本文整理汇总了Python中rasterio.mask方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python rasterio.mask方法的具体用法?Python rasterio.mask怎么用?Python rasterio.mask使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类rasterio
示例1: polygonize_raster
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def polygonize_raster(infile, outfile, mask_value=1, driver='ESRI Shapefile'):
with rasterio.open(infile) as src:
image = src.read(1)
if mask_value is not None:
mask = image == mask_value
mask = None
results = (
{'properties': {'raster_val': v}, 'geometry': s}
for i, (s, v)
in enumerate(
shapes(image, mask=mask, transform=src.transform)))
with fiona.open(
outfile, 'w',
schema={'properties': [('raster_val', 'int')],
'geometry': 'Polygon'}) as dst:
示例2: clip_rasters
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def clip_rasters(folder_in, folder_out, aoi_in, debug=False):
"""Read continental rasters one at a time, clip to AOI and save
folder_in : str, Path
Path to directory containing rasters.
folder_out : str, Path
Path to directory to save clipped rasters.
aoi_in : str, Path
Path to an AOI file (readable by Fiona) to use for clipping.
if isinstance(aoi_in, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
aoi = aoi_in
aoi = gpd.read_file(aoi_in)
coords = [json.loads(aoi.to_json())["features"][0]["geometry"]]
for file_path in os.listdir(folder_in):
if file_path.endswith(".tif"):
if debug:
print(f"Doing {file_path}")
ntl_rd = rasterio.open(os.path.join(folder_in, file_path))
ntl, affine = mask(dataset=ntl_rd, shapes=coords, crop=True, nodata=0)
if ntl.ndim == 3:
ntl = ntl[0]
save_raster(folder_out / file_path, ntl, affine)
示例3: mask_invalid_depth
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def mask_invalid_depth(depth):
# depth = depth # bigger than the minimum
# mask numbers > depth_max
depth_mask = depth < 9000 # everest has 8.848m
return depth * depth_mask # values to ignore will be 0 # thats ugly
示例4: clip_raster
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def clip_raster(raster, boundary, boundary_layer=None):
"""Clip the raster to the given administrative boundary.
raster : string, pathlib.Path or rasterio.io.DataSetReader
Location of or already opened raster.
boundary : string, pathlib.Path or geopandas.GeoDataFrame
The polygon by which to clip the raster.
boundary_layer : string, optional
For multi-layer files (like GeoPackage), specify the layer to be used.
Three elements:
clipped : numpy.ndarray
Contents of clipped raster.
affine : affine.Affine()
Information for mapping pixel coordinates
to a coordinate system.
crs : dict
Dict of the form {'init': 'epsg:4326'} defining the coordinate
reference system of the raster.
if isinstance(raster, Path):
raster = str(raster)
if isinstance(raster, str):
raster = rasterio.open(raster)
if isinstance(boundary, Path):
boundary = str(boundary)
if isinstance(boundary, str):
if ".gpkg" in boundary:
driver = "GPKG"
driver = None # default to shapefile
boundary_layer = "" # because shapefiles have no layers
boundary = gpd.read_file(boundary, layer=boundary_layer, driver=driver)
if not (boundary.crs == raster.crs or boundary.crs == raster.crs.data):
boundary = boundary.to_crs(crs=raster.crs)
coords = [json.loads(boundary.to_json())["features"][0]["geometry"]]
# mask/clip the raster using rasterio.mask
clipped, affine = mask(dataset=raster, shapes=coords, crop=True)
if len(clipped.shape) >= 3:
clipped = clipped[0]
return clipped, affine, raster.crs
示例5: _predfun
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def _predfun(self, img, estimator):
"""Prediction function for classification or regression response.
img : tuple (window, numpy.ndarray)
A window object, and a 3d ndarray of raster data with the dimensions in
order of (band, rows, columns).
estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit'
The object to use to fit the data.
2d numpy array representing a single band raster containing the
classification or regression result.
window, img = img
if not isinstance(img, pd.DataFrame):
# reshape each image block matrix into a 2D matrix
# first reorder into rows, cols, bands(transpose)
# then resample into 2D array (rows=sample_n, cols=band_values)
n_features, rows, cols = img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]
n_samples = rows * cols
flat_pixels = img.transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape((n_samples, n_features))
# create mask for NaN values and replace with number
flat_pixels_mask = flat_pixels.mask.copy()
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.filled(0)
flat_pixels = img
flat_pixels_mask = pd.isna(flat_pixels).values
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.fillna(0)
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.values
# predict and replace mask
result_cla = estimator.predict(flat_pixels)
result_cla = np.ma.masked_array(
data=result_cla, mask=flat_pixels_mask.any(axis=1)
# reshape the prediction from a 1D into 3D array [band, row, col]
result_cla = result_cla.reshape((1, window.height, window.width))
return result_cla
示例6: _probfun
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def _probfun(img, estimator):
"""Class probabilities function.
img : tuple (window, numpy.ndarray)
A window object, and a 3d ndarray of raster data with the dimensions in
order of (band, rows, columns).
estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit'
The object to use to fit the data.
Multi band raster as a 3d numpy array containing the probabilities
associated with each class. ndarray dimensions are in the order of
(class, row, column).
window, img = img
if not isinstance(img, pd.DataFrame):
# reshape each image block matrix into a 2D matrix
# first reorder into rows, cols, bands (transpose)
# then resample into 2D array (rows=sample_n, cols=band_values)
n_features, rows, cols = img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]
mask2d = img.mask.any(axis=0)
n_samples = rows * cols
flat_pixels = img.transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape((n_samples, n_features))
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.filled(0)
flat_pixels = img
mask2d = pd.isna(flat_pixels).values
mask2d = mask2d.reshape((window.height, window.width, flat_pixels.shape[1]))
mask2d = mask2d.any(axis=2)
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.fillna(0)
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.values
# predict probabilities
result_proba = estimator.predict_proba(flat_pixels)
# reshape class probabilities back to 3D image [iclass, rows, cols]
result_proba = result_proba.reshape((window.height, window.width, result_proba.shape[1]))
# reshape band into rasterio format [band, row, col]
result_proba = result_proba.transpose(2, 0, 1)
# repeat mask for n_bands
mask3d = np.repeat(
a=mask2d[np.newaxis, :, :], repeats=result_proba.shape[0], axis=0
# convert proba to masked array
result_proba = np.ma.masked_array(result_proba, mask=mask3d, fill_value=np.nan)
return result_proba
示例7: _predfun_multioutput
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def _predfun_multioutput(img, estimator):
"""Multi-target prediction function.
img : tuple (window, numpy.ndarray)
A window object, and a 3d ndarray of raster data with the dimensions in
order of (band, rows, columns).
estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit'
The object to use to fit the data.
3d numpy array representing the multi-target prediction result with the
dimensions in the order of (target, row, column).
window, img = img
if not isinstance(img, pd.DataFrame):
# reshape each image block matrix into a 2D matrix
# first reorder into rows, cols, bands(transpose)
# then resample into 2D array (rows=sample_n, cols=band_values)
n_features, rows, cols = img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]
mask2d = img.mask.any(axis=0)
n_samples = rows * cols
flat_pixels = img.transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape((n_samples, n_features))
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.filled(0)
flat_pixels = img
mask2d = pd.isna(flat_pixels).values
mask2d = mask2d.reshape((window.height, window.width, flat_pixels.shape[1]))
mask2d = mask2d.any(axis=2)
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.fillna(0)
flat_pixels = flat_pixels.values
# predict probabilities
result = estimator.predict(flat_pixels)
# reshape class probabilities back to 3D image [iclass, rows, cols]
result = result.reshape((window.height, window.width, result.shape[1]))
# reshape band into rasterio format [band, row, col]
result = result.transpose(2, 0, 1)
# repeat mask for n_bands
mask3d = np.repeat(a=mask2d[np.newaxis, :, :], repeats=result.shape[0], axis=0)
# convert proba to masked array
result = np.ma.masked_array(result, mask=mask3d, fill_value=np.nan)
return result
示例8: load_rgb_and_label
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def load_rgb_and_label(input_list, phase, target_path=None, dfc_preprocessing=0):
load all depths/labels to label_cache with crop
# ToDo: fix this mess of having two almost similar functions...
import rasterio
from rasterio.mask import mask
from rasterio.plot import reshape_as_image
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import box
from scipy.misc import imresize
if phase != 'test':
raster_target = [rasterio.open(path) for path in target_path]
print('Loading {} patches...'.format(phase))
for i, img_input_path in enumerate(tqdm(input_list)):
with rasterio.open(img_input_path) as raster_rgb:
# normalize data between -1 and 1 and append to cache
raster_rgb_numpy = raster_rgb.read()
raster_rgb_norm = ((raster_rgb_numpy.astype('float32') / 255.0) * 2.0) - 1.0
pil_shape = (raster_rgb_norm.shape[-2:])[::-1]
if dfc_preprocessing == 2: # make input same resolution as output
pil_shape = [dim // 10 for dim in pil_shape] # Resize
raster_rgb_norm = resize_rgb(raster_rgb_norm, pil_shape, Image.BILINEAR)
if phase == 'test':
yield raster_rgb_norm #, pil_depth_patch_shape # To add labels for test
labels_patches = []
# get bounds and crop from depth_image_raster
bounds = raster_rgb.bounds
bbox = box(bounds.left, bounds.bottom, bounds.right, bounds.top)
geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': bbox}, index=[0])
coords = getFeatures(geo)
labels_patches_masks = [mask(image_raster, shapes=coords, crop=True) for image_raster in raster_target]
sem_label = labels_patches_masks[0][0]
if dfc_preprocessing == 0:
sem_label = [resize(sem_label[0], pil_shape, Image.NEAREST)]
elif dfc_preprocessing == 1:
pil_shape = (raster_rgb_norm.shape[-2:])[::-1]
pil_shape = [dim // 2 for dim in pil_shape] # Resize
raster_rgb_norm = resize_rgb(raster_rgb_norm, pil_shape, Image.BILINEAR)
# labels_patches.append(sem_label)
yield raster_rgb_norm, sem_label
示例9: mask_by_shape
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def mask_by_shape(infile, outfile, shapefile, to_db=False, datatype='float32',
rescale=True, min_value=0.000001, max_value=1, ndv=None,
# import shapefile geometries
with fiona.open(shapefile, 'r') as file:
features = [feature['geometry'] for feature in file
if feature['geometry']]
# import raster
with rasterio.open(infile) as src:
out_image, out_transform = rasterio.mask.mask(src, features, crop=True)
out_meta = src.meta.copy()
out_image = np.ma.masked_where(out_image == ndv, out_image)
# unmask array
out_image = out_image.data
# if to decibel should be applied
if to_db is True:
out_image = convert_to_db(out_image)
if rescale:
# if we scale to another d
if datatype != 'float32':
if datatype == 'uint8':
out_image = scale_to_int(out_image, min_value, max_value, 'uint8')
elif datatype == 'uint16':
out_image = scale_to_int(out_image, min_value, max_value, 'uint16')
out_meta.update({'driver': 'GTiff', 'height': out_image.shape[1],
'width': out_image.shape[2], 'transform': out_transform,
'nodata': ndv, 'dtype': datatype, 'tiled': True,
'blockxsize': 128, 'blockysize': 128})
with rasterio.open(outfile, 'w', **out_meta) as dest:
if description:
示例10: save_tile
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def save_tile(self, tile_data, mask, profile, dest_fname_base=None):
"""Save a tile created by ``Tiler.tile_generator()``."""
if dest_fname_base is None:
dest_fname_root = os.path.splitext(
dest_fname_root = dest_fname_base
if self.proj_unit not in ['meter', 'metre']:
dest_fname = '{}_{}_{}.tif'.format(
np.round(profile['transform'][2], 3),
np.round(profile['transform'][5], 3))
dest_fname = '{}_{}_{}.tif'.format(
# if self.cog_output:
# dest_path = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'tmp.tif')
# else:
dest_path = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, dest_fname)
with rasterio.open(dest_path, 'w',
**profile) as dest:
if profile['count'] == 1:
dest.write(tile_data[0, :, :], 1)
for band in range(1, profile['count'] + 1):
# base-1 vs. base-0 indexing...bleh
dest.write(tile_data[band-1, :, :], band)
if self.alpha:
# write the mask if there's an alpha band
dest.write(mask, profile['count'] + 1)
return dest_path
# if self.cog_output:
# self._create_cog(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'tmp.tif'),
# os.path.join(self.dest_dir, dest_fname))
# os.remove(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, 'tmp.tif'))
示例11: fill_all_nodata
# 需要导入模块: import rasterio [as 别名]
# 或者: from rasterio import mask [as 别名]
def fill_all_nodata(self, nodata_fill):
Fills all tile nodata values with a fill value.
The standard workflow is to run this function only after generating label masks and using the original output
from the raster tiler to filter out label pixels that overlap nodata pixels in a tile. For example,
solaris.vector.mask.instance_mask will filter out nodata pixels from a label mask if a reference_im is provided,
and after this step nodata pixels may be filled by calling this method.
nodata_fill : int, float, or str, optional
Default is to not fill any nodata values. Otherwise, pixels outside of the aoi_boundary and pixels inside
the aoi_boundary with the nodata value will be filled. "mean" will fill pixels with the channel-wise mean.
Providing an int or float will fill pixels in all channels with the provided value.
Returns: list
The fill values, in case the mean of the src image should be used for normalization later.
src = _check_rasterio_im_load(self.src_name)
if nodata_fill == "mean":
arr = src.read()
arr_nan = np.where(arr!=src.nodata, arr, np.nan)
fill_values = np.nanmean(arr_nan, axis=tuple(range(1, arr_nan.ndim)))
print('Fill values set to {}'.format(fill_values))
elif isinstance(nodata_fill, (float, int)):
fill_values = src.meta['count'] * [nodata_fill]
print('Fill values set to {}'.format(fill_values))
raise TypeError('nodata_fill must be "mean", int, or float. {} was supplied.'.format(nodata_fill))
for tile_path in self.tile_paths:
tile_src = rasterio.open(tile_path, "r+")
tile_data = tile_src.read()
for i in np.arange(tile_data.shape[0]):
tile_data[i,...][tile_data[i,...] == tile_src.nodata] = fill_values[i] # set fill value for each band
if tile_src.meta['count'] == 1:
tile_src.write(tile_data[0, :, :], 1)
for band in range(1, tile_src.meta['count'] + 1):
# base-1 vs. base-0 indexing...bleh
tile_src.write(tile_data[band-1, :, :], band)
return fill_values