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Python constraint.ConstraintsIntersection方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python constraint.ConstraintsIntersection方法的具体用法?Python constraint.ConstraintsIntersection怎么用?Python constraint.ConstraintsIntersection使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pyasn1.type.constraint的用法示例。


示例1: clone

# 需要导入模块: from pyasn1.type import constraint [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasn1.type.constraint import ConstraintsIntersection [as 别名]
def clone(self, value=noValue, **kwargs):
        """Create a copy of a |ASN.1| type or object.

        Any parameters to the *clone()* method will replace corresponding
        properties of the |ASN.1| object.

        value: :class:`tuple`, :class:`float` or |ASN.1| object
            Initialization value to pass to new ASN.1 object instead of
            inheriting one from the caller.

        tagSet: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`
            Object representing ASN.1 tag(s) to use in new object instead of inheriting from the caller

        subtypeSpec: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection`
            Object representing ASN.1 subtype constraint(s) to use in new object instead of inheriting from the caller

            new instance of |ASN.1| type/value
        return base.AbstractSimpleAsn1Item.clone(self, value, **kwargs) 

示例2: clone

# 需要导入模块: from pyasn1.type import constraint [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasn1.type.constraint import ConstraintsIntersection [as 别名]
def clone(self, value=noValue, tagSet=None, subtypeSpec=None,
        """Creates a copy of object representing ASN.1 INTEGER type or value.

        If additional parameters are specified, they will be used
        in resulting object instead of corresponding parameters of
        current object.

        value : :class:`int`, :class:`str` or :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.univ.Integer` object
            Initialization value to pass to new ASN.1 object instead of
            inheriting one from the caller.

        tagSet: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`
            Object representing ASN.1 tag(s) to use in new object instead of inheriting from the caller

        subtypeSpec: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection`
            Object representing ASN.1 subtype constraint(s) to use in new object instead of inheriting from the caller 

        namedValues: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.namedval.NamedValues`
            Object representing symbolic aliases for numbers to use instead of inheriting from caller

        : :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.univ.Integer`
            new instance of INTEGER type/value

        if self.isNoValue(value):
            if self.isNoValue(tagSet, subtypeSpec, namedValues):
                return self
            value = self._value
        if tagSet is None:
            tagSet = self._tagSet
        if subtypeSpec is None:
            subtypeSpec = self._subtypeSpec
        if namedValues is None:
            namedValues = self.__namedValues
        return self.__class__(value, tagSet, subtypeSpec, namedValues) 

示例3: subtype

# 需要导入模块: from pyasn1.type import constraint [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasn1.type.constraint import ConstraintsIntersection [as 别名]
def subtype(self, value=noValue, implicitTag=None, explicitTag=None,
        """Creates a copy of BOOLEAN object representing ASN.1 subtype or a value.

        If additional parameters are specified, they will be merged
        with the ones of the caller, then applied to newly created object.

        value : :class:`int` or :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.univ.Boolean` object
            Initialization value to pass to new ASN.1 object instead of 
            inheriting one from the caller.

        implicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag`
            Implicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to caller's 
            :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as
            new object's ASN.1 tag(s).

        explicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag`
            Explicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to caller's 
            :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as
            new object's ASN.1 tag(s).

        subtypeSpec: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection`
            Add ASN.1 constraints object to one from the caller, then
            use the result as new object's ASN.1 constraints.

        : :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.univ.Boolean`
            new instance of Boolean class

        return Integer.subtype(self, value, implicitTag, explicitTag) 

示例4: clone

# 需要导入模块: from pyasn1.type import constraint [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasn1.type.constraint import ConstraintsIntersection [as 别名]
def clone(self, value=noValue, **kwargs):
        """Create a copy of a |ASN.1| type or object.

          Any parameters to the *clone()* method will replace corresponding
          properties of the |ASN.1| object.

          value: :class:`tuple`, :class:`str` or |ASN.1| object
              Initialization value to pass to new ASN.1 object instead of
              inheriting one from the caller.

          tagSet: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`
              Object representing ASN.1 tag(s) to use in new object instead of inheriting from the caller

          subtypeSpec: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection`
              Object representing ASN.1 subtype constraint(s) to use in new object instead of inheriting from the caller

              new instance of |ASN.1| type/value
        if value is noValue or value is None:
            if not kwargs:
                return self

            value = self._value

        initilaizers = self.readOnly.copy()

        return self.__class__(value, **initilaizers) 

示例5: subtype

# 需要导入模块: from pyasn1.type import constraint [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasn1.type.constraint import ConstraintsIntersection [as 别名]
def subtype(self, value=noValue, **kwargs):
        """Create a copy of a |ASN.1| type or object.

         Any parameters to the *subtype()* method will be added to the corresponding
         properties of the |ASN.1| object.

         value: :class:`tuple`, :class:`str` or |ASN.1| object
             Initialization value to pass to new ASN.1 object instead of
             inheriting one from the caller.

         implicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag`
             Implicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to caller's
             :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as
             new object's ASN.1 tag(s).

         explicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag`
             Explicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to caller's
             :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as
             new object's ASN.1 tag(s).

         subtypeSpec: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection`
             Add ASN.1 constraints object to one of the caller, then
             use the result as new object's ASN.1 constraints.

             new instance of |ASN.1| type/value
        if value is noValue or value is None:
            if not kwargs:
                return self

            value = self._value

        initializers = self.readOnly.copy()

        implicitTag = kwargs.pop('implicitTag', None)
        if implicitTag is not None:
            initializers['tagSet'] = self.tagSet.tagImplicitly(implicitTag)

        explicitTag = kwargs.pop('explicitTag', None)
        if explicitTag is not None:
            initializers['tagSet'] = self.tagSet.tagExplicitly(explicitTag)

        for arg, option in kwargs.items():
            initializers[arg] += option

        return self.__class__(value, **initializers) 

示例6: subtype

# 需要导入模块: from pyasn1.type import constraint [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyasn1.type.constraint import ConstraintsIntersection [as 别名]
def subtype(self, value=noValue, **kwargs):
        """Create a copy of a |ASN.1| type or object.

        Any parameters to the *subtype()* method will be added to the corresponding
        properties of the |ASN.1| object.

        value: :class:`int`, :class:`str` or |ASN.1| object
            Initialization value to pass to new ASN.1 object instead of
            inheriting one from the caller.

        implicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag`
            Implicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to caller's 
            :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as
            new object's ASN.1 tag(s).

        explicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag`
            Explicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to caller's 
            :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as
            new object's ASN.1 tag(s).

        subtypeSpec: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection`
            Add ASN.1 constraints object to one of the caller, then
            use the result as new object's ASN.1 constraints.

        namedValues: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.namedval.NamedValues`
            Add given object representing symbolic aliases for numbers
            to one of the caller, then use the result as new object's
            named numbers.

        binValue: :py:class:`str`
            Binary string initializer to use instead of the *value*.
            Example: '10110011'.

        hexValue: :py:class:`str`
            Hexadecimal string initializer to use instead of the *value*.
            Example: 'DEADBEEF'.

            new instance of |ASN.1| type/value
        return base.AbstractSimpleAsn1Item.subtype(self, value, **kwargs) 
