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Python Token.Comment方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pygments.token.Token.Comment方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Token.Comment方法的具体用法?Python Token.Comment怎么用?Python Token.Comment使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pygments.token.Token的用法示例。


示例1: in_prompt_tokens

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def in_prompt_tokens(self, cli=None):
        session = self.shell.user_module.session
        style = session.GetParameter("highlighting_style")
        old_style = self.shell.highlighting_style
        if style != old_style:
                self.shell.highlighting_style = style
            except Exception:
                self.shell.highlighting_style = old_style
                    "Style %s not valid. Valid styles are %s" %
                    (style, list(styles.get_all_styles())))

        return [
            (Token.Prompt, "["),
            (Token.Name.Variable, str(session.session_id)),
            (Token.Prompt, "] "),
            (Token.Name.Class, str(session.session_name)),
            (Token.Prompt, " "),
            (Token.Comment, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")),
            (Token.Prompt, "> "),

示例2: get_tokens_unprocessed

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
        buf = ''
        idx = 0
        for i, t, v in self.lang.get_tokens_unprocessed(text):
            if t in Token.Comment or t in Token.String:
                if buf:
                    for x in self.get_tokens_aux(idx, buf):
                        yield x
                    buf = ''
                yield i, t, v
                if not buf:
                    idx = i
                buf += v
        if buf:
            for x in self.get_tokens_aux(idx, buf):
                yield x 

示例3: test_comment_after_continuation

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def test_comment_after_continuation(lexer):
    Test that text after the line continuation ellipses is marked as a comment.
    fragment = "set('T',300,... a comment\n'P',101325);\n"
    tokens = [
        (Token.Name, 'set'),
        (Token.Punctuation, '('),
        (Token.Literal.String, "'"),
        (Token.Literal.String, "T'"),
        (Token.Punctuation, ','),
        (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, '300'),
        (Token.Punctuation, ','),
        (Token.Keyword, '...'),
        (Token.Comment, ' a comment'),
        (Token.Text, '\n'),
        (Token.Literal.String, "'"),
        (Token.Literal.String, "P'"),
        (Token.Punctuation, ','),
        (Token.Literal.Number.Integer, '101325'),
        (Token.Punctuation, ')'),
        (Token.Punctuation, ';'),
        (Token.Text, '\n'),
    assert list(lexer.get_tokens(fragment)) == tokens 

示例4: out_prompt_tokens

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def out_prompt_tokens(self):
        return [
            (Token.OutPrompt, 'Out<'),
            (Token.Comment, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")),
            (Token.OutPrompt, '> '),

示例5: get_autocomplete_stub

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def get_autocomplete_stub(lexer, text):
    entity = []

    from pygments.token import Token

    # ignored tokens
    ignored = [Token.Comment, Token.Text, Token.Text.Whitespace, Token.Comment.Single]
    filtered = lambda pair: pair[0] not in ignored  # pair = (token,value)

    tokens = filter(filtered, get_tokens_reversed(lexer, text))
    blocks = get_blocks(tokens)
    block = next(blocks, [])

    if len(block) == 1 and block[0][1] == ".":
        block = next(blocks, [])

        if len(block) > 0 and block[0][1] == "(":
            block_ = next(blocks, [])

            if len(block_) == 1 and block[0][0] is Token.Name:
                return block_ + block

        return block

    return [] 

示例6: filter

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def filter(self, lexer, stream):

        lexed = list(map(list, stream))

        hexdumps = {}
        count = 0
        for i, token in enumerate(lexed):
            if token[0] is Token.Comment.Special:
                token[1] = token[1].strip() + ' '
                count += 1
            elif count > 0:
                hexdumps[i - count] = count
                count = 0

        if hexdumps:

            # This is not a real median, its 90%.
            median = sorted(hexdumps.values())[int(len(hexdumps) * 0.9)]

            for i, count in hexdumps.items():
                token = lexed[i + count - 1]
                value = token[1]

                backoff = 2
                padding = median
                while padding < count:
                    padding += backoff
                    backoff *= 2

                padding = int(padding) - count
                value += padding * 3 * ' '

                token[1] += value

        yield from lexed 

示例7: fmttokens

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def fmttokens(self, hexdump=False, offset=0,
                  skipleading=False, style=True):

        # TODO: We need a way to remove indentation.
        # Something like skip spaces if more than one should do
        # the trick. It might be worth checking if this is doable
        # at the Formatable level ?

        if style is True:
            gstyle = Token.Generic.Heading if self.current else None
            style = self.formatting.get(self.itype)
            gstyle = style

        for ttype, value in self.tokens[offset:]:

            if skipleading and value.isspace():
            skipleading = False

            if not hexdump and ttype is Token.Comment.Special:

            # If bytecode should be an indicator of the instruction
            # type we should add Comment.Special in the following:
            if style and ttype in (Token.Comment, ):
                ttype = style
            if gstyle:
                ttype = gstyle
            yield ttype, value 

示例8: fmtinsttokens

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def fmtinsttokens(self, hexdump=False):
        if self.instidx is not None:
            yield from self.fmttokens(hexdump=hexdump, offset=self.instidx)
            yield (Token.Comment, "(bad)") 

示例9: fmtaddr

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def fmtaddr(self, addr):

        if "x" in self.perms:
            token = Token.Generic.Deleted
        elif "w" in self.perms:
            token = Token.Keyword
        elif "r" in self.perms:
            token = Token.Generic.Inserted
        elif "u" in self.perms:
            token = Token.Comment
            token = Token.Text

        yield (token, "%#.x" % addr) 

示例10: test_comments

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def test_comments(lexer):
    Assures lines lead by either # or ! are recognized as a comment
    fragment = '! a comment\n# also a comment\n'
    tokens = [
        (Token.Comment, '! a comment'),
        (Token.Text, '\n'),
        (Token.Comment, '# also a comment'),
        (Token.Text, '\n'),
    assert list(lexer.get_tokens(fragment)) == tokens 

示例11: test_leading_whitespace_comments

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def test_leading_whitespace_comments(lexer):
    fragment = '    # comment\n'
    tokens = [
        (Token.Text, '    '),
        (Token.Comment, '# comment'),
        (Token.Text, '\n'),
    assert list(lexer.get_tokens(fragment)) == tokens 

示例12: test_comment

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def test_comment(lexer):
    data = '@COMMENT{test}'
    tokens = [
        (Token.Comment, u'@COMMENT'),
        (Token.Comment, u'{test}'),
        (Token.Text, u'\n'),
    assert list(lexer.get_tokens(data)) == tokens 

示例13: _get_format_from_style

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def _get_format_from_style(self, token, style):
        """ Returns a QTextCharFormat for token by reading a Pygments style.
        result = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
        items = list(style.style_for_token(token).items())
        for key, value in items:
            if value is None and key == 'color':
                # make sure to use a default visible color for the foreground
                # brush
                value = drift_color(self.background, 1000).name()
            if value:
                if key == 'color':
                elif key == 'bgcolor':
                elif key == 'bold':
                elif key == 'italic':
                elif key == 'underline':
                elif key == 'sans':
                elif key == 'roman':
                elif key == 'mono':
        if token in [Token.Literal.String, Token.Literal.String.Doc,
            # mark strings, comments and docstrings regions for further queries
        return result 

示例14: color_line

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def color_line(self, line):
        lexer = CLexer()
        tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(line))
        new_line = ""
        for t in tokens:
            ttype = t[0]
            ttext = str(t[1])
            if ttype == Token.Text:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_INSN)

            elif ttype == Token.Text.Whitespace:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_INSN)

            elif ttype == Token.Error:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_ERROR)

            elif ttype == Token.Other:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_DSTR)

            elif ttype == Token.Keyword:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_KEYWORD)

            elif ttype == Token.Name:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_LIBNAME)

            elif ttype == Token.Literal:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_LOCNAME)

            elif ttype == Token.Literal.String:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_STRING)

            elif ttype == Token.Literal.Number:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_DNUM)

            elif ttype == Token.Operator:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_ALTOP)

            elif ttype == Token.Punctuation:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_SYMBOL)

            elif ttype == Token.Comment:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_REGCMT)

            elif ttype == Token.Comment.Single:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_REGCMT)

            elif ttype == Token.Generic:
                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_CREFTAIL)

                new_line += idaapi.COLSTR(ttext, idaapi.SCOLOR_CREFTAIL)
        return new_line 

示例15: add_comment

# 需要导入模块: from pygments.token import Token [as 别名]
# 或者: from pygments.token.Token import Comment [as 别名]
def add_comment(self):
        Add a commment to the selected line
        print("GhIDA:: [DEBUG] add_comment called")
        colored_line = self.GetCurrentLine(notags=1)
        if not colored_line:
            idaapi.warning("Select a line")
            return False

        # Use pygments to parse the line to check if there are comments
        line = idaapi.tag_remove(colored_line)
        lexer = CLexer()
        tokens = list(lexer.get_tokens(line))
        text = ""
        text_comment = ""
        for t in tokens:
            ttype = t[0]
            ttext = str(t[1])
            if ttype == Token.Comment.Single:
                text_comment = ttext.replace('//', '').strip()
                text += ttext

        # Get the new comment
        comment = gl.display_comment_form(text_comment)
        if not comment or len(comment) == 0:
            return False
        comment = comment.replace("//", "").replace("\n", " ")
        comment = comment.strip()

        # Create the new text
        full_comment = "\t// %s" % comment
        text = text.rstrip()
        new_text = text + full_comment
        text_colored = self.color_line(new_text)

        num_line = self.GetLineNo()
        self.EditLine(num_line, text_colored)

        # Add comment to cache
        COMMENTS_CACHE.add_comment_to_cache(self.__ea, num_line, full_comment)

        print("GhIDA:: [DEBUG] Added comment to #line: %d (%s)" %
              (num_line, new_text))
