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Python optimize.fminbound方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.optimize.fminbound方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python optimize.fminbound方法的具体用法?Python optimize.fminbound怎么用?Python optimize.fminbound使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在scipy.optimize的用法示例。


示例1: _psturng

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def _psturng(q, r, v):
    """scalar version of psturng"""
    if q < 0.:
        raise ValueError('q should be >= 0')

    opt_func = lambda p, r, v : abs(_qsturng(p, r, v) - q)

    if v == 1:
        if q < _qsturng(.9, r, 1):
            return .1
        elif q > _qsturng(.999, r, 1):
            return .001
        return 1. - fminbound(opt_func, .9, .999, args=(r,v))
        if q < _qsturng(.1, r, v):
            return .9
        elif q > _qsturng(.999, r, v):
            return .001
        return 1. - fminbound(opt_func, .1, .999, args=(r,v)) 

示例2: _find_estimator_weight

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def _find_estimator_weight(self, y, dv_pre, y_pred):
        """Make line search to determine estimator weights."""
        with warnings.catch_warnings():

            def optimization_function(alpha):
                p_ij = self._estimate_instance_probabilities(dv_pre + alpha * y_pred)
                p_i = self._estimate_bag_probabilites(p_ij)
                return self._negative_log_likelihood(p_i)

            # TODO: Add option to choose optimization method.

            alpha, fval, err, n_func = fminbound(optimization_function, 0.0, 5.0, full_output=True, disp=1)
            if self.learning_rate < 1.0:
                alpha *= self.learning_rate
        return alpha, fval 

示例3: CA_step

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def CA_step(z1, z2, theta, index, min_val, max_val):
    """Take a single coordinate ascent step.
    inner_theta = theta.copy()
    def f(alpha):
        inner_theta[index] = theta[index] + alpha
        return -calc_gaussian_mix_log_lhd(inner_theta, z1, z2)

    assert theta[index] >= min_val
    min_step_size = min_val - theta[index]
    assert theta[index] <= max_val
    max_step_size = max_val - theta[index]

    alpha = fminbound(f, min_step_size, max_step_size)
    prev_lhd = -f(0)
    new_lhd = -f(alpha)
    if new_lhd > prev_lhd:
        theta[index] += alpha
        new_lhd = prev_lhd
    return theta, new_lhd 

示例4: learn_rmp

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def learn_rmp(subpops, D):
  K          = len(subpops)
  rmp_matrix = np.eye(K)
  models = learn_models(subpops)

  for k in range(K - 1):
    for j in range(k + 1, K):
      probmatrix = [np.ones([models[k].num_sample, 2]), 
                    np.ones([models[j].num_sample, 2])]
      probmatrix[0][:, 0] = models[k].density(subpops[k])
      probmatrix[0][:, 1] = models[j].density(subpops[k])
      probmatrix[1][:, 0] = models[k].density(subpops[j])
      probmatrix[1][:, 1] = models[j].density(subpops[j])

      rmp = fminbound(lambda rmp: log_likelihood(rmp, probmatrix, K), 0, 1)
      rmp += np.random.randn() * 0.01
      rmp = np.clip(rmp, 0, 1)
      rmp_matrix[k, j] = rmp
      rmp_matrix[j, k] = rmp

  return rmp_matrix


示例5: test_var

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def test_var(self, sig2_0, return_weights=False):
        Returns  -2 x log-likelihoog ratio and the p-value for the
        hypothesized variance

        sig2_0 : float
            Hypothesized variance to be tested

        return_weights : bool
            If True, returns the weights that maximize the
            likelihood of observing sig2_0. Default is False

        test_results : tuple
            The  log-likelihood ratio and the p_value  of sig2_0

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import statsmodels.api as sm
        >>> random_numbers = np.random.standard_normal(1000)*100
        >>> el_analysis = sm.emplike.DescStat(random_numbers)
        >>> hyp_test = el_analysis.test_var(9500)
        self.sig2_0 = sig2_0
        mu_max = max(self.endog)
        mu_min = min(self.endog)
        llr = optimize.fminbound(self._opt_var, mu_min, mu_max, \
        p_val = chi2.sf(llr, 1)
        if return_weights:
            return llr, p_val, self.new_weights.T
            return  llr, p_val 

示例6: test_fminbound

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def test_fminbound(self):
        """Test fminbound """
        x = optimize.fminbound(self.fun, 0, 1)
        assert_allclose(x, 1, atol=1e-4)

        x = optimize.fminbound(self.fun, 1, 5)
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.fminbound(self.fun, np.array([1]), np.array([5]))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)
        assert_raises(ValueError, optimize.fminbound, self.fun, 5, 1) 

示例7: test_fminbound_scalar

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def test_fminbound_scalar(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, optimize.fminbound, self.fun,
                      np.zeros(2), 1)

        x = optimize.fminbound(self.fun, 1, np.array(5))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6) 

示例8: test_fminbound

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def test_fminbound(self):
        x = optimize.fminbound(self.fun, 0, 1)
        assert_allclose(x, 1, atol=1e-4)

        x = optimize.fminbound(self.fun, 1, 5)
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.fminbound(self.fun, np.array([1]), np.array([5]))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)
        assert_raises(ValueError, optimize.fminbound, self.fun, 5, 1) 

示例9: test_fminbound_scalar

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def test_fminbound_scalar(self):
            optimize.fminbound(self.fun, np.zeros((1, 2)), 1)
            self.fail("exception not raised")
        except ValueError as e:
            assert_('must be scalar' in str(e))

        x = optimize.fminbound(self.fun, 1, np.array(5))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6) 

示例10: gradient_ascent

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def gradient_ascent(r1, r2, theta, gradient_magnitude, 
                    fix_mu=False, fix_sigma=False):
    for j in range(len(theta)):
        if fix_mu and j == 0: continue
        if fix_sigma and j == 1: continue
        prev_loss = calc_loss(r1, r2, theta)

        mu, sigma, rho, p = theta
        z1 = compute_pseudo_values(r1, mu, sigma, p)
        z2 = compute_pseudo_values(r2, mu, sigma, p)
        real_grad = calc_pseudo_log_lhd_gradient(theta, z1, z2, False, False)
        gradient = numpy.zeros(len(theta))
        gradient[j] = gradient_magnitude
        if real_grad[j] < 0: gradient[j] = -gradient[j]
        min_step = 0
        max_step = find_max_step_size(
            theta[j], gradient[j], (False if j in (0,1) else True))

        if max_step < 1e-12: continue

        alpha = fminbound(
            lambda x: calc_loss( r1, r2, theta + x*gradient ),
            min_step, max_step)
        loss = calc_loss( r1, r2, theta + alpha*gradient )
        if loss < prev_loss:
            theta += alpha*gradient

    return theta 

示例11: function

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def function(b, c):
    return optimize.fminbound(f, b, c)

# If called with arguments:
# we get a correct output:
# {"success": true, "error_msg": null, "result": 3.83746830432337} 

示例12: sample_623

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def sample_623():
    6.2.3 趋势骨架图
    import scipy.optimize as sco
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

    # 继续使用TSLA收盘价格序列
    # interp1d线性插值函数
    linear_interp = interp1d(x, y)
    # 绘制插值

    # fminbound寻找给定范围内的最小值:在linear_inter中寻找全局最优范围1-504
    global_min_pos = sco.fminbound(linear_interp, 1, 504)
    # 绘制全局最优点,全局最小值点,r<:红色三角
    plt.plot(global_min_pos, linear_interp(global_min_pos), 'r<')

    # 每个单位都先画一个点,由两个点连成一条直线形成股价骨架图
    last_postion = None
    # 步长50,每50个单位求一次局部最小
    for find_min_pos in np.arange(50, len(x), 50):
        # fmin_bfgs寻找给定值的局部最小值
        local_min_pos = sco.fmin_bfgs(linear_interp, find_min_pos, disp=0)
        # 形成最小点位置信息(x, y)
        draw_postion = (local_min_pos, linear_interp(local_min_pos))
        # 第一个50单位last_postion=none, 之后都有值
        if last_postion is not None:
            # 将两两临近局部最小值相连,两个点连成一条直线
            plt.plot([last_postion[0][0], draw_postion[0][0]],
                     [last_postion[1][0], draw_postion[1][0]], 'o-')
        # 将这个步长单位内的最小值点赋予last_postion
        last_postion = draw_postion

示例13: bellman_operator

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def bellman_operator(w, grid, β, u, f, shocks, Tw=None, compute_policy=0):
    The approximate Bellman operator, which computes and returns the
    updated value function Tw on the grid points.  An array to store
    the new set of values Tw is optionally supplied (to avoid having to
    allocate new arrays at each iteration).  If supplied, any existing data in 
    Tw will be overwritten.

    w : array_like(float, ndim=1)
        The value of the input function on different grid points
    grid : array_like(float, ndim=1)
        The set of grid points
    β : scalar
        The discount factor
    u : function
        The utility function
    f : function
        The production function
    shocks : numpy array
        An array of draws from the shock, for Monte Carlo integration (to
        compute expectations).
    Tw : array_like(float, ndim=1) optional (default=None)
        Array to write output values to
    compute_policy : Boolean, optional (default=False)
        Whether or not to compute policy function

    # === Apply linear interpolation to w === #
    w_func = lambda x: np.interp(x, grid, w)

    # == Initialize Tw if necessary == #
    if Tw is None:
        Tw = np.empty_like(w)

    if compute_policy:
        σ = np.empty_like(w)

    # == set Tw[i] = max_c { u(c) + β E w(f(y  - c) z)} == #
    for i, y in enumerate(grid):
        def objective(c):
            return - u(c) - β * np.mean(w_func(f(y - c) * shocks))
        c_star = fminbound(objective, 1e-10, y)
        if compute_policy:
            σ[i] = c_star
        Tw[i] = - objective(c_star)

    if compute_policy:
        return Tw, σ
        return Tw 

示例14: bellman_operator

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def bellman_operator(V, cp, return_policy=False):
    The approximate Bellman operator, which computes and returns the
    updated value function TV (or the V-greedy policy c if
    return_policy is True).

    V : array_like(float)
        A NumPy array of dim len(cp.asset_grid) times len(cp.z_vals)
    cp : ConsumerProblem
        An instance of ConsumerProblem that stores primitives
    return_policy : bool, optional(default=False)
        Indicates whether to return the greed policy given V or the
        updated value function TV.  Default is TV.

        Returns either the greed policy given V or the updated value
        function TV.

    # === Simplify names, set up arrays === #
    R, Π, β, u, b = cp.R, cp.Π, cp.β, cp.u, cp.b
    asset_grid, z_vals = cp.asset_grid, cp.z_vals
    new_V = np.empty(V.shape)
    new_c = np.empty(V.shape)
    z_idx = list(range(len(z_vals)))

    # === Linear interpolation of V along the asset grid === #
    vf = lambda a, i_z: np.interp(a, asset_grid, V[:, i_z])

    # === Solve r.h.s. of Bellman equation === #
    for i_a, a in enumerate(asset_grid):
        for i_z, z in enumerate(z_vals):
            def obj(c):  # objective function to be *minimized*
                y = sum(vf(R * a + z - c, j) * Π[i_z, j] for j in z_idx)
                return - u(c) - β * y
            c_star = fminbound(obj, 1e-8, R * a + z + b)
            new_c[i_a, i_z], new_V[i_a, i_z] = c_star, -obj(c_star)

    if return_policy:
        return new_c
        return new_V 

示例15: coordinate_ascent

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import optimize [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.optimize import fminbound [as 别名]
def coordinate_ascent(r1, r2, theta, gradient_magnitude, 
                      fix_mu=False, fix_sigma=False):
    for j in range(len(theta)):
        if fix_mu and j == 0: continue
        if fix_sigma and j == 1: continue
        prev_loss = calc_loss(r1, r2, theta)

        # find the direction of the gradient
        gradient = numpy.zeros(len(theta))
        gradient[j] = gradient_magnitude
        init_alpha = 5e-12
        while init_alpha < 1e-2:
            pos = calc_loss( r1, r2, theta - init_alpha*gradient )
            neg = calc_loss( r1, r2, theta + init_alpha*gradient )
            if neg < prev_loss < pos:
                gradient[j] = gradient[j]
                #       r1, r2, theta - init_alpha*gradient ) > prev_loss)
                #       r1, r2, theta + init_alpha*gradient ) <= prev_loss)
            elif neg > prev_loss > pos:
                gradient[j] = -gradient[j]
                #    r1, r2, theta - init_alpha*gradient ) > prev_loss)
                #    r1, r2, theta + init_alpha*gradient ) <= prev_loss)
                init_alpha *= 10         

        #log( pos - prev_loss, neg - prev_loss )
        assert init_alpha < 1e-1
        min_step = 0
        max_step = find_max_step_size(
            theta[j], gradient[j], (False if j in (0,1) else True))

        if max_step < 1e-12: continue

        alpha = fminbound(
            lambda x: calc_loss( r1, r2, theta + x*gradient ),
            min_step, max_step)
        loss = calc_loss( r1, r2, theta + alpha*gradient )
        #log( "LOSS:", loss, prev_loss, loss-prev_loss )
        if loss < prev_loss:
            theta += alpha*gradient

    return theta 
