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Python constants.h方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.constants.h方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python constants.h方法的具体用法?Python constants.h怎么用?Python constants.h使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在scipy.constants的用法示例。


示例1: population

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def population(self, Mole, Temp):
        """Calculate population for each level at given temperature"""
        RoTemp = np.reshape(Temp*1., (Temp.size, 1))
        Qr = self.weighti*np.exp(-(self.e_cm1*100*c*h)/(k*RoTemp))
        # RoPr = Qr/Ntotal  # This is for all transitions
        RoPr = Qr/(Qr.sum(axis=1).reshape(RoTemp.size, 1))  # only given trans.
        linet = []
        for xx in range(self.nt):
            gdu, gdl = self.weighti[self.tran_tag[xx][1:].astype(int)]
            _up = int(self.tran_tag[xx][1])
            _low = int(self.tran_tag[xx][2])
            Aei = self.ai[_up, _low]
            line_const = (c*10**2)**2*Aei*(gdu/gdl)*1.e-6*1.e14 /\
            # Hz->MHz,cm^2 ->nm^2
            # W = C.h*C.c*E_cm1[_low]*100.  # energy level above ground state
            "This is the function of calculating H2O intensity"
            line = (1.-np.exp(-h*(self.freq_array[xx]*1.e9) /
            linet.append(line[:, 0]*RoPr[:, _low])  # line intensity non-LTE
        Ni_LTE = Mole.reshape((Mole.size, 1))*RoPr  # *0.75  # orth para ratio
        Ite_pop = [[Ni_LTE[i].reshape((self.ni, 1))] for i in range(Mole.size)]
        return Ite_pop

#import numba 

示例2: test_tlcorrection

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def test_tlcorrection(self):
        # testing long correction function
        x_for_long = np.array([20.,21.,22.,23.,24.,25.])
        y_for_long = np.array([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0])

        nu0 = 1.0/(514.532)*1e9 #laser wavenumber at 514.532
        nu = 100.0*x_for_long # cm-1 to m-1
        T = 23.0+273.15 # the temperature in K

        x_long,long_res,eselong = rp.tlcorrection(x_for_long, y_for_long,23.0,514.532,correction = 'long',normalisation='area') # using the function
        t0 = nu0**3.0*nu/((nu0-nu)**4)
        t1= 1.0 - np.exp(-h*c*nu/(k*T)) # c in m/s  : t1 dimensionless
        long_calc= y_for_long*t0*t1 # pour les y
        long_calc = long_calc/np.trapz(long_calc,x_for_long) # area normalisation


        x_long,long_res,eselong = rp.tlcorrection(x_for_long, y_for_long,23.0,514.532,correction = 'long',normalisation='no') # using the function
        t0 = nu0**3.0*nu/((nu0-nu)**4)
        t1= 1.0 - np.exp(-h*c*nu/(k*T)) # c in m/s  : t1 dimensionless
        long_calc= y_for_long*t0*t1 # pour les y


示例3: Responsivity

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def Responsivity(wavelength, quantumEffic):
    Responsivity quantifies the amount of output seen per watt of radiant
    optical power input [1]. But, for this application it is interesting to
    define spectral responsivity that is the output per watt of monochromatic

    The model used here is based on Equations 7.114 in Dereniak's book.

        | wavelength: spectral variable [m]
        | quantumEffic: spectral quantum efficiency

        | responsivity in [A/W]

    return (const.e * wavelength * quantumEffic) / (const.h * const.c)


示例4: plotSpectre

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def plotSpectre(transitions, eneval, spectre):
    """ plot the UV-visible spectrum using matplotlib. Absissa are converted in nm. """

    # lambda in nm
    lambdaval = [cst.h * cst.c / (val * cst.e) * 1.e9 for val in eneval]

    # plot gaussian spectra
    plt.plot(lambdaval, spectre, "r-", label = "spectre")

    # plot transitions
    plt.vlines([val[1] for val in transitions], \
               0., \
               [val[2] for val in transitions], \
               color = "blue", \
               label = "transitions" )

    plt.xlabel("lambda   /   nm")
    plt.ylabel("Arbitrary unit")
    plt.title("UV-visible spectra")
    plt.legend(fancybox = True, shadow = True)

示例5: get_electron_wavelength

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def get_electron_wavelength(accelerating_voltage):
    """Calculates the (relativistic) electron wavelength in Angstroms for a
    given accelerating voltage in kV.

    accelerating_voltage : float or 'inf'
        The accelerating voltage in kV. Values `numpy.inf` and 'inf' are
        also accepted.

    wavelength : float
        The relativistic electron wavelength in Angstroms.

    if accelerating_voltage in (np.inf, "inf"):
        return 0
    E = accelerating_voltage * 1e3
    wavelength = (
        h / math.sqrt(2 * m_e * e * E * (1 + (e / (2 * m_e * c * c)) * E)) * 1e10
    return wavelength 

示例6: PopuSource

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def PopuSource(LowerPop, UpperPop, LowerDeg, UpperDeg, Freq_c):
    sij = (2.*h*Freq_c**3)/(c**2*(LowerPop*UpperDeg/UpperPop/LowerDeg-1.))
    return sij 

示例7: Bv_T

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def Bv_T(Freq, T):
    # brbr = 1  # .e7*1.e-4
    Bv_out = 2.*h*Freq**3/c**2/(np.exp(h*Freq/k/T)-1.)
    return Bv_out 

示例8: basic

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def basic(LowerPop, UpperPop, Blu, Bul, Freq):
    calculate absorption coefficient.\n
    Freq should be Hz
    _const = h*Freq/4./np.pi
    return (LowerPop*Blu - UpperPop*Bul)*_const 

示例9: calc_abscoeff

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def calc_abscoeff(tran, itera, alt=None):
    _up, _low = Tran_tag[tran][1:].astype(int)
    _v0 = Freqi[_up, _low]*1.e9
    _const = C.h*_v0/4./N.pi
    if alt is None:
        lowerPop = N.array(Ite_pop)[alt][itera][_low][0]
        upperPop = N.array(Ite_pop)[alt][itera][_up][0]
        lowerPop = N.array(Ite_pop)[:, itera, _low, 0]
        upperPop = N.array(Ite_pop)[:, itera, _up, 0]
    BLU = Blu[_up, _low]
    BUL = Bul[_up, _low]
    # AUL = Ai[_up, _low]
    return (lowerPop*BLU - upperPop*BUL)*_const 

示例10: test_twomode

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def test_twomode(self):
        """Test if function returns two-mode squeezing parameters that correctly reconstruct the
        input normal mode frequencies."""
        w = -k * self.T / (0.5 * h * c * 100) * np.log(np.tanh(self.t))
        assert np.allclose(w, self.w) 

示例11: planck

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def planck(lam, T):
    """ Returns the spectral radiance of a black body at temperature T.

    Returns the spectral radiance, B(lam, T), in W.sr-1.m-2 of a black body
    at temperature T (in K) at a wavelength lam (in nm), using Planck's law.


    lam_m = lam / 1.e9
    fac = h*c/lam_m/k/T
    B = 2*h*c**2/lam_m**5 / (np.exp(fac) - 1)
    return B 

示例12: Absorption

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def Absorption(wavelength, Eg, tempDet, a0, a0p):
    Calculate the spectral absorption coefficient
    for a semiconductor material with given material values.

    The model used here is based on Equations 3.5, 3.6 in Dereniaks book.

        | wavelength: spectral variable [m]
        | Eg: bandgap energy [Ev]
        | tempDet: detector's temperature in [K]
        | a0: absorption coefficient [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6)
        | a0p:  absorption coefficient in [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6)

        | absorption: spectral absorption coefficient in [m-1]

    #frequency/wavelength expressed as energy in Ev
    E = const.h * const.c / (wavelength * const.e )

    # the np.abs() in the following code is to prevent nan and inf values
    # the effect of the abs() is corrected further down when we select
    # only the appropriate values based on E >= Eg and E < Eg

    # Absorption coef - eq. 3.5- Dereniak
    a35 = (a0 * np.sqrt(np.abs(E - Eg))) + a0p
    # Absorption coef - eq. 3.6- Dereniak
    a36 = a0p * np.exp((- np.abs(E - Eg)) / (const.k * tempDet))
    absorption = a35 * (E >= Eg) + a36 * (E < Eg)

    return absorption


示例13: deeStarPeak

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def deeStarPeak(wavelength,temperature,eta,halfApexAngle):
        i = 0
        for wlc in wavelength:
            wl =  np.linspace(wlc/100, wlc, 1000).reshape(-1, 1)
            LbackLambda = ryplanck.planck(wl,temperature, type='ql')/np.pi
            Lback = np.trapz(LbackLambda.reshape(-1, 1),wl, axis=0)[0]
            Eback = Lback * np.pi * (np.sin(halfApexAngle)) ** 2
            # funny construct is to prevent divide by zero
            tempvar = np.sqrt(eta/(Eback+(Eback==0))) * (Eback!=0) + 0 * (Eback==0)
            dstarwlc[i] = 1e-6 * wlc * tempvar/(const.h * const.c * np.sqrt(2))
            i = i + 1
        return dstarwlc * 100. # to get cm units 

示例14: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def __init__(self):
        """ Precalculate the Planck function constants.

        Reference: http://www.spectralcalc.com/blackbody/appendixC.html

        import scipy.optimize

        self.c1em = 2 * np.pi * const.h * const.c * const.c
        self.c1el = self.c1em * (1.0e6)**(5-1) # 5 for lambda power and -1 for density
        self.c1en = self.c1em * (100)**3 * 100 # 3 for wavenumber, 1 for density
        self.c1ef = 2 * np.pi * const.h / (const.c * const.c)

        self.c1qm = 2 * np.pi * const.c
        self.c1ql = self.c1qm * (1.0e6)**(4-1) # 5 for lambda power and -1 for density
        self.c1qn = self.c1qm * (100)**2 * 100 # 2 for wavenumber, 1 for density
        self.c1nf = 2 * np.pi  / (const.c * const.c)

        self.c2m = const.h * const.c / const.k
        self.c2l = self.c2m * 1.0e6 # 1 for wavelength density
        self.c2n = self.c2m * 1.0e2 # 1 for cm-1 density
        self.c2f = const.h / const.k

        self.sigmae = const.sigma
        self.zeta3 = 1.2020569031595942853
        self.sigmaq = 4 * np.pi * self.zeta3 * const.k ** 3 \
               / (const.h ** 3 * const.c ** 2)

        self.a2 = scipy.optimize.brentq(self.an, 1, 2, (2) )
        self.a3 = scipy.optimize.brentq(self.an, 2, 3, (3) )
        self.a4 = scipy.optimize.brentq(self.an, 3.5, 4, (4) )
        self.a5 = scipy.optimize.brentq(self.an, 4.5, 5, (5) )

        self.wel = 1e6 * const.h * const.c /(const.k * self.a5)
        self.wql = 1e6 * const.h * const.c /(const.k * self.a4)
        self.wen = self.a3 * const.k /(100 * const.h * const.c )
        self.wqn = self.a2 * const.k /(100 * const.h * const.c )
        self.wef = self.a3 * const.k /(const.h )
        self.wqf = self.a2 * const.k /(const.h ) 

示例15: calcLuxEquivalent

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import h [as 别名]
def calcLuxEquivalent(wavelength,rad_min,rad_dynrange,units):
    """Calc the interpolation function between lux and photon rate radiance

    Assuming single wavelength colour, the specified wavelength value is used to 
    calculate the lux equivalent lux image for the radiance input range.

        | wavelength (np.array): wavelength vector
        | sysresp (np.array): system response spectral vector
        | rad_min (float): minimum photon rate radiance lookup table 
        | rad_dynrange (float): maximum photon rate radiance in lookup table 
        | units (string): input radiance units q/s or W

        | interpolation function

        | No exception is raised.

    Author: CJ Willers
    if 'q' in units:
        conversion = wavelength / (const.h * const.c)
        conversion = 1.

    Wm2tolux = 683 * 1.019 * np.exp(-285.51 * (wavelength*1e6 - 0.5591)**2)
    # convert from q/s to W
    rad_minW = rad_min / conversion
    rad_dynrangeW = rad_dynrange / conversion
    radW = np.linspace(0.99*rad_minW, 1.01*(rad_minW+rad_dynrangeW), 1000) 
    lux =  Wm2tolux * radW
    # convert from W back to q/s when setting up the function    
    fintp = interpolate.interp1d((radW*wavelength / (const.h * const.c)).reshape(-1), lux.reshape(-1))
    return fintp

