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Python mstats.mquantiles方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python mstats.mquantiles方法的具体用法?Python mstats.mquantiles怎么用?Python mstats.mquantiles使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在scipy.stats.mstats的用法示例。


示例1: test_mquantiles_limit_keyword

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def test_mquantiles_limit_keyword(self):
        """Ticket #867"""
        data = np.array([[6., 7., 1.],
                         [47., 15., 2.],
                         [49., 36., 3.],
                         [15., 39., 4.],
                         [42., 40., -999.],
                         [41., 41., -999.],
                         [7., -999., -999.],
                         [39., -999., -999.],
                         [43., -999., -999.],
                         [40., -999., -999.],
                         [36., -999., -999.]])
        desired = [[19.2, 14.6, 1.45],
                   [40.0, 37.5, 2.5],
                   [42.8, 40.05, 3.55]]
        quants = mstats.mquantiles(data, axis=0, limit=(0, 50))
        assert_almost_equal(quants, desired) 

示例2: test_mquantiles_limit_keyword

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def test_mquantiles_limit_keyword(self):
        # Regression test for Trac ticket #867
        data = np.array([[6., 7., 1.],
                         [47., 15., 2.],
                         [49., 36., 3.],
                         [15., 39., 4.],
                         [42., 40., -999.],
                         [41., 41., -999.],
                         [7., -999., -999.],
                         [39., -999., -999.],
                         [43., -999., -999.],
                         [40., -999., -999.],
                         [36., -999., -999.]])
        desired = [[19.2, 14.6, 1.45],
                   [40.0, 37.5, 2.5],
                   [42.8, 40.05, 3.55]]
        quants = mstats.mquantiles(data, axis=0, limit=(0, 50))
        assert_almost_equal(quants, desired) 

示例3: _compute_sig

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def _compute_sig(self):
        Y = self.endog
        X = self.exog
        b = self.estimator(Y, X)
        m = self.fform(X, b)
        n = np.shape(X)[0]
        resid = Y - m
        resid = resid - np.mean(resid)  # center residuals
        self.test_stat = self._compute_test_stat(resid)
        sqrt5 = np.sqrt(5.)
        fct1 = (1 - sqrt5) / 2.
        fct2 = (1 + sqrt5) / 2.
        u1 = fct1 * resid
        u2 = fct2 * resid
        r = fct2 / sqrt5
        I_dist = np.empty((self.nboot,1))
        for j in range(self.nboot):
            u_boot = u2.copy()

            prob = np.random.uniform(0,1, size = (n,))
            ind = prob < r
            u_boot[ind] = u1[ind]
            Y_boot = m + u_boot
            b_hat = self.estimator(Y_boot, X)
            m_hat = self.fform(X, b_hat)
            u_boot_hat = Y_boot - m_hat
            I_dist[j] = self._compute_test_stat(u_boot_hat)

        self.boots_results = I_dist
        sig = "Not Significant"
        if self.test_stat > mquantiles(I_dist, 0.9):
            sig = "*"
        if self.test_stat > mquantiles(I_dist, 0.95):
            sig = "**"
        if self.test_stat > mquantiles(I_dist, 0.99):
            sig = "***"
        return sig 

示例4: _compute_sig

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def _compute_sig(self):
        Computes the significance value for the variable(s) tested.

        The empirical distribution of the test statistic is obtained through
        bootstrapping the sample.  The null hypothesis is rejected if the test
        statistic is larger than the 90, 95, 99 percentiles.
        t_dist = np.empty(shape=(self.nboot, ))
        Y = self.endog
        X = copy.deepcopy(self.exog)
        n = np.shape(Y)[0]

        X[:, self.test_vars] = np.mean(X[:, self.test_vars], axis=0)
        # Calculate the restricted mean. See p. 372 in [8]
        M = KernelReg(Y, X, self.var_type, self.model.reg_type, self.bw,
                      defaults = EstimatorSettings(efficient=False)).fit()[0]
        M = np.reshape(M, (n, 1))
        e = Y - M
        e = e - np.mean(e)  # recenter residuals
        for i in range(self.nboot):
            ind = np.random.random_integers(0, n-1, size=(n,1))
            e_boot = e[ind, 0]
            Y_boot = M + e_boot
            t_dist[i] = self._compute_test_stat(Y_boot, self.exog)

        self.t_dist = t_dist
        sig = "Not Significant"
        if self.test_stat > mquantiles(t_dist, 0.9):
            sig = "*"
        if self.test_stat > mquantiles(t_dist, 0.95):
            sig = "**"
        if self.test_stat > mquantiles(t_dist, 0.99):
            sig = "***"

        return sig 

示例5: _compute_min_std_IQR

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def _compute_min_std_IQR(data):
    """Compute minimum of std and IQR for each variable."""
    s1 = np.std(data, axis=0)
    q75 = mquantiles(data, 0.75, axis=0).data[0]
    q25 = mquantiles(data, 0.25, axis=0).data[0]
    s2 = (q75 - q25) / 1.349  # IQR
    dispersion = np.minimum(s1, s2)
    return dispersion 

示例6: quantile

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def quantile(ary, q, axis=None, limit=None):
    """Use same quantile function as R (Type 7)."""
    if limit is None:
        limit = tuple()
    return mquantiles(ary, q, alphap=1, betap=1, axis=axis, limit=limit) 

示例7: compute_group

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def compute_group(cls, data, scales, **params):
        line_p = params['line_p']
        dparams = params['dparams']

        # Compute theoretical values
        df = stat_qq.compute_group(data, scales, **params)
        sample = df['sample'].values
        theoretical = df['theoretical'].values

        # Compute slope & intercept of the line through the quantiles
        cdist = get_continuous_distribution(params['distribution'])
        x_coords = cdist.ppf(line_p, *dparams)
        y_coords = mquantiles(sample, line_p)
        slope = (np.diff(y_coords)/np.diff(x_coords))[0]
        intercept = y_coords[0] - slope*x_coords[0]

        # Get x,y points that describe the line
        if params['fullrange'] and scales.x:
            x = scales.x.dimension()
            x = theoretical.min(), theoretical.max()

        x = np.asarray(x)
        y = slope * x + intercept
        data = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y})
        return data 

示例8: _threshold_gradient

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def _threshold_gradient(im):
    """Indicate pixel locations with gradient below the bottom 10th percentile

    im : array
        The mean intensity images for each channel.
        Size: (num_channels, num_rows, num_columns).

        Binary values indicating whether the magnitude of the gradient is below
        the 10th percentile.  Same size as im.


    if im.shape[0] > 1:
        # Calculate directional relative derivatives
        _, g_x, g_y = np.gradient(np.log(im))
        # Calculate directional relative derivatives
        g_x, g_y = np.gradient(np.log(im[0]))
        g_x = g_x.reshape([1, g_x.shape[0], g_x.shape[1]])
        g_y = g_y.reshape([1, g_y.shape[0], g_y.shape[1]])
    gradient_magnitudes = np.sqrt((g_x ** 2) + (g_y ** 2))
    below_threshold = []
    for chan in gradient_magnitudes:
        threshold = mquantiles(chan[np.isfinite(chan)].flatten(), [0.1])[0]
        below_threshold.append(chan < threshold)
    return np.array(below_threshold) 

示例9: get_estimates

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def get_estimates(gen, sigmas=None, n_reps=100, n_null_samps=1000,
                  cache_size=64, rep_states=False, name=None,
                  save_samps=False, thresh_levels=(.2, .1, .05, .01)):
    if sigmas is None:
        sigmas = np.logspace(-1.7, 1.7, num=30)
    sigmas = np.asarray(sigmas)

    mmd = sg.QuadraticTimeMMD()
    mmd_mk = mmd.multikernel()
    for s in sigmas:
        mmd_mk.add_kernel(sg.GaussianKernel(cache_size, 2 * s**2))

    info = OrderedDict()
    for k in 'sigma rep mmd_est var_est p'.split():
        info[k] = []
    thresh_names = []
    for l in thresh_levels:
        s = 'thresh_{}'.format(l)
        info[s] = []
    if save_samps:
        info['samps'] = []

    thresh_prob = 1 - np.asarray(thresh_levels)

    bar = pb.ProgressBar()
    if name is not None:
        bar.widgets.insert(0, '{} '.format(name))
    for rep in bar(xrange(n_reps)):
        if rep_states:
            rep = np.random.randint(0, 2**32)
            X, Y = gen(rs=rep)
            X, Y = gen()
        n = X.shape[0]
        assert Y.shape[0] == n

        info['rep'].extend([rep] * len(sigmas))

        stat = mmd_mk.compute_statistic()
        info['mmd_est'].extend(stat / (n / 2))

        samps = mmd_mk.sample_null()
        info['p'].extend(np.mean(samps >= stat, axis=0))
        if save_samps:


        threshes = np.asarray(mquantiles(samps, prob=thresh_prob, axis=0))
        for s, t in zip(thresh_names, threshes):

    info = pd.DataFrame(info)
    info.set_index(['sigma', 'rep'], inplace=True)
    return info 

示例10: _grid_from_X

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def _grid_from_X(X, percentiles=(0.05, 0.95), grid_resolution=100):
    """Generate a grid of points based on the ``percentiles of ``X``.

    The grid is generated by placing ``grid_resolution`` equally
    spaced points between the ``percentiles`` of each column
    of ``X``.

    X : ndarray
        The data
    percentiles : tuple of floats
        The percentiles which are used to construct the extreme
        values of the grid axes.
    grid_resolution : int
        The number of equally spaced points that are placed
        on the grid.

    grid : ndarray
        All data points on the grid; ``grid.shape[1] == X.shape[1]``
        and ``grid.shape[0] == grid_resolution * X.shape[1]``.
    axes : seq of ndarray
        The axes with which the grid has been created.
    if len(percentiles) != 2:
        raise ValueError('percentile must be tuple of len 2')
    if not all(0. <= x <= 1. for x in percentiles):
        raise ValueError('percentile values must be in [0, 1]')

    axes = []
    emp_percentiles = mquantiles(X, prob=percentiles, axis=0)
    for col in range(X.shape[1]):
        uniques = np.unique(X[:, col])
        if uniques.shape[0] < grid_resolution:
            # feature has low resolution use unique vals
            axis = uniques
            # create axis based on percentiles and grid resolution
            axis = np.linspace(emp_percentiles[0, col],
                               emp_percentiles[1, col],
                               num=grid_resolution, endpoint=True)

    return cartesian(axes), axes 

示例11: read_biases

# 需要导入模块: from scipy.stats import mstats [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles [as 别名]
def read_biases(infilename):
    global biasLowerBound
    global biasUpperBound
    startt = time.time()

    with gzip.open(infilename, 'rt') as infile:
        for line in infile:
            chrom=words[0]; midPoint=int(words[1]); bias=float(words[2])
            if bias!=1.0:
        with open(logfile, 'a') as log:
            log.write("5th quantile of biases: "+str(botQ)+"\n")
            log.write("50th quantile of biases: "+str(med)+"\n")
            log.write("95th quantile of biases: "+str(topQ)+"\n")
    with gzip.open(infilename, 'rt') as infile:
        for line in infile:
            chrom=words[0]; midPoint=int(words[1]); bias=float(words[2]);
            if bias<biasLowerBound or math.isnan(bias):
                bias=-1 #botQ
            elif bias>biasUpperBound:
                bias=-1 #topQ
            if chrom not in biasDic:
            if midPoint not in biasDic[chrom]:
    with open(logfile, 'a') as log:
        log.write("Out of " + str(totalC) + " loci " +str(discardC) +" were discarded with biases not in range [0.5 2]\n\n" )
    endt = time.time()
    print("Bias file read. Time took %s" % (endt-startt))
    return biasDic # from read_biases

# function to compute the contact probabilities
# applied for intra-chromosomal interactions
