check_eyes_region_by_element(self, selector, value, name, includeEyesLog=False, httpDebugLog=False):
        Takes a snapshot of the region of the given selector and element value from the browser using the web driver
        and matches it with the expected output. With a choice from four selectors, listed below, to check by.

                |  Selector (string)                | This will decide what element will be located. The supported selectors include: XPATH, ID, CLASS NAME, CSS SELECTOR  |
                |  Value (string)                   | The specific value of the selector. e.g. an xpath value //*[@id="navbar"]/div/div                                    |
                |  Name (string)                    | Name that will be given to region in Eyes.                                                                           |
                |  Include Eyes Log (default=False) | The Eyes logs will not be included by default. To activate, pass 'True' in the variable.                             |
                |  HTTP Debug Log (default=False)   | The HTTP Debug logs will not be included by default. To activate, pass 'True' in the variable.                       |

        | *Keywords*                    |  *Parameters*                                                                                                    |
        | Open Browser                  |  http://www.navinet.net/  |  gc                |                             |                    |       |      |
        | Open Eyes Session             |  http://www.navinet.net/  |  RobotAppEyes_Test |  NaviNet_RobotAppEyes_Test  |  YourApplitoolsKey |  1024 |  768 |
        | Check Eyes Region By Element  |  CLASS NAME               |  container         |  NaviNetClassElement        |                    |       |      |
        | Close Eyes Session            |  False                    |                    |                             |                    |       |      |

        if includeEyesLog is True:
        if httpDebugLog is True:
            httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

        searchElement = None

        if selector.upper() == 'XPATH':
            searchElement = driver.find_element_by_xpath(value)
        elif selector.upper() == 'ID':
            searchElement = driver.find_element_by_id(value)
        elif selector.upper() == 'CLASS NAME':
            searchElement = driver.find_element_by_class_name(value)
        elif selector.upper() == 'CSS SELECTOR':
            searchElement = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(value)
            raise InvalidElementStateException('Please select a valid selector: XPATH, ID, CLASS NAME, CSS SELECTOR')
        eyes.check_region_by_element(searchElement, name) 

示例3: value

# 需要导入模块: from selenium.common import exceptions [as 别名]
# 或者: from selenium.common.exceptions import InvalidElementStateException [as 别名]
def value(self):
        Returns value of the element
        :rtype: str
            return self.attribute_value('value') or ''
        except InvalidElementStateException:
            return '' 

示例4: comment_image

# 需要导入模块: from selenium.common import exceptions [as 别名]
# 或者: from selenium.common.exceptions import InvalidElementStateException [as 别名]
def comment_image(browser, username, comments, blacklist, logger, logfolder, Settings):
    """Checks if it should comment on the image"""
    # check action availability
    if quota_supervisor(Settings, "comments") == "jump":
        return False, "jumped"

    rand_comment = random.choice(comments).format(username)
    rand_comment = emoji.demojize(rand_comment)
    rand_comment = emoji.emojize(rand_comment, use_aliases=True)

    open_comment_section(browser, logger)
    comment_input = get_comment_input(browser)

        if len(comment_input) > 0:
            comment_input = get_comment_input(browser)
            # below, an extra space is added to force
            # the input box to update the reactJS core
            comment_to_be_sent = rand_comment + " "

                "arguments[0].value = arguments[1];",
            # below, it also will remove that extra space added above
            # COS '\b' is a backspace char in ASCII
            comment_input = get_comment_input(browser)
            update_activity(Settings, "comments")

            if blacklist["enabled"] is True:
                action = "commented"
                    username, blacklist["campaign"], action, logger, logfolder
                "--> Comment Action Likely Failed!" "\t~comment Element was not found"
            return False, "commenting disabled"

    except InvalidElementStateException:
            "--> Comment Action Likely Failed!"
            "\t~encountered `InvalidElementStateException` :/"
        return False, "invalid element state"

    logger.info("--> Commented: {}".format(rand_comment.encode("utf-8")))

    # get the post-comment delay time to sleep
    naply = get_action_delay("comment", Settings)

    return True, "success" 

示例5: check_eyes_region_by_selector

# 需要导入模块: from selenium.common import exceptions [as 别名]
# 或者: from selenium.common.exceptions import InvalidElementStateException [as 别名]
def check_eyes_region_by_selector(self, selector, value, name, includeEyesLog=False, httpDebugLog=False):
        Takes a snapshot of the region of the element found by calling find_element(by, value) from the browser using the web driver
        and matches it with the expected output. With a choice from eight selectors, listed below to check by.

                |  Selector (string)                | This will decide what element will be located. The supported selectors include: CSS SELECTOR, XPATH, ID, LINK TEXT, PARTIAL LINK TEXT, NAME, TAG NAME, CLASS NAME.    |
                |  Value (string)                   | The specific value of the selector. e.g. a CSS SELECTOR value .first.expanded.dropdown                                                                                |
                |  Name (string)                    | Name that will be given to region in Eyes.                                                                                                                            |
                |  Include Eyes Log (default=False) | The Eyes logs will not be included by default. To activate, pass 'True' in the variable.                                                                              |
                |  HTTP Debug Log (default=False)   | The HTTP Debug logs will not be included by default. To activate, pass 'True' in the variable.                                                                        |

        | *Keywords*                    |  *Parameters*                                                                                                            |
        | Open Browser                  |  http://www.navinet.net/  |  gc                       |                            |                    |        |       |
        | Open Eyes Session             |  http://www.navinet.net/  |  RobotAppEyes_Test        |  NaviNet_RobotAppEyes_Test |  YourApplitoolsKey |  1024  |  768  |
        | Check Eyes Region By Selector |  CSS SELECTOR             |  .first.expanded.dropdown |  NaviNetCssElement         |                    |        |       |
        | Close Eyes Session            |  False                    |                           |                            |                    |        |       |

        if includeEyesLog is True:
        if httpDebugLog is True:
            httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

        searchElement = None

        if selector.upper() == 'CSS SELECTOR':
            searchElement = By.CSS_SELECTOR
        elif selector.upper() == 'XPATH':
            searchElement = By.XPATH
        elif selector.upper() == 'ID':
            searchElement = By.ID
        elif selector.upper() == 'LINK TEXT':
            searchElement = By.LINK_TEXT
        elif selector.upper() == 'PARTIAL LINK TEXT':
            searchElement = By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT
        elif selector.upper() == 'NAME':
            searchElement = By.NAME
        elif selector.upper() == 'TAG NAME':
            searchElement = By.TAG_NAME
        elif selector.upper() == 'CLASS NAME':
            searchElement = By.CLASS_NAME
            raise InvalidElementStateException('Please select a valid selector: CSS SELECTOR, XPATH, ID, LINK TEXT, PARTIAL LINK TEXT, NAME, TAG NAME, CLASS NAME')

        eyes.check_region_by_selector(searchElement, value, name) 
