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Python constants.e方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.constants.e方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python constants.e方法的具体用法?Python constants.e怎么用?Python constants.e使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在scipy.constants的用法示例。


示例1: eVtoJoule

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def eVtoJoule(EeV):
    Convert energy in eV to Joule.

        | E: Energy in eV

        | EJ: Energy in J

    return EeV * const.e


示例2: JouleTeEv

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def JouleTeEv(EJ):
    Convert energy in Joule to eV.

        | EJ: Energy in J

        | EeV: Energy in eV

    return EJ / const.e


示例3: Responsivity

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def Responsivity(wavelength, quantumEffic):
    Responsivity quantifies the amount of output seen per watt of radiant
    optical power input [1]. But, for this application it is interesting to
    define spectral responsivity that is the output per watt of monochromatic

    The model used here is based on Equations 7.114 in Dereniak's book.

        | wavelength: spectral variable [m]
        | quantumEffic: spectral quantum efficiency

        | responsivity in [A/W]

    return (const.e * wavelength * quantumEffic) / (const.h * const.c)


示例4: _eFieldCouplingDivE

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def _eFieldCouplingDivE(self, n1, l1, j1, mj1, n2, l2, j2, mj2, s=0.5):
        # eFied coupling devided with E (witout actuall multiplication to getE)
        # delta(mj1,mj2') delta(l1,l2+-1)
        if ((abs(mj1 - mj2) > 0.1) or (abs(l1 - l2) != 1)):
            return 0

        # matrix element
        result = self.atom.getRadialMatrixElement(n1, l1, j1,
                                                  n2, l2, j2,
                                                  s=s) *\
            physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0] * C_e

        sumPart = self.eFieldCouplingSaved.getAngular(l1, j1, mj1,
                                                      l2, j2, mj2,
        return result * sumPart 

示例5: plotSpectre

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def plotSpectre(transitions, eneval, spectre):
    """ plot the UV-visible spectrum using matplotlib. Absissa are converted in nm. """

    # lambda in nm
    lambdaval = [cst.h * cst.c / (val * cst.e) * 1.e9 for val in eneval]

    # plot gaussian spectra
    plt.plot(lambdaval, spectre, "r-", label = "spectre")

    # plot transitions
    plt.vlines([val[1] for val in transitions], \
               0., \
               [val[2] for val in transitions], \
               color = "blue", \
               label = "transitions" )

    plt.xlabel("lambda   /   nm")
    plt.ylabel("Arbitrary unit")
    plt.title("UV-visible spectra")
    plt.legend(fancybox = True, shadow = True)

示例6: get_electron_wavelength

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def get_electron_wavelength(accelerating_voltage):
    """Calculates the (relativistic) electron wavelength in Angstroms for a
    given accelerating voltage in kV.

    accelerating_voltage : float or 'inf'
        The accelerating voltage in kV. Values `numpy.inf` and 'inf' are
        also accepted.

    wavelength : float
        The relativistic electron wavelength in Angstroms.

    if accelerating_voltage in (np.inf, "inf"):
        return 0
    E = accelerating_voltage * 1e3
    wavelength = (
        h / math.sqrt(2 * m_e * e * E * (1 + (e / (2 * m_e * c * c)) * E)) * 1e10
    return wavelength 

示例7: get_interaction_constant

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def get_interaction_constant(accelerating_voltage):
    """Calculates the interaction constant, sigma, for a given
    acelerating voltage.

    accelerating_voltage : float
        The accelerating voltage in V.

    sigma : float
        The relativistic electron wavelength in m.

    E = accelerating_voltage
    wavelength = get_electron_wavelength(accelerating_voltage)
    sigma = 2 * pi * (m_e + e * E)

    return sigma 

示例8: calcularRendimientos_parciales

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def calcularRendimientos_parciales(self, A):
        """Calculate the separation efficiency per diameter"""
        entrada = self.kwargs["entrada"]
        rendimiento_parcial = []
        for dp in entrada.solido.diametros:
            if dp <= 1e-6:
                q = dp*e*1e8
                q = pi*epsilon_0*self.potencialCarga*dp**2 * \
            U = q*self.potencialDescarga/(3*pi*dp*entrada.Gas.mu)
        return rendimiento_parcial 

示例9: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def __init__(self):
        self.n = 2
        f = 1000000      # f is a scalar, it's the trap frequency
        self.w = 2 * pi * f
        self.C = (4 * pi * constants.epsilon_0) ** (-1) * constants.e ** 2
        # C is a scalar, it's the I
        self.m = 39.96 * 1.66e-27 

示例10: Absorption

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def Absorption(wavelength, Eg, tempDet, a0, a0p):
    Calculate the spectral absorption coefficient
    for a semiconductor material with given material values.

    The model used here is based on Equations 3.5, 3.6 in Dereniaks book.

        | wavelength: spectral variable [m]
        | Eg: bandgap energy [Ev]
        | tempDet: detector's temperature in [K]
        | a0: absorption coefficient [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6)
        | a0p:  absorption coefficient in [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6)

        | absorption: spectral absorption coefficient in [m-1]

    #frequency/wavelength expressed as energy in Ev
    E = const.h * const.c / (wavelength * const.e )

    # the np.abs() in the following code is to prevent nan and inf values
    # the effect of the abs() is corrected further down when we select
    # only the appropriate values based on E >= Eg and E < Eg

    # Absorption coef - eq. 3.5- Dereniak
    a35 = (a0 * np.sqrt(np.abs(E - Eg))) + a0p
    # Absorption coef - eq. 3.6- Dereniak
    a36 = a0p * np.exp((- np.abs(E - Eg)) / (const.k * tempDet))
    absorption = a35 * (E >= Eg) + a36 * (E < Eg)

    return absorption


示例11: stefanboltzman

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def stefanboltzman(temperature, type='e'):
    """Stefan-Boltzman wideband integrated exitance.

    Calculates the total Planck law exitance, integrated over all wavelengths,
    from a surface at the stated temperature. Exitance can be given in radiant or
    photon rate units, depending on user input in type.

        | (scalar, list[M], np.array (M,), (M,1) or (1,M)):  Temperature in [K]
        | type (string):  'e' for radiant or 'q' for photon rate exitance.

        | (float): integrated radiant exitance in  [W/m^2] or [q/(s.m^2)].
        | Returns a -1 if the type is not 'e' or 'q'

        | No exception is raised.

    #confirm that only vector is used, break with warning if so.
    if isinstance(temperature, np.ndarray):
        if len(temperature.flat) != max(temperature.shape):
            print('ryplanck.stefanboltzman: temperature must be of shape (M,), (M,1) or (1,M)')
            return -1

    tempr = np.asarray(temperature).astype(float)
    #use dictionary to switch between options, lambda fn to calculate, default -1
    rtnval = {
              'e': lambda temp: pconst.sigmae * np.power(temp, 4) ,
              'q': lambda temp: pconst.sigmaq * np.power(temp, 3)
              }.get(type, lambda temp: -1)(tempr)
    return rtnval

# dictionaries to allow case-like statements in generic planck functions, below. 

示例12: planck

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def planck(spectral, temperature, type='el'):
    """Planck law spectral exitance.

    Calculates the Planck law spectral exitance from a surface at the stated 
    temperature. Temperature can be a scalar, a list or an array. Exitance can 
    be given in radiant or photon rate units, depending on user input in type.

        | spectral (scalar, np.array (N,) or (N,1)):  spectral vector.
        | temperature (scalar, list[M], np.array (M,), (M,1) or (1,M)):  Temperature in [K]
        | type (string):
        |  'e' signifies Radiant values in [W/m^2.*].
        |  'q' signifies photon rate values  [quanta/(s.m^2.*)].
        |  'l' signifies wavelength spectral vector  [micrometer].
        |  'n' signifies wavenumber spectral vector [cm-1].
        |  'f' signifies frequency spectral vecor [Hz].

        | (scalar, np.array[N,M]):  spectral radiant exitance (not radiance) in units selected.
        | For type = 'el' units will be [W/(m^2.um)].
        | For type = 'qf' units will be [q/(s.m^2.Hz)].
        | Other return types are similarly defined as above.
        | Returns None on error.

        | No exception is raised, returns None on error.
    if type in list(plancktype.keys()):
        #select the appropriate fn as requested by user
        exitance = plancktype[type](spectral, temperature)
        # return all minus one if illegal type
        exitance = None

    return exitance


示例13: dplanck

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def dplanck(spectral, temperature, type='el'):
    """Temperature derivative of Planck law exitance.

    Calculates the temperature derivative for Planck law spectral exitance
    from a surface at the stated temperature. dM/dT can be given in radiant or
    photon rate units, depending on user input in type. Temperature can be a 
    scalar, a list or an array. 

        | spectral (scalar, np.array (N,) or (N,1)):  spectral vector in  [micrometer], [cm-1] or [Hz].
        | temperature (scalar, list[M], np.array (M,), (M,1) or (1,M)):  Temperature in [K]
        | type (string):
        |  'e' signifies Radiant values in [W/(m^2.K)].
        |  'q' signifies photon rate values  [quanta/(s.m^2.K)].
        |  'l' signifies wavelength spectral vector  [micrometer].
        |  'n' signifies wavenumber spectral vector [cm-1].
        |  'f' signifies frequency spectral vecor [Hz].

        | (scalar, np.array[N,M]):  spectral radiant exitance (not radiance) in units selected.
        | For type = 'el' units will be [W/(m2.um.K)]
        | For type = 'qf' units will be [q/(s.m2.Hz.K)]
        | Other return types are similarly defined as above.
        | Returns None on error.

        | No exception is raised, returns None on error.

    if type in list(dplancktype.keys()):
        #select the appropriate fn as requested by user
        exitance = dplancktype[type](spectral, temperature)
        # return all zeros if illegal type
        exitance = - np.ones(spectral.shape)

    return exitance


示例14: multiply_detector_area

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def multiply_detector_area(strh5):
    r"""This routine multiplies  detector area

    The input to the model of the photosensor is assumed to be a matrix :math:`E_{q}\in R^{N\times M}` 
    that has been converted to electronrate irradiance, corresponding to electron rate  [e/(m2.s)].  
    The electron rate irriance is converted to electron rate into the pixel by accounting for 
    detector area:

    :math:`\Phi_{q}  =  \textrm{round} \left(  E_{q} \cdot P_A    \right),`

    where :math:`P_A` is the area of a pixel [m2].
        | strh5 (hdf5 file): hdf5 file that defines all simulation parameters
         | in strh5: (hdf5 file) updated data fields

        | No exception is raised.

    Author: Mikhail V. Konnik, revised/ported by CJ Willers

    Original source: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.4031.pdf

    # calculate radiant flux [W] from irradiance [W/m^2] and area
    strh5['rystare/signal/electronRate'][...]  = strh5['rystare/detectorArea'][()] * strh5['rystare/signal/electronRateIrradiance'][()] 

    return strh5


示例15: multiply_integration_time

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import constants [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.constants import e [as 别名]
def multiply_integration_time(strh5):
    r"""This routine multiplies with integration time
    The input to the model of the photosensor is assumed to be a matrix :math:`E_{q}\in R^{N\times M}` 
    that has been converted to electrons, corresponding to electron rate  [e/s].  
    The electron rate is converted to electron count into the pixel by accounting for 
    detector integration time:

    :math:`\Phi_{q}  =  \textrm{round} \left(  E_{q} \cdot t_I  \right),`

    where :math:`t_{I}` is integration     (exposure) time.

        | strh5 (hdf5 file): hdf5 file that defines all simulation parameters
         | in strh5: (hdf5 file) updated data fields

        | No exception is raised.

    Author: Mikhail V. Konnik, revised/ported by CJ Willers

    Original source: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.4031.pdf

    #the number of electrons accumulated during the integration time  (rounded).
    strh5['rystare/signal/lightelectronsnoshotnoise'][...] = np.round(strh5['rystare/signal/electronRate'][()] * strh5['rystare/photondetector/integrationtime'][()])

    return strh5

